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File: 33 KB, 300x377, CatsCradle(1963).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
608180 No.608180 [Reply] [Original]

Gentlemen, this book changed my fucking life.

>> No.608185

I purchased it a couple weeks ago, but haven't gotten around to reading it. I just got finished reading Slaughterhouse-Five, though.

>> No.608186


>> No.608188

Man I loved the scientist.
"Just take his turtles away"

>> No.608189

Cat's Cradle>Slaughterhouse Five.

I did love Slaughterhouse Five though.

>> No.608190
File: 111 KB, 505x650, colorbabby.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Terrible: The Book changed your life

>> No.608191

I never saw the big deal about this book.
I mean, I liked it. A lot, actually. But I still like SH5 more.

>> No.608194

It got me thinking about the world. I didn't necessarily adopt any ideas from it, but it made me really start thinking about everything.

>> No.608195

Sure is 8th grade summer reading around here.

>> No.608198

Breakfast of Champions>Cat's Cradle>Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.608200

16 year old detected

>> No.608205

I'm in the middle of Breakfast of Champions, actually. Brilliant book. I'd still have to say Sirens of Titan is my favorite.

>> No.608208

Harrison Bergeron>>>>>>Everything else

>> No.608209


>> No.608211

Vonnegut is a ...cute writer...but eh, he won't be remembered.

>> No.608213

I thought it was a decent book, but I've read a lot of better ones.

>> No.608217

I found it quite asinine.

Pronounced as Ice-9

>> No.608225

The ice-9 shit was... lame.

>> No.608227

What would be your opinion on this book if this was before they started making you read it in high school?

You faggots are just as bad as /mu/ with mainstream bands.

>> No.608228

I beg to differ. He had pretty much fallen off of the face of the world's consciousness for about the ten years of his life, and yet his greatest works are still fondly remembered.

>> No.608236

It was an average summer reading book, so if I read it for fun, I wouldn't have read it at all

>> No.608242

i love how the interaction between the characters were so quaint. yes it was exactly that: quaint. also had me laughing out a few times.

in general a very feel good, cathartic book to read.

>> No.608243


>> No.608249

Don't know why this book is so popular
Please explain

>> No.608256


So he fell of the face of consciousness for ten fucking years, now doesn't that attest to how forgettable he is?

>> No.608261


1. Easy read
2. Funny
3. Interesting things to say
4. On the back cover there is a naked lady

>> No.608269

whoever has his life changed by a book must have been one feeble minded motherfucker before reading it.

I am hoping that respective book changed him into person that is not changed by reading a book anymmore.

>> No.608281

I suppose not everyone can be shat out by mommy fully formed.

>> No.608288

Your mom shat you out? Problem #1.

>> No.608289

There's plenty of funny books easy to read.

Interesting things to say? Like what?

>> No.608314

Cat's Cradle
By Kurt Vonnegut
Ultra-Condensed by David J. Parker

Kurt Vonnegut

I think that air and human skin have no moisture and that ants are warm blooded. I like to repeat things repeat things for "effect," and I write with shallow, painfully obvious symbolism and metaphors.

>> No.608317


No there aren't, there are way too few funny books, and books that're easy to read are almost always shitty like Tuesdays with Morrie.

Bokonon stuff brah