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6078292 No.6078292 [Reply] [Original]

So I read the first 150 pages and I don't give a shit about any of these characters or their bourgeoisie problems, is this novel overrated?

I'm going to make this the year of Twain instead and read a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and transition into Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn for when the weather starts getting warmer

>> No.6078307

It's a fucking romance novel for god's sake. When I bought it I thought I would be culturing myself by reading "the great modern novel" but it can't even keep my attention

>> No.6078310

>is this novel overrated

No, its not

Maybe you don't have empathy

>> No.6078325

>tfw no kitty gf

>> No.6078331

two classics that i can't stand: AKarenina and Huck Finn. enjoy m8!
>tfw read it because qt3.14 English teacher i was dating decided we should read a novel together
>tfw she didn't reace 100 pages before she quit
>tfw didn't even get to give her the D and was stuck wading my way through that insufferable tome

>> No.6078359

>English teacher
>hasn't read Anna Karenina

>> No.6078367


>English teacher
>hasn't read a Russian classic

Not much of a prob

>> No.6078375

Can anyone recommend anymore classics for me. Should I read:
>Count of Monte Cristo
>War and Peace
>Great Gatsby
>Tale of Two Cities
>Oliver Twist

These were the classics that came to the top of my head

>> No.6078438

id probably hold off on w& P if i were in my teens, i just don't think it resonates with people who don t have much life experience.

>> No.6078452

Anna Karenina is the greatest novel ever written.

>> No.6078513

>is this novel overrated?
No. 150 pages is nothing. Read on.

>Should I read:
>Count of Monte Cristo
>War and Peace
>Great Gatsby
>Tale of Two Cities
>Oliver Twist

Finished being a retard now?

>> No.6078587

don't be mean

>> No.6078591

get fukt son

>> No.6078593

Busta ass prop-ups, smdh lls

>> No.6078604

There's classics I don't like that I can understand the prestige and greatness (eg Don Quixote) but Anna Karenin is one where I don't get at all. Yes, his characterizations and cast-development and weaving is all very well-done, but the rest of it... I think it's possible this novel is just outdated, people these days don't like 'simple' romance stories.

>> No.6078617

It's far more than a 'simple' love story, the statements it makes about the industrial revolution and class politics, as well as a clever love story, are the reason it's regarded as a classic. If you read it as a 'simple' love story then you missed 75% of the book.