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/lit/ - Literature

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6080308 No.6080308 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here studying literature in grad school?

>> No.6080314

no but i have a friend who is.

>> No.6080316

no but i have a dad who is.

>> No.6080324

no, i don't want to have to read shit on a deadline, plus, if i'm gonna blow 50 gees on a piece of paper might as well have it be in some practical shit like computer science or marketing or some shit

>> No.6080327

if you have to pay for grad school you don't belong there. it's that simple.

>> No.6080350

even if your grad school degree is "paid for" aka funded, you still are paying for it via opportunity loss- years of lost wages, and then an entire life of lost wages because you chose liberal arts. And you put life on hold as a grad student...you can't get married and have a real life without a nice income...good luck doing that on slave stipend that is grad student loans, and even worse if you are a girl, getting older as your womb fills with cobwebs and genetic mutations add up, or have your kid get the autism because you got pregnant while under thesis stress.

>> No.6080367

you're right, but i would say: if you're in grad school and don't plan to go into academia (and aren't independently wealthy), you don't belong there.

there are a true fuckton of grad students who are married. although, many are married to non-grad students.

>> No.6080379

dude, do you realize how many people go to grad school to further their career? who the hell goes to grad school to learn? by the time you finish a bachelors you'll have enough knowledge to know what to learn on your own. you get that masters so you can move up the corporate ladder, my dude. sounds like you don't live around new york....must live in some college town bubble.

>> No.6080383
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Academia is a lie. Unless you go to an Ivy League school and are capable of producing multiple novels and papers in good journals every single year without fail, you are going to end up an adjunct making 12,000 dollars a year teaching 2 classes a semester, living off food stamps and hating your life.

I know a lot of people living like that, smart people, who though they were destined for great things. It's pretty much the intellectual equivalent of "When I grow up I wanna work for video games!"

>> No.6080387

given the topic of this thread, i meant to restrict my comments only to graduate degrees in the humanities. is it the case that having a masters in literature helps you move up the corporate ladder?

>> No.6080389

I had for a year, then dropped it because wasting my time is not how I roll.

>> No.6080394

to which i would reply: if you didn't go to an ivy league school and/or don't think you can produce papers in a good journal, you don't belong in academia.

i don't know why you think this makes academia a "lie." I don't know what kind of fucking moron you have to be to think otherwise.

>> No.6080399

if you work for some big ass publishing company, possibly.

>> No.6080408


Encouraging anyone to go into academia is increasing their suffering. Chances are they aren't the 1% of people who are going to make it, so it makes you an asshole.

>> No.6080411


it cracks me up when liberal arts kids will play this low stakes but high failure rate gamble for a career in academia, but then laugh at kids who do business, marketing or technology degrees planning to start businesses...there's a lot better chance of starting a successful business in america than become a rockstar ivy professor...

>> No.6080420


encouraging someone to go to grad school without ensuring that they are vividly aware of the risks and expectations would make me an asshole. that's why i tell my students "don't go to grad school." but i haven't been encouraging academia in this thread

>> No.6080423

>that's why i tell my students "don't go to grad school."

do you have sex with them instead. tell me everything

>> No.6080431

i'm too much of a little bitch. it's heavily frowned upon. even so, maybe half of my male colleagues have sex with their students, and some of them are extremely hot. but they're the subject of searing criticism and hatred from the progressive-types around (of which there are many), and i don't want to deal with that.

>> No.6080435

why would you want to pursue any formal education or work?

just become NEET and read the classics all day

>> No.6080440

faggot. why live

>> No.6080505

Is it worth it to go for a PhD program if you wish to become a public intellectual and want credentials to verify yourself as such?

>> No.6080514

pro tip it is literally impossible that someone who asks this question on 4chan will ever become a public intellectual. lmfao x 1000

>> No.6080523
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>tfw having a wank to her vids

goddamn when is she going to do nudity

>> No.6080674

I wish to fecundate her too

>> No.6083072

Yes, Russian. You?