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File: 32 KB, 478x269, gty_bilingual_nt_130108_wblog[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6064697 No.6064697 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that you're not bilingual unless you can speak languages that use a different character set.

English + German => NOT BILINGUAL
English + Japanese => BILINGUAL

inb4 butthurt eurofags who know English + whatever shit country they were born in's native language

>> No.6064702

i kind of agree, saying you speak a bunch of languages like italian, spanish, etc. is like saying you speak a lot of languages like american english, british english, ebonics, etc.

>> No.6064708

I speak English and Spanish. One's germanic, one's a romance language. Perfect for my purposes.

>> No.6064713


Except Italian and Spanish enjoy enormous differences in language. To compare the pair to "American English and British English" is, frankly, idiotic.

Even Czech and Slovak aren't even comparable to Am. and UK English, and they're practically the same language. The difference being Am. and UK English ARE the same language.

>> No.6064721

They are not the exact same language, but they share quite a lot of similarities. I really just depends on what percentage of differences defines a different language, dialect, accent, etc. Point is learning two European languages is hardly an accomplishment.

>> No.6064724

>ARE the same language
Man, if it wasn't for American television we wouldn't know half of the shit you're talking about. Elevator? Gas? Soda? Why can't you just say Lift, Petrol and Fizzy-drink like a regular human being?

>> No.6064729

You're too harsh and your repressed sexuality is showing.

>> No.6064734

>I have no arguments
>Let me try and shame him about sex

>> No.6064736

>being this much of an idiot
surprises me you're not a tripfag

>> No.6064738
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what are arguments in favour of OP's opinion?

>> No.6064742

The fact that a handful of words are different doesn't mean they're two different languages. Want proof? Except for select words, which barely break beyond double-digits in number, and spelling, it is virtually impossible to tell an American from an Englishman on-line. Even then, if I said "petrol" instead of "gas", it wouldn't even be actual proof that I'm from the UK, as both are understood in both cultures.

It's almost absurd that you say,
>They are not the exact same language, but they share quite a lot of similarities.
Since, by "quite a lot", you'd have to mean 99.99% of it.

>> No.6064743

>different character set
purely circunstantial

you are not bilingual unless you can speak languages from different families

>> No.6064744

lol, didn't knew that one.
>hurr, i'm so biligual i can watch chineese cartoon in japoneese and bitch about it in english

>> No.6064747

It's like when normalfags throw around words like depression and social anxiety for extremely light and normal feelings. It just takes away from people with actual problems. In the same way someone who claims to be bilingual just because they speak English & Italian takes away from people who actually speak languages that are different and don't share a large percentage of vocab and grammar rules.

>> No.6064749


>> No.6064752

>Point is learning two European languages is hardly an accomplishment.

If this is your point, go ahead and argue for and prove it. No sense pretending Americans speak a different language than Englishmen, which would really only convince a sliver of ignorant people. Argue your points better and come up with better examples.

>> No.6064753

>I'm an annoying autistic faggot who uses words like "normalfags" and should be killed

And the truth comes out

>> No.6064755

Someone typing Cantonese and Taiwanese online would look identical. I guess that means they're the same language.

>> No.6064762

Normalfag detected.

>> No.6064763

You don't know the difference between an accent and a dialect.

>> No.6064768

Those terms are used interchangeably all the time. Take the difference between Tokyo dialect and Osaka dialect. They are both Japanese and very few differences, similar to the different types of English, yet they are considered "dialects".

>> No.6064770

>English + whatever shit country they were born in's native language

Nigga, I'm one of those europoors (not that poor, tbh) you talk about. I speak Greek and English. Come at me, bitch. I also speak Itallian, French and Danish. Fuck off now.

>> No.6064772

I can understand a few different scripts: Devnagari, Ranjana, Prachit, Latin, ume.

I can only speak three languages though.

>tfw dropped two languages after moving to US and learned one.

>> No.6064774

Oh man some new as fuck shitposter thinks having no life and being a chink is admirable, stop the presses

>> No.6064778

this is true
>Norwegian and Swedish are different languages
>Vizcayan and Souletin Basque are the same language

come on

>> No.6064785


>speech = writing

>> No.6064790

Characters have nothing to do.
You are arguing that is easier to learn, for example, greek as an englishman than learning Russian as a pole, just becuase muh memecharacters.

>> No.6064793

So you speak a lot of different dialects of the "European Language". Congrats bro. Maybe one day you can learn a different language and actually become bilingual.

>> No.6064794

These threads practically write themselves.

>Daily reminder that (arrogant assertion here, negating the life experience of a large swath of people).

>inb4 (general statement about large swath getting mad)

It's /lit/ by numbers.

>> No.6064796

I'm Danish with a greek mother. English comes from school/life, Italian and French from Erasmus and living abroad. It's not that hard for us europoors, you know, being surrounded by actual diversity of languages and cultures, not just Jamal and Paco's diversity.

Also, Greece has a lot of russians living there, same as Cyprus (some of them money-laundering crooks, but not all of them). I've met them, they all speak Russian, Greek and English. Three languages, three different alphabets. Again, benefits of our superior culture.

>> No.6064799

What about Dutch/English + Hungarian.

Hungarian isn't an indo-European language.

>> No.6064801
File: 205 KB, 650x478, ffffffffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op takes this matter seriously.

male? female? what's the difference! he often says.

>> No.6064802

>speak is commonly used to mean "fluent" in a language

I bet you also think literally only has a single definition too. You should literally learn to speak English before commenting.

>> No.6064808

>not just Jamal and Paco's diversity.

What a shameful thing to say. I expect better from someone so immersed in "superior culture".

>> No.6064822


>not a slurpy-slurpy-makes-you-burpy

You've obviously never even been to Britain, squire.

>> No.6064837

Burritos and fried chicken feel so diverse, I'm sure, after eating microwaveable mac and cheese for a week straight.

>> No.6064841
File: 75 KB, 983x1013, 2muchsnoop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most people itt are american or English.
>only speak one language

>> No.6064873

Lithuanian here

I will probably read and write in English for another 20years until I decide to try another language.

>> No.6064878
File: 2.00 MB, 289x333, 1330544900155.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deze kleuter probeert zijn gebrek aan talenkennis te compenseren door iedere taal die hetzelfde alfabet gebruikt gelijk te stellen.
>It's the only way he can live with his lack of knowledge outside of 'Murican, it's probable that even though he's English, he won't even know what vituperation means without having to look it up.

>> No.6064883

well being bilingual means you can speak two languages. what you're referring to is the difficulty of the languages. someone who can speak english and french is less impressive than english and russian or english and chinese, this is kind of obvious to most people.

>> No.6064896


Het klinkt bijna alsof je dat verbaasd.

>> No.6064924

I am from a latin american country, bro. Take it easy, not everyone is an americunt.

>> No.6064925

God tier coming through.
English, Russian, Hebrew.

>> No.6064926

I speak english spanish and mandarin. my gf is from Guangdong and I can't understand a word she says when she speaks in cantonese. I am still not that happy with the quality of my mandarin, but I think in about 2 years I will make her teach me Cantonese.

Also a taxi driver once taught me how to ask a girl out on a date in shanghaiese (which is still unintelligible to me), but I could at least notice it was a dialect.

>> No.6064993

God tier with be English, some Uralic language and Herbrew.
Russian is still an indo-European language

>> No.6065012

>English, Russian, Hebrew.

More like Ashkenazim-tier.

>> No.6065025
File: 177 KB, 612x612, 8724923168_b19b7ce911_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6065089

Sounds more like YHWH tier to me.

>> No.6065218


>> No.6065415

more like der juden tier

>> No.6066465

>being a racist

>> No.6066481

Me: English + Chinese

>> No.6066500

What if I speak a language that has a different character set, but can't read it, therefore making the fact that it has a different character set totally irrelevant?

>> No.6066572

Serious Question. This goes for all you Arabic speakers out there. Can you ever achieve actual fluency remotely resembling that of a native, or is the best possible outcome a consummate Parakeet fakery?

>> No.6066623

>asks about Arabic
>post he replied to doesn't mention Arabic, nor did anyone in the thread

To answer your question, though, ofcourse you can. If you spend enough time practising. What would stop you? Does your mouth or throat grow into an unchangeable structure by learning a certain language? You can train to be able to create any sound in any language, surely.

>> No.6066649

Jokes on you OP I am still multilingual

Also want to add that I have noticed trend in Western EU that most people are learning English and another language since Englsih isnot enough.

>> No.6066653

>english + tagalog
>hurr they use the same alphabet ur not bilingual

>> No.6066657

pathetic anglo filth mad that they are not bilingual


>> No.6066676

'kay, 'cause both languages have a staggering wealth of subtle cultural nuances.

>> No.6066701


Yeah, definitely. It's not a simple language, and it will take years of serious study to approach fluency, but it's also not impossible to master. Arabic was the lingua franca of everyone from Spain to the Indus for a long time, and probably most people who knew it then learned it as a second language.

>> No.6067240
File: 211 KB, 746x715, 1418409073683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're one of those sad little autists who just sits around, alone, seething with rage over things that absolutely no one else cares about. Although it's not because it is something important that only you see or understand, but because your need to feel better than everyone else is so severe, you go to great lengths to convince yourself of these pointlessly divisive opinions which you then obsess over to no end.
I bet you constantly speak in absolutes, in an incredibly passive aggressive manner, to friends, family, coworkers, or whoever about any and all subjects. You have an opinion on everything, and only yours is even remotely correct and every one else is just deluded, but you can't see that everyone hates you and wishes you would just go away.

Kill yourself OP. I sincerely think you, everyone you know, and everyone on /lit/ will be better off for it.

>> No.6067248

how many european languages do u speak lol

>> No.6067250

not sure why someone knowing two languages takes away from other people knowing two languages.

>> No.6067306
File: 36 KB, 1024x576, 1376377020991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let's make this simple:

Bilingual = speaking two languages fluently (consult any English dictionary to confirm)

Mutual intelligibility (in very general terms) = the linguistic concept that supposes that whether or not two speakers can understand each other with little effort is the main factor in determining the difference between a language and a dialect (although sometimes sociology and/or politics plays into it).

So, the bottom line = an English speaker and a German speaker would not understand each other if they understand only their own respective languages. Therefore, English and German are separate languages.

Just because you autists want to feel special about knowing languages from different families/with different character sets/etc (and knowing different languages is cool, so good job), it doesn't mean that you can change the definitions of "language" and "bilingual" as they are accepted by those who study languages for a living.

come at me faggots

>> No.6067323

fukin rekt

>> No.6067347


Not that I'm surprised on here, but what does a 'real accomplishment' have to do with being bilingual?

>> No.6067362

English and Korean. I'm also not even Asian.

>> No.6067373


English and Korean for me too, anon.

Though, I'm fluent in French as well. Taking Chinese Mandarin right now. I wish I took Spanish when I was younger, though. French is just not my language anymore.

>> No.6067434

i want OP to leave

>> No.6067513

how many languages do you speak?
what about people that speak 3 languages?

>> No.6067693

Daily reminder that shitposting plebs don't understand the difference between natural language and orthography.

>> No.6067719

>taking classes
Pick one.

>> No.6068085

d-does latin count

>> No.6070076


>> No.6070490

italian+croatian+english+latin(2 year course)=??

>> No.6070503

ITT: Fags who only know English trying to feel less inferior to Euro bilinguals

>> No.6071310

I know english, french, chinese, korean, and arabic and even though I feel like shit I don't give a flying fuck how you feel.

>> No.6071320

>English + German => NOT BILINGUAL

Let me guess, if you know latin you're a trilingual?

You fucking nog.

>> No.6072058

공부한지 얼마나 됐어?

>> No.6072568

Would anyone like to explain the benefits of studying Korean or Japanese over German except for looking like a special snowflake?

>> No.6072580
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ITT: OP's special snowflake status gets REKD

>> No.6072587
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>> No.6072631
File: 109 KB, 1527x1543, indoEuropeanTree.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your not bilingual if you speak Indo-European language, because it's all the same.

Finnish masterrace reporting.

>> No.6072639
File: 176 KB, 1200x926, suamenkieli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also OP, is fucking childish, thinking that language with weird characters makes it somehow speacial/hard to learn/different.
Pic related

>> No.6072651
File: 490 KB, 449x401, laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't speak a language with less than a million fluent speakers

>> No.6072655

Kokko, kokoo koko koko kokko

>> No.6072659

what the fuck finland?

also OP is a faggot

>> No.6072675

That's retaded, but since I can speak my native language and also English and the Japanese you seem to revere so much, you damn weeaboo, then I guess I'm bilingual even by your stupid standard.

>> No.6072702

i speak also Sardinian Gallurese Sassarese, :D

>> No.6072744
File: 300 KB, 486x600, superheroes-greg-guillemin-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /lit/ usually this retarded or is it just OP?

>> No.6072759

Outside of Chinese and Japan you can learn alphabets in a day, what kind of criteria is scripts?

>> No.6072762


>> No.6072815

>I invented my own idiotic definition of a word that is illogical and at odds with reality! Worship me!
OP barely speaks one language.