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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 443 KB, 563x600, II.3.4 MS Odyssey translation p92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6070086 No.6070086 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/'s air of elitism and superiority is kind of getting to me. Everybody's acting as though they know four languages, translations are unacceptable, they read great works of literature super early on in school, that they're super well read, and that they're incredibly intelligent. I feel like I should leave because it's making me feel as though I'm a total retard who will never be intelligent.

>> No.6070093

Most of it's bullshit. Don't worry m8.

>> No.6070105

it's a twisted form of affection. we pretend for the credulous few who take us at our word and soar as high as our posturing

>> No.6070123

don't worry, those that had that upbringing did it in less than eighteen years

>> No.6070125

the people who pretend to speak multiple languages are Euro-peons who think being able to speak both bavarian and austrian german gives them savant status intellect

>> No.6070134

most of its half joking.

I only got into lit after graduating from Uni, and i will only ever know one language.
I'm still picky about which translations i will read, and hating things like abridged versions is a-okay.

Oh and pro-tip: if you actually start with the greeks you will quickly learn that the smartest among us know that we are all fucking retarded, and thats the only real path to intelligence.

that being said my dick is 8inches long and im CEO10k/day slamming fresh pussy all day and you should probably kill yourself, welcome to the internet.

>> No.6070150

EU countries educate their children in at least one other EU language. Not having French or German is like the equivalent of not being able to understand Texan English or something.

>> No.6070151

It's just redirected machismo and masculinity, don't let it bother you. I wish this board weren't oppressively masculine, but I'm also really grateful a space like this exists at all, so....

>> No.6070156

I can read mexican restaurant menus

>> No.6070163

lightweight critical theory diction meter beeping

are you a girl?

>> No.6070172

she said "grateful" as well, its basically confirmed.

>> No.6070174

Not her, but sometimes a girl gets tired of pretending she has a dick to discuss manifolds too, you know?

>> No.6070176

I agree with you >>6070086, but I'm still gonna try and learn to japan speak.

>> No.6070181


>> No.6070193

The collection of points in a topographic set. Or a space before we call it a space the space in itself

>> No.6070202

anonymity is a veil. why the fuck would i act like the shitty, mediocre person i actually am when i can put on airs; if i get called out on the internet i can always google.

>> No.6070328

Some of us are just that smart though.

>> No.6070331

It's a joke, mate. I don't see the humour of it, and the posts are excessively long sometimes, but it's all a joke. And if it's not, then if anything you should pity people like that.

Every now and then a thread pops up with actual discussions on books. Try making one yourself, my threads are always succesful (as in, I get about 15 posts, but they actually contribute to the conversation)

Some people on here are really well read, though, but those are probably not the ones shitposting, because the more you read, the less arrogant you should become.

>> No.6070346

This. Sorry that you're failing community college, OP.

>> No.6070352

I honestly don't know if these posts are a joke or not.

>> No.6070357


As the smartest guy here I can tell you that these people really aren't that smart

>> No.6070364

You need to be beaten up a bit so you'll try really hard. The despicableness is good, too, because you will be capable of hating us when you have to but you'll be forced to agree when something is right, and you will know it will be right and good because you'll have no reason other than logical reason to agree with us. No biases.

This is a great place to be, and the memes are funny. If we had a little less shitposting it would be perfect.

>> No.6070365

It's just an act, dude. A lot of these guys are into Slavoj Zizek. If somebody is into Slavoj Zizek, they're not smarter than any non-retard.

>> No.6070392
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I attribute a lot of progress in my knowledge and personal well-being to being embarrassed on 4chan.

>> No.6070435

Elitism is good though, OP. You should have seen this board before.

But yes, those '>reading translations' memes are pretty awful. A lot of people here did in fact read literary/canonical works young, though. I read a lot of short stories and reread Poe's collected works everyday when I was like 10, Moby Dick when I was in grade school, and Lolita and Pale Fire when I was 14/15 respectively. It happens.

>> No.6070447


Its called board culture you dimwit. Some are probably as educated as you think, but they are in minorety

>> No.6070506

It's all in jest even when it's true

>> No.6070511

>being embarrassed on an anonymous anime forum

>> No.6070549

You see this is why interacting with others at an early age is important, and what this tumblr age is missing

Stop bitching and moaning at the first sign of criticism or difference of opinion.

We're all headed for the same end anyway.

>> No.6070554


>> No.6070558

>it's making me feel as though I'm a total retard who will never be intelligent.
if you think people on /lit/ are intelligent than you really are retarded

>> No.6070573
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>Some are probably as educated as you think, but they are in minorety

>they are in minorety

No shit?

>> No.6070842

Don't blame me, I am a trashy fuck who lurks in the fantasy threads

>> No.6070886

I only read literary fiction, know five languages and I read many of the great works before I graduated high school. No pretending or joking. If you're so insecure that you actually have to assume a persona, fine, whatever works for you, but speak for yourselves.

I also actively call people who discuss genre fiction plebs, not because I care about what other people read, but because this is one of the only places on the Internet that actively discusses literary fiction and I don't want to see it turn into a second r/books. So don't take shit personally.

>> No.6071011

/lit/ is elitist because most of us are undergrads who are deluded or spergy enough to actually care (or think we care) about our subjects, and at college we're surrounded by dilettantes who are happy to be dilettantes. 98% of the people you meet in college are either joking about how they don't do any of the readings or trying to show off extremely small amounts of knowledge like they're an academic wunderkind. It's fucking tiring. On top of that, if you try to find discussion forums for books or subjects online, they cater towards these kinds of people and casual readers in general, so that everything just feels milquetoast, and real contentious discussion only happens when it's a personal slapfight between two armchair academics.

4chan already has an atmosphere of one-upmanship and endlessly criticising and scrutinising everyone at all times, but combined with the above, this just goes into overdrive. The result is that /lit/ as a whole becomes almost earnestly interested in finding out the "objectively" most patrician things to read and think and say, so that they can escape the awful whirlpool of shit that is undergraduates talking about their subjects, in a pissy pool full of Oprah book club readers and genre fiction retards and ostentatious booktubers.

The lowest expression of this is people pathetically hopping from trend to trend, never shutting the fuck up and being 10000% IRL serious about how Stirner is the end of philosophy, until Stirner stops being the darling of /lit/ three weeks later. It also makes people tear each other down and act like petty assholes for being comparatively less patrician, even though it's usually a guy who has read eight books pooping on a guy who has read four. But the highest expression of it is that it cultivates a legitimate sense of dissatisfaction with being a dilettante. And this only reinforces the distaste for the retards, which renews the whole process.

tldr; elitism has pros and cons. /lit/ is the only place where you'll hear the honest truth that you're a fucking pleb if you haven't read Cicero. But it's also full of people scrambling over each other to show off that they have the currently fashionable patrician opinion about Cicero.

>> No.6071031

>most of us are undergrads

>projecting retard makes the longest tl;dr useless post in the thread.


>> No.6071045

You are everything wrong with this board. Fucking hell.

>> No.6071047

You're right, I didn't mention your demographic. My bad.

Yes, there are also some Redditors here.

>> No.6071053

>Everybody's acting as though they know four languages
But I really know more than four languages. Not everyone is a dumb, lazy American who has no need to learn other languages.

>translations are unacceptable
No, this is a meme; but translations are usually inferior to the real deal, like the black and white photocopy of a masterpiece.

>they read great works of literature super early on in school
I "began" serious literature at 8 or 9.

>that they're super well read

>and that they're incredibly intelligent
I am, but this board seems mostly composed of edgy kids who read 15 books in their lifetime.

>I feel like I should leave because it's making me feel as though I'm a total retard who will never be intelligent
You should leave, because you sound like a weak man with some kind of inferiority complex who likes to complain instead of improving. Leave and read more books, for example.

>> No.6071061

>Stirner is the end of philosophy
Wrong meme, bro

>> No.6071064

No, you are. You have your shithole, I have mine, let's keep it that way instead of whining about how /lit/ isn't exactly like a bunch of other communities out there.

>> No.6071078

>I only read literary fiction

I hope you don't read only fiction, though, otherwise you would be labeled "pleb++" in my book

>> No.6071079

Problem is my shithole is here, and you're the reason it's a shithole.

>> No.6071084

>not reading 'genre'
fucking pleb

>> No.6071085

Obviously I'm talking exclusively about fiction. I read plenty of non-fiction.

>> No.6071090


It's just memeing.

>> No.6071091

You damned mongoloid.

>> No.6071093

>people who don't share my pleb taste are the actual plebs in my mind

>> No.6071094

Looks like someone didn't translate ancient Chinese classics through middle school. Don't worry, there's still time for you to learn Coptic and read Pistis Sophia the way it was intended.

>> No.6071097

No, your shithole is r/books. Most people here who aren't like me (ie read only lit fic, know a bunch of languages and act like elitists) at least pretend to be because the memes and shitposting are entertaining. If you think I'm everything wrong with /lit/ you probably don't give much of a shit about /lit/.

>> No.6071101

>he tells himself it's a meme to avoid feeling inferior, to avoid the harsh reality

>> No.6071107

>he believes in the literary/genre dichotomy
top kek, guy

>> No.6071109

Eh I'm not really bothered by /lit/'s arrogance, it has certainly helped me direct my reading well.
Starting with the greeks has probably been the best advice I've ever taken.

>> No.6071132
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>because the memes and shitposting are entertaining
Are you a goddamn child?

>> No.6071135

"Genre" just means "low-quality, commercial, ugly product filled with escapism of some sort".

Borges or Poe are not "genre", even if their stories revolve around fantastic or criminal elements; they are literature because they are qualitatively superior.

>> No.6071138

>not genre


>> No.6071139

not poe

>> No.6071142

>"Genre" just means "low-quality, commercial, ugly product filled with escapism of some sort".

>> No.6071146

If you don't find them at least tolerable I'm not sure how you can browse this place and preserve your sanity.

Oh and if you're the guy I was arguing with, nice attempt to evade the point so you don't have to come up with anything logical. Classic Reddit strategy.

>> No.6071151

Every single board (minus /r9k/) does this
Fuck, honestly, every single internet community (even facebook) does this. You have to separate the kinds of things people want to post about with what their real lives are like.

>> No.6071177

/lit/ reminds me of college times with all the smart kids and the wannabe smart kids trying to show off their personal erudition. Except it's on an anonymous imageboard.

So basically, OP, just have fun and keep in mind that being intelligent or well-read and being mature are different things, as you can probably see from this thread.

>> No.6071193

what is this obsession with reddit and r books? it's all you or some other anon have been able to respond with. nothing remotely relevant, just 'go back to reddit lol'.

>> No.6071208

Faulkner time:
Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Do not bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.

>> No.6071210


Yes yes my english is le terrible

>> No.6071215

It's just an example, chosen because most people who complain about /lit/ for exhibiting typical 4chan behavior are generally from Reddit. It shouldn't matter, though, because I've explained my points pretty well and that all you gathered was "go back to Reddit" says more about you than about me.

>> No.6071218

ikr, only knowing 3 languages, occasionally reading translations, and starting to read joyce only after the late age of 12 is giving me a massive inferiority complex :(

>> No.6071225

Seconded on the last point. It appears that OP is a person who is so obsessed with image that he spends more time thinking about how others perceive him than applying himself to an endeavor of actual worth.

OP, read more. This is said often on /lit/, but for you it is not a meme, it is the truth. If you do not want to read more, I suggest that you just kill yourself. An exit bag strategy would be apt. People with your sort of personality do no good for themselves or others. I honestly wish it was legal to put you into a manual labor camp so that you would no longer pollute intellectual circles with your hopeless fantasies of being "well-read", which are obviously fueled by a lack of life experience and an idealized self-image, but you would probably still pity yourself there. There is helpful discussion on /lit/, and if you cannot accept the fact that you are beneath it then leave.

What is the point of a post such as this? To provoke expressions of compassion for your stupidity? This is not a hugbox, to employ a buzzword. Intelligence is fostered through effort. You must take action, either to remove or improve yourself.


>> No.6071230
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Agreed, failure here isn't a smear on any record but your conscience, if you trip you know it's your fault and only you can correct that, we have no one to blame for ourselves so we can work fast on patching ourselves up instead of blaming X.

>> No.6071233

Which points were those? All I saw was reddit reddit reddit


Why must people like you infest this place and bring it down further? As if it wasn't bad enough.

>> No.6071234

i bet you dont even read kornbluth

when literature becomes another way for you to flex your perceived intellectual muscle and taste, you know something went wrong

>> No.6071235

Just realized the post was addressed at me. I don't believe in a dichotomy, because that would imply the two are mutually exclusive, and they are clearly not, they're defined based on different criteria. I didn't mean to imply that literary fiction necessarily opposes genre, I was speaking in general.

>> No.6071250

Again, I expressed my points rather clearly, and one of these posts wasn't even mine. If the fact that I mentioned Reddit somehow prevented you from reading the rest of my post understand that I am merely using it as an example of a certain kind of community, feel free to mentally substitute it for a more vague term if you'd like.

Also, if you dislike /lit/, why don't you leave? That's an honest question. I don't understand why you hang around a place if all you do is whine about it.

>> No.6071253

Don't worry /lit/fags only put so much time into learning foreign languages because they're too pleb to understand actual linguistics.

>> No.6071256

i know 2 languages with native fluency, 2 with working fluency (and working to improve those) and just started german (all because of a) being an intl' student and b) parental pressure)

translations are more than acceptable if you dont know the language the work is in, just make sure to find a good one (or just look, even okay-ish translations usually carry most of the meaning of the work across, unless youre looking at some close reading level of analysis, which i doubt anyone does for fun)

i didnt read great books of literature super early on in school, i read them in the end of high school and the start of college (and am still reading them)

i dont know if im intelligent or not, but i sure as hell know that i am wayyyyyy more prepared than most other people i know to discuss most everything, because i like sperging out about learning things, which has been both a blessing and a curse

honestly, i can see many europoors with a similar background to mine hanging around this board (i am not one, however), but im not really a wunderkind as much as slightly above average and a product of my upbringing, and neither are they. youre fine opie

>> No.6071268


>can always google

This. I feel like a lot of the discussions I see on here are a result of people googling the shit out of whatever they're arguing about.
I feel like that because I do it too

>> No.6071269

Most of us are retards just like you. The difference is that WE HAVE AN IDEAL. Namely, the ideal of the learned man of letters, who knows his basic science, math, philosophy, history and spends as much time as he can reading the great works of literature and sometimes composing a few things of his own authorship.

Most of us are mediocre, we will never attain any sort of fame or celebrity because we have no talent for anything, we are also usually poor, and we have few friends. The higher we can get in life are the places where art alone is able to take us, and we celebrate this fact by experiencing art as much and as often as we can. We aim to be as familiar with as many works of literature, painting, classical music, theather and art cinema as possible, and if you do not share this ideal with us, you shouldn't be here. We are not, out of personal faults such as being lazy, but we aim at it.

>> No.6071281

>Again, I expressed my points rather clearly
Again, what are they? You haven't said anything of substance this entire time, despite what you keep telling yourself. The main brunt of your posts has been to ignore criticism about your cartoonish attitude and tell people to go to reddit.

>Also, if you dislike /lit/, why don't you leave?
So you're doing it again...
Apart from the fact that's ignoring the point...

>> No.6071299

Listen, m8, "what are they" is a pointless question because I've already expressed them as clearly as possible. Get that? I haven't ignored any criticisms, in fact I've responded to pretty much every post directed at me. If my mention of Reddit bothers you so try following the suggestion I've made in the previous post.

I said it's an honest question because it's an honest question. It's not rhetoric. Enlighten me, what point am I missing?

>> No.6071313

I just realized you're conveniently ignoring the posts I made with actual points and focusing on the replies I've made to shitposters, which obviously aren't filled with meaningful content. Here's my first post in the thread. Follow that chain and you'll understand the arguments presented here.


>> No.6071352
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Pic related. /lit/ is 'above average'.

>> No.6071362

My sides

>> No.6071368

While we're having a powwow: your kind hurt me. I actually like the shit I talk about and cursory google based arguments stand out after a few posts to me because I know the subject well enough to experience WHY WOULD SOMEONE DO THAT JUST TELL LIES ON THE INTERNET. What makes it worse is when something is so wrong that it seems it must have new research or some schizo writing it, and I think it might be some new fact or idea. Then I find out you think I'm just googling this shit and didn't want to know about the subject you don't even have books about. Pls stop, it's like you're hurting my only friends.

>> No.6071371

Pretty much this.
/fit/ shits all over my lifts.
/sp/ shits all over my teams.
/int/ shits all over my country
/lit/ shits all over my reading choices
/mu/ shits all over my music
It really makes you want to understand your position better and improve.

>> No.6071395

Most of /lit/ have yet to realize they know nothing, but I have yet to either.

>> No.6071403

>you will never develop a sense of superiority over other people and interpret your loneliness and lack of social skills as evidence of your being too cerebral to be around other people who you dismiss as recklessly hedonistic and lacking self-awareness, and treat your few family members, who are the only ones who care about you, with impatience and casual cruelty, and spend your evenings and weekends posting for several hours on an imageboard online convincing yourself that the people here relate to you and you to them, but knowing all the while that your narcicissm and intuitive dislike for other people would make you not want to spend time with other people posting there in real life, and spend years and then decades becoming more obsessively individualistic and withdrawn, gaining weight and losing sexual potency, and eventually finding yourself experiencing regular bouts of hyper-awareness wherein you regret every major life decision you've ever made, and finally realize how repulsive your behaviour and mental disposition has been since early adulthood

>> No.6071409

>materialistic definitions of itelligence
whoever made that is in the "normal people" category.

>> No.6071422

You've put a lot of thought into this, don't you think, anon?

>> No.6071431

you should seriously stop using 4chan if every time someone offends you with some small remark you have to find solace in demented revenge fantasies

>> No.6071433

I'm pleased to admit this is only partly true for myself. I thought it would be much worse.

>> No.6071438

I think anon posted copypasta from that /mu/ fantasy spillover thread

>> No.6071462

well guess i just made myself look like a stupid asshole

>> No.6071470


But I do it out of a need to feel validated and like I'm actually knowledgeable about something, not to lie for shits n giggles. Point taken, though, I'll put more effort into it.

On a serious note, I'm actually incapable of caring about anything that isn't fiction (assuming you meant nonfiction/philosophy and other subjects), and it kills me every day to lack curiosity to such a degree.
Kill me

>> No.6071483

>Kill me
Do it yourself, I'm busy with the Greeks

>> No.6071497

You don't know anything other than English, stop lying.

>> No.6071512

Don't forget 4.0 GPA and three scholarships, everyone has at least those here.

>> No.6071540

lol @ all of these retards that act smart because they read English novels

Was engineering class too hard for you?

>> No.6071551

Are you, like, psychic, anon? That's amazing!

>> No.6071557

le stem master race xd

>> No.6071580

You know your "cute" response to some dumbfuck shitposter is a literal confirmation of what he said and only serves to encourage him to post more retardation in the future, ya?

>> No.6071594

2/10, forgot to mention that your dad works for nintendo

>> No.6071626

samefag trying to save face after he realised he fucked up

>> No.6071643


>> No.6071652

learning languages is actually not that hard, you can with dedication become fluent in a year or so. no need to get so defensive

>> No.6071660


Yes/no. Idk about these inconsiderate cunts, but it is safe to say that there do exist certain people on this board that realistically meet the standards OP has outlined. That being said, it's extremely rare that someone is that intelligent but lacks the common decency or conscientiousness necessary to not be a flauntingly arrogant asshole-filler. The smartest people I know in real life are quite modest (or at least act like it), and while this is an anonymous board, I think it's a natural consequence of intellectual security to be aware of others. There's no reason to race a mustang if you're in an Enzo.

>> No.6071667

>no need to get so defensive
that projection

>> No.6071668


I think the world as you expect it and the world as it is need to have some sort of diplomatic arrangement, because the disconnect is very real.

>> No.6071671

that defensiveness

>> No.6071674


If you want to have a pissing contest, I suggest your local gay bar.

>not the guy your bickering with

>> No.6071676


Eh, it's hard for some. The smartest person I know only speaks English, and I've met people that fluently speak nine languages so it isn't like I've had a narrow sample group. People's brains just work wickedly different.

>> No.6071678

>replying to posts made almost two hours ago

>> No.6071679


That degradation into pseudo-meme territory.

>that irony
>that greentext
>that that
>that meta

>> No.6071682

people generally don't learn new languages simply because they're not interested, it really has little to do with intelligence

>> No.6071688


Just because I'm late to recess doesn't mean I can't play. Quit being a superfluous asshat

>inb4 'no u'
>inb4 'who the fuck still inb4's'
>inb4 any point you might try to make because I won't respond

>> No.6071693

>Was engineering class too hard for you?
>engineering dynamics
>adv mulitvar calc


>> No.6071696

Geez you guys are paranoid today. Two people share an opinion, it's samefagging. Two people DON'T share an opinion and it's still samefagging. Some guy mocks another guy and it's a pseudo-meme. This whole thread is people whining about how people act on the Internet. All of you desperately need to chill out.

>> No.6071697


You're saying that to me like I don't agree (or maybe I'm just assuming that), but basically yeah. Though I do think a dash of smarts is needed to pick up, say, Icelandic on a whim considering how much memory is necessary to retain that much info. Still, it's like anything: there exists a balancing act between effort and innate capacity

>> No.6071698

what are a few of your favorite books you massive gay shite

>> No.6071702

fuck you

>> No.6071703


I'm the guy you're responding to but not any of the others. I just thought it was funny to point out an example of a very common and natural conclusion to what's essentially two kids with sock'em'boppers going at eachother in steroidal rage. They don't hurt each other, but bless their hearts they try

i'm chill as a cuckoldnumber

>> No.6071704

Tao Lin, and I don't care what lit says, they don't know anything.

>> No.6071705

You're way late to that party, Anon.

>> No.6071707


>on /lit/
>oh the iron knee
>why are you here
>get friends
>probly kant
>philosophy joke
>pun(t your own asshole)
>seriously why are you here
>brought to you by 'they'
>inb4 anything you type because your opinions are null/void

>> No.6071711

>I also actively call people who discuss genre fiction plebs, not because I care about what other people read, but because this is one of the only places on the Internet that actively discusses literary fiction and I don't want to see it turn into a second r/books

I do this shit too. The day someone shows me a literature forum that actually talks lit fic constantly I'm getting outta here.

>> No.6071714



>inb4 samefag
>okay it's me
>I plead the fifth
>what country are you in?
>doesn't matter
>nah it wasn't really me I'm just going with this trendy new verduretextual thing
>i guess people don't like you very much
>i can't really see why
>written with VocuText
>I'm blind

>> No.6071715

You alright, anon?

>> No.6071718


>> No.6071719


god no

>> No.6071723


>> No.6071724


do you even read you philistine

>> No.6071728


your empathetic emoji soothes me. thanks anon

>> No.6071729

Did you seriously think writing 'inb4' actually meant anything?

>> No.6071732

>>6070886 here, just dropped by to remind you fags that I am the face of /lit/ and the people you interact with on this shithole are either like me or pretending to be.

>> No.6071736

voice of da generation

>> No.6071737

>the face of /lit/
Tao doesn't even speak English.how are five languages believable?

>> No.6071743


It's an expression that has become imbedded in 4chan lingo that is known by many members to essentially mean: "before you say whatever it is that you will probably say, I am going to preemptively acknowledge that youre going to say it in hopes that doing so will either mitigate the effect that your saying it will have, or completely deter you from saying it at all."

>> No.6071751

what's the best translation for Tao

>> No.6071756


>> No.6071759

That autistic lady who can talk to cows?

>> No.6071774
File: 49 KB, 500x375, 1422032648092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is one of the least productive and pleasant boards on this website.
On the other hand, it's one of the most pretentious and poisonous.
No actual discussion occurs.
The excuse for discourse here is an incoherent clusterfuck.
It's just a set of meme-competitions.
Literature vs genre fiction, analytic vs continental, and various, endless comparisons made between authors, philosophers, artists, ANYTHING the dogmatists here can fill their diaper with. Their comments either consist of incoherent and irrelevant paragraphs of attempted justification, or more typically, just
>my opinion > your opinion
The level of shitposting is more distilled than on /v/.

It's no wonder moot thinks what he does of it.

>> No.6071778

Poor baby, did someone disagree with you on the Internet?

>> No.6071782

>first butterfly leaves us because we didn't love her enough and did
>now moot kills herself because us
;_; we were trying to be nice

>> No.6071785

Sorry if the intellectual history of man dating back to the Greeks can't be neatly distilled into two or sentence three long comments. and lol, as if any board isn't a meme competition in some way.

>> No.6071793
File: 211 KB, 300x395, 1415699397185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth hurts, friends.

>> No.6071800

I believe you.

>> No.6071803

Perhaps you should search for a posting environment more suitable for your age group, such as >>>/b/ or >>>/reddit/, kid

>> No.6071805

He said that we're all gonna die you illiterate idiot.

>> No.6071810

>comes on and says all of lit is shit for just posting opinions and then arguing by posting opinions and memes against opinion and memes
>posts an opinion and a meme in response to argument
>fucking illiterates

>> No.6071818

Tu quoque

>> No.6071828

I for one welcome our shitposting memelords. Seriously though, /lit/ is somewhat productive, lurk more. About as much as most boards based around one collective medium are, anyway.

>> No.6071840

>remove or improve yourself.

>> No.6072175

I've probably read more books than you and I have an English degree from an Ivy League university but I'm not a dick about it lmao

>> No.6072760

>will never be intelligent.
>that intelligence is somehow acquire during one's lifetime
>that intelligence isn't inborn
>that learning can somehow increase one's intelligence

>> No.6073006


Least productive? We wrote a 500 page book for christ's sake. Sure it wasn't good. But apart from /b/, we're the only board to provide the world with a tangible contribution (albeit not a particularly good one, but one nonetheless).

>> No.6073117

This. It's funny to see people like OP struggle to achieve something great in life like a sloth trying to read Sanskrit.

>> No.6073328

This is worthy of a banner

>> No.6073338

Strange; the only time I am actually honest is when I'm anonymous.

>> No.6073364

>failure here isn't a smear on any record but your conscience
Well said.

This is why anonymous boards truly are the greatest medium for dialogue.

>> No.6073496

Elitism preserves our community. Anytime someone comes here to discuss genre crap, we shit on them. Now, granted, a few discussion threads on genre fiction wouldn't hurt, but if we didn't shit on them and welcomed them, our interests would quickly be overwhelmed by threads on the sort of literature reddit likes. And I'm not paranoid about reddit, I'm just saying this is the only community of its kind which is as active as it is, and if you want to discuss genre fiction there are plenty of communities just as active out there.

I run into people all the time on other boards who loathe /lit/ because they were shunned, and on a case-by-case that makes us look like autistic fucks, but altogether these posters would be a tidal wave that would flood us with Stephen King, fantasy and sci fi.

>> No.6073555

What keeps the "community" together is the fact there is a very small but extremely active group of largely homogeneous posters happy to obsess over a small number of topics. The sci-fi and fantasy threads are where diverse opinions come from. If people are "shunned" by /lit/ its because they have more diverse or evolving tastes.

>> No.6073588


>The sci-fi and fantasy threads are where diverse opinions come from.

>dude, red lasers are so much worse than blue lasers
>this guy didn't even use paladins in his magic system
>gene wolfe is literally the most acclaimed author of the 20th century do you even read

>> No.6073608

This. Genre threads are a haven for sexless spergwhales to share their theories on whether Halle Berry would look sexy in an outfit described in one of their favorite "fantasy" novels. We really need a /genre/ board to keep these incels out.

>> No.6073661
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If these people were not overwhelmingly shunned, they'd take up 90% of the board and we'd be marginalized. Even WITH massive shunning, there are a number of genre threads at any given time

The current levels of genreposting are fine, we don't need to friendly up so that everyone who reads a book from every board comes here to discuss it, because for everyone who posts on 4chan who reads mainly literature, there's easily fifty or more people who read mainly genre.