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6047731 No.6047731 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6047997

7th Grade: Hatchet, The Giver
8th Grade: Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, Animal Farm, Anthem, Julius Caesar, Inherit The Wind
9th Grade: The Odyssey, Oedipus, Siddhartha, The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Book of Job, J.B., Beowulf, Crime and Punishment (outside reading), Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (outside reading)
10th Grade: Frankenstein, King Lear, Death of a Salesman, Persepolis
11th Grade: Song of Solomon, The Scarlet Letter, Their Eyes were Watching God, Huck Finn, The Great Gatsby, Maus (Books 1 and 2), The Catcher In The Rye
12th Grade: One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Pride & Prejudice, The Metamorphosis, Slaughterhouse V, Hamlet, Let The Great World Spin

Probably leaving out a few here and there, mostly the ones before 10th grade.

>> No.6048018

9th: Romeo and Juliet, Animal Farm, dun remember the rest.
10th: Julius Caesar, A Study in Scarlet and The Sign of Four, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, dun remember the rest
11th: East of Eden, Great Gatsby, The Crucible, Nickel and Dimed (one of a set of social journalism type works), maybe a couple more
12th: Beowulf, Sir Gawain, Hamlet, The Rape of the Lock, Frankenstein, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, independent reading final (mine was Ulysses)

wow my memory has gone to shit

>> No.6048046

nigga high school was almost ten years ago, I was reading a shit ton inside and outside of curricula, how am I supposed to remember all the titles?

>> No.6048054

Really can't remember most of them. We had Moliere's L'Avares, Metamorphosis, The Great Gatsby, On Liberty(mill), The Lord of the Flies, L'etranger, The Sailor rejected by the sea, Maupassant's stories, Kamouraska(hebert), Benthams something or rather, Macbeth, A midsummer night's dream, Romeo and Juliet, THe handmaid's tale, Walden Pond, Plato's Republic, a bunch of Racine and Flaubert, tbh I can't remember any of this shit anymore

>> No.6048070

What I remember:

a tale of two cities, 2001 a space odyssey, the good earth, the great gatsby, animal farm, the art of war, much ado about nothing, a separate peace, siddhartha, the odyssey, lord of the flies, death of a salesman, the scarlet letter, their eyes were watching god, a rasin in the sun, slaughterhouse five, of mice and men, the catholic bible

>> No.6048127

9th: Homer's Odyssey, Romeo & Juliet, The Catcher in the Rye, Great Expectations
10th: Lord of the Flies, Frankenstein, 1984, A Room With a View, The Merchant of Venice, Pride & Prejudice
11th: Huckleberry Finn, The Great Gatsby, The Jungle
12th: Crime & Punishment, Oedipus, Macbeth, The Color Purple, The Man With the Golden Arm

Only ones I could remember

>> No.6048148
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I didn't read shit because I was a dumb stoner and I was too short sighted to think that mabye I should nurture my developing mind. Nah I read the catcher in the rye.

>> No.6048209

The Cay
Lord of the Flies
The Outsiders
Go Ask Alice
Z for Zachariah

That's all I remember now.

>> No.6048289

The Old Man and the Sea
Romeo and Juliet
Julius Caesar
Fahrenheit 451
Freak the Mighty
The Watsons go to Birmingham
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Crucible
Also a ton of short stories.

There were probably a few more I've forgotten, as looking over what others have posted reminded me of several.

Its been a long time since I was in high school.

>> No.6048297
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>tfw no other ausfags

>> No.6048447
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>Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The fuck kind of literature class teaches HHGTTG? I wish our curriculum had that...

Anyways, off the top of my head we read
>Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
>1984 (more than once I think)
>Brave New World
>Fahrenheit 451
>Catcher in the Rye
>Heart of Darkness
>portions of Moby Dick
>Flowers for Algernon
>Animal Farm
>Of Mice and Men
>Great Gatsby
>Huckleberry Finn
>Grapes of Wrath
>To Kill A Mockingbird
>Romeo & Juliet
>sections of The Odyssey
>The Road

Surprised I remember all that.

That was basically all the good stuff. There were LOTS of cultural awareness books. It never ended. So many books about poor African refugees and oppressed Arabic girls. It killed me inside. They weren't inherently bad, but I think shoveling those down our throats made us collectively more racist.

>> No.6048493

I envy all of you

All I can remember reading in high school was Shakespeare, Beloved and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime

>> No.6048523

Holy fuck shit TCIOtDITN was awful. Aw. Ful.

>> No.6048536

Middle school: some Lem fragments, Squadron 303, Romeo and Juliet, Hobbit, one Witcher book, The Knights of the Cross by Sienkiewicz, The Miser, Little Prince, Labors of Sisyphus by Żeromski

High school: one book about mythology, Illiad and Odyssey (fragments), Oedipus Rex, Antigone, The Song of Roland(fragments), Romance of Tristan and Iseult, a lot of stuff from Bible, Macbeth, Tartuffe, Pan Tadeusz, Dziady, Kordian, The Deluge, The Doll, The Sorrows of Young Werther, Ferdydurke, The Wedding, Heart of Darkness, Crime and Punishment, Przedwiośnie and Ludzie bezdomni by Żeromski, A World Apart: The Journal of a Gulag Survivor, Short stories by Borowski

>> No.6048562

Finished HS in '87 - but read the book when it was released.
>remember the media blowing up about xtc/drugs etc., and Dr. Karl came out and explained what water intoxification was.

>> No.6048577
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Tbh I dreaded literature class.

>> No.6048581
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Ah crap wrong pic again.

>> No.6048597

09th Grade: Lord of the Flies, bits of The Odyssey, Romeo and Juliet + some sonnets, A Separate Piece, I used "On the Genealogy of Morals" for my final research paper because I was already a pseud, lel

10th Grade: To Kill a Mockingbird, Night, The Crucible, Of Mice and Men

11th Grade: Beowulf, some of the Canterbury Tales, Animal Farm, Clockwork Orange (picked to do a project for), Thus Spoke Zarathustra (We had to do a project on some piece of British Literature, but we had a substitute for like 3 months because the teacher gave birth so she really didn't give a fuck), Macbeth

12th Grade: The Prince(AP Euro), Art of Racing in the Rain (didn't read lol), The Girl who Loved Tom Gordon, The Glass Castle and Othello

>> No.6048607
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The Outsiders
The Legend of Tarik
Moby Dick
Crime and Punishment
Shakespeare's more famous stuff
Sophocles plays eg Antigone, Oedipus Rex
Great Expectations
The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men
The Stone Angel
The Grass Harp
The Sun Also Rises
The Great Gatsby
The Hobbit or LOTR I can't remember
Watership Down
Handmaiden's Tale
A Canticle For Leibowitz
The Catcher in the Rye
The Lord of the Flies
Heart of Darkness, Youth
120 Days of Sodom haha jk

lots of depressing and tbh unremarkable short fiction
lots of canadian stuff about prairies or french people or the atlantic that didn't really resonate for bc kids
very little non fiction unless it was in the form of textbooks or short handouts

>> No.6048611

THeir eyes were watching god
THe outsider
Of Mice and Men
Hamlet/Macbeth/ROmeo and Juliet
Heart of Darkness
Sylvia PLath selected poetry
In cold blood and breakfast at tiffany's
Portrait of the artist as a young man
extremely loud and incredibly close
Collected works of Adrienne Rich
>4 years of high school lit

>> No.6048632

How are you guys possibly remembering the years?

Are you frantically digging though some decrepit corner of your closet for long lost high school course syllabuses? Is your memory that good?

I can't even remember who I had for English my sophmore year. Just a big fat blank.

>> No.6048636

what the fuck, guys? In my school we read two books a year at best. I started reading seriously the year I turned twenty. Fucking Swedish school system can go fuck off

>> No.6048646

I don't know about others but for us literature and english were each separate and it was two books a semester each, therefore 8 books a year and three years makes 24, though most were either short stories, novellas, or poems.

>> No.6048662

wow, we definitely didn't have that. Our literature classes were merged into our Swedish classes, so we barely had any time for that at all. What a shame

>> No.6048704

I'm likely omitting some and mixing in independent reading. Not including short stories and essays.

9th: Romeo and Juliet, To Kill a Mockingbird, Fahrenheit 451, Of Mice and Men, Animal Farm, excerpts from The Odyssey

10th: Julius Caesar, Lord of the Flies, The Great Gatsby, Candide, Night, Montana 1948, Farewell to Manzinar, As I Lay Dying (my choice for some book report)

11th: The Scarlet Letter, The Grapes of Wrath, Moby-Dick, The Crucible, The Catcher in the Rye

12th: Death of a Salesman, Raisin in the Sun, A Doll's House, Oedipus Rex, Antigone, Hamlet, Othello, The Metamorphosis, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, Beloved

>> No.6048760

I still have most of them
frères de sang
une pièce montée
la petite fille de monsieur linh
acide sulfurique
how I live now
the prince of mist
the lovely bones
lord of the flies
the french ones are probably fairly unknown but I'll post it anyway

>> No.6048837
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years are a complete guess so humor me

9th: romeo and juliet, the odyssey, to kill a mockingbird, the catcher in the rye, flowers for algernon
10th: a midsummer night's dream, lord of the flies, the grapes of wrath, fahrenheit 451, count of monte cristo, the kite runner
11th: the great gatsby, adventures of huck finn, death of a salesman, our town, the crucible, a raisin in the sun
12th: beowulf, hamlet, 1984

>Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
i'd have hated to read this in a high school class

>> No.6048843

>no the trial anywhere
wtf guys

>> No.6048862

It wasn't too bad actually. Part of the assignment was to go to a local community college showing of Hamlet + Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.

>> No.6049422
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It was a long time ago so I can't remember them all and they are consequently not in order.
City of the Beasts - Allende
The House of the Spirits - Allende
Aura - Fuentes
No One Writes to the Colonel - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The old man and the sea
The Pearl
Pedro Paramo y el llano en llamas - Juan Rulfo
Crime and Punishment
Lord of the Flies
Some parts of Don Quixote
The Physicists - Dürrenmatt
Leben des Galilei - Brecht
Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder - Brecht
Draußen vor der Tür - Borchert
La casa de Bernarda Alba - Lorca
Bodas de Sangre - Lorca
El principio del placer - Pacheco
A Personal Matter - Oe
Frankenstein (this was my personal choice for a final year essay)
The stranger
The tunel - sabato
The Reader - Schlink
Ami, el niño de las estrellas - Barrios (I still can't believe they made us read this one)

... and I can't remember the rest, but I know I'm missing some.

I absolutely hated the books they made us read for german class, only the reader was alright (I guess I liked the straight shota implied sex scenes) the physicist was a chore, the other plays by brecht were a chore to read and analyze... Maybe it's because I'm not into "germanic" theater.

>> No.6049823

No clue about the years, really.

Things I remember: from German classes
early stuff:
Häuptling Büffelkind Langspeer (something like "chieftain buffallo-son longspear", what a retarded name)
Insel der blauen Delphine (Island of the Blue Dolphins)
some Otfried Preußler stuff in elementary school

Later on we read:
Der Schimmelreiter (The Rider on the White Horse)
Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts (From the Life of a Good-for-Nothing)
Faust I
Der Besuch der alten Dame (The Visit)
Die Physiker (The Physicists)
Der zerbrochene Krug (The Broken Jug)
Der Untertan (Man of Straw/The Patrioteer/The Loyal Subject)
Der Hauptmann von Köpenick (The Captain of Köpenick)
Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum (The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum)
Die Judenbuche (The Jew's Beech)
A few short stories here and there
Götz von Berlichingen
Die Blechtrommel (The Tin Drum)
Die Leiden des jungen Werthers (The Sorrows of Young Werther), directly comparing it to The Catcher in the Rye (German version)

There's a few books I don't remember the name of, something with Machiavelli in it I think and something with some guy constantly being accused of being a jew but he wants to stand above that until it's too much and he accepts being a jew and revels in it, under the premise of a nazi-like regime hunting all jews down and in the end after he was killed it's revealed he wasn't a jew at all but was the son of someone else who was too coward to admit it. quite popular but for the life of me I can't remember the name nor the author.

Fahrenheit 451
We read more but I am in some kind of stupor right now and can't properly remember mostly short stories, I remember one Hemingway story with some kid and his father who is a doctor heading to a small island to assist in the birth of an indian child.

Cicero - De re publica
Augustus - Res gestae
Caesar: De bello gallico
Homer - Illiad
Probably some more, I slacked off towards the end and skipped the course in my second-to-last year or slept through it.

>> No.6049853

britanon here. i can't really remember many except lord of the flies, to kill a mocking bird and twelfth night

certainly weren't as many as some of you are listing here. it seems the breadth of reading is much wider in american schools. shame so many of you turn out to be such pompous shits afterwards though.

>> No.6049857


>> No.6049860
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You overestimate my memory.

Orson Scott Card: Ender's Game
William Golding: Lord of the Flies
Ian McEwan: Amsterdam
Harper Lee: To Kill a Mockingbird
JD Salinger: Catcher in the Rye
Shakespeare: Romeo & Juliet, Twelfth Night

>> No.6049877

This pretty much covers my high school assigned reading experience.
Except we read The Grapes of Wrath in 12th grade, as well as Othello and replace 1984 with Brave New World. We didn't actually read 1984 in High School.

>> No.6049895
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>To Kill A Mockingbird
>Edith Hamilton's Mythology
>Homer's THe Odyssey
>Oedipus Rex by Sophlocles
>Romeo and Juliet
>A Tale of Two Cities
>A Raisin in the Sun
>Ceremony - Leslie Marmon Silko
>Huckleberry Finn
>Wuthering Heights
>Canterbury Tales
>Julius Caesar - Shakespeare
>Old Man and the Sea
>Of Mice and Men
>Devil in the White City - Erik Larson
These two books were selected from an option of like 8 books
>The Things they Carried - O'Brien
>The Great Gatsby
>For Whom The Bell Tolls
>The Awakening
>Rosencrantz and Guildstein
>Ethan Frome
>The Importance of Being Earnest
>Blindness - Jose Saramago
>Metamorphosis - Kafka

Not a bad list overall. We had a quite a number of "race" books but they were cool enough to make it optional readings over the summer

Fucking hated The Awakening and Wuthering Heights though

>> No.6049922

> 8th Grade - The Giver, Diary of Anne Frank, Fahrenheit 451
> 9th grade - The Odyssey, To Kill A Mockingbird, Romeo and Juliette
> 10th Grade - The Great Gatsby, A Hero of Our Time, 1 other that I can't remember
> 11th Grade - The Crucible, The Scarlet Letter, The Awakening
> 12th Grade - Brave New World, The Road, Hamlet, Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.6049927

I don't remember what all grades I read them in
>The Scarlet Letter
>Romeo and Juliet
>Julius Caesar
>Animal Farm
>Ender's Game
>The Great Gatsby
>Moby Dick
>Canterbury Tales
>Lord of the Flies
>Of Mice and Men
>Grapes of Wrath
>To Kill A Mockingbird

there were probably more but fuck me if I'll remember them.
To be honest, the required reading isn't too terrible.

>> No.6049943

Lazarillo de Tormes, Don Quixote, parts of the Bible, Los Adioses, Stories of Love Madness and Death

>> No.6049958

Just remembered I read "To Kill a Mockingbird" and Edith Hamilton's "Mythology" freshman year, "Canterbury Tales" and "Dubliners" sophomore year, "Grapes of Wrath", "The Things They Carried", and "From Whom the Bell Tolls" junior year. Also had to read two other books on Chicago in senior year for Chicago Lit.

Pretty sure we live around the same area. You have "Devil in the White City" which only Chicago students would likely ever read, plus our schedule is pretty close. What was your high school, if you don't mind saying?

>> No.6049992

Warren Township High School in Gurnee.

I was in Honors and AP classes throughout my years, so I recognize alot of your works. Maybe a illinois based school curriculum was common.

>> No.6049994

My high school reading was pretty similar to most of what's been mentioned in this thread. I remember enjoying the majority of it, but my friends hated pretty much anything we read. Specifically, as a 10th grader, I really enjoyed The Things They Carried, yet my friends still hated it. How do you guys think schools should go about getting high schoolers to respect required reading?

>> No.6050005

The Old Man and Sea. It can teach kids the value of hard work and stoic persistence in the face of adversity. Values I think are greatly underappreciated in students, where talent often gets valued more than hard work and persistence.

>> No.6050022

My French teacher was pretty cool.
He translated Maupassant's Boule de Suif with me personally

We also watched "Au Revoir les Enfants" and Tati's "Les Vacances de Mr. Hulot"

>> No.6050042

Wow, that's quite a busy school! Congrats anon, it sounds like your school had a productive English program.

>> No.6050047
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>mfw we only read a couple Hemingway short stories and abridged Oliver Twist, everything else was free choice

>> No.6050052

Damn, school was much easier in my day

>romeo and juliet
>to kill a mockingbird
>brave new world

>> No.6050641

It sounds like you all went to private schools, or maybe those huge lists of classics are normal elsewhere.
I went to a public school where nobody could care less about reading and the teachers had no experience reading literature.
One of my english teachers boasted about reading 1984, saying 'you know, that's just how much of a nerd I am, tee hee'
You weren't a part of the literature class right?

>> No.6050713


this guy is a try hard lying faggot

>> No.6050721

Can't remember most of the pre-12th Grade stuff and a decent chunk were plays or poetry:

9th Grade:
>The Natural
>Ethan Frome
>Atlas Shrugged (read on my own for a book report)
>Excerpts from The Iliad and The Odyssey
>Some poetry I don't remember

10th Grade:
>Warriors Don't Cry (summer reading)
>Things Fall Apart
>The Great Gatsby
>Their Eyes Were Watching God
>Short stories by Kate Chopin
>Much Ado About Nothing
>Oedipus Rex
>Don't remember the rest, I think there was another Shakespeare and some poetry

11th Grade:
>Wuthering Heights
>The Awakening
>Poems of Sylvia Plath
>Poems of Langston Hughes
>Poems of Seamus Heaney

12th Grade:
>Demian (summer reading)
>The Visit
>A Doll's House
>Cyrano de Bergerac
>The Winter of Our Discontent
>Wise Blood
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (This wasn't on the curriculum, my teacher asked me to read it and give my opinion on whether or not he should teach it next year)

>> No.6050724


The Giver
My Planta de Naranja Lima
Platero y Yo
El Túnel
To Kill a Mockingbird
Farewell to Manzanar
Brave New World
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Animal Farm
Romeo and Juliet

That's all I can recall

>> No.6051375

9th Grade: Of Mice and Men, Edith Hamilton's Mythology, The Odyssey, Romeo and Juliet, Great Expectations, To Kill a Mockingbird
10th Grade: Grendel, Beowulf, Macbeth, A Clockwork Orange
11th Grade: Huckleberry Finn, The Confidence Man (my choice), Catcher in the Rye
12th Grade: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Oedipus Rex, As I Lay Dying, Hamlet, Jane Eyre

>> No.6051426
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>The Shining
>A Clockwork Orange
>Animal Farm
Others I can't rememebr

>> No.6051784

Why the fuck are you commenting in this thread then?

>> No.6051986

freshman: Some book about a kid and black man stranded on an island, can't remember name. Fahrenheit 451, and Lord of the Flies. And the ever-overrated the Giver.
Sophomore: Animal farm, Night, probably something else I don't remember.
Junior: got real lazy and sparknoted Huckleberry Finn, did read 1984
Throughout there were also the plays Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and the crucible, though I don't remember the specific years. also Beowulf.
Now get this shit, senior year we read a little chaucer, then Ender's Game, then Hunger Games. No idea what the teacher was thinking. Maybe she just wanted to make sure the students did the reading, but compared to freshman year the books had little effect.

>> No.6052282

I was in an IB school.

9th Grade: Odyssey, Great Expectations, Romeo and Julius, Fahrenheit 451, Heart of Darkness
10th Grade: to Kill a Mockingbird, the Scarlet Letter, Moby Dick (technically read for extra credit), Huckleberry Finn, some Edgar Allen Poe shit, the Bean Trees, the Catcher in the Rye, the Great Gatsby
11th Grade: the Tempest, Hamlet, Pride and Prejudice, As I Lay Dying, Where I'm Calling From (collected works of Raymond Carver, we read about 15-20 of them), some collection of Annie Dillard essays, poems of W.B. Yeats
12th: the Stranger, Waiting for Godot the King of Chess, poems by Wislawa Szymborska, Crime and Punishment, the School for Scandal, Twelfth Night, Amadeus, a Streetcar Named Desire

I feel like we read more in the 9th grade, but I can't remember.

>> No.6052593

9th: Odyssey, Romeo and Juliet, the Pearl, some YA shit
10th: More YA shit, Oedipus, Macbeth, Lord of the Flies
11th: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, McTeague, Crucible, Scarlet Letter, Of Mice and Men
12: The Road, Hamlet, Othello, Death of a Salesman, Modest Proposal, Frankenstein, Pride and Prejudice, Great Gatsby, Coleridge, Christina Rossetti

>> No.6052670

9/10(get them mixed up)- romeo and juliet, julius caesar, of mice and men, catcher in the rye, oliver twist, a tale of two cities, lord of the flies, flowers for algernon, raisin on the sun, a separate peace, animal farm, oedipus,
11-great gatsby, the scarlet letter, to kill a mocking bird, man's search for meaning, picture of dorian grey, house on mango street
12- hamlet, as i lay dying, native son, death of a salesman, a doll's house
wait why did i read so many more books the first two years, and i left some plays out

>> No.6052689

oh yeah huck finn also in 11th grade but i didn't read it
my school never had us read any russians or novels by women except tkamb? i think non honors read frankenstein and edith wharton

>> No.6052714

why aren't kids being assigned james baldwin
or gilgamesh

>> No.6052737
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here's what i remember off the top of my head, but there's lots of stuff i'm forgetting. also, various books from the bible. this place was a catholic school in everything but name

we had a double-length class that was history+philosophy+lit and had mandatory group discussion. basically, we'd read things and then spend an hour talking about them the next day. it turned into a "catholic kids vs the three people in the corner" fight every day, and one of the teachers even threw a book at my face at one point

>> No.6052752

When i was a kid, this was a bit before harry potter hit the scene and the YA boom the teacher would read us white fang, i also remember reading where the red fern grows and hatchet, lots of outdoors type shit that would have made us all into little Alexander supertramps, then boom harry potter hits and thats all the teach reads to us.
Then i remember in high school having to read a shortened version of canterbury tales ,Beowulf, romeo and Juliet and Julius caesar.

>> No.6052763


At my school we had AP English, plus two demanding old teachers who actually cared about literature. if you couldn't make it into AP you got stuck with bad teachers.

It was the same for some other subjects too come to think of it. The best teachers taught AP or the optional Literature or Calculus courses. The dumbed down "Essentials" classes were taught by like the worst teachers.

>> No.6052790

middle school books: one about the daughter of thomas jefferson and sally hemings (Wolf by the Ears), one about a guy whose brother blinded him?(Tangerine), a memoir by one of the girls in the Little Rock Nine (Warriors Don't Cry), Diary of Anne Frank I think, The Giver, Number the Stars, maybe Holes, My Brother Sam is Dead, Whipping Boy

>> No.6052802

i also remember being in some other persons English class and they were reading bless me ultima and Frankenstein.
I now remember being forced to read Fahrenheit 451

american high school really like to force english literature down kids throats, rarely anything french or german or any other euro country and never anything outside of europe or america at all

I remember one time finding a dusty box in my math class closet of nothing but unread Candide

>> No.6052805

>nothing but slave and jew stories

this is how sjws are made.

>> No.6052807

oh also, looking through what else is in this thread:

The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Aeneid, Beowulf, Crime and Punishment, Frankenstein, The Great Gatsby, The Old Man and the Sea, The Jungle, a bunch of greek tragedies (Oedipus, Antigone, etc), pride and prejudice (ew), Heart of Darkness, Huckleberry Finn (and nothing else, because Letters From The Earth or on the Damned Human Races would have been too controversial), a few O'Henry short stories, Canterbury Tales (big lecture from one teacher about this being full of immorality), Metamorphosis, Candide, a few other plato dialogues besides Phaedrus (definitely Ion, but i don't remember which others), Tale of Two Cities, Bleak House (not required. i chose it for my senior thesis because i was a refined teenager and had heard it had a guy exploding), and a collection of Chekov short stories

>> No.6052812

Shiloh, The Cricket in Times Square (why??), The Girl on the Milk Carton, The Indian in the Cupboard (or just saw the movie?), Anna of Byzantium

>> No.6052823

i was in middle school 2001-2003, there are literally 2 of each (1 'slave story' if you're not dumb but you are)

>> No.6052832

In my country, schools only demand you to read anti drugs, anti racism, anti bully and some other anti stuff shit written by overrated nobodies. Here you are supposed not to like reading.

>> No.6052929

Will only post forgein authors since I went to school in Slovenia

16y Antigone/Oedipus, Bible, Don Quixote, Rome and Juliet/Hamlet and choice reading
17y - War & Peace/Madame Bovary/Crime & Punisment, Revizor(Gogol)/something from Ibsen and choice reading I took Brother Karamazov
18y - Salome/Cherry Orchard, collection of novellas, Stranger(camus)/No Exit (Satre) and choice reading
19y - only local authors

>> No.6052936

what country is that?

>> No.6053030

9th: 1984, Animal Farm, Romeo & Juliet
11th: The Great Gatsby, Catcher in the Rye, Huck Finn
12th: Frankenstein, Things Fall Apart, Crime & Punishment, The Kite Runner, The Stranger

>> No.6055259

you're funny

>> No.6055285

9th: TKAM, 1984, Romeo & Juliet, Antigone
10th: There Are No Children Here, In Cold Blood (journalism class)
11th: Gatsby, Catcher
12th: Inferno, Brave New World

our lit curriculum was fucking miserble. the best you could do was take a four-month class about a list of 'essential' american works you could have googled and read in a fortnight ... or you could take film

>> No.6055294

Merchant of Venice
A Streetcar Named Desire
Laidlaw by William McIlvanney
Plus a lot of poetry