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608654 No.608654 [Reply] [Original]

I was reading this today during school. It was toward the end of class, in a class where we usually don't do anything at all except talk about the news. It's a pretty awesome class.

Anyway. I had this laying on my desk when this girl next to me gasped and grabbed it. She said, "OMG (my name here), you're reading this? Have you seen the movie? It's hilarious!"

I've never seen the movie. The book doesn't really seem like a comedy to me though. Am I reading the book too seriously?

>> No.608659

The book, and the film, aren't comedies, but some scenes in them are funny. That's about it.

>> No.608661

The movie is a bit more comedy oriented, but yes, you probably should be finding it funny.

>> No.608673


Hm. This would explain why I haven't been entirely enjoying the book so far.

>> No.608680

The guy that wrote this book shot himself some time ago while writing a book about 9/11. I would also recommend The Rum Diary. Hunter S. Thompson was one cool motherfucker

>> No.608687

It's not ha-ha funny, but more like you laugh because you don't know how to react. It's like in a Quentin Tarantino flick.

>> No.608690

The Rum Diary is awesome. He was younger, so it's fresh, but he was relatively sober so it doesn't derail too much. A little rough in some parts, but a great read indeed.

>> No.608714

The Rum Diary is definitely a bit more of a coherent story--it helps that it's 100% fiction, and not heavily fictionalized versions of real events. It's damned good.

>> No.608717

>shot himself
>was shot

>> No.608726

as your attorney i advise u to find it funny. backdoor baby

>> No.608741

I agree he might have been shot. This dude knew a lot of people on the gov. God knows what Hunter S. Thompson found. What u guys thinks

>> No.608762

The humour would probably be more obvious if you've done a fair share of drugs.

>> No.608764

can someone find an ebook of the rum diary for me? or tell me how to find one myself?

>> No.608855


I doubt it. His family was in the very next room and he left a suicide note.

>> No.608858

He was on the phone with his wife. She heard the shot. There's no question - it was suicide.

>> No.608873

#bookz on undernet

>> No.608883

It's definitely supposed to be humourous.

You fucked up, op.

>> No.608910

Nope, he went out into his garden, fired some shots into the air and then put the gun to his stomach and blew his guts out.

>> No.608917

The book is a well written, comedic critique of the 60's, the film is also, but it's funny because it's got Johnny Depp prancing about like a dick on ketamine.

>> No.608923


Nope, he rigged his house with explosives and detonated it while he was taking a shit.

>> No.608928

>They reported to the press that they do not believe his suicide was out of desperation, but was a well-thought out act resulting from Thompson's many painful and chronic medical conditions. Thompson's wife, Anita, who was at a gym at the time of her husband's death, was on the phone with him when he ended his life.

>> No.608930

Something's wrong with you if you can't see the humor in it all, OP.

Does it help to know that it was based on a true story, or at least as much as Thompson could remember through his drug-hazed memories?

>> No.608932


>> No.608946


>> No.609607


both the book and the movie come off as funny the first few times you experience them. with the gradual realization that, back in the 70s, there were actually people like this running around the apprehension of humor will give way to a sense of horror and existential dread.