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/lit/ - Literature

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6069491 No.6069491 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any poster on /lit/ (the author of some original content posted here, even fragments) that you people think that might actually be able to reach the level of a literary genius?

Don’t troll, just be honest.

>> No.6069495

nope, and I've been here for years

>> No.6069497

Kolsti Nguyen, maybe.

>> No.6069501

can confirm
Hi kolsti, go clean your room like your mom asked.

>> No.6069503


I forget to say. If you don’t know the name of the person (something common in an anonymous forum) just post a sample of work that you did copy-pasted.

>> No.6069519

I'd post my name but it's pretty obscure and you've probably never heard of it.

>> No.6069521


Post samples of your work. No need to expose yourself.

>> No.6069525

Impossible. I completely expose myself with every single word I compose.

>> No.6069535


The birthless wings of Yung fluttered restlessly to break g's. None of the little shintos in the area made any regresses to seem bigger (since it's ere understood to be moot). The devil may rest, but not his wings. It's illegal in his heart. That's all the canon evers does anymore- flutter. Yung flutters. This was heart, and law. Yet broken and sued were endless states of those restless wings.

>> No.6069540
File: 20 KB, 199x219, Kecleon-Profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you want to achieve this level for yourself

I'm going to climb the mountain. I'm going to reach the summit.

>> No.6069561


If you didn’t read Vagabond (a manga) until know, just do it. It will give you more motivation. The first chapters are not very good, but it gets wonderful as it progresses.

Just keep going, keep moving forward.


>> No.6069570

if you believe a summit exists you will never reach it

>> No.6069583

This is awful

>I woke up (if you think this is earnest (as in first degree (as in the measure of the exponent, not a measure of severity) sincerity) you should do your homework (not that I do mine (my class rank has dropped from 1 to [REDACTED SO AS NOT TO INTERFERE WITH COLLEGE ADMISSIONS] since senior year started))) at 7:20ish (needless specificity stopped being funny a while back) this morning (January 20th (I thought to include the year but the notion that anybody in 2016 or beyond would read this is laughable (>implosticating this won’t be on every syllabus in 2039 (I could’ve written 2040 but I changed my mind and needless specificity (especially with estimations (/estimates)) is funny again (actually, it isn’t (and neither are parentheticals, which is what I’m here to talk about)))))) when my girlfriend (Lexi (also my PostMetaPaintbrush collab partner (though school and general horseplay has derailed that project for the time being (but if this spinoff business gives me a momentum wave I might have to start it back up just to capitalize (not monetarily, of course))))) called me to tell me I’d be late for school. I showered, dressed, and got in the car so my dad could drive me. I played Madden Mobile the whole way and my dad said something about me being a shit driver because I always stare at my phone in the car.

>> No.6069594



>> No.6069598


Learn the difference, it could save your literary career.

>> No.6069603

obligatory Tao Lin

>> No.6069608

You're right, of course; I chose my words badly. It's more accurate to say that since last year I've dedicated myself to constant improvement as a writer in every area of the craft I can think of.

I actually have /lit/ to thank for that. Coming here and being inspired to start reading great literature again made me realize that I was actually a pretty bad writer, when I'd always thought myself to be a decent one. So I've dedicated myself now to reading great books and learning from them. I did something similar in college for my degree, but I had allowed my reading to lapse.

So thank you, /lit/. If I ever do achieve greatness, you all will be at least party responsible.

>> No.6069620
File: 1.82 MB, 1920x1200, 1419297193277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not genius but...

Judge me.


The story is Hunting Eros. It's surprisingly not total shit.


>> No.6069626

Did you get to the part in your journey where you learn not to end a sentence with a preposition like some sort of mongoloid child?

>> No.6069636

Sheridan advises it's best not to, but considering those rules of grammar came out of etiquette teachers such as Sheridan, you might want to revise what you're doing here.

>> No.6069638


>The devil may rest, but not his wings.
>This was heart, and law.


you're joking, right?

>> No.6069640

>She was thirteen when she met him.
Describe everything wrong with this opening sentence if you want to convince me that you chose to make those mistakes deliberately.

>> No.6069646

You couldn't recognize a joke if you read it.

>> No.6069656


>> No.6069657


also, are you writing yung lean fan fiction or just weeb shit

>> No.6069658


your head

>> No.6069663


I still don't get it

>> No.6069674

>two m's
Every time.

>> No.6069678

I live on Sheridan bitch don't try and lecture me on etiquette and grammar.

>> No.6069693

I don't

>> No.6069695

I tried and have, and yet you remain coarse. Good day.

>> No.6069702

Nice fragment you got there hotshot.

>> No.6069712

>try and lecture me
>not try to lecture
>I tried and have [lectured you on etiquette and grammar]
You have trouble with disappearing negatives too, haven't you?

>> No.6069722

If you're this far divorced from popular colloquialisms you'll never make it, I'm sorry.

>> No.6069726

How archaic do you think the grammar rules you're defending are?

>> No.6069730

>attacking ego
>on an anonymous imageboard
how small is that corner you've found yourself in?

>> No.6069738


Obviously me.

>> No.6069742

Certain stories in that thread almost had me in tears. My favourites are the one about the weeb's high school prom, the one about Harry Potter, and the long one with the heckling black guy. I wish /lit/ was still that funny.

>> No.6069745

Do you think is satan a theist, atheist, anti-theist, or self-theist?

>> No.6069749

When would you like me to set Sheridan educating the emerging industrial class on grammar in history to make a grammar debate about present day egos? Yesterday sound good?

Or do you think a different argument is happening in the quote chain?

>> No.6069750

This is /lit/'s funniest thread actually: >>/lit/thread/S580816

>> No.6069753

I dunno man whatever's convenient for you my schedule is pretty open tbh.

>> No.6069755

>It was at that critical junction in age where virginity—that ugly epithet applied to those who, for one reason or another, dared not burden women with the quelling of their lascivious urges, stops being something acceptable and starts being something of shame, a fragment of your person to be veiled behind half-truths or whole lies.

>> No.6069756

I have at least a few hours of flouncing to finish today. I'll have to get back to you.

>> No.6069757

that's brilliant too

>The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mime

>> No.6069761

I don't know what flouncing means but you know where to reach me.

>> No.6069772


>back when /lit/ was comfy


>> No.6069815

Tao Lin used to browse here and he's a genius.

>> No.6069834

go to bed

>> No.6069838

What defines 'literary genius'?

>> No.6069848

Harold Bloom's ghost gives you a blowjob in the afterlife.

>> No.6069868

He's still alive faggot.

>> No.6069879

do you seriously plan on dying before that fat fuck?

>> No.6069887 [DELETED] 


lol XD

>> No.6069905

>Sade observes silently from a chair fingering his own asshole
>Borges cannot see anything but he stiffens slightly in discomfort as his ears detects something and runs his hand along the wall in search of an exit but never finding one or the others
>Sartre emerges from under the bed eating the charred remains of Beauvoir's ass meshed with loli
>his lazy eye fixes upon you as you climax in Bloom's ample jowls
>l'enfer c'est les autres

>> No.6069980

I've seen some snippets that, if original work, truly blew me away.

I'm almost certain 'some' people here could, but the issue of applying oneself enough is most likely the biggest hurdle.

This place is negative in general unfortunately, and people who make their way here through whatever paths seem to have become jaded in the most useless kind of fashion.

So often I see very articulate threads about how they will achieve nothing, or distressingly well written posts about a very unique human angst that many of us feel concerning our work.
These things are actually not just "feel"-inducing, i think they carry genuine emotion; but, OOPS sorry "Lel XD I don't actually want to pretend to care, because then any words against me might cut deep, if i cant pretend they glance off me. lel im dead inside".

There is actual talent here, but it needs to grow up first.

And the sad thing is that might never happen.

>> No.6069998

self-destructive Midwestern humility is a huge turn on for me

>> No.6070009


Satan is an atheist. It is clear because atheism is the most evil.

>> No.6070079

I once read a poem about mars on here that was so pretty that I saved it; unfortunately, the big idea behind it wasn't as astounding as the mastery of meter and rhyme:

Part 1:

Elegy for a Dead World
By , Poet Princess of Mars

Orion paused above the moon,
And pausing turned, and turning fell,
And, I upon a moonlit path paused too,
to count the vesper bell
Orion strode the twilight haze
stalwart in silence to ignore
The sleepless and unseeing gaze
of the red eye of the god of war,
I thought then of the many nights
Of freezing in some country yard
I’d borne far from the city lights
The stress of that aloof regard.
I saw again majestic realms
By soaring minds, with legends fed
The dire and ancient denizens
The souls imagination bred
To populate those shores and glens
Now slaughtered by the callous stroke
Of caliper, spectroscope and lens;
But memory within me spoke
Of blameless hypotheticals
Cyclopean or frail, and green
That left those pastures tenantless
And fled into the might-have-been
The truth of your mute testaments
Mans emissaries, wise machines
That penetrate the firmament
Indifferently limn your scenes
A desert plain that never ends
Beneath a cloud-untroubled sky
The playhouse of the dervish winds
That rise and fail and silent lie.
Your seas unwatered, rivers sere
And salt and silt choke mere and tarn
No spire, canal, or minaret
No déjà thoris, thark, or tharn
No soft astronomers search the skies
With envious unsympathetic eyes.

>> No.6070085


Perhaps it is just vanity
To mourn a place that never was
Some failing of humanity
To pile hopes on the frailest cause
Neglecting, maybe worthier
Rivals apt to speculate
That nightly wander past the stars
That rise up early, and stay up late
A lesser light of night and morn
Shines on us from the hoary skull
Of infant world that died unborn
It stands before me, nearly full
And in the hour before the dawn,
Like horus’ herald from afar
Behold the pale and crescent eye
Of Lucifer, the morning star.
We hurl a metal sentience
Up from the planet of our birth
With wise and certain instruments
We shed the surly bonds of earth
Dismiss the frozen hulk of mars
To seek fresh fields and pastures new
Among the cold uncaring stars
A panoply invites our view.
Still, I confess a moments doubt.
Why, as the galaxy unfolds
The tales of billion living worlds
Of billion, billion living souls,
Strayed out like lost sheep in the wild
To cluster round their shepherd stars
The author of each dreaming child
Could not have spared a few for mars?
Orion paused above the trees,
And pausing faded, and was gone
And I chilled by some rising breeze,
Closed up my coat and walked alone.
As we alone must always walk
Until we find our grave at last
And learn the language of the dead,
And join the townsmen of the past.
And you, unhappy derelict
Once home to so much hope and dread,
Drift on beside your satellites
Silent still, and cold and dead.
But mars, though barren yet will live
As all the homes of legends must
And déjà thoris seek her throne
When I and mine are less than dust.
Tars Tarkas to his daughter croons
In shadows cast by Martian moons.

"beneath a cloud-untroubled sky" is probably the most beautiful phrase I'

>> No.6070094

ve ever read on here.

>> No.6070109

That poem is genuinely good

>> No.6070149

Agreed. The talent here is defeated by the negativity that /lit/, and the Saudi megaphone frustration district in general, draws and produces.

10/10 post amigo

>> No.6070175

I'd argue that the vicious attitude on here actually serves to foster great writing. Strong swords are forged in hot crucibles.

If that pithy maxim doesn't do it for you, I recommend traveling to writingprompts.reddit.com. You'll see that a supportive atmosphere inculcates bad writing like a warm wet space grows mold

>> No.6070268

I think it more has to do with the kind of books are read by the respective sites. /lit/ is hardcore literature, mainstream fluff is shat viciously upon. I image that reddit draws the Jong Grien and Stefan Meeyer readers.

>> No.6070296


you are right to some extent, and that's why I don't go on useless sites like reddit; but, that being said, there is a difference between an honest and brutal arena --which is what i believe lit is, at its best-- and a drowning loser trying to pull you down with him, which is lit at its worst.

>> No.6070425

Literary genius? No. But genius is rare. I have without a doubt, multiple times, seen writing that is good enough to be published. Which doesn't mean that whoever wrote those snippets could or would keep it up for 300 pages of a novel or whatever, but there are certainly able writers here. Basically, this >>6069980

>> No.6070455


I was more impressed with some of the people offering critiques. This was like four months ago or so, not any time recently, but there were 1-2 guys with keen minds for writing and literature. One of them used a trip, but I'm not a fag so I don't remember trips.

>> No.6070464


>> No.6070470


No. I do not.

It doesn't help that /lit/ really only posts writings that are "just first drafts" which they've "just written an hour ago" and is their "first attempt at writing anything" compounded with the fact that they don't read often.

>> No.6070489

I'm hate the fact that /lit/ is the only Real placeret for discussing literature that I Care for or know of, since english is a second language, and I would really like to give/get Critique of writing in my own language sometimes.
Oh well...

>> No.6070493

Ok so..
There We go

>> No.6070677

>a drowning loser trying to pull you down with him, which is lit at its worst.
How often does this actually happen. Whenever someone who actually has some talent posts something, they always receive praise and there are very few insulting shitposts

>> No.6070743

literally me

>> No.6070765

Nice. I'll be keeping tabs open on you.

>> No.6072486

These are one of the best greentext stories I've ever read. Absolutely brilliant and hilarious. Thank you so much for posting this.

>> No.6072629



>> No.6072947

Do you honestly think a /lit/ tripfag is gonna produce anything more than anally expelled semen from all the clocks he tragically can't stop sucking?

>> No.6074123

I really wish I could show you guys my stuff. Unfortunately I write solely in my native language, and in a heavily modified version of it...

>> No.6074172

Define "genius."

>> No.6074214

>clock sucking
I'm going to imagine this is true.

>> No.6074328

>no Gennaro, napoletano is not a proper lenguage, how many times do I have to tell you that?!

>> No.6074332

a group of related animals or plants that includes several or many different species

>> No.6074335

that's 'genus' silly

>> No.6074337

Thats a genus m8

>> No.6074339

>itt: people with a sense of humor

>> No.6074344

you'r joke was pretty dumb

>> No.6074358

nice blog faggot

>> No.6074363

What does confidence in yourself and your intelligence become arrogance? I feel like it's such a delicate line, and I don't want to cross it. Every time I start to feel like I might be special in someway, or have something to offer the world from within myself, I always come to the conclusion that it's just my ego talking and I try to deconstruct it.

How do you create something without letting your ego consume you?

>> No.6074408

just don't be a dick about it

>> No.6074447

It's like walking on a tight rope sometimes. I just don't want to let myself become egocentric. It already took me long enough to grow past post modern thought and the idea that the only objective truth in reality is my own perceptions. I don't want to slip into a similar thought process where I exalt myself above everyone around me.

>> No.6074543

Have you ever walked a tightrope before or are you just spewing cliches because you're an idiot?

>> No.6074548

What's wrong with being a magnificent motherfucker?

>> No.6074565

Why would using a metaphor make me an idiot? No, I've never walked on a tight rope. I was just trying to express the difficulty that comes with having a challenging personality. I don't want to take my own intelligence as if it's something I'm entitled to rather than something that was given to me as a gift to be used for something greater than satiating my own ego.

It's pride and arrogance that defeats us.

>> No.6074569

>It's pride and arrogance that defeats us.
Are you even trying to signify something? Your sentence is emptier that the christian concepts it uses.

>> No.6074579

It's not empty, you just reject it's meaning. Humility and discretion are two virtues that I hold in my heart dearly and I don't want to betray them.

>> No.6074587

lol u the type of nigga whose girl i take

>> No.6074624

Not him, but can you explain? I could see myself writing that and not thinking twice. ;_;

>> No.6074628

walking a tightrope is easier than riding a bike and your more inclined to fall on your face right down the middle than either side

stop trying to spread this misconception you fucking moron

>> No.6074646

You're taking this tightrope thing too literally anon. I just meant that it's hard to view yourself as gifted and intelligent without also putting yourself on a pedestal.

>> No.6074654

Why relishing in mediocrity? You're just afraid of saying something false, and people expecting much from you humiliating you in public.

If you're cultured enough, it's not a problem.

If you're not, don't try to excuse your behavior with all that talk.

>> No.6074664

This can't be real

>> No.6074667

You know what you're right. Metaphors shouldn't actually convey anything meaningful, they're presence alone should be enough. I should automatically assume you aren't a complete fucking idiot who has no idea what you are talking about just because you say things without knowing what they mean.

That sounds completely reasonable.

>> No.6074673


apparently new/lit/ loves that kind of thing enough to write a book about its author

>> No.6074676

It's not about being mediocre or being excellent. It's about deferring praise honor and glory away from myself and instead to Yah who gave me the gifts that bring about that honor and glory in the first place.

>> No.6074681

kek, la creme de la meme

>> No.6074688

I thought the tightrope metaphor expressed the idea pretty well. I was just trying to showcase that the path of humility is narrow and difficult to balance upon. It's easy to fall off into arrogance and excess pride.

>> No.6074696

Then next time pick a metaphor you are personally familiar with so you don't end up looking like an ass.

>> No.6074717

Are you big on tightrope walking in real life or something anon? I don't get what upsets you so. I don't think you have to personally experience everything you make into a metaphor. Surely you've noticed this throughout your life. The tightrope metaphor works pretty well.

>> No.6074721

It does not.

>> No.6074722

I'm sorry what?

>> No.6074871

> /lit/ asked if they've noticed genius talent on /lit/ at any point during their browsing history
> everyone nominates themselves

This place has severely fallen in quality. What was the catalyst for such a teenage influx? It's hardly like /lit/ can become a default subreddit like r/books.

>> No.6074909

you must be super new to be calling other people new

>> No.6074950


Develop reading comprehension for your own sake. This board's gradual decline has become more and more observable over the last two years because quality has careened exponentially. I just want to know where everyone came from.

>> No.6075481

Having a break. Please continue buying my books.
btw:There are no geniuses anymore, it's impossiple to be one ( in the old sense)

>> No.6076660


You're close, but no çigarə.


Which language would be that?

>> No.6076711

the best things i've read here are at the level of promising beginner. i've read better stuff in my university level 1st quarter poetry and short story writing classes.

>> No.6078270

There is literally nothing wrong with this opening sentence

>> No.6080065


Is there RIGHT NOW any post in any of all the alive /lit/ threads that shows some signs of talent? I doubt it.

Can you guys pass this test? I dont think so.

Cordially, /sci/

>> No.6080970

If I uploaded my work for /lit/, would you guys read it?

>> No.6080979

that sentence

>> No.6080980

what stories were those?

>> No.6083206

I posted a little rhyming couplet on here which I'd been playing around with for a while. General response was pretty good, one guy thought it was from something actually published

And well beyond that looking-glass
Which sails the dreary darkness past;
Softly do we sleep in snow,
That does not fall but ebbs and flows.

>> No.6083209

He's gonna be famous for completely different reasons.