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/lit/ - Literature

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6057436 No.6057436 [Reply] [Original]

Didnt see anything in the catalog, so goodreads thread!

>Favorite reviewer?

>Annoying reviews

>Best groups

>etc etc

Get in here!

>> No.6057455


>> No.6057456

a friend recently sent me a review were a white lady said The Help was more insightful about race relations than [the book reviewed, which was by a black author]
it was the most liked review of the book

>> No.6057464

>reading genre fiction/YA

a-at least they're reading, r-right?

>> No.6057479

You know, the race of the author is pretty much irrelevant.

>> No.6057483

average rating is a 2.88. that's good right guys?

>> No.6059762


Post your pleb accounts.
>scifi and fantasy
>popular classics
>60% anglo authors

>> No.6059767

I fucking hate his reviews

>> No.6059769

Also me

>> No.6060791

>puts rand as "to avoid"
>Also to avoid Alain de Botton
>Rated my favourite cape-shit poorly
>Watchmen 5 star but Ellis/Morrison stuff 3/2 stars

Then I look at a review.
'Kill Your Boyfriend' came out a year before Columbine. The eponymous Columbine. The tragic and fearful Columbine.........................

I am proud of a 3.08

>> No.6060807

>rating books

I proudly avoid the rating system on there.

>> No.6060811

Me too, except for when he reviews books he likes.

>> No.6060817

How could he possibly misunderstand Zinn that badly?

>> No.6060821

>about me
>I am a critic--which is to say I am in possession of a poetic licence to kill.

this is next level cringe

>> No.6060838
File: 179 KB, 1245x623, Matthew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These photos.

I would like to complain about this man

>Theosophy, like every other religion, is complete BS.

>> No.6060859


he actually fucking gives books stars other than 5.

do people actually rate books based on a fucking 5 star system? White Noise is 3 stars in his view. Just give everything you liked 5 stars, why the fuck would he read so many books but only enjoy them enough to give them 3 stars on a review website, you know the entire time he reads his mind is focused on how to shit-talk the book later to look smart

>> No.6060872


what I've been reading this year. just made an account, add me bookfriends

>> No.6060906

When I feel masochistic I read his Book of the New Sun review.
Also by reading it you can learn how not to write reviews.

>> No.6060918

>actually finishing a book you deem to be worthy of 1-2 stars
Why would you bother finishing a book if you think its shit? I suppose some people care more for a 'balanced' goodreads rating profile and their read books count more than the actual books.

>> No.6060925
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Someone post that 'The Stranger' review, I need a good chuckle.

>> No.6060926

Lots of books I rated 2 stars I don't think are shit. Plenty of them have very good ideas that just don't work at all, or fascinating characters amid a pile of other bad stuff.

1 star books are usually such trainwrecks that I'll finish them out of morbid curiosity.

But usually if I hate something 50 pages in I'll just abandon it and not put it on Goodreads at all. I didn't read it; I tried it and gave up.

>> No.6060954
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>1 star books are usually such trainwrecks that I'll finish them out of morbid curiosity.
/co/ has 'Storytime of Pain' where we get to gether and read something that hurts to finish.

>do people actually rate books based on a fucking 5 star system?

I use how much I enjoyed things in the hope of better suggestions. GR has a suggested didnotlike/ok/like/reallylike/amazing

>> No.6060998
File: 32 KB, 615x456, 1359913876293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so you're one of those people who rates everything 5 stars or 1 star? Get hit by a bus, faggot. I hate that shit.

>> No.6061014


I don't review books I thought were bad because people want valuable insight from other people who liked the book not some contrarian hipster with scabies on his butthole who wants to look smart

>> No.6061030

So you're going to let people read shitty books by eliminating criticism? Gosh, anti-hipsters have become so contrarian that they're unwilling to dislike things in case it makes them look 'edgy'.

>> No.6061084


nah, people are just more interesting when they can focus and provide insight on what they liked about any given book rather than poorly articulate their specific criticisms

>> No.6061107

the stars crap is the least worthwhile part of the site. I rate stuff but I don't spend any time thinking about how much sense my ratings make. Even a decent two-sentence review is a thousand times more useful than a star rating.

>> No.6061130
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Suggestion from those I trust are worth more than some average rating, but they are something I eep in mind when a book catches my eye.