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6088365 No.6088365 [Reply] [Original]

Surely having a religion is better than having no religion,

>> No.6088372

Define 'better'

>> No.6088378

I like where this is going.

>> No.6088380

Stop calling me Shirley.

>> No.6088389

I ive only called you twice today
There is no need to call me Shirly

>> No.6088394

No bother if religion has evidence to support it or not. And no bother if we will never have evidence supporting it. A life with a healthy religion allows one to connect better with other humans, confront himself and his own problems, and enter an entire new type of thought.

>> No.6088400

Is it better to follow truth, or is it better to believe what is false in order to maintain a more moral, relatively peaceful society?

>> No.6088402


Have you ever been to Syria?

>> No.6088403

How can we possibly know what the 'truth' is?

>> No.6088405

Have you been to middle earth?

>> No.6088406

If you're referring to how Islam causes much suffering and many conflicts, note how I said 'healthy religion'.

>> No.6088408

We can't be completely certain, but we can have reasonable doubts about religions.

>> No.6088411


>> No.6088413
File: 74 KB, 375x284, Can you handle the truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define truth.

>> No.6088415

Where do the standards of morality come from? Isn't modern culture already relatively peaceful?

>> No.6088416

objectivity or factual

>> No.6088429

>Where do the standards of morality come from?
A lot of them here in the West come from religion, mostly Christianity.

My question is- why ride on the fumes of Christianity when you could just dig into it and learn about it? Even if you become an 'atheist' you're still going to most likely be living like a Christian would.

>> No.6088432

Every time I start to even consider Christianity, I think of Nietzsche and begin to think that I'm being pretty silly.

>> No.6088542


>> No.6088656

How exactly is Christianity still affecting western culture?

>> No.6088666

>implying power is worth anything in itself
the best men who ever lived were slaves

>> No.6088685
File: 65 KB, 500x768, tyskbok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either way, you'll find a way to limit your consciousness in a way that prevents you from seeing and fearing all of existence, making you suicidal.

>> No.6088704

Our notions of good and evil come from Christianity as well as our idea that time is bounded and the world can be improved (well, that's more a part of the Judeo-Christian tradition).

>> No.6088705


Christianity has only recently learned how to behave, and only after people like Thomas Jefferson practically dragged Christianity into the modern era while it kicked and screamed

>> No.6088762

>implying you can have christianity without faith
it's a distortion of our times that makes us think otherwise

>> No.6089038


>> No.6089063

What about taking bits and pieces of all religions, that you find beneficial? Do away with all the dogma.

>> No.6089074

Not if it's even remotely restricting. Other than that, sure why not.

>> No.6089084

>A lot of them here in the West come from religion, mostly Christianity
This is why you should ALWAYS start with the greeks

>> No.6089091

But that's how all religions work. Especially christianity.
And what you're explainig is Absurdism and/or Nihilism.

>> No.6089099

I'd rather read Ligotti :^)

>> No.6089102

lol? meme

>> No.6089109

I'd rather listen to Ligeti :^)

>> No.6089114

>not being part of a religion

>> No.6089116
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>Falsehoods are preferable to truth

This is what theists actually believe

>> No.6089120

What is the truth?

>> No.6089124

"There is no god" is not a truth, it's just more true than the opposite.

>> No.6089135

that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.

>> No.6089140

It's not a truth that God doesn't exist.

>> No.6089151

for an omnipresent, all powerful deity he sure seems to be elusive

>> No.6089176

ITT: people pretending materialist philosophy doesn't exist and tryhard weirdos trying to legitimately argue against god

>> No.6089180

>look how smart I am by disagreeing with everyone

>> No.6089642

I told you all but you didn't listen. Give them an inch and they will take a mile, now they shall shitpost pooganda and word games all over the place and incite flame wars and hostility in debates over any thing involving their religion while pushing an image that it is detestable to be different than them or at the least criticize them. I already told you with fedora but you said it would be fine, and now you will reap what you have earned.

Enjoy your shitposting protected Christian minority, I'm gonna take a 6 month hiatus ans wait for this to blow over.

Also your favorite author a a shit, may as well get that out the way before I get spammed with reports from christfags

>> No.6090163
File: 499 KB, 500x385, gif Daisies thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once thought this way. Turns out we were wrong.