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6048504 No.6048504 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me /lit/,

How do I lead a communist life in the 21st century?

>> No.6048514

Put on a fedora, refuse to get a job, and corner your mother when she's in the kitchen for hour long rants about how evil capitalism is.

>> No.6048519

that`s the big question the left should ask itself instead of mindlessly occupying streets and parks.

>> No.6048604

Get a job.
Join the union.
Murder your boss.

>> No.6048618

>Move to Portland
>Give a taxi driver $40 and tell him to take you that far in any direction
>Walk around farmland until you find a dirty roadside hippie selling you 100% vegan lotion made out of the refined menstrual blood of a dairy cow
>Tell him how much you love smoking doobies
>Infiltrate commune
>Spend 80 hours a week pouring menstrual blood through a cheesecloth
>Enjoy your life being "totally free from The Man, maaan"

>> No.6048627

Communism isnt a lifestyle

>> No.6048637

You can't, really.

>> No.6048643

-Study study study
-Join an org

>> No.6048651

Join ISIS, closest thing to a revolutionary movement at the moment.

>> No.6048918

You forget communism like sane person

>> No.6048926
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The reactionary life is 1000% better

>> No.6048934

You move into the cheapest possible place you can find, work 24/7 and give all the money away you don't need for your survival. You also stop reading because the intellectual was seen as nothing more than a necessary evil of the bourgoise, that was needed but not to be embraced.

>> No.6048946
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Pic related.
Also, being a communist is not a lifestyle, but either a party membership or a state of mind.

>> No.6049236

ISIS is theocratic fascist! It's not revolutionary, it's counterrevolutionary and reactionary. Were the Nazis also "revolutionary"?

>who defeated them?

who is fighting ISIS most effectively?
>Iraqi Communist Party

>> No.6049245

>iraqi communkst party fights ISIS most effectively
Unless they're just another iranian proxy, that would be pretty nice, fill me in?

>> No.6049270

that quote has no real substance

>> No.6049296

You realize that social democracy is the farthest left you can go and still have a practical political philosophy.

>> No.6049307

Social democracy is utopian nonsense in the present climate.

>> No.6049316

>implying communism isn't utopian nonsense

>> No.6049347


>> No.6049376

i think he's talking about the Kurdish PKK.

>> No.6049592

Oh, ok. The YPG ksn't simply identical with the PKK though, and even those guys have long stopped being about Stalin-worship. But yeah, they're leftist, and the mlst sane they've ever been, so, beji kurdistan y'all.

>> No.6049609

Go live in North Korea which ain't half as bad as they say it is or Cuba, which is much worse than they say it is. Out of the two NK is would be the better option, except for the minor detail that they absolutely detest foreigners, with a vehement passion. Cuba however is much more friendly at least at first sight but they're subject to the usual undercurrent of violence prevalent in South American culture, the prospect of getting murdered there is quite high.

>> No.6049616

Stalin would have killed you, so just kill yourself.

>> No.6049651

>Go live in North Korea which ain't half as bad as they say it is

Pretty sure it is.

>> No.6049714

Pretty sure it's actually worse.

>> No.6049720

Also Juche=/=communism.

Might as well move to Argentina.

>> No.6049739

You can't. You are already an egoistic trash.

>> No.6049744

>Were the Nazis also "revolutionary"?
Yes. Haven't you read any Frankfurt School? They were the pinacle of the Enlightenment.

>> No.6049760

You don't, that's the thing about communism, unlike social democrats or eco-anarchists we realise that you can't live rightly in a unrighteous system.

Therefore, live as normal but join your local communist organisation. The most important stage right now is to educate and organize, teach the working class who really is to blame. Don't talk directly about revolution, social justice or multiculturalism. but about the system that is relocating their jobs outside the country, the elite that is mismanaging their taxes ect.

We won't live to see the revolution, but if the working class realize their position as the proletariat, our kids might. A vanguard is meaningless if there's no one who will follow it.

>> No.6051042

>A vanguard is meaningless

Let me stop you right there. Even in Lenin the vanguard of the class itself was identified as an organic and integral feature of the class, that stratum of the class moving more rapidly towards their self-comprehension and the formation of their own political power.

Lenin's conception of a vanguard party varies between the extreme pessimism of "What is to be done?" where the party will be entirely comprised of bourgeois intellectuals, through to the lies, lies of hope, of "State and Revolution" where he realises that any revolutionary party will be composed of and be within the class itself.

Shame the Bolsheviks were never that party.

Except for the Moscow and St. Petersburg workplace committee members.

And guess who got bound most strongly to the line devised by bourgeois intellectuals…have a guess.

>educate and organise
Both of which occur in social struggle. And the class is already in struggle, politically, against the police state and for union rights.

>We won't live to see the revolution
You won't with that attitude. Get a job. Join the union.

>> No.6052624

post on /lit/