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/lit/ - Literature

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6082086 No.6082086 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we pair up literary works (or authors) with their musical equivalents

>> No.6082090


Those aren't a like at all.

>> No.6082102
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>> No.6082108

Carver - Darnielle

Btw, did you know that Darnielle wrote a tribute song to DFW after he killed himself? http://youtu.be/vjYdx0EGpJA

>> No.6082111
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If you get it, then you get it.

>> No.6082116

I love David Foster Wallace's writing, but I hate Infinite Jest; it's cloying, assumes more importance than it should most of the time, and feels contrived in expressing itself as a work compared to his more understated works of short fiction and non fiction. The Pale King is my favorite piece by Wallace, he corrected almost every mistake he made in IJ and wrote with more honesty clarity in expression and less pretention. All of that being said, I think IJ most resembles "American Footballs" self titled debut album. They both really capture the sheltered middle class, mid western kid portrait.

>> No.6082118
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>> No.6082122

Bang bang?

>> No.6082125
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>> No.6082127

I got drunk in an art gallery with Mike Kinsella last year

his writing is really influenced quite a lot by One Hundred Years of Solitude. It resounds throughout his Owen work, most namely in 'The Sad Waltzes of Pietro Crespi'

>> No.6082130

same fan base too

>> No.6082131

Who would Arvo Pärt match up with? Dosto? Dostoevsky lived in Tallinn a bit I think.

>> No.6082137


Plus his lyrics bring to life the nihilism inherent within his world. Finally Rich is about the existential angst, hopelessness and nihilism that pervades today's youth.

>> No.6082151
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>> No.6082152
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I tried.

>> No.6082155

I know nothing about Dowland and Byrd...

>> No.6082161

that's just unfair. ij is attempting, at least, to address national issues, not just insular teenage ones. that makes up the tiniest amount of the novel of any of its themes, in fact i have a hard time finding it to be a theme at all, the closest analogue being generational ennui, which was something wallace thought of as an idiosyncratic effect of modern consumer culture, and didn't explore in remotely the same way 90s emo did. you dislike the writing, fine, but be fair

besides, the playful tone of ij lends itself more to cap'n jazz anyway

>> No.6082167
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>> No.6082170


>> No.6082174

This is the only right answer for Lolita


>> No.6082175

Both are worth listening to. Dowland in particular wrote some beatiful songs like "flow my tears" and "come again". His works for lute are beautiful

>> No.6082179

what album is that?

>> No.6082184


>> No.6082188

sunny day real estate's diary would be a perfect match for ij

based CLT, what is your aoty 2014?

>> No.6082192
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The title track is the perfect soundtrack to the final section in Mexico.

>> No.6082198
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>> No.6082203

Hit and miss anon, AF s/t and whole AF is misery over hurrrr no gf anymore ;__; and CitR is about PTSD

There are some emo albums vaguely related to PTSD, yeah, but AF isn't one

clever, also nice trips

>> No.6082205
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Talking Heads in general, I guess

>> No.6082210

the only right answer to lolita is that joke song with 'OHHH I LOVE LITTLE GIRLS' in the chorus

>> No.6082213
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>> No.6082217
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>> No.6082218

Is Chief Keef worth listening to?

Also funny, it's much easier for me to find movie equivalents.

>> No.6082219

that was a joke song?

>> No.6082220

IJ is completely up its own ass compared to the rest of Wallace's work (apart from broom, that is also an ego piece) to the point of almost feeling out of place when compared to his other works. As far as addressing issues that are more important and less superficial go, you can't beat his short fiction and non fiction, IJ almost feels like Wallace trying his darndest to write "the great american novel" that encompasses an entire era. It falls short in almost every way, and the themes explored within IJ are more fleshed out, subtle, and concise in his other works. Read his short fiction collections "Oblivion" and "Brief Interviews With Hideous Men" alongside "The Pale King" to get an idea of what I mean. The great tragedy of Wallace's writing is comparable to that of Salinger: They will both be remembered for a work that does not showcase the brilliance of their writing.

>> No.6082227

I have always thought so, can't even recall the author/title, haven't heard it in a bit

>> No.6082228

ITT we match up old novels with music we personally enjoy from the past 20 years

>> No.6082236

>g4ngst4 nigg4z rap
>on /lit/

>> No.6082237

i will read those, read a bit from oblivion but that's all so far

>> No.6082238
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>> No.6082240

I guess it was a joke.

>Elfman has since stated that his intentions were to write in jest from the perspective of various disreputable characters, adding he was "out to offend everybody".


>> No.6082247

The Great Gatsby - The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady

>> No.6082248
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>> No.6082253

Yeah, indeed.


>> No.6082255

If Infinite Jest is "up its own ass" then so is Brief Interviews.

>> No.6082263
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>> No.6082269

You think addiction, obsession, entertainment, and depression are superficial and unimportant? No offense but you're being pretty vague, mind explaining yourself a bit better?

>> No.6082284

Nah, DFW is Cobain. Even Franzen said it.

>> No.6082288
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It describes Infinite Jest perfectly so I can only assume you don't understand the word and hoped I didn't too.

>> No.6082292

Not that guy, but you're white and live in a suburb, don't you?

>addiction, obsession, entertainment, and depression

Get kidnapped. Let some real problems happen to you, not these fake "omg I'm addicted to pot!" and "the Internet is so addictive!" non-problems.

>> No.6082300

This image reminded me why I haven't been to /mu/ for 2 years now

>> No.6082302

It intrigued me to go, for once.

>> No.6082304

No, I'm black and live in Chiraq (city where you can get shot at any time, just like Iraq).

>> No.6082306


I got kidnaped once. In Nigeria. It was alright, but I wouldn't do it again.

>> No.6082308

You're a moron. Even if you're trolling, you're still a moron.

>> No.6082310

Except Cobain had talent.

>> No.6082311

The person who made this obviously never read The Stranger.

>> No.6082315


You somehow think this is superior? /lit/ is just /mu/ with kindles instead of ipods.

>> No.6082317

Since everything is about perspective, your argument is null.

>> No.6082318

go back to 9gag, kid

>> No.6082322

Fuck you, retard.

>> No.6082323

I used to argue with that cunt. One time I might have got too close to the bone and it turns out she's some lanky autist Manc hambeast who doesn't leave the house and watches anime while scrobbling as much classical music as possible.

>> No.6082326
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>> No.6082328

Except /mu/ has nothing but their irony, everything is engulfed in it, spawns from there, rises and then falls back within the irony, it's the alpha and omega, and beta, and... and so on.

/lit/ has some merit to its content, even the shitposting, as it[being it either actual content or the funposting] usually is created with a point to it, an actual point other than just being as ironic as possible

So I'd say /lit/ is better

>> No.6082349

Gravitys Rainbow


>> No.6082357

... You just used buzzwords you fucking melon. You clearly can't articulate your view properly and it's understandable why you didn't 'get' IJ.

>> No.6082360

Yeah, same, then I realized it's not worth it and gave up. It's also when I stopped expressing my opinions and arguing with people on 4chan or anywhere else, I feel it's just pointless.

/lit/ is seriously the best board on 4chan, closely followed by /a/, even though they're kinda dumb and take anime way too seriously, they stay on topic.

>> No.6082361
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>> No.6082364

you can get shot at any time in Iraq?

>> No.6082373


>> No.6082374

This goes well with Crime and Punishment I think

>> No.6082379
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>fucking melon
love these memes

>> No.6082383

Ayyy lmao

>> No.6082391


Great rebuttal you pretentious little cunt.

>> No.6082393


Fuck off

>> No.6082395

>So I'd say /lit/ is better

You must be new.

Actually, I guess it is "better" but that's just being the prettier turd in the toilet bowl.

>> No.6082397



>> No.6082401

>ad hominem

Im not the new one here

>> No.6082418

You're what's wrong with /lit/ m8

>> No.6082425


>doesn't know what "ad hominem" means

I take it back, you're clearly a regular.

>> No.6082428

the edge, the edge.

>> No.6082432
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>> No.6082444


>doesn't know what edgy means either

What else don't you know?

>> No.6082446


Still don't get it.

>> No.6082447

but you are fucking edgy, it's beyond /mu/ level edge

now go back to your shitty board

>> No.6082457 [SPOILER] 
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>mfw this IS my shitty board

>> No.6082462


No, you really don't know what edgy or ad hominem mean. You've just read them on 4chan and you throw them out whenever you're sperging about something but you don't really know why.

You should probably fuck off back to >>>/pol/, maybe now Moot's gone, they'll make it how it was before.

>> No.6082472

>describing exactly what you're doing and accusing someone else of doing it
that's yet another of your favourite logical fallacies my friend

>> No.6082477

'You melon' is an insult thrown around by /mu/. He was providing the background of said insult.

>> No.6082551

Wow, it's a stupid nigger yelling and being mad!

Such a great record...

>> No.6082566
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>> No.6082579

they don't have anything in common

>> No.6082605

except both are you know... masterpieces

>> No.6082607

nice try

>> No.6082615

>implying it's not true
The amount of effort that went to make that album is amazing

>> No.6082631
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>> No.6082633


>I know nothing about hip-hop or music in general

>> No.6082642
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someone do this one

>> No.6082647

yea, this is surprisingly accurate.

>> No.6082650

Nice meme rebuttal, nigger lover.

>> No.6082658

>all this mad

>> No.6082676

>kanye west is hiphop
>caring about or liking kanye is knowing music in general

its such a shit album i cant believe anyone actually listens to that retard.

have you ever listened to any of the shit he samples?
go listen to a motown record or something retard.

>> No.6082695
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>not recognizing Ye as one of the greatest artists of our time
I don't understand why you mentioned sampling. No point was made.

>> No.6082718

>typical kanye west song
>muh dick
>muh dick
>muh dick
>i be fucking dem white wimmin
>my gurl kim got a fat azz
>i be a proud non-reada of bookz
>muh dick so big n black
>da white man can't control me
>muh dick
>muh dick
>muh dick
>i know i sometimes arrogant do
>muh dick
>muh dick
>i'm da Michael jordan of makin rhymes
>muh dick

>go on /mu/
>find Kayne West thread

>> No.6082719

>I stopped expressing my opinions

>> No.6082721
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Confirmed non-listener of Kanye. Opinion discarded, back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.6082725


I've just realised that the person I originally asked was possibly quoting the wrong post. I thought I was involved for a while, but it was all illusion.

Melon is a pretty common mild insult in bongistan, as with a lot of other fruit (you plum, you nana, you enormous fucking mangosteen etc.). I guess they don't like fruit.

>> No.6082730

I knew this was going to happen.

I may still sometimes say what I think or how I feel about something, but I don't feel like explaining why I think that or trying to convince someone otherwise.

I'll stop replying to you now. Like I said, it's pointless. Plus, I'm tired as fuck and can't type.

>> No.6082737



>> No.6082744

Go take your white guilt elsewhere.


>> No.6082750
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>s-stop having different opinions than me
>the guys on Stormfront will hear all about this

>> No.6082761

How about you listen to some good hip hop like Kendrick or Nas.

>> No.6082768
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Who the fuck doesn't know who Kendrick or Nas are? Good Kid M.A.A.D. City was influenced by Ye as much as anything. Why don't you learn something about hip hop before trying to out-do someone?

>> No.6082775


The voice of a generation and the writer who'll be remembered long after someone like Tao Lin will be forgotten.


You haven't listened to a single kanye track have you? You just want to spout racist shit.

>> No.6082780

>I knew this was going to happen.

Did it anyway

>I may still sometimes say what I think or how I feel about something, but I don't feel like explaining why I think that or trying to convince someone otherwise.

I still express my opinions, but now I act like a prissy six year-old while I do it

>I'll stop replying to you now.


> it's pointless

It is when you do it

>I'm tired as fuck and can't type.

It's amazing how many retarded people own up to being tired when their retardation is pointed out.

Don't you fucking dare reply to this you unopinionated cunt.

>> No.6082781

Man. Hip hop snobbery.

I think I've seen it all, now.

>> No.6082786


are u good

Not like you'd know anything about other music.

>> No.6082787


>I know, I'll throw in a reference to Nas, that's what all the kids are listening to these days isn't it, I read about it in the guardian, he's a lyrical genius

Nas is so fucking over-rated. Plan B is better than Nas, and Plan B is fucking shit.

>> No.6082791

lol white people

>> No.6082793

holy shit are you serious me too, where you on vacation or what? My mom and I got carjacked in port-harcourt once.

>> No.6082795
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If anything, I'm trying to be the anti-snob here. Some kid rolls up trying to act all 'edgy' by hating on Kanye and namedropping some fairly well-known rappers like they're some kind of backbacker shit. I take a firm stand against rappers and fans who take themselves too seriously. I'm surprised he didn't mention Hopsin or some godawful idiot whose popularity only stems from how contrarian they are.

>> No.6082796

fuck that, traps where its at yall bustas


>> No.6082802

>where you on vacation or what?

Nah I was working there and everyone knew that the oil companies have insurance against kidnaping, so they do it all the time. One guy I worked with got taken something like six times in two years or something mad.

Like I say, it was alright, something to tell people at parties and what not, but I didn't enjoy it very much.

It was near Port Harcourt for me too - they probably thought you were oil people, assuming you're a honky.

>> No.6082808


British rap and hip hop is the best anyway.

>> No.6082812

looks like someone's never heard illmatic

>> No.6082813
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>this entire statement

>> No.6082815
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>> No.6082818


Why would you think that? Are you labouring under the misapprehension that Nas is underground or something? I actually listened to ilmatic when it was released, as in, before you were born kid.

>> No.6082820

Not that guy, but Illmatic is overrated as shit. The production is *alright* and his rap skills pale in comparison to someone like Mobb Deep or GZA/Genius.

>> No.6082824
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>> No.6082826

Yes, I know Mobb Deep is two people. I misspoke.

>> No.6082827


hahahahah so funny now go back to listening to your nicky minaj albums m8.

>> No.6082831
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what is the literary equivalent to this

>> No.6082839
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Am I doin it rite?

>> No.6082841

Are you fucking serious? Name me one British hip hop album that's as good as Liquid Swords. At best, you have Dizzee Rascal (only one good album, lol) and The Streets.

>> No.6082847
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First thing that came to my head, if we're playing word association football with music.

>> No.6082853

>You haven't listened to a single kanye track have you? You just want to spout racist shit.

Yeah, no.

I listened to it, so I know it's shit.

>> No.6082858

>At best, you have Dizzee Rascal (only one good album, lol) and The Streets.

Oh m8, you are woefully uninformed. The Streets are fucking shit and it's like 20 years old man. You think everyone just stopped?

Fucking yanks. I bet you think rap was invented in New York just because you've seen a documentary.

You want to listen to that old-timey rap stuff, then try some Roots Manuva. He was good back then too.

>> No.6082864

Is this Tallis, the trip from /mu/?

I thought you liked serious music such as classical, serialism and onkyo...

>> No.6082867
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>cherrypicking this hard
Even so, who gives a fuck? Oscar Wilde could write a book about wanting his dick in some hot boypussy and it would still be great.
>Britbongs trying to take what doesn't belong to them again
Fuck off, King George. I bet you don't even know who Afrika Bambaataa is.

>> No.6082874

Kanye seems very, very stupid because of some things and at the same time he's kind of a genius because of some other things.

It's weird.

>> No.6082892

his first couple of albums have a bunch of smart puns, wordplay, and commentary

i think he said in some interview that he basically dumbed everything down to make it transmit better at live shows (i.e. appeal to dummies). he is obviously not stupid, but i don't know why he says stupid shit all the time when he doesn't have to. it doesn't really help his image, and the music stands on its own

>> No.6082896

He has a problem with articulating his thoughts into words properly.

>> No.6082903

i don't think so. he seems to articulate what he wants to through his songs pretty well

>> No.6082909
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>> No.6082911

how is it possible to be this white?

>> No.6082914

>Afrika Bambaataa

Yeah I do, he did that track with Leftfield when he acknowledged british music was the best.

>> No.6082917

>implying you're not white
>implying having black ears makes you appreciate aesthetics differently

>> No.6082919


>> No.6082926
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You know what, I'm gonna stop arguing. Because honestly, if you think British hip hop is even close to America's, then you're (as you would say it) daft.

>> No.6082930

white people can't into rhythm, black people can't into melody

>> No.6082935

Sounds like you just can't face up to Illmatic having overrated beats.

>> No.6082985


>> No.6083004
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If you think that US hiphop is that far ahead of UK hip hop, then you've obviously never got out of your US mainsteram hugbox and you're (as you would say it) a cunt.


>> No.6083069

Dammit I was going to use this!

>> No.6083076

Um no

>> No.6083145
File: 197 KB, 400x300, 802427220_1744312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god this thread is pure ideology. Are you guys actually arguing about Kanye? You know this isn't /mu/ right?

>> No.6083145,1 [INTERNAL] 

Kanye is ok