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/lit/ - Literature

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6058566 No.6058566 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Great books you never see /lit/ discuss or even mention

>> No.6058597

Explain why you think it is a great book.

I'm not going to just take your word for it.

Why is it worth my time?

>> No.6058616


>> No.6058620

Anything by Richard Brautigan

>> No.6058627

>not sure if brandnew or just shitposting

>> No.6058631

I had to read it for an American Lit class so anything I say is probably just accidentally parroting my what my prof. said about it, but it's basically centered on a handful of interesting characters in New York in the late 19th century dealing with the cultural changes going on.
I thought it did a good job of solidifying a lot of vague ideas about the U.S. and modernity by making them forces that intrude into these characters' lives.

>> No.6058704

Craven House

>> No.6058730
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i've never seen this mentioned. then again, even i haven't mentioned it and it's one of my favorite books.

>> No.6058735

The Nun, Denis Diderot ....

You all would love it

>> No.6058749

Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe.

It's a short play, but still.

>> No.6058767

Speaking of plays, motherfucking Ibsen

>> No.6058773

i see this discussed surprisingly often actually

it's super gr8 tho

>> No.6058817
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Can Canada has literary credibility? Pic Related.

What about Typee by Herman Melville that's a fun one. Sleepless Nights by Elizabeth Hardwick was good. Bohumil Hrabal doesn't get mentioned very much. I really liked Tree of Smoke by Denis Johnson but it seems like most people stop after Jesus' Son or Train Dreams. Also liked The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver but there is only so much mockery I can take in one day so nvm, I have only ever received scorn for this book.

>> No.6058896

The Poisonwood Bible is a fantastic fucking book by a solid fucking writer. These fuckers just hate on it because there's no male leads, because, you know, inwardly they're gay faggots

>> No.6058906

That's also too funny because I mention Too Loud a Solitude all the time. You know what book you might love, if you like Too Loud, All the Names by Saramago. You should definitely check it out.

>> No.6058920

Another book, novella really, that is sort of along the lines Too Loud is Taratuta by Jose Donoso. It comes as a companion piece wit Still Life with Pipe by the same author. This dude's south american but he has a continental slant to his works. Saramago is Portuguese, I think.

>> No.6058932

I have no desire to heap mockery on you so I will respectfully say that I did not like The English Patient or Pigs in Heaven, the only Kingsolver book I've read.

>> No.6058964
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thank you anons
my uni library has those books too thanks for the recs

>> No.6058969

I've posted these before in threads like this but I am always surprised at the lack of discussion on /lit/ for Saul Bellow, Tayeb Salih, and the Popol Vuh.

>> No.6059204

>popol vuh
>those damn kids playing football, I hope they get taken to the underworld and beheaded
Seems like more of /lit/ should like it, esp with the penchant for ancient stories.
I think you, me, and one other anon constitute the entire /lit/ Bellow fan club, so I'll check out Salih if I remember out of solidarity.

>> No.6059501
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Actual substantive posting, even shit-posting, seems to get thinner by the day.

What happened to this board?


>muh Hero-Twins

>> No.6059518
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>> No.6059584

I, Claudius
Darkness At Noon

>> No.6059604

Time's Arrow by Martin Amis. anything else like that?

>> No.6059611

>"Time’s Arrow" is the 126th and 127th episodes overall and 26th episode of the fifth season and first episode of the sixth season of the science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation

>> No.6059639


>The Last World by Ransmayr
>Shake Hands With The Devil by Dallaire
>Great Solo For Anton by Rosendorfer
>The Bone Man by Haas (there are more books set in this "universe", not many translated)
>Wilson's The Outsider
>Reitman's Inside Scientology
>Eagleton's Reason, Faith, and Revolution: Reflections on the God Debate
>Womack's Random Acts of Senseless Violence
>Buzzatti's The Tartar Steppe
>Packer's The Unwinding
>Rajaniemi's The Quantum Thief
>Zelazny's Lord Of Light
>Hoffman's The Man Who Loved Only Numbers
>Thompson's Pop. 1280
>Xialong's Death of a Red Heroine
>Mann's Loyal Subject


>> No.6059664


I made a thread about Colin Wilson's The Outsider. It's a pretty good book if not a touch dated.

>> No.6059667
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>> No.6059677

That's true, his specific theme of the guy standing outside of society has been done to death since then with the counter-culture etc.... but it's still a great read and good fodder for the to-read list

>> No.6059687


>title is in all caps
>cheesy sky background
>pretentious hamlet quote

I've LITERALLY never even heard of this book. You can tell it's shit by its cover m8

>> No.6059691

Haven't seen it discussed on lit yet but I enjoyed Scented Gardens for the Blind by Janet Frame.

One fatal flaw in The Poisonwood Bible
is that no evangelical baptist (especially in the 60's) would teach apocryphal stories like Susanna
or anything biblical that is not in the KJV.
Some justification for the mockery I guess.

>> No.6059693

What's up with the mediocre b8 m8

>> No.6059784
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Best book ever. I'm not even joking.

>> No.6061191
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>> No.6061196
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people will occasionally mention the Zhuangzi, but never post the only decent translation

>> No.6062635
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I've never seen Anatole France discussed here much at all.