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File: 1.06 MB, 1187x7200, (post)modern art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6083934 No.6083934 [Reply] [Original]

Is discussion of art criticism literature?

Really, it is? How come I get banned every single time I want to talk about the travesty that is (post)modern art? Pic related, it's me obliterating common defenses of (post)modern art.

>> No.6084041


>> No.6084053

it is, so long as you back up your criticism with actual art criticism lit and don't keep referring to piss christ and performance art as the essence of art after 1900

also your image is trash

>> No.6084090

mein gott pure ideology

>> No.6084135

oh wow, some asshole on 4chan is right and countless museums, curators, collectors, historians, and artists around the world have just been BTFO. thank god you posted, anon.

>> No.6084144

Why can't any human expression be art?

>> No.6084148

Art has to be of a high quality and support non-degenerate values.

>> No.6084155

Why? What if I say 'art has to be abstract and support free love'?

>> No.6084159

realism is degeneracy anon

>> No.6084192

Your image is so blinkered and limited in perspective. Yeah photography had something to do with the collapse of 'realism' as a viable stye but it's still just a fragment of the broad historical forces that changed the nature of living in the world and consequently art. Your supposedly 'objective' standards that art can still be held to are arbitrary and ridiculous, except for all of those which modern and contemporary art are held to anyway. No good contemporary or modern artist thinks that art is 'purely subjective'; that's ridiculous and a pathetic caricature of the construction of meaning and the experience of modern life. Most of your image relies on these weak and superficial caricatures. Like seriously, holding impressionism up as a successful example of 'non-realist' artwork? Good job on keeping up with the most unthinking mass cultural valuation of the possibilities of art - you're the type at the end of the 19th century who would have dismissed Maeterlinck out of hand and would have thought himself totally avant-garde for being a booster of Victor Hugo because he wrote about poor people. All in all you get a 0/10 for being a self-congratulatory mouthpiece of the most thoughtless popular idea of art possible and then you get a further 5 points subtracted for actually believing you're saying something original and 'edgy' while you're at it.

>> No.6084199

1. no, most art threads are deleted
2. you're not looking for a discussion, you're just spamming your image to the front page. spamming is against the rules
3. you're full of shit.

i might try to make a reply to your pic. but this thread will probably be deleted by the time i could write anything and you are already convinced of your position. it would be pointless to try and change your mind.

>> No.6084386

Why are you guys so blatantly ignorant of the truth? Why do you need shit art to be considered "good" so badly?

>> No.6084398

prove it's shit

>> No.6084415
File: 113 KB, 620x387, lead_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're telling you why I want you to prove pic related is shit? Are you an annoying retard?

>> No.6084428

why that picture in particular? you brought that picture into the conversation after i asked you to prove it's shit, which was after you saying it was shit. i don't think you were referring to that picture from the beginning so don't try that amateur shit around here son

prove every single piece of art produced after 1900 is shit

>> No.6084453
File: 19 KB, 500x393, tumblr_mapllghD2p1rtfs0bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My claim is that most of art that is labeled "(post)modern" is shit.

Then I posted a typical piece of shit (post)modern piece.

Here is another piece of shit (post)modern "piece" that is featured in most art-history textbooks--"The Dinner Party"


It is a triangle table arrangement with vaginas all over it.

It's by Judy Chicago, a daughter of a jewish rabbi.

I say it's shit because it's vulgar, of little artistic merit, stupid, immature, and disgusting.
Go ahead, explain how it isn't shit--make yourself look like a troll/cult member of (post)modernism.

>> No.6084467

That work is objectively good by your own standards: it makes a striking use of symmetry, display some level of technical mastery as well as an attention to detail, and tackle a contemporary issue with some measure of originality (making an actual table arrangement instead of painting or sculpting a table).

I must thank you, by the way, without your OP pic I could never have proven that this work isn't shit.

Now stop making retard arguments against internet strawmen (like the one so gloriously displayed in you OP) and get back to effectively using your cortex.

>> No.6084485

>That work is objectively good by your own standards: it makes a striking use of symmetry, display some level of technical mastery as well as an attention to detail, and tackle a contemporary issue with some measure of originality (making an actual table arrangement instead of painting or sculpting a table).
Lol are you fucking stupid?

>> No.6084489

>that pic
jesus christ

>> No.6084492

I happen to think the dinner party is a piece of little merit, but because of its lack of subtlety, it's conflation of and lack of distinction made between widely differing individuals practices, and it's blunt politicality. Every point you make against it is almost entirely arbitrary and apparently based in a value system that has no actual connection to evaluating the actual language of art and the specific formation of meaning through the juxtaposition of symbolic material. You're operating at such a remove from the actual substance of art that it's little wonder your judgment of it is so basic and lacking in insight.

>> No.6084495

how is it typical? you keep just posting isolated works without explaining how it represents "(post)modern art" (whatever you mean by this, which you should also explain)

just like actually make an argument. start from the start

>> No.6084496

those vaginas don't look all that vulgar.

>> No.6084501

Lol it's bad art because it's lacking artistic merit, be careful guys we're up against a real master of rhetoric over here

>> No.6084502

>objectively measuring attention to detail

the clowns have taken over

>> No.6084504

No I'm not, but thanks for asking. If you have trouble understanding my point, remember I am making a reference to the objective features of art pieces mentioned in the image attached to the first post, also called OP (for Original Post). Glad I could help.

>> No.6084505

>blunt politicality.
Lol are you retarded, or just pretending?

>> No.6084507

Wait, don't /lit/ have that infamous pic of the guy calling out that "muh objectivity" guy?
Why do we always get threads like these?

it's just like "noise isn't music" threads on /mu/, i swear to god.

>> No.6084511

fluxus was fun and you can do it at home. if you don't want to use your attic for that but want to maintain utility, you can always hang yourself.

>> No.6084512

You're fucken dumb kid---everything you say is utter garbage.

>> No.6084517
File: 469 KB, 700x1432, 1367115011092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad faggot?

>> No.6084530

i can trace lines with my pen too.

>> No.6084532

amazing, how much for the pen?

>> No.6084533

Are you...the biggest faggot?

>> No.6084538

i mean, obviously it's impressive, but that's honestly all he did.

>> No.6084539

You really need to fuck off.

>> No.6084549

lol okay stendhal

>> No.6084554

>that one guy

>> No.6084562

It took talent - among other things - to lead art that far astray. Bourgeois society gave these talents a prescription, and they filled it - with talent.

>> No.6084572

ur geh.

>> No.6084573

fine, you want the point by point?

>Bogus Defense #1

never once saw this defense being used. i wouldn't use it myself. i think anyone artistically literate understands that photography doesn't displace painting.

>Bogus Defense #2: It's all subjective

your so-called "objectively based criteria" are subjectively chosen. there's no reason to prefer things like technical difficulty, techniques, detail, etc., over anything else in artistic expression. its also not a postmodern assumption that "art can be anything." for that you have to go back to dada and duchamp. postmodernism didn't start until post WWII. i also dont understand why you put the "post" in parenthesis.

if things like skill, technical difficulty, symmetry, technique, details, etc., are important to you, that doesn't mean it should be important to everyone else

>Bogus Defense #3

i've also never read anyone defend pomo art by saying "it's popular." i have no idea what you're trying to say here.

>random twitter pic

or, maybe no one is stepping on the glove, because nobody would do that anyway in similar situations? if you came across a random glove in the classroom, you wouldn't just go "fuck you glove" and step all over it. you do the civilized and polite thing, which is walk around it and hope whoever lost it will see it on the ground and pick it up themselves

>#4: realism is boring, people want something different

your 'debunking' doesn't refute the premise of the 'bogus defense,' which is about what people want. you go on to discuss things you want and like. again, you fail to see any boundary between "art i like" and "art everyone should make and like"

you might be able to salvage some arguments from the wreck that is your OP image, but its an incoherent, presumptuous mess at the moment

>> No.6084574

>he thinks this picture proves something

>> No.6084581

the guy has literally never even heard of camera obscura

>> No.6084586

The more details something has, the greater its artistic value. This explains why 'abstract' and 'minimal' art is so worthless, because it required no artistic talent or labor to produce.

>> No.6084592

>the greater its artistic value.


>> No.6084596
File: 157 KB, 969x2282, 1397921082770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le conspiracy face
Yep, all the old masters are camera obscura niggers. Surrrre thing buddeh.

>> No.6084598

ur fucken dumbbbb

>> No.6084601

even if i accepted your stupid premise, you'd still have to quantify "attention to detail" and measure it and in the end, even after formulating said measurement, you'd still be left with subjective interpretation.

>> No.6084607

>The more details something has, the greater its artistic value.
is this objective fact then, or just your opinion?

>> No.6084609

It creates interest and beauty in the work and wonder at the talent of the artist.

>> No.6084613

sorry but this picture right here>>6084517 is not interesting.

>> No.6084621

Nice argumentation, my friend. I'll try to equal you:

>You're fucken dumb kid---everything you say is utter garbage.


>> No.6084623

The more plates of spaghetti something has, the greater its artistic value. This explains why 'abstract' and 'minimal' art is so worthless, because it requires no plates of spaghetti to produce.

>> No.6084627

Systematic subversion was a logical, interesting, and necessary step in art and aesthetics. It just stopped being fertile by the hippie generation. Just like any other movement, modern/postmodern art has its perfectly understandable intellectual demiurge, its phase of creativity, and then its decline into kitsch. The usual postmodernist response to 'why don't people make pretty paintings of Caesar anymore?' is that those have become kitsch. The postmodernist just doesn't realise that his Piss Christ 3,615: This Time It's REALLY Offensive To Your Grandma masterpiece is kitsch too, even though he got applause from clueless hipsters when he said it's a critique of critiques of semiotics.

Picasso was genuinely a genius. Warhol was a kitsch artist, celebrity, and eccentric 'personality', reflecting Western civilisation's fascination with the artist or author as a visionary creator (ironically this dissection comes from postmodern literary theory). Pollock was an autistic manchild who got informally adopted and patronised by pomo fetishists who told him his autism was genius. Rauschenberg was just a retarded Deviantart user who was tragically never informed that he's a hack.

In a hundred or a thousand years, just like with every other era, all the derivative pomo pastiche dogshit and 'look I wiped my ass with some culture's sign for inviolable divinity!! again!!! am I art yet??' will erode away, and we'll be left with a few Picassos and some footnotes about postmodernism's degenerate baroque period.

>> No.6084634

>hates modern art
>loves picasso
yo what the fuck

>> No.6084639

Logic Absurdum. lol dumb philosofags don't even know about fallacies, figures.

>> No.6084645

shut the fuck up faggot. ur dumb.

>> No.6084646

You keep making these threads and keep getting destroyed on every front.

>> No.6084647

i made a thousand dots on my paper. all painstakingly and meticulously separated by one milometer of space. am i an artist?

>> No.6084648

Reminder that Logic Absurdum isn't a fallacy.

>> No.6084654

I was merely pointing out how arbitrary your choice to focus on attention to detail and technical ability when it comes to aesthetic value were. Have I touched a nerve?

>> No.6084656

logic absurdum--for the truly DUMB.

>> No.6084657

of course you are, and even better, by OP's standards you're a genius.

>> No.6084662

Anything can be art, but the label art does not imply some sort of inherent quality

>> No.6084666

that is the most retarded argument against modern art i have seen, and i am not surprised you get banned when you bring use pol level reasoning

>> No.6084672

Word, mostly because art, and nothing else in the world has inherent quality, but i get you.

>> No.6084673

It's pretty funny how every single anon in this thread have failed miserably to refute anything OP says.

>Logic Absurdum
>Camera Obscura conspiracy theories
>Le everything is subjective, even the objective!

lulz, you guys are so dumb and gay. Did I mention that? That you're dumb and geh?

>> No.6084677

I think I have come to the conclusion that any sort of dialectic dialogue via irc chat or message board is completely and totally useless. No one ever has enough time elaborate, tiny details can be left out and result in a flame war.

I think I'm not going to come onto 4chan anymore.

>> No.6084678

The problem is everything man made is considered ART, if you take a shit, smear it across a canvas, smudge it here and there, drizzle some paint around the undigested food pieces, what do you call this piece of shit? what category would this piece of shit fit in? Its man made, with a purpose, unknown to most, but if you make a roll of them, hang them in a dark room with a spot light, out of the 100 retards viewing it, 1 will spend some good money buying it, hence, the post modern art era had began. Keeping shitting them out, keep the money flowing, keep brainwashing the herds.

>> No.6084680

did you even read the thread?

>> No.6084687
File: 1.11 MB, 849x1601, 1382587549576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anything can be art
Really? A receipt is art? Ready mades are art?

You're not a fag?

>> No.6084688

Why do people on /lit/ act as if argumentum ad absurdum is a logical fallacy, when it's just an argument?

>> No.6084692

why aren't they art though?

>> No.6084693
File: 27 KB, 300x310, 1362442089470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>logic absurdum is a fallacy because it makes me look foolish
>literally nobody I like has ever taken shortcuts
>everything is objective according to my subjectively-chosen value determinants

>> No.6084694

Mods I think we have shown we don't want these shit threads
Please remove them

>> No.6084696

Why isn't it? I never said it was good. I can smear my shit on a piece of paper and that is art, but that doesn't mean it's good. You don't get to change the definition of words, sorry.

>> No.6084698

>Why can't I stop sucking cocks

I don't why can't you? Maybe cus ur geh? Jew?

>> No.6084700

So if i made a technical and classically beautiful painting with a lot of brown, it would be art. But the second you found out the brown was actaully shit it wouldn't be?

>> No.6084701

Maybe if you would stop being an immature manchild people would take you seriously.

>> No.6084702
File: 105 KB, 1278x554, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ceramic work on the right is from the Tang dynasty. The ceramic work on the right is from Etsy, made last year. The rooster cup has more details than the Tang dynasty vase. You must agree, then, that the rooster cup has greater artistic value than the Tang dynasty vase.

>> No.6084704

it's probably just some kid from /b/ or some place being a master troller

>> No.6084708

stop with the unfair cherrypicked examples bro >_< !!!

>> No.6084709

>The rooster cup has more details than the Tang dynasty vase
I disagree, the Tang shape is far more intricate--shape is a detail too y'know? gay boi.

>> No.6084711

Cartman please

>> No.6084712

To play double's advocate the tang dynasty vase is probably being kept as a historical artifact than a work of art

>> No.6084717

to all those people who argues in favor of post modern art, image for a second it in the case of literature, its like comparing Pynchon and Nabokov's work of art to twilight, harry potter, and all of those young adult novels, the latter is just not up to par, why defending it so hard?

>> No.6084718
File: 285 KB, 1152x864, basking in ideology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contemporary art world is just complacent liberals who get warm fuzzies when they think about 'participation' and 'experience'

>> No.6084721

But isn't Pynchon post modern literature?

>> No.6084724

You can think postmodern art is a travesty and that's fine.

>> No.6084727

First of all, that's a terrible fucking comparison, because Pynchon is PoMo, and Young Adult novels are not.
Secondly, no one is saying that YA novels aren't art, just that they aren't all that good. Which is a subjective opinion.

>> No.6084729

Actually it would be like comparing Shakespeare, Cervantes and Moliere to Nabokov and Pynchon.

>> No.6084732

the point is, anything you produce with technical mastery that very few can duplicate regardless of material, in my book considered art, my point was, anything is considered now days, even shit smear that everyone can make

>> No.6084734


Why do you give a shit? Why do you need a bunch of anons to validate you? Think whatever you want to think about art, and quit whining and shitting up the board.

>> No.6084738
File: 1.06 MB, 1994x1300, jackson_pollock_painting[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in my book
there you go

wouldn't it be way harder to duplicate this than any of the masters' work, though?

>> No.6084740

Art is "about" experience.

>> No.6084742

Don't people get tired of this? I guess it's time to leave 4chan, 6 years in and people are still making "muh modern art is shit" threads ironically and unironically in 2015.

>> No.6084744

People have been saying 'muh modern art is shit' for literally hundreds of years.

>> No.6084745

it doesn't necessarily. are byzantine church mosaics 'bad art'?

>> No.6084747
File: 114 KB, 1200x885, lahaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many times you guys get too tangled in the objectivity of good art. there's a real false dichotomy academic community of art critique. some people really do think art is a purely subjective (a sort of reaction against strict pedants, who appeal with typical MUH DETAILS arguments). and then there is the pseudo-sophisticates who believe the pinnacle of human expression was white men painting scenes from the bible a few hundred years ago.

but what is "good art" in an easy definition? simply put, something that we ought to appreciate because of it's quality in the context of the precedent set by the artist's contemporaries. additionally it needs to be beautiful in a timeless sense. this is all jargon but bare with me. simply because you don't experience beauty when you look at a painting does not means it's not beautiful. similarly i don't like living in the country side. does this mean living in the country is objectively bad? no. but here - I wouldn't want to live without a home. not because of a personal aversion to such a thing, but because it's actually bad./

there's more to it than such an egocentric analysis.

a bit drunk sorry for any poor explanations. don't take me too seriously but non-hostile converse is appreciated
someone should write a bit about how art is a bourgeois delicacy. i'd like to read that

>> No.6084750

Except we have archives here, the same people browse the board with frequency, you'd expect retards to have come to a conclusion by now, but they still behave like crybabies.

>> No.6084751

>simply because you don't experience beauty when you look at a painting does not means it's not beautiful.
yes it does

>> No.6084753

>he literally can't get his head around modern art

sense stimulation is the height of everything for you

>> No.6084755

i've seen plenty posts on lit bitching about YA, why is it different when it comes to art? the bottom line is the same, one takes talent, dedication, time and mastery to complete, the other, not so much

>> No.6084756

Agreed, it's time we set a permanent ban on this kind of shitposting.

>> No.6084757

>some guy makes his mind up about something that he literally can't seem to comprehend
>excpects him to change

>> No.6084759

i'm in favour of all art. i think the hate against postmodern art is unfounded

>> No.6084760

bitching=/=denouncing it as art

>> No.6084763

I'd expect him to stop crying at the least, the worst of all is that most of there people are either really that dumb or they still have fun spamming this shitposting.

>> No.6084766
File: 96 KB, 470x273, 2011-12-02-CaveofForgottenDreamsLions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not appreciating the oldest of the old masters

>> No.6084767

>either really that dumb or they still have fun spamming this shitposting
i think it's a mix of all of them.

>> No.6084771

wtf is this post modern shit? that's so easy to make wtf even my 6 year old son could draw that

>> No.6084773

did no one notice this retarded post

>> No.6084776

>can't distinguish between pre-modern periods of art
>"postmodern art is dumb because it uses less paint"

>> No.6084778
File: 82 KB, 650x366, 833556-goma-exhibition[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean 'mass experience' works like giant installations, along with the idea that participation is automatically emancipatory.

>> No.6084779

What's retarded about it?

>> No.6084786

then no painting is beautiful, dude. a solipsist approach isn't going to compel anyone except solipsists. i'm sure there is a person who doesn't find the basilica of venice beautiful. does this mean the metaphysical value and beauty of it is now absent?!

>> No.6084787

that Tang piece is a masterwork

>> No.6084788

don't forget the
>"postmodern art is dumb because it uses more paint"

>> No.6084790


Not sure if trolling or ignorant as fuck.

Chauvet Cave dude

>> No.6084793
File: 44 KB, 500x378, classist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any congratulatory reaction images, but that was perfect. 10/10

>> No.6084795

That doesn't mean it's not kept more for historical than artistic purposes.

>> No.6084798

>Not sure if trolling or ignorant as fuck.
i swear to god, som /lit/izens are fucking retarded

>> No.6084799

>no love for any art except two or three giants with contradictory styles to what was considered 'good art' and 18th century oil painting
>"postmodern art is dumb because it hasn't been remembered for 200+ years"

>> No.6084802

it's kept for artistic purposes as well

>> No.6084804


> not getting the post ironic meta shitposting

>> No.6084811
File: 60 KB, 637x636, 1403513053061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just playing double's advocate

>> No.6084812
File: 394 KB, 800x554, 1345806710886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realizing i literally baited out this E X A C T response

>> No.6084816
File: 160 KB, 320x272, 1421186852565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6084818

doubles guy is for doubles, not 5s, that would be yu-gi-oh guy

>> No.6084839

the insertion of paintings into a painting is actually a pretty post modern construction. id say that piece of art is SHIT!

>> No.6084846


Not getting that I was I was baiting this EXACT response out of you

>> No.6084857

i created this thread in the hopes that eventually the thread would arrive at this very post, at this very time, with this very post number

>> No.6084878

He actually makes good points, and doesn't express any hate towards modern art in general, unless you believe modern art is reduced to Warhol, Pollock, Rauschenberg and piss-Christ. Just reread the three first sentences.


You're a quick-witted one.

The Tang ceramic has a more complex overall shape, but almost no details, unless you're willing to call everything in an art work "details", in which case a pile of sand that you took from the beach is a masterpiece. Actually, one could argue that the beauty of the Tang piece stems from how elegantly it dispenses with details.

The YA bitching threads are usually terrible, and we wouldn't miss anything if they were banned at this point.

>> No.6084888


I replied to this thread in the hopes of fulfilling this very hope

>> No.6084910

Please explain your concept of mass experience.

It's not a "solipsist approach". It's subjectivist epistemology. Any "objective criteria" of measuring the value of art ultimately has it's epistemology rooted in the preference of individuals which inevitable have different preference, thus rendering the value of said work subjectivist.

> i'm sure there is a person who doesn't find the basilica of venice beautiful. does this mean the metaphysical value and beauty of it is now absent?!
Yes, absent for that individual. You are presupposing an objective value of art.

>> No.6084927


This. YA novels are art, they're just particularly bad, with no exceptions if you're looking back over the works produced in the past 20 or so years.

The themes may be as shallow as a puddle on the sidewalk, the characterization may be non-existent, the plot may be 100% of the novel, and the prose may be written at a 7th grade level so that people can understand, but they're still art.

>> No.6084948

no it wouldn't, by duplicate, not meaning exactly the same with every stroke, i meant on the same level or similar type of art, everyone can be a pullock

>> No.6084960

that's not actually what duplicate means though.

>> No.6084967

I think you mean (post)modern

>> No.6084992


Then art has no definition. It is a non word.

>> No.6084997

yes, by your logic, people are producing shit, in the art world and the literature world, but we should keep calling them art, to encourage them to produce more shit to sell. Sure, if you want to categorize anything man made that has no utility value, it'd be a fucking art. shit on a canvas, its art, write a diary, its art, drizzle some colors, its art, stare at someone for a while, its art, everything is art art art

>> No.6085001

Tht doesn't follow from his statement. If you say that art is anything that is presented explicitly as "art" in front of an audience, you have a definition that applies to his example.

>> No.6085003

if you can't get the jest of it, i can't help you

>> No.6085004

>everyone can be a pullock
Today yes, but today everyone can be a picasso aswell.

>> No.6085006
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1200, 41952-drakengard_3_wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this art

>> No.6085010

>uses 'duplicate' wrong

>> No.6085011

It's geist (inb4 le infinite jest reference) and he was comenting on your poor word choice, not our reasoning.

>> No.6085012

>implying it's easy to steal shit from the louvre today
Picasso ruined that for everyone

>> No.6085014

Of course?

>> No.6085020


Well that is not what art means. This is why we have dictionaries.

The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

That is the definition. Your definition is wrong.

>> No.6085023

It's actually gist, though.

>> No.6085024

is pomo

is my post pomo art

>> No.6085029

You finally got it, good job.

>> No.6085036

and by having a standard of what is considered art is wrong because...? why can't you say "No! I don't accept THAT as ART, my art have standards"

>> No.6085039

So you do not know what this word means, then?

>> No.6085056

Why would you want to do that?
Art is evolving, and that is interesting. Why should it be given repressive, arbitrary 'rules'?
And by the way, you are alone in you opinion. You share your opinion with the mass media, not with the art scholars.

>> No.6085074
File: 418 KB, 1000x606, blimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this art?

>> No.6085077

I know I get flamed to high heavens for this but I basically believe in a modified version of the first argument you refuted in this image. Only I think Photography AND modern computer graphics killed painting. New art should be digital, but instead they're trying to keep painting artificially alive by literally throwing shit at canvas.

>> No.6085079

Art means a lot of things (which was one of the points of this thread, in case you didn't notice) and nowadays the definition I gave is particularly relevant.

But, again, you didn't pay enough attention to the relationship between a statement and the statements it was an answer too. You said >>6084696 implied art had no definition, and I gave you a definition that was consistent with his example.

>This is why we have dictionaries.
Dictionaries don't give you all the meanings of a word, they simpl register the most proeminent recorded uses. By that's besides the point anyway.

>That is the definition.

That is your definition. It's fine, but I hope you realize it may entails that some things that you wouldn't consider "art" are art.

>Your definition is wrong.

How so ? It provides you with a criterium to find out which kinds of representation are commonly considered art nowadays. By your definition pure mathematics and bizarro shock literature can be considered art, and why I wouldn't necessarily disagree, this is not how most people use the word "art" in casual and even erudite conversation.


Isn't geist also used as such (non native here) ? Like in zeitgeist ?

>> No.6085097

Look OP I know you must have spent 9000 hours on that infographic but /lit/ doesn't really talk about self-published shit

>> No.6085108

Art is an expression of creativity. My smeared shit is an expression of creativity, therefore it is art. Anything that expresses creativity is art, but once again that label does not denote quality.

>> No.6085124

Manzoni has objectively better shit than you.

>> No.6085128

Nobody was saying otherwise.

>> No.6085195

>I can prove you ((((((((((post))))))))))) moderns are wrong
>can't answer arguments without lol u re dumb
>thinks reductio ad absurdum is a fallacy

>> No.6085327
File: 828 KB, 3000x2119, 1421814736691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread should watch this video.


>> No.6085777
File: 332 KB, 410x1935, 1422730613224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The majority of people ITT are this:


>> No.6085854

The problem with that picture is that each example has a function which it can be measured at how successfully it achieves physically achieves it, whereas art does not. The exception in the image is music, and proclaiming one is more virtuous doesn't make it better, it's just stating a proposition. Painting may also be more virtuous which also doesn't make it better or "superior". Taking it further, unlike all those examples which still admit to the opposition being a table, music etc respectively, opponents of postmodern painting deny that the opposition is considered art.

>> No.6086490

>vaginas are vulgar, stupid, immature, and disgusting
virgin detected

>> No.6086499

>It's pretty funny how I'm literally just regurgitating the same 'lol u retarded' responses to valid criticisms of my original image

>> No.6086574

This picture fails to notice one of the most important distinctions between art and craftmanship - all art is entirely quite useless.