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/lit/ - Literature

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6085957 No.6085957[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Cultural Marxism isn't destroying Western civilization
>this is what a majority of /lit/ actually believes

>> No.6085967

>shitposting isn't destroying /lit/
>this is what a majority of shitposters actually beleive

>> No.6085972

>I'm not destroying /lit/
>this is what ΟΥΤΙΣ actually believes

>> No.6085978

With no survivors.

/lit/ has become decadent and must be destroyed. When a forest grows too wild, a purging fire is inevitable and natural.

>> No.6085985

>implying "Cultural Marxism" isn't the inevitable result of a society that has replaced traditional values with market values
>implying the free market isn't the greatest contributor to social degeneration and moral decline

>> No.6085986

The concept of 'Western civilization' is pure ideology

>> No.6086010

>implying Western civilization is worth sustaining
>traditionalists will always be BTFO

>> No.6086013

what is the btfo meme, what does it mean.

>> No.6086016

blown the fuck out
/sp/ uses it a lot

>> No.6086021

>implying Western civilization isn't the greatest civilization in human history
>Marxists are anything but a rot that erodes society

>> No.6086027

*tips fedora*

>> No.6086030
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>implying such concepts are anything but spooks

>> No.6086042
File: 9 KB, 247x250, frog stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the concept that these concepts are spooks is anything but a spook

>> No.6086045

congratulations on understanding neither the word "culture" nor the word "Marxism"

>> No.6086056

congratulations on being a mindless sheep

>> No.6086057

irony overwhelming

>> No.6086062

What you call "cultural Marxism" is more accurately referred to as egalitarian capitalism.

>> No.6086065

>a rot that erodes
Ladies, I present the right's command of metaphor!

>> No.6086084


>being surprised that /pol/acks can't write

Sorry, but they think that Evola and Hitler were brilliant authors as well. Fool me once etc.

>> No.6086097

"cultural marxism" is merely a post-facto tool to divert the forces of class struggle used by those who wish to prey on affinity segments that can be marketed to

>> No.6086101

>not reforming

people like you would be against modernity

>> No.6086150

Yet nobody markets to the "affinity" group of wage dependent labourers.

>> No.6086152

>anything new = good

>> No.6086153

>anything new = bad

>> No.6086154

i bet you hated green text when you first saw people using it

>> No.6086166

>Destroying our culture, tradition, and national identity for the sake of "modernity" = good

>> No.6086172

>wanting to preserve shit culture instead of a return to Greco-Roman-Nordic ideals.

>> No.6086178
File: 133 KB, 798x1000, g8 b8 m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greco-Roman and Nordic ideals are the same
>Implying cultural Marxism is leading our society to this
>criticizing others for not embarrassing modernity and then spouting reactionary nonsense

>> No.6086179

destroy the factories m8 tear up the railroads

>> No.6086188
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>> No.6086189

nice meme brah

>> No.6086199

conservatives are literally pussies


>> No.6086207

Which is why the left is full of limp wristed betas who go on about masculinity being toxic, right?

>> No.6086429

[tipping intensifies]

>> No.6086432


>> No.6086442

But what about Lenin?