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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 68 KB, 533x309, B7WW2p-IAAEY8ZV.png_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6040508 No.6040508 [Reply] [Original]


/lit/ related cringe

>> No.6040533

>be in first lecture of freshman year
>"ok everybody introduce themselves in turn and say something about yourself"
>spaghetti spilling hard
>people talking about hobbies and stuff like that or saying lolrandum shit
>say "Hi I'm Anon and I like depressing literature"
>nobody laughs
>person next to me introduces themselves and after it moves on some people stifle laughter
>switch class even though the other one was twice as difficult
>drop out a month later and live on savings from my mom's wil
>burned through almost three quarters of it so far living like a NEET in a small apartment
>money will run out sometime in October I estimate
>will probably an hero when ti does

>> No.6040540
File: 259 KB, 393x829, 1419319077982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you wrote about video games for almost every english paper during middle and high school

>> No.6040547

>tfw in the show-and-tell thing in highschool you brought your guitar strap and plectrum to school but not your guitar because you weren't very good and didn't like it all that much

>> No.6040551
File: 133 KB, 1799x476, exit portal diy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck, anon

>> No.6040555

fucking kek at that image

>> No.6040561

>"ok everybody introduce themselves in turn and say something about yourself"

Man, I hate this so much. I have fairly mild anxiety but I get breathless when I have to speak in my University classes. I usually make people laugh at least.

>tfw you are the only boy in your class because girls have flooded the literature department in recent years


>> No.6040563

I'm planning on hiking out into the wild and jumping off a cliff or something. I think I have the determination to allow myself to starve but I've read that it's very painful 4 u

>> No.6040566

I want to vomit on this man's face.

>> No.6040567

>tfw many of these girls come from rich families and are essentially studying lit because it seems easy to them and they think it's a feminine subject and therefore don't date guys who study it

This is how I justify being KV throughout college anyway

>> No.6040603

Sounds like a supremely shitty way to go, at least with helium you won't be in pain.

>> No.6040611

Yeah but I've always wanted to experience being in the wilderness. My grandparents had a small home in Montana where I used to live but they killed themselves since my grandmother had late-stage cancer and the guy who helped them write their will was a fraudster and the home got foreclosed but I'd like to go to that area again.

>> No.6040614

Wow you are literally autistic. Changing classes because you might have said something weird in the first lecture? They probably didn't even fucking care.

>> No.6040617

Surprisingly, one of the girls in my class took an interest in me and told me I should go to a weekly Uni event, presumably where we'd meet. I never went though, so I can only blame my autism.

>> No.6040621

Stop being autistic anon, you might get laid quicker than you think.

>> No.6040626
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>show-and-tell in highschool
We got the show-and-tell master race over here, guys.

>> No.6040628

I didn't switch right away. I overheard a guy from the class walking with some girls who he presumably shared a dorm with or something and referred to me as "this depressed guy" when I passed them on campus. Also they formed a class discussion group on facebook and added everyone except me for some reason.

>> No.6040630
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>wanting to get laid

>> No.6040633

>yfw the wilderness rejuvenates your idealistic perception of life, but you can't find the way back to your car

>> No.6040635

Well, you're talking about killing yourself, so...they were right?
And they probably didn't add you on the facebook group because you didn't talk to anyone.

>> No.6040636

I remember in 11th grade I was sitting silently at my desk during US History, and some nigger just stood up and loudly declared "That niggas depressed" before sitting back down. Everybody started laughing and staring at me and I wanted to die.
What the fuck is wrong with people?

>> No.6040646


>make no friends in freshman year
>begin sitting alone in lectures and smaller discussion groups
>new term and a qt is in my class
>looks like a female version of me aka my dream girl
>qt cheeks, full lips, black hair, qt brown eyes, well-proptortioned body, qt teeth
>we begin sitting by each other, with me on one side and her friends on the other side
>one time I mention a book in class and and she asks what it was again and writes it down
>one time after class she calls my name and says she'll walk back to the main campus with me
>freeze up and say very little, occasionally mumbling a lame joke that she didn't really seem to hear all that wel but still laughed at
>pass a group of people she knew
>don't know how to react so I go and stand five feet away and watch her
>she talks to them briefly and apologized
>we cross a road and she jogs across and says "sorry i'm hyperactve" (she wasn't lolrandum or annoying though)
>part ways on campus since she's in a theatre production and is handing out leaflets that afternoon
>go to library and return book and then head home
>on the way out see her and two or three others walking towards the library handing out leaflets
>not sure if she sees me but instinctively adopt a pissed off facial expression and dart down a side path
>never speak again

I have FUCKED UP my life anon and whenever I'm reminded of this type of shit I feel like an heroing right away

>> No.6040650


>> No.6040651

I did talk to someone for two weeks. He seemed autistic and I automatically targeted him as a potential friend and a good starting point from which to build my social credibility. I also tried being friendly and answering questions when nobody offered to talk but I guess they knew it was feigned enthusiasm on my part and probably thought I was weird or something.

>> No.6040656

>I have FUCKED UP my life anon
Grow up, baby. I'm at the same university as my ex. Try that.

I'm hardly going to go to a bar on my own in the vain hope that I'll meet some girl on my course who I'm not even that interested in.

>> No.6040659

be nice

>> No.6040661

>I'm hardly going to go to a bar on my own in the vain hope that I'll meet some girl on my course who I'm not even that interested in.

Bars are overrated anyway, unless you're out with friends. If you're solo-ing and you're sad and you're going with the hope of meeting people, you're gonna have a bad time.

Just talk to people more. About trivial Shit. Weather's good, huh? Pipe up on your opinions. Join a writer's group or anime club or some shit.

Friend of mine literally caught himself an 8/10 sex-crazy college freshman qt girlfriend by just talking with her on the train.

>> No.6040660

Yeah same here. One time I got in a fight in school and was too self-aware to do any damage since I kept thinking "wow this is actually happening", though I didn't lose and managed to land one punch that I now remember as being way more effective than it actually was. I was a shy guy and nobody talked to me so they didn't bring it up when I stood silently at the periphery of the group of people I sort of followed around for company. But this one younger kid who looked like a nerd and hung around with his buddy outside my registration class said something like "haha you got beat up" and I got so mad that I stamped on his glasses and emptied his schoolbag down a flight of stairs.

>> No.6040665

>Grow up, baby. I'm at the same university as my ex. Try that.

That's easy mode pleb

>> No.6040669

Starvation is not quite so painful, you eventually get weak and sleep all day. Then your heart starts to beat funny, and it's a slow death. It's more maddening than anything, first with how your body will override your mind and its desire to die and you'll give the idea up in order to fucking eat because muh biology, body wants to live etc. Then you won't die anywhere near quickly and if you do manage to beat your body into aquiescing with starvation, you'll actually feel yourself dying.
Maybe it will do you good, it might make you see life is worth living.

Source: attempted to kill myself this way, couldn't, my body is forever fucked because my inner organs ate away at themselves but I no longer consider suicide and now I'm working on my anxiety and other issues.

>> No.6040676

I never got into a fight, I can't even remember anyone else ever fucking with me, people just ignored me for the most part.
Maybe they thought that I smelled like shit because I was too lazy to wash the jacket and jeans that I wore everyday, maybe they thought I was going to shoot up the school, or maybe I was just invisible.
Shit was weird, if the teacher asked everybody to send their papers up to the front I would just get ignored and I would just trash the paper rather than get up and hand it to the teacher in front of everybody.

>> No.6040703

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.6040720

Same here, I remember that event so vividly because of its novelty. I think people considered me too irrelevant or pathetic to beat up. I wish I'd done something with my spare time back in highschool though like read or develop a hobby, instead I desperately looked for companionship by sitting quietly at the periphery of groups of people, smiling meekly and never saying anything. Eventually when these groups did stuff in different places and I didn't know where they were I'd just walk around the hallways along performing like laps of the school's interior and the field outside until classes resumed. I look back at that part of my life with a lot of regret, it's like I did everything to kill myself except take my life. Then when I became somewhat attractive and some girls showed interest in me I was so detached from life that I was just indifferent and apathetic towards forming a relationship with them. I still find it much easier to identify flaws in people than virtues, as if my default instinct is to find a reason at all times to justify retreating to my room and sort of just waiting there for nothing in particular. I see people who invest a whole lot in life and who get offended and laugh audibly and stuff like that and I just don't relate to it at all. I feel constantly aware of my existence and constantly indifferent towards it. I'm only ever really sarcastically invested in life, though occasionally I do get extremely emotional but then it passes and I continue just observing phenonema around me as neutrally as possible.

>> No.6040725
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I know that feel

>> No.6040739
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>tfw my ex-gf is in all my uni lectures and seminars
>tfw when we started dating she cut her hair and started becoming more dykeish
>tfw she broke up with me because she was a 'lesbian' (I'll tell you now she loved that D)

Although, she lives with one of my friends and they now hate each other so that feels pretty good.

>> No.6040742
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>Describing yourself as a Byronic hero

>> No.6040743

You're a normie. Please delete all feel images.

>> No.6040745

I think that's good, anon. I don't understand why you'd feel sad if that's what you like.

>> No.6040757


what the fuck is with the crossover between /r9k/ and /lit/?

I'm pretty sure here on /lit/ we hate robots because they're fucking dumb as shit and think they know stuff when really they're just overgrown children still clinging to teenage angst

>> No.6040761

/r9k/ is fucking garbage and filled with normies and bragfags. Please get the fuck >>>/out/

>> No.6040762

/r9k/ are a fifth column of /pol/

>> No.6040763

>calling people "normie" outside of /r9k/
that should result in ban

>> No.6040766


>Say robots are dumb
>Robot replys to me and doesn't even understand what I said

>> No.6040774


Do you lift? I think you should.
Do you like yourself?
>I guess you don't. I think you should behave as if you did.
Do you try to improve yourself (I let you define this empty sentence)?
>I think you should try.
Do you have goals?
>Define then reach.

I was anorexic then depressive for almost a decade. I'm 22. (Yeah.)
This are the things that helped. Maybe you'll find any interest therein.

>> No.6040777

don't mess with me kid

you don't want this

*looks intensely towards the ground*

>> No.6040783

rused :^)

>> No.6040787

In an identical situation expect my appalling mom is till alive and I just wait for her to die. I have not burnt all my money though

>> No.6040832

>Do you lift? I think you should.
I exercise pretty regularly (jogging), and I've always eaten pretty well and played sports from childhood to late teens. But no, I don't lift. I work full time and have little free time to do anything, and so the neurochemical benefits of going to a gym a couple of times a week will be negated by the fact I have spent all of that day doing stuff I don't want to do.

>Do you like yourself?
I feel the concept of liking or disliking yourself is strange to me t this point, which isn't to say I do explicitly hate myself and I suppose love myself (which probably explains occasional misanthropic convictions I have, which are in turn probably an overcompensation on my part for being completely self-loathing at other times). I feel like there are certain traits I have, mainly passivity, a tendency to dislike things without considering their worth reasonably, interpreting my isolation as vague superiority, and stuff like that) but to be completely honest I feel like I am an innocent person at heart and that my strong aversion to injustice in my extreme youth still directs my thoughts and actions, although they are managed now by my capacity to reason. I feel like the fact I am different to most people I meet in relation to my beliefs, interests and disposition makes me insecure when evaluating my self worth and mental health etc.

>Do you try to improve yourself (I let you define this empty sentence)?
Yes, but I won't post it here because i find it extremely embarrassing, though I know I am ambitious enough to succeed if I persist, and that the feelings of inferiority and so on I have are normal for those who have attempted to succeed in my chosen field and have managed to do that.

>Do you have goals?
Yes, though I feel that I am so exhausted by a life of observing, perhaps too closely, things which annoy me an dissuade me from feeling that life is ultimately worthwhile and that most people are worth entertaining or appealing to as a means of validating my own self-worth, that despite having goals I know I will never be content with my alleged achievements and will always feel inferior to others, which is find I guess because it encourages me never to settle or stop progressing. At this point I am so weary of people who demand and yearn for attention despite not feeling they should earn it, or people who are given attention and who lack enough empathy or solidarity to use the attention they have as a means of assisting their peers in becoming superior versions of themselves, that I won't demand attention myself without feeling that the reason for my requesting it is valuable to others. I hope that makes sense.

>> No.6040840

I haven't literally burned it. I have just used it for rent, utilities and sustenance.

>> No.6040844

*benefits will PROBABLY be negated...

>> No.6040848

which isn't to say I don't*

SOrry for the spelling mistakes. I'm at work and am typing this while zoomed out to 50%

>> No.6040856

You sound like a robot.

>> No.6040860
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When the fuck did the term change from arcanine? Robot sounds fucking retarded.

>> No.6040868

>>I never got into a fight,
me too expect one that I lost and a second, hardly a fight, where another beta robot went against me as did not like each other but nothing to fight about. I never even understood I was in a fight with him, until I was on the ground and him over me. It was already over. I do not even know the motive.

>> No.6040869

In the /r9k/ sense or the mechanical and inhuman sense?

>> No.6040881

>be 14. Freshman year of high school
>be chubby and socially awkward
>have to do an oral book report in English
>class filled with qt girls I occasionally get to talk to, but was quiet because of anxiety
>get up in front of the class, anxiety intensifies
>spurg out, spaghetti everywhere, fuck up report, blush deeply
>some girls continue to talk to me, surprisingly
>find out later it was because they thought I was semi-retarded
Although after high school I slimmed down and got better at talking to women and then went on a quest to bang each and every qt in that class. I succeeded with all but one, and now she haunts me because she represents everything i hated about myself. So here I am almost ten years later still thinking about it, and occasionally creeping that one girl's Facebook like an autist.

>> No.6040888

M8 we both know that board hasn't been called arcanine since before it was deleted

>> No.6040897

>blush deeply

I know that feel. I was not only shy in my early teens but I also used to blush pretty easily. When a teacher asked some girl f she was blushing one time and she said no, he asked the class who blushed easily and a bunch of people said me and I started blushing and wanted to kill myself. If i was a girl I'd have been someone Thomas Hardy or someone would probably write affectionately about.

>> No.6040905

>be first week of starting college
>haven't spoken to a person around my age for something like a year
>when having to do introductions nearly pass out from anxiety
>be lunch break
>wtf do I do?
>go buy a coke, should make me feel better
>cafeteria full, no seats
>go outside
>don't want to drink it when there's people looking at me
>see some grills
>"d-do you w-want this coke"?
>they look at me like i just tried to eat my own shit
>decide I must show them that I'm not being weird, so put the can in the trash
>it's an empty can
>a really loud BANG! goes off when the can hits the bottom
>walk away in shame
>contemplate suicide

>> No.6040909


>> No.6040913
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Purge them!

>> No.6040952

The latter

>> No.6040957

I never followed /r9k/ after it was brought back
Nice trips by the way

>> No.6040962
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>> No.6040968
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>> No.6040976
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>> No.6040978
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>> No.6040982
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>> No.6040986

Gayest thread on /lit/ right now by far.

>> No.6040990

jesus christ you people are pathetic. I feel so much better about myself.

>> No.6040991
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>> No.6040992

Shut up gayrod.

>> No.6040996

That's mean.

>> No.6040997
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>> No.6040999

what the fuck is this shit? please tell me this was made in high school.

>> No.6041000
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>> No.6041003
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>tfw longing for human contact
>tfw don't want sex, just want a companion that you can hold close and and love and feel loved by
>tfw setting up a body pillow to lay like a human being, complete with it's own pillows and blankets and everything
>tfw hugging and caressing it all night pretending that it's a qt girl
I've been doing this for about a month now.
How did it come to this?

>> No.6041005
File: 105 KB, 1495x875, OT 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A college roommate's screenplay.

>> No.6041007

Well no way you're going to invite someone over when you do meet a potential friend. How the fuck are you going to explain that shit?

>> No.6041010
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That's the end. He's a theater major.

>> No.6041013


I don't really know what to tell you so, instead, of not telling you anything, I write you I don't know what to say.

You've trapped yourself well into your situation. Anything that is out of it would get you out of it as well, granted you'll hold it like it's your baby.
I hope that makes sense.

>> No.6041017

I haven't gone full autist yet, I just set it up whenever I decide to go to bed or watch a movie or am feeling especially lonely.
I think I'm still a ways off from dressing it up and putting wigs on it and shit.

>> No.6041036

Yeah it makes sense though I hesitate to think that people with a different perception to my view life from a superior standpoint (although theirs may allow them to love longer or experience happiness more often). Also I feel I am self-aware and self-critical enough not to allow myself to be trapped into irrational ways of thinking, though of course this is hard to tell. Thank you for your honesty.

>> No.6041063
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>Using a body pillow
>Giving it its own blankets and shit
>Not full August


>> No.6041081

Full autist would be giving it a wig and attaching limbs, maybe giving it a name and it's own personality rather than just a projection of the qt that I like but am too autistic to do anything with.
What I'm doing right now isn't that autistic or abnormal, hell I'd say that it's less autistic than the elaborate fantasies of my resurrection as a human being are.

>> No.6041092

You're deluded, and are very out of touch with what is normal. Go see someone.

>> No.6041097

>go see someone

just be urslef :)

>> No.6041101

I won't deny that it's not normal, but if a person saw me in my current state and knew about my body pillow, they would probably just chuckle to themselves and think that I'm a little odd, not a creep or something.

>> No.6041116

Nope, it's creepy. Go get tested, m8.

>> No.6041124

What's creepy about it? Any person who is starved of social experience would eventually do the same thing.
>nah bro, lik u dnt hav a gf dats p. fuckin creepy lol wut r u a rapist or somtin lol

>> No.6041149

I really don't think they would. In the interest of understanding, I guess it depends on how long.

>> No.6041170

For normal people it would probably take a shorter amount of time to reduce them to this level. Going from having lots of friends and always being able to talk to someone to suddenly being shut in their room at all times of the day thinking about how much they hate themselves and how fucking stupid they were to have said/done/not done something years ago would be jarring as shit and almost immediately make them as pathetic as I am.

>> No.6041176

You sound incredibly bitter and self-loathing. I would visit a therapist.

>> No.6041180

What would a therapist really do?
>lol jus b urself :^)
>u jus gotta go put urself out there :^)
>jus do it brah :^)
What help is that really?

>> No.6041196

good help. as long as you're not a fucking pussy and actually try.

>> No.6041210

Hilarious thread.

>> No.6041211

>u jus gotta try man :^)
You realize that it's not that simple right?
It's pretty hard to try when it takes me 2 or 3 hours to get out of bed and transfer myself to my computer chair.

>> No.6041220

I have the same classes as my ex. I asked for her notes.

>> No.6041224

Therapists don't even do this much. They mostly just listen and ask probing questions. It's, legit, paying for a friend.

>> No.6041228

Maybe if you get a therapist you can do your whining there instead of here.

>> No.6041230


>> No.6041231

you are so sad that you make me laugh

>> No.6041236

Yeah yeah, I'm sure.

>> No.6041243

>studying STEM
>everyone is awkward as fuck
>my autism blends in perfectly

Almost compensates never seing a female creature on campus.

>> No.6041246

>>don't want to drink it when there's people looking at me

>> No.6041248
File: 105 KB, 960x711, stem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studying stem
>believing in the educated jew
>believing "brah u gotta get in on the stem bubble brah"

>> No.6041264
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I just happen to have strong interest in my field, friend.

>> No.6041270

>getting yourself tens of thousands of dollars in debt because it's interesting
Nigga you could have gotten all that information online for free

>> No.6041271

I have a strong interest in my dick, but I don't go to classes on it.

>> No.6041277

Uni is free where I live.
>Nigga you could have gotten all that information online for free
No, not really.

>> No.6041278

>starting college
>lunch break

This isn't a real college, is it? Or is this how college is in the UK, or something? What you describe is like high school in the USA, where everyone has the same "lunch hour" and there's one cafeteria where everyone must eat.

In case this crap is pure invention, you could make it more convincing next time just by knowing college students make up their own schedules and sure as shit don't have to eat in a fucking cafeteria.

>> No.6041305

university in the UK is vastly superior to US college
>only study one subject (e.g. only physics, nothing else), or occasionally two
>much cheaper (tho fuck u clegg u arse wipe cunt vote labour 2k15)
>oak panelled rooms
>porters to look after you
>scouts to clean your room daily
>bops > frat-parties
>tutorials > lectures (also wtf you still have classes in college lel)

>> No.6041313

I go to a real "not-a-wooden-puppet" certified univerisity in Germany and we have a "lunch break", i.e the time between 12 and 2pm where almost no classes are schedules. We also have a cafeteria under a huge dining hall.

>> No.6041325

It just seems so regressive.

>> No.6041330


>> No.6041419

>tfw exams coming up that will decide whether or not i get into university to study philosophy
>completely in denial, not studying whatsoever
>lethargic, despondent and apathetic from one end of the day to the other
>nobody in the world i really care about, including myself. other humans seem hollow and distant to me
>prozac for almost 2 months has done absolutely nothing
>feel the urge to get drunk almost constantly, use every excuse i get to go out drinking
>facebook creep a girl that only met me once and that i barely talked to, but her beauty and elegance have infatuated me
>dont even have the energy to wank anymore, and porn is too depressing and superficial
>just want a fucking hug or something
>trying to resist impulses to kill or harm myself

I don't know what to do anymore, and I don't expect nor desire comforting, but hopefully some of you can at least relate to me. I'm afraid, is all.

>> No.6041455

I can relate, same here. Without creeping on girls.

>> No.6041465

>Without creeping on girls.

I am most unproud of that aspect. It's just the one girl, though.

>> No.6042631
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>> No.6042825
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caloric starvation is not painful, your body adapts to it fairly quickly. vitamin and mineral deprivation can cause dozens of problems, most of which are very painful. don't kill yourself though
i am pretty sure this was not written by someone who has ever witnessed interaction
i can imagine myself as both of these people

>> No.6042860

I know that feel, currently in a debacle in my life, were I've let a lot of people down, and even myself, got myself mixed up with some undesirable circumstances that I have to deal with daily. Suicide has been through my mind more than once and yeah it's lucrative, but dangerously daring. I have thought, well, since I'm not feeling life right now and death would just take away my very own sensation to feel. To solely experience. I rather choose misery than nothingness, to wait and see the next card or to cowardly fold, and who knows... Life might just unexpectedly get better.

>> No.6042867
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>> No.6043040

Yeah seriously. Keep this shit on /r9k/ and /mu/ where it belongs

>> No.6043061

Hoo boy wow. Surreal in its awfulness. Feel like a theater major should at the very least know how to format a screenplay or whatever the hell that was supposed to be.

Take speed, all day every day.

How would suicide be lucrative?

>> No.6043127

It seems as a better alternative to living. The torments that you pull yourself through every day, the loneliness, the lack of motivation, etc. are deemed reason enough to choose nothingness, nonexistence, death. In this way suicide may seem lucrative.

>> No.6043153

I don't understand the "go see le therapist" guy. I mean the guy is fucking nuts but 1) the therapist isn't always a solution and 2) his madness is victimless. Who cares? He ought to put a fucking wig on her. Let it go deeper if it isn't getting better.

>> No.6043161

I know somebody who saw multiple therapists to cope with his depression and inability to date and he blew them off because they told him "at some point you have to learn to help yourself."

Which is a nail in his coffin. A therapist isn't a deus ex machina; they're there to show you how to become stronger.

>> No.6043212

Wait what happened? What did you do wrong?

>> No.6043442
File: 96 KB, 469x723, 1417992169182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be in highschool
>Get involved in social group for rich ppl with power
>Don't have a suit to wear to meetings
>Spend every bit of money I have to buy a shirt and pants that fit
>Need to wear second hand suit jacket that's a weird color/fit
>Rich asshole publicly makes fun of me for it
>Another one insults me for always wearing the same tie, tells me I shouldn't be there
>tfw I have to wear the rags these faggots throw away
>tfw I eat one meal a day during the week because I can't afford to eat more
>tfw some of these assholes have blown a college education on jewelery
>Cry about it one day
>Mom sees the red eyes and accuses me of being addicted to/selling drugs
>Dad calls you a failure and a little bitch for crying

>Go on /lit/ and see university students bitching because someone talked to them once
Since when did /lit/ become /r9k/? You guys are such fucking pussies it's sad.

>> No.6043557
File: 678 KB, 1175x719, Screen Shot 2014-12-17 at 7.22.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The torments that you pull yourself through every day, the loneliness, the lack of motivation, etc. are deemed reason enough to choose nothingness, nonexistence, death. In this way suicide may seem lucrative.
>Being such a melodramatic bitch
>Boo hoo I need to get out of bed in the morning
>Loneliness and lack of motivation the hardest things in your life

You should kill yourself for being such a sad sack

>> No.6043617
File: 153 KB, 600x883, gameknight01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a thing from /v/

>> No.6043619
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>> No.6043623
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>> No.6043632
File: 239 KB, 600x883, gameknight04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6043636
File: 248 KB, 600x883, gameknight05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6043642
File: 233 KB, 600x883, gameknight06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6043646
File: 220 KB, 600x883, gameknight08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Page 7 is missing.

>> No.6043650
File: 222 KB, 600x883, gameknight09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6043653
File: 118 KB, 1113x2082, gameknight_reviews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6043675
File: 44 KB, 617x627, 1405425591476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's a thing from /v/
>mfw seeing serious discussion and empathy for kefka there just the other day

>> No.6043702

>tfw socially inept ugly virgin but still talk to people

I don't see what's so hard with just talking about stupid shit. Yeah when you get home you feel like killing yourself for saying something retarded and not being able to respond in a socially acceptable way but literally anyone can find friends if you just talk to everyone

>> No.6043708

>The gigantic spider

>> No.6043726

Why are you trying to insinuate yourself into a class you don't belong to? I would mock you openly, too.

Stay prole, prole.

>> No.6043741
File: 211 KB, 300x395, 1415699397185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling other people pussies
>that sob story
>that picture
stop posting any time, brudda

>> No.6043752

>>Loneliness and lack of motivation the hardest things in your life
and what would you deem worthy

>> No.6043987

>that image


>> No.6043999
File: 59 KB, 639x426, 1421554413671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6044003


Shit, that's fucking painful. His friends sound like jackasses too, so maybe no one in his world notices how much of a jackass he is.

>> No.6044005


>> No.6044006


That guy seems self aware though. Supreme gentleman implies knowledge of Elliot.

>> No.6044007

>dat ass

>> No.6044013
File: 689 KB, 992x744, 1419858080755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6044024

Who is that ?

>> No.6044029
File: 2.33 MB, 2672x4000, 1419855149950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6044031

I think you have found the ultimate cringe, OP. It's perfect: compact, easily readable and not boring in the least, with a near 100% cringe-to-word rate. We can close this board now. /lit has finally acheived what it was designed for.

>> No.6044035

good post i read it

>> No.6044046

Hello "read it"

>> No.6044049
File: 2.37 MB, 1998x5270, hello reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6044056

*tips reddit account*

>> No.6044060
File: 754 KB, 487x707, hey reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6044070

you sir are a gentleman and a scholar

>> No.6044073
File: 660 KB, 3192x2124, hello reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you run out of "hi reddit!" pictures

>> No.6044074

I don't understand, why do you keep hanging out with them then?

>> No.6044247

R.L. Stine

>> No.6044298

>hangs out with rich faggots that treats him like shit
>calls us pussies

Top fucking kek, even /r9k/ have more dignity than you. Kill yourself you whore

>> No.6044317

>What the fuck is wrong with people?
They're narcissists who want to kill themselves

>> No.6044318

>want to kill themselves
u wot?

>> No.6044319

>>looks like a female version of me aka my dream girl

>> No.6044323

Narcissism is born of an obsession with the self.
>Actually being concerned with piddly ass first world problems like that
>'hurr a nigger called me depressed faith in humanity lost'

Meanwhile a Somali warlord is raping his own sister whilst high on PCP, two Muslims are sawing a Japanese guy in half because Muhallah, and Zionist kikes are destroying all other tribes and being worshiped for doing so.

He reeks of being an unintelligent, narrow-minded mess of an individual, and if he kills himself (which he won't), it won't be too soon.

>> No.6044328
File: 538 KB, 265x322, 1419514474671.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6044383

Dude... Glad you made it. Thanks for the description.
Ever read Hunger?

>> No.6044428

I don't understand why that makes me butthurt.
>Implying I am not the Zenmaster moot

>> No.6044454
File: 71 KB, 392x574, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"That's a long book, what's it about?"
It's like
And lemmings"

>> No.6044484

Why did you add 'depressing'?

>> No.6044595


because it was already a lit class, i'd guess
+ depressioncore

>> No.6044599

Even if that were the circumstance, specifying which type of literature wouldn't have made a difference. He could have made something up like "writing short stories" and had better success.

>> No.6044601

I was actually asked this question by a total stranger



>> No.6044605

My usual answer is "Everything".

>> No.6044610


and yet...nothing