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/lit/ - Literature

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6053784 No.6053784 [Reply] [Original]

Last Book
Present Book
Next Book

For Whom the Bell Tolls
Paradise Lost

Just finished For Whom(awesome), a chapter into Paradise

>> No.6053789

Crime and Punishment
I don't know yet

Lolita was alright, actually preferred the second half to the first. C&P is really great so far though, enjoying it.

>> No.6054394

Was For Whom The Bell Tolls good?

>Last Book
>Present Book
Inherent Vice
>Next Book
Either Light in August or A Farewell to Arms or The Crossing. I can't decide.

>> No.6054401

>Last booK

>Current book
A Clockwork Orange

>Next book

>> No.6054405

The Lathe of Heaven
Brave New World
Beckett's Three Novels

I'm re-reading BNW, read it years ago and didn't think much of it but I thought I'd give it another go. The Three Novels I've had for ages and been about 100 pages in, but it's time to give it the attention it deserves.

I've also got Jon Ronson's Psychopath Test on the go for some lighter reading. Not really /lit/ I know, but it's so bloody readable.

And Will Self loves it...

>> No.6054414

The shadow over Innsmouth

The Time Mashine

probably Of mice and men

>> No.6054420
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>Last Book
Wittgenstein's Mistress
>Current Book
>Next Book
Uhh, either The Sun Also Rises or Death and the Dervish or The Tanners. Haven't decided yet.

>> No.6054454

>Last Book
American Gods
>Present Book
Anansi Boys
>Next Book
Against the Day

>> No.6054488

>last book
The Empire of fashion
>current book
War and peace
>next book
Fausto II

>> No.6054507

>last book
The Red and the Black
>current book
The Rings of Saturn
>next book
Laughing Monsters

>> No.6054517

Life A User's Manual - Perec
Glory - Nabokov
idk prob non-fiction

>> No.6054521

> last
the god that failed
> present
Infinite Jest
> next
Crime and Punishment (or Wuthering Heights, not sure yet)

>> No.6054522

Capote by Gerald Clarke
Complete Works of Oscar Wilde
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers

>> No.6054601

This is the ultimate circlejerk and proof that the majority of /lit/ reads not for the sake of reading but as a form of tangible internet cred, a bit like pseudo-intellectual XP points. Anyway, I'll post anyway because I'm a useless sap:

The Polyglots by William Gerhardie
Dhalgren by Samuel R. Delaney (though I'm probably going to drop it soon because I don't like to be dragged through pools of shit for the occasional gem (why am I here?))
Either: The Cannibal by John Hawkes, or A Frolic of His Own by William Gaddis

>> No.6054605


how was witty's mistress? Been thinking about picking that up, but I haven't heard any personal thoughts on it so I've yet to do so

>> No.6054816


I don't think it's a circlejerk, it's just interesting to see what people are actually reading.

It's also good just remind yourself of certain titles.

>> No.6054866

>Last Book
The Luminaries

>Present Book
Master & Commander

>Next Book

>> No.6054975


How was the Luminaries? I read Stoner last year and would really not recommend it, it's certainly emotional but there's nothing standout about it.

>> No.6054981

Which form of tangible Internet cred?
>the Empire of fashion
How many XP can you get with this one?

>> No.6054993

Meditations On First Philosophy
Star Maker
Ethics (Spinoza)

>> No.6054996

Byzantium: The Early Years
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Not sure, between Arsene Lupin and Quo Vadis for now

>> No.6055001

(Not OP) I'm not a big fan; it's raw and well written but struggled to hold my interest like some of Hemingway's other works have.

>> No.6055006

The old man and the sea
The Prince

>> No.6055008

>last book
The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin
>present book
>next book
A People's History of the World (Chris Harman)

C&P was my first "serious" book when I was young, and it still holds a dear place in my heart. It really showed me what storytelling could be. How far into it are you?

>> No.6055009

>Last Book
Dream Story
>Present Book
The scarlet and the black
>Next Book
Dunno yet

>> No.6055018

>last book
Richard Yates (I typed, with a neutral facial expression)
>present book
Into the Woods (pulpy Dublin noir, written by a woman and surprisingly great so far)
>next book
If Into the Woods winds up being good, then the next one in the series. If not, I'll read All the Pretty Horses.

>> No.6055026

>Last Book
Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf

>Present Book
Brighton Rock - Graham Greene

>Next Book
Beckett's trilogy probably

>> No.6055039

Old man and the Sea
The picture of Dorian Gray + Faserland
Der Tod in Venedig

I'm really sad there are so few German literates on this board.

>> No.6055042

In Stahlgewittern/Storm of Steel
I, Robot
A Brief History of Time

>> No.6055052

>read books because books are fucking awesome
>post about it on the internet
>pseudo-intellectual online shithead

Someone's got a superiority complex.

>> No.6055056

Rameau's Nephew/D'Alembert's Dream
Probably something by Stephen Zweig

>> No.6055061

Infinite Jest
Something short!

>> No.6055071

Was? Neger, es liest doch niemand was except from the Germans Die tun nur auf Amerikaner weil die gerne selber welche wären. Wir alle leben, nämlich, in Amerika.

>> No.6055078

Last: american psycho, BEE
Present: transparent things, Nabokov
Next: damned, palahniuk

Opinions on transparent things? So far I'm giving it a 2/5 and I'm three quarters through the book.

>> No.6055099

As I lay dying

>> No.6055115

Es gibt auf keinem Board prozentual so viele Deutsche wie hier.
Warum vergewaltigst du unsere Sprache?

>> No.6055118


Hey I'm the poster here

Do you find problems with Nabokov's style or is it something specific about this novel you dislike?

>> No.6055124

Norwegian Wood
House of Leaves

>> No.6055139

You sound like my gf. She just refuses to believe I enjoy reading these books and thinks I'm being pretentious to show off to some imaginary person.

>> No.6055141

Last: The City & the City by China Mieville
Current: The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe
Next: The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick

I don't think this is true, I like these threads when they're not too common. Gives you a cross section of what /lit/ is interested in and reminds you or informs you of some interesting books you haven't read yet.

>> No.6055145
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Augustine's Confessions

>> No.6055157

>Was For Whom The Bell Tolls good?
Yes. I normally hate Hemingway(Muh Dick also Rises), but the prose, plot, and Roberto Jordan were incredible 9/10

>> No.6055159

This being the first book of his that I have read I can't compare to others. I find myself confused as to what is happening a lot of the time and I can't get to grips with the characters and find they are forgettable. Also the tense changing I find hard to follow. Maybe this is because I have only recently started reading properly. How are you finding it?

>> No.6055182

A confederacy of dunces

In evil hour

Crime and punishment

>> No.6055190

Not the guy you're talking to, but just out of curiosity, why did you choose that Nabokov book? I've read and loved four books of his but I hadn't even heard of Transparent Things until you mentioned it.

I think most would recommend starting with Lolita or Pnin but maybe this is enough for you to decide Nabokov isn't for you, which is fine!

>> No.6055225

The Fugitive - Proust, Medea - Euripides, Sappho, Tropic of Cancer or... Not quite sure.

>> No.6055233

I found it in a second hand shop and just thought I'd give it a go.

>> No.6055235

The Tempest
Moby Dick

Tempest was a pleasant short read. Moby Dick is far better than I thought it would be, so now I must read more Melville.

>> No.6055236

>Last Book
The Road - Cormac McCarthy

>Present Book
Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said - Philip K. Dick

>Next Book
A Farewell To Arms - Ernest Hemingway

>> No.6055241

Child of the God
The Odyssey
Last of the Mohicans

>> No.6055248

Fair. Wish I had read it so I could say more, but in general I've not found Nabokov to be difficult or obscure with what he's trying to say, actually pretty direct for how eloquent it is.

>> No.6055292

Last book: enders game series
Current book: dark tower series
Next book:breakfast of Champions

>> No.6055314

This is trolling, right?

>> No.6055332

At first I hated it because it was just a woman rambling in (what I at first perceived as) simplistic stream of consciousness and misremembering everything. But I stuck with it and started to appreciate it once I began to understand what it was going for. It wasn't a very enjoyable read from an excitement or 'page-turning' stance, but I really love it after finishing and letting it roll around in my head a bit. Definitely recommended, although you might need to power through some parts.

>> No.6055411

I had somebody see my dorm room book collection and assume I was trying to impress people. It never occurred to him that I cared much more about books than people.

>> No.6055423

Last: The Trial
Current: Blood Meme
Next: probably A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.6055428

I'm afraid of giving people that impression, but I hope that perhaps a visitor will have read one of them, it would be a nice talking point.
Really it's for my convenience and accessibility since nobody visits my dorm anyway.

>> No.6055454

Last book: If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
Current book: The Moons of Jupiter
Next book: Walden

>> No.6055511

I always thought of people seeing my book collection more along the lines of "yes, I know I'm a weird nerdy bookworm but that is who I am." The thought of impressing people never even entered my mind.

>> No.6055536


>Last Book
The Elementary Particles
>Present Book
>Next Book
Tropic of Cancer

>> No.6055588

>Last Book
The Stranger
>Present Book
Anna Karenina
>Next Book
Os Maias by Eça de Queirós

>> No.6055677

last. barth sot weed factor
current. dickens david copperfield
next. not sure. bleak house maybe

>> No.6056472


>> No.6056484


>Last Book
The Crying of Lot 49
>Present Book
Fight Club
>Next Book
New Testament KJV

>> No.6056506


>Last Book
Genesis if it counts, if not then Don Quixote
>Present Book
The grapes of wrath
>Next Book
Exodus, if it counts, if not The Mysterious Stranger, Twain

>> No.6056514

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.6056516

How'd you like apotaaaym

>> No.6056529

Ticklish Subject (Zizek)
Fourth Political Theory (Dugin)
Sein und Zeit (already read a few times want to go at it again)

>> No.6056559

Scarlet and Black
Maybe something by Dostoevsky, or I might go back to Plato, Cicero, or Strauss.

>> No.6056596
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how to read a book
how to think straight about psychology
how to take over the world

>> No.6056725

Blood meridian
Infinite Jest
The Magic Mountain

I'm not even memeing it just worked out that way

>> No.6056733

L:The Confusions of Young Törless(reread)
C:The Red and the Black/Meditations/Catch-22 audiobook for English practice
N:Nuremberg Diary

>> No.6056737


Perfume (good, but not in a literary way. Enjoyable read, really nice ending, but 2 dimensional characters/everything else)

Beloved (almost done with this, it's pretty great actually)

Either Catch-22 or Brothers Karamazov
I'm trying to catch up on books other people read when they were in high school

>> No.6056748

The Idiot
The Master & Margarita
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.6056753

History and Class Consciousness
Dialectic of Enlightenment
Underworld? Anti-Oedipus?

>> No.6056852

The Things They Carried

The King in Yellow

The Plague

>> No.6056953

Last. Metro2033
Current. Blood of Ambrose
Next. This Crooked Way

>> No.6058116

Sorrows of Young Werther

The Necronomican

The Bible

>> No.6058190

A Feast for Crows (shut up)
August 1914
Taking suggestions

>> No.6058193

Toni Morrison is great. Tar Baby you would like. Oh, superb opening line, "124 was spiteful."

>> No.6058200

Lol, The Sot Weed Factor; I still laugh when somebody mentions that book

>> No.6058214

I guess my next book will be House of Leaves. I have it right next to me; I stole it from a friend. I'm not giving it back if I like it.

>> No.6058245

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
The Republic
Probably something else by Plato. I'm trying to delve into philosophy, specifically I'm trying to work my way towards a decent knowledge of metaphysics and prominent philosophers up until about the 20th century.

>> No.6058247

Death and the Dervish
Infinite Jest

>> No.6058249

im reading book of blood by clive barker gimme a suggestion for another horror book i can read

>> No.6058259

House of Leaves is pretty good. It was the one time I'd say that Danielewski's "woah look how weird my formatting is!" gimmick worked.

>> No.6058271

Hegel, A Very Short Introduction
Introduction to Systems Theory
Child of God

>> No.6058309

I am Legend
The Ocean at the End of the Lane
The Gunslinger

Really enjoyed I am Legend and End of the Lane has been good so far too.

>> No.6058361

Blood Meridian
White Teeth

>> No.6058379


Oh, Sup.

William Tell (Schiller, technically a play)
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Fear and Trembling

I'm jumping around a bit but fuck you i'll do what I want.

>> No.6058418

The Big Misadventure of Kurtz and the fellows - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgDF2xfcbv8

Rayuela - Cortazar Maga is mai waifu

Запиcки из подполья - Доcтоевcкий

>tfw able to fully understand English/Spanish/Russian

feels good man

All I have to do now is learn French, German and Japanese so I can watch my chineese cartoons :3

>> No.6058422

Girl with all the gifts
Haunted (or invisible monsters, can't decide lol)

>> No.6058429

How was Girl with all the gifts? I have it on my nook but haven't read it yet.

>> No.6058442

The Loop

>> No.6058448


>Brave New World (just wanted to see what the hype was about. I was disappointed.
>The Scarlet Letter

>> No.6058452

I enjoyed it. Don't expect your typical zombie story, however.

>> No.6058456


The Illuminatus Trilogy

The Infernal Desire Machines of Dr. Hoffman

>> No.6058473
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I read Haunted 2 books ago, colossal waste of time and energy. Around three out of the twenty-four short stories were actually thought provoking. Most were just shock value, the best short story in the book was the first story told chronologically, it all goes downhill from there. It can be found online here


>> No.6058477

The End of Faith
The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.6058486

It's not as good as Farewell to Arms but still a pretty damn good book.

For Whom the Bell Tolls
The Big Sleep
A Clockwork Orange

>> No.6058489

Thanks, I'll read just that story and go with invisible monsters then. Have you read invisible monsters? I have the remix version.

>> No.6058519

infinite jest
invisible cities

>> No.6058522

well, at least you're readin calvino

>> No.6058535

Last Book:
The Omen Machine (Fucking terrible fantasy, holyshithowisheabestsellertier)
Current Book:
Handling Sin
Next Book:
Words of Radiance (Hopefully)

After that I hope to get into some more dense material. Crime and Punishment maybe?

>> No.6058551

hey man catch-22 was comedic genius. such a wonderful take on war! Infinite Jest is really gripping me right now. I'm only about halfway through but I really like it so far. Maybe a bit over hyped but its fucking good! And yeah a friend recommended me Invisible Cities. i've read if on a winters night a traveler so i'm excited to read this.

>> No.6058555

Crime and Punishment is great and even more accessible than its relative length would attest

>> No.6058561

Paradise Lost
Pale Fire
The Pale King

Pale Fire is nice so far, and Paradise was amazing.

>> No.6058613

>last book
The Old Man and the Sea
>current book
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
>next book
Red Mars