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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 202 KB, 2197x1463, English-novelist-Charles-Dickens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6070632 No.6070632 [Reply] [Original]

Charles Dickens fucking sucks.


>> No.6070645

TTKM thread.


>> No.6070659

He was the worst kind of Socialist, Anti-Business asshole, that's for sure.

No one who genuinely understands the importance of a free market economy is at all a fan of Dickens.

>> No.6070672

Stick to YA, OP. Seems more your level.

>> No.6070674

Those Australian guys?

>> No.6070688
File: 132 KB, 246x239, 1354155607731.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is every other thread on this board becoming some fat dude insulting massive literary figures? Like for fuck sake I know good threads are diamonds in the rough on the taste boards but that doesn't mean every all the other threads have to be shit

>> No.6070699


Because 4chan is and always has been the hangout of teenage dipshits who think they are being original and iconoclastic by saying "Shakespeare/Dickens/Austin sure sucks, man!" and then giggling to themselves at the flurry of angry responses

That's probably also the reason for the ridiculously stupid Nazi and Communist threads that show up on /lit/

>> No.6070704

Lack of quality control means nobody has to try.

>> No.6070726

Shakespeare is fantastic. Dickens is fucking lame.

And Jane Austen is legitimately one of the worst authors of all time.

>> No.6070733

I love Dickens


>> No.6070748


Mind if I give you a few good Dickens?

>> No.6070752
File: 27 KB, 256x256, O-Face_egoraptor-256x256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6070836

He was against child labour, relax /pol/

>> No.6070926
File: 23 KB, 300x237, trollope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree, fuck Mr Popular Sentiment.
This is now a Trollope thread.

>> No.6070976


He was more anti-business in general

Read A Christmas Carol

>> No.6071211

_____________ is fantastic. _______ is fucking lame. And ______________ is legitimately one of the worst authors of all time.

Why do you fuckheads even bother with this kind of minimal effort bullshit? It's genuinely perplexing.

>> No.6071275

I feel like Dickens' primary goal in writing was to see how many words he could use to elicit a single chuckle.

>> No.6071285

Agreed. Nigger always gets me with the first bit of the book, and by the end I hate him.

>> No.6071295

Why do you ________ even bother with this kind of minimal effort _______? It's genuinely perplexing.

>> No.6071416

Considering he was literally paid by the word, probably.

>> No.6071424




>> No.6071441

More like Charles Shitkens amirtie??

>> No.6071494
File: 429 KB, 213x201, angry dome.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people still believe this myth

Hugo and Dumas were paid by the word. Dickens published a lot of his stuff in his own serial journal. Why the fuck would he pay himself by the word if it would just take up more space in his journal that could have other writers in it.

>> No.6071764

Fuck off. A Tale of Two Cities and Bleak House are GOAT.

>> No.6071789

English Balzac with ridiculous character names

>> No.6071825

Everything I have read about him has made him seem like a cold, hateful prick. Strange then that his writing can be so maudlin

>> No.6071827

this. add The Old Curiosity Shop and David Copperfield as well

>> No.6071855

I liked what Orwell had to say about him.

>> No.6071871

>No one who genuinely understands the importance of a free market economy is at all a fan of Dickens.
So first year financial/business majors.

Cool, got it.

>> No.6071901


A Christmas Carol is about charity, it's not anti-business it's anti-greed, anti-pride, and anti-asshole.

>> No.6072052

>getting paid by the word

>> No.6073565

And you don't see that as contradictory at all?

>> No.6073572

Dickens is a pretty cool guy

>> No.6073577

Charity is a shackle in and of itself.

>I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.

>> No.6073579


bedtime, Limbaugh

>> No.6073580

teenage leftist detected


>> No.6073596


In case you wanted to re-read a few of your posts.

>> No.6073597


>Memorable characters;
>Interesting plots;
>Capable of using imagery and metaphors when he wanted to;
>Extremely alert to every small detail of human behavior;
>Had knowledge of life and of several professions and crafts;
>Respect and loved by great writers like Nabokov and Tolstoy;
>Had a routine and worked on his writing as any craftsman in his craft (was not some of this romantics or hipsters that wait for inspiration to work).

He is greater than a lot of /lit/ boys like DFW, Pynchon and Cormac.

>> No.6073599

And which hard working men are supposed to give up the time and effort which could be spent on bettering themselves to lead or drive the poor out of poverty, Mr Marx?

>> No.6073613

Benjamin Franklin said that.

>> No.6073617


>anyone with brains enough to call into question Invisible Hands and Faith in Human Nature is a teenage leftist

>> No.6073622

I don't think it really matters which socialist said it, none of them have anything worthwhile to say.

>> No.6073626

Are there welfare success stories?

>> No.6073632

You're gonna have to explain this one.

>> No.6073640


He wrote a lot of good books in his career, nut just one or a few. He had a fertile brain and a serious work-routine that allowed him to give birth to several masterpieces.

>> No.6073696

Your vocabulary is creepy and I think you are a pervert.

>> No.6073712


I am neither British nor American, so I tend to use words that are Latinized. They are only strange for you, but not for me.


>> No.6073736

I'm not British or American either. I just don't want to have to think about Charles Dickens giving birth.

>> No.6073745
File: 6 KB, 231x244, 49199778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished re-reading Tale of Two Cities, somebody tell dis nigga that Jerry Cruncher isn't all that funny; there's no need to repeatedly describe his hairstyle; why are we supposed to enjoy laughing at his 8-year-old son and battered wife; also
>what's "show don't tell"

>> No.6073766

Thank you for these laughs, friends

>> No.6073787
