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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 301 KB, 1512x1440, Creativity1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6082659 No.6082659 [Reply] [Original]

you're sexier then you might think /lit/ ;)

>> No.6082661

>tfw men are significantly less attracted to writing in almost all forms

Fuck you too.

>> No.6082696

hot poets ww@

>> No.6082703

We already know this anon.
Women want to be taken on your adventure. They need you to take the lead. That's why they find ambition so attractive. Playing sports means you're socialized and athletic.

>> No.6082741

>women actually find poets attractive

I thought this was just a meme?

>> No.6082762


the time has come
ready your dicks
so shall we

>> No.6082821

Yeah man. Gotta find the type pure enough to appreciate poetic gifts. Sluts, the only meaning of poetry they understand is how long a cock would be to tickle their tonsils.

>> No.6082843

>taking artistic photographs more attractive than painting

take that painting majors!

>> No.6082849

nice meme
It is their body and they can do whatever they want with it unless it is an abortion.

>> No.6082859

>spontaneus road trip

women are plebs

>> No.6082865

two drag queens said i was a qt last night lmao

all that shitty poetry i do must be working

>> No.6082879

Catholics please go, Methodism states that a woman who needs an abortion should be allowed to get one.

>> No.6082898

>heretics telling people what the doctrine should be

>> No.6082900

Can someone help explain this chart?

The different bars are 'ranked BY -men or women-'. Normally I would understand this chart to mean the different activities as perceived sexually when performed by the genders, but the way it's worded I am to believe that the bars represent the survey results obtained that correspond to the specific genders, ergo why women would rank playing sports so high, because they perceive the 'jocks' to be sexy.

Then here is my question: it never specifies they are ranking for the opposite gender. What if these ranks could be contributing towards gay, or transexual preferences?

>> No.6082912

It would total to less than 10% skewing, so...

>> No.6082920

> taking artistic photographs
Women are so fucking stupid.

>> No.6082936
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>> No.6082964


>> No.6082975

woman/beta whiteknight detected
cosi fan tutte

>> No.6082986

>making a clever remark

How the hell should I interpret this?

>> No.6082990


Who Finds Bill Gates Sexy?
>Both males and females preferred ornamental/aesthetic forms of creativity in a prospective sexual partner than applied/technological and everyday/domestic forms of creativity

>> No.6082993


Who Finds Bill Gates Sexy?

>Both males and females preferred ornamental/aesthetic forms of creativity in a prospective sexual partner than applied/technological and everyday/domestic forms of creativity

>> No.6083153

It is a meme. People find the idea of a poet cool. When they meet you they wouldn't care less.

>> No.6083156

>It is their body and they can do whatever they want with it

this view is so fucking childish, I'm almost unable to believe it's seriously held by anybody

>> No.6083159

saying a witty quip

being funny

>> No.6083178

There is no creativity less applied and more ornamental than pure mathematics, why am I not swimming in women.

>> No.6083183
File: 224 KB, 358x310, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you being ironic on purpose or am I being well memed

>> No.6083185

fucking anti intellectualism

>> No.6083190

Right, but can you argue against it without resorting to buzzwords?

>> No.6083316

That shit makes sense though. If you know that a person plays sports chances are they are at least moderately fit. If a person does music, art or poetry you can expect them to be sensitive and have social skills. What does a person being into STEM tells you about them? It might give you hope they have more than two digit IQ. That's all. I'm an a physics major and I'll tell you that physicists, mathematician and computer scientist are one of the most annoying, delusional, presumptuous people I've ever met. A lot of STEM people feel that their hard sciences education makes them exerts in absolutely everything and that their genius deserves adoration from everyone around them even if they behave like an ass.

>> No.6083347

I once took a date on a spontaneous road trip. They caught me 3 days later.

>> No.6083451


>> No.6083493

>spontaneous road trip
>making clever remarks

No wonder Lolita went with Humbert Humbert so easily

>> No.6083697

Who is Ezra Pound for 200, alex?

>> No.6083726

That's because loads of women "love writing"

>> No.6083844

>ownership of one's own flesh is childish


>> No.6083940

ironic that this is an unbelievably childish post

>> No.6083942

>I can do whatever I want with it

But you can't. You can't steal with your body or use it to kill someone. Life demands you use your body to get resources for yourself. All humans are also objects; it's not ethics, it's what actually happens in the world

>> No.6084170
File: 9 KB, 157x172, stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people actually put out for what they claim to find attractive
thanks, op, it's been a rough couple of weeks and i needed that laugh.

>> No.6084272

yeah, when I tell women I'm a poet they assume I'm sensitive and romantic. and then I try to fuck on the first date and they're either surprised and leave or surprised and fucked

either way, there's a stereotype attached to being a poet. it's literally a meme

>> No.6084274

I usually keep it to myself, but I wrote and read a poem to the girl I'm seeing and she was very moved by it and brought it up many times since, so it's probably true, though (and it's impossible not to sound like an asshole here (I probably am one anyway)) you have to be somewhat good at it, I guess.

>> No.6084300

>taking a date on a spontaneous road trip

How would you even do this without kidnapping the person

>> No.6084318

being a code monkey isn't intellectual

stem isn't intellectual.

let's end this meme once and for all.

>> No.6084319

Wow your highschool must suck. Don't worry it'll be better when you enter college.

> I'm an a physics major

That's not how it's called when you're in highschool, but nice try.

>> No.6084321

>hey babe, we're going on a road trip. hop in the whip
>what? okay!

wow that was hard

>> No.6084322

>nice try

referring of course to your own post. people who pride themselves on their stem skill are universally misanthropic cunts

>> No.6084351

lol everyone and their mothers love the idea of poetry but when they meet a poetry writer in person, they don't give a frozen turd about it.

>> No.6084535

>referring of course to your own post.

You seem to be confused here. On 4chan, when a

symbol is used to make text green, it is usually in the purpose of quoting or explaining the implicit reasoning of someone else. As a consequence, when a sentence in black follows a sentence in green, the former is generally a commentary of the latter. For instance, if I write:

>I am a physics major

I am explicitly quoting you (which you can guess by comparing that sentence to what you wrote in your earlier posts). And when I write:

>I am a physics major

That's not how it's called when you're in highschool, but nice try.

I am explicitly qualifying that (your) sentence as a "nice try".

Don't worry, you will develop more familiarity with the trick as you mature. No need to thank me :)

>> No.6084803

I would be fucking freaked out if a first-date just 'took me on a road trip'

That's a one-way ticket to a shallow grave

>> No.6084827
File: 266 KB, 807x532, 1400978674547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dressing in a unique style
That's way too high up there. Those fucking Pick Up Artists were right about peacocking.

>> No.6084848

I can just tell this is Elliot Rodgers

>> No.6084860

The fact that I study the hard sciences makes me a better person than someone that studies literature or plays sport. There is nothing you can say to change that fact.

>> No.6084940

True, I'd never say I was attracted to middleaged barflies on a survey, yet...

>> No.6086593

Girls do like poems, so long as you're an actually talented wordsmith. My ex-gf wanted to get back with me after hearing the poem I wrote following our breakup, but by that point I knew better than to break the aesthetic distance I was maintaining from that crazy bitch.

>> No.6086650

cuz women are more literate than men

>> No.6086654

Made me giggle thanks anon

>> No.6086656

This reminds me of Confederacy.

>> No.6086675

Guitar and football player who also likes to travel reporting in. If only I wasn't horrifically socially awkward

>> No.6086681

>Scientist believing in objective fact
Surefire way to becoming a bad scientist.

>> No.6086695
File: 87 KB, 631x800, Sad_frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Writing novels" isn't even listed.

>> No.6086711
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Yes, I'm sure some day you will do something very great, like come up with a new artificial sweetener.

>> No.6086715

>Mathematics 2%


>> No.6086735
File: 210 KB, 600x857, 1354047934104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to this chart, I'm supposed to be drowning in pussy.

>> No.6086747


you have to at least occasionally spend time with women for them to find you attractive, anon

>> No.6086749
File: 82 KB, 600x800, B8iHqfsCAAAaC-Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dressing in a unique style

>> No.6086766

More like:
>hop on the motorcycle

That's how you get all the girls. Seriously. It's the image of not caring about your mortality, and when they hear you're a poet it's the icing on the cake.

>> No.6086777

*takes a drag off cigarette while spinning revolver barrel for russian roulette*

>> No.6087321
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>> No.6087337

thats dadcore, its not really unique

>> No.6087360

Do you think music and poetry are attractive to women because they are some of the few ways that Western men are allowed to express their emotions?

Crying on someone's shoulder = unmanly
Saying you want to kill yourself while playing guitar = manly

>> No.6087372

post it (I promise no bully)

>> No.6087383

good insight

>> No.6087470

Kolsti go to bed

>> No.6087490

>Taking a date on a spontaneous road trip

Why do women eat that shit up? Every other bio I see on Tinder has some variation of "Take me on an adventure" or whatever. What gives?

>> No.6087517


And yet whenever I drive a woman out into the woods and rape them, they get so fucking uptight about it. Seems they don't know what adventure is.

It gets awkward sometimes.