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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 39 KB, 411x395, vladimir-nabokov.gif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6078155 No.6078155 [Reply] [Original]

> From the end of 1914 to the middle of 1919 I read exactly one thousand and eighteen books … kept count of them.
Nabokov, Despair

What's your excuse for browsing the internet instead of reading right now?

>> No.6078169

I don't have an excuse
Save me, corn father

>> No.6078173

I-I don't have one, cornfather...

>> No.6078241

what's a corn father?

>> No.6078248

I'd be a really good writer if I read that much tbh

>> No.6078256

What books did he read then?
It's quite an impressive feat. I read already but I don't read anywhere near that many books.

>> No.6078260

>"Whoever conceals their mediocre prose does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces it finds mercy."

- Cornfather 28:13 (NIV)

>> No.6078266
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>> No.6078269

Holy shit I don't even own 300 books, let alone 1018 of them.

>> No.6078276

I'm not Nabokov

>> No.6078287

That's about 60% of a book each day.

Fucker's not human.

>> No.6078290

too hungover to read

shitposting is the only viable and eternally justified possibility for me

>> No.6078297

Despair is a novel though. Is this from the novel itself or from an introduction?

>> No.6078298


>200 books a year

this is small time. if you guys aren't reading at least 200 pages a day, you are legitimately full pleb. A book a day is easy

>> No.6078302

It's nearly ten, you decadent Frenchman.

>> No.6078303

lol nah he's fuckin lazy he just read really small books and novellas basically shit like who's goin on a bear hunt and where the wild things are

>> No.6078304

That's about one book every one and a half days. I mean it's impressive compared to my or even /lit/'s scale, but it's far from some superhuman ability.

>> No.6078309

It's 4pm I'm not a goddamn europoor bitch

>> No.6078312


That means he would have to read about 4 books a week. Average book is about 400 pages. So he would have to read about 230 pages a day to do that.

>> No.6078317


That's like 4 hours reading max
Why is this a big deal, I easily read this much daily

>> No.6078321


>What's your excuse for browsing the internet instead of reading right now?

Nabokov came from a comfortable economic background plus he was paid to read and write.
I actually have to work for a living and am too overtaxed to do much but drink and shitpost right now.

>> No.6078328


I can't read 100/hr. The best I can is 30/hr.

>> No.6078333

That would be easy without any internet. I can read 300 pages of dense romantic prose in 2 hours and a half, in a calm environment. Provide me with the early twentieth, nothing to do and an endless supply of books, this feat shouldn't be hard to achieve.

>> No.6078335


230 pages over four hours is 60/hr i.e. a page a minute, that's my standard pace

>> No.6078339


To be a true artist of an age one must necessarily partake in the zeitgeist. Funposting on 4chan and browsing /furry/ embody this present moment quite nicely.

>> No.6078343


I could do half of that if I didn't work.

this guy gets it.

>> No.6078345


furries are like .0000003 percent of the population
spend less time on the internet

>> No.6078369

please no, corn father

>> No.6078370


Pedophiles aren't quite so common I hope, yet Nabakov's most popular work focuses on one. Plus I get to live through the unique experience of dating an otherkin, once even dabbling with similar notions while really high.

>> No.6078385


> I get to live through the unique experience of dating an otherkin

sounds like an autistic nightmare

>> No.6078411

I'm sure they were all long books

>> No.6078414
File: 583 KB, 1209x914, shame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6078420

You'd think he would be a better writer having read all those books wouldn't you?

>> No.6078422


TIL I'm never visiting europe

>> No.6078432

Surprisingly not. Thought partially because of how much more socially commanding he is over most of his friends. His openness on the matter and others is inspiring. Admittedly my view of events is probably tainted by currently loving him, but he's definitely not the sort of rant and rave on tumblr about oppression and other nonsense.

>> No.6078450

Isn't 5.5k ppl out of entire Europe's population something like .00003 or whatever the guy you quoted listed

>> No.6078459

Yes, and it's in world population.

My only purpose was to use a pic that I was unable to post in years.

>> No.6078462

5000 makers on a continent of 500 million people

>> No.6078464

Oh, I see.

This is indeed a pic with little opportunities to be used.

>> No.6078487

The only image this thread is missing now is the depressing pic of guy dressed as some animal and both his parents standing in the same room miserable as fuck

There was also cat food in the background or something

>> No.6078490

You've kinda answered your own question there, op. Nabakov didn't have 24/7 access to the internet. I split my time fairly equally between reading, writing, watching TV/movies and browsing the internet. I am disciplined and productive!

>> No.6078502


It's handy to make fun of germurrs

>> No.6078506

>I split my time fairly equally between reading, writing, watching TV/movies and browsing the internet
>I am disciplined and productive!

you've forgotten "working"

>> No.6078524

Yes, and those Alsace and Lorraine "culturally" Germanic make me smile every time.

>> No.6078614

Correct me if I'm geographically inept, but it looks like the vast majority of the markers are in Germany. Why? What's the appeal in Germany that isn't as present in France, Italy, or Poland to anything near the same degree?

>> No.6078656
File: 29 KB, 338x425, Quentin-Tarantino-as-Mr.-Brown-in-Reservoir-Dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me get this straight:
there was some big ass world war going on together with a kikeish uprising back home that existentially threatened his empire, but all nabokov did was speedreading almost one book per day (i guess it was novels).
knowing this, why the fuck would you still want to read anything written by that man?

>> No.6079114


>> No.6079123

>he isn't NEET

>> No.6079310

Nabokov didn't have Internet.

>> No.6079325

>speed reading

Good luck enjoying the prose, fuccboi.

>> No.6079363

I am also curious about that. It would also make a pretty good study

>> No.6079398

Pretty much. I'm sure if I was in the same situation as Nabokov the only thing left for me to do would be read.

>> No.6079401
File: 97 KB, 800x1360, f2hzJzS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how much other authors typically read?

I want to find an outlier so I can justify being lazy.

>> No.6079405

> Russian aristocracy during WW1 and early Civil War
wow what a suprise he had time

>> No.6079406

Ignoring everything else wrong with this post, he was like 15 in 1914

>> No.6079439

if nabokov is even telling the truth its obviously nothing to be concerned about

as long as you are reading good books constantly, and when i mean constantly i mean you read everyday, you have nothing to worry about

what is more importantly is thinking critically and personally about the books you read

>> No.6079866


>implying a page a minute is speed reading
>implying prose is hegemonic
>implying I don't enjoy reading at the pace that is most comfortable to me

>> No.6080196


>Start with the Greeks

- Cornithians

>> No.6080846

pity reply

>> No.6080965


>> No.6081003

Tallis why are you no longer in classic threads.

>> No.6081006

Because they are weak.

>> No.6081011
File: 68 KB, 587x625, 1376019-stalin4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Papa Joe read 500 pages or more a day, among other things that would put the average /lit/erate to shame. Get on his level, /lit/.

>> No.6081034


As much as I respect the Robokop I have to call bullshit on this.

>> No.6082244



>> No.6082258

That just sounds like a terribly boring life