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6056834 No.6056834 [Reply] [Original]

At some points it seems like Ahab superstitiously believes in omen and fate, and yet other times he seems to claim to buck the Fates.

Anyway, just finished Moby Dick, and it was one of the best things I've ever read. Why does nobody talk about anything else Melville has written?

>> No.6056908

personally working my way through each heralded writer's major works, i ve also read billy budd from melville which is also excellent, probably the first novel ever written regarding the rage of a closet homosexual kek. i ll make my way back to melville's oeuvre eventually.
his beliefs are heretical: faith in the prophecy of fedallah the zoroastrian, and fulfillment of revenge upon God. he believes he essentially can't die on his quest for revenge, since the death Fedallah predicted would be impossible to come by while whaling and therefore will go to any extreme, further daming his soul in order to become 'prophet and fulfiller'.

>> No.6057537

He lashes out against the the world, but he fully accepts the fates that guide things. He is the tragic hero.