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/lit/ - Literature

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6034375 No.6034375 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We viciously judge each other based on current reading choices (really, the whole point of /lit/).

I'll start:
>Necronomicon, HP Lovecraft
>120 days of sodom, Marquis De Sade

Do your worst /lit/

>> No.6034390

>Slow Learner, Thomas Pychon
>The Tombs of Atuan, Ursula K. Le Guin
>Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, Vol. 2

>> No.6034391

How can you judge someone for enjoying (in the most neutral sense of the word) a piece of art? It's not like they could have formed an opinion beforehand.

>> No.6034398

Absolute Recoil
Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.6034404

seem like good choices, op.
hop e you enjoy them :)

>> No.6034416


God dammit man, I was going for rampant flaming, not thoughtful inquiry

>> No.6034419

>not even a real book, by a rhode islander
>not even a whole book, by a french man called donatien who is obsessed with shit
>probably drinks water from toilet bowls because his mother didn't love him and nobody can understand him when he says water

>> No.6034422
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Most recent read pic related.

Current Read: Neon Bible

>> No.6034430

The Plague
Fahrenheit 451

>> No.6034436

The Trial and The Ego Tunnel
Next: Sayonara, Gangsters
Last: House of Plebs

>> No.6034439

The Wealth of Nations (analyzing and skimming through again)
The Histories

>> No.6034440

You haven't had a girlfriend in a long time

>> No.6034444

> Kamoo's affirmation that you need to stay tough when things get hard
>Firefighter lives in a tough non-reading world, except he wants to bang a seventeen year old girl who does read
>Anon will most likely read Lolita next and than decades later write a bool about how perseverance is an asset for a pedophile while he is in prison for said disposition

>> No.6034445

What kind of people do you think we are? We would never look down on someone who is helping himself to the intellectual stimulating hobby of reading, no matter the book!

>> No.6034455

Incorrect, i do not identify with the main characters in either... At least not the first; Im not finished the second

>> No.6034460

i read that recently also, i was blown away. laughed out loud more than any other book i've read.

just finished wolf in white van by john darnielle two days ago. started on naomi by junichiro tanizaki today.

>> No.6034462

>adding +2 to my unread meme book display
>the first meme book i owned was dawkins
>still untouched so i don't get the joke

>> No.6034464


Inherent Vice.
Labyrinths by Borges
Mason & Dixon or The Magic Mountain.

>> No.6034466

reading the Trial, just finished Dubliners and going to read Ficcones and Siddhartha next

>> No.6034467

Oh I am laffin'

>> No.6034470

top kek

>> No.6034473


Last was actually Kangaroo Notebook by Abe, not Inherent Vice, I read that before starting the Abe book.

>> No.6034484

Ya I thought it was a gut buster as well. So far Neon bible is not written in the same manner.

>> No.6034486

Atlas shrugged

>> No.6034494

You're looking for your self insert in history, but nobodies like you don't even make it in the subjective. Cancel the tunnel.

>> No.6034506

You too >>6034436, nobodies look alike.

>> No.6034521

De Legibus - Cicero

>> No.6034520

whats it like? i am curious about picking it up, but wonder if i'll get discouraged by expectations.

>> No.6034525

youre a pseud

>> No.6034528

Deleuze- Spinoza: Practical Philosophy
Marquez- One Hundred Years of Solitude
Baudelaire- The Flowers of Evil

>> No.6034537

What in the actual fuck is wrong with you and what do you believe you said

>> No.6034543

Why do you think the problem is not you?

>> No.6034552
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Paradise Lost, John Milton
The Grave Thief, Tom Lloyd

I'll read what I want niggers

>> No.6034575

You're a wannabe monolingual patrician with smelly pits

>> No.6034582
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Previously Finished:
Aristotle's Metaphysics
Reading now:
St. Augustine's Confessions
The Major Works of Saint Anselm

>Vah, plebes!

>> No.6034584

I heard bad things before i got it from my gf for xmas, so I didn't expect much. I mean, he did write it when he was a teenager. It's engaging enough, but not as much as Dunces, and it isn't meant to be funny (i don't think.)
I know I haven't finished it but I don't expect it to be as good as his masterpiece.

>> No.6034588

The Castle of Otranto

>> No.6034589

I'm not him, but what you said is true.

>> No.6034591

Jane Eyre

>> No.6034592

That is the weirdest insult I have ever received.
I'm bilingual, faget, and my pits do smell.

>> No.6034605


>> No.6034618

Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World by Weatherford
Le Capital au XXIe siècle by Piketty

>> No.6034622

Memoirs of Hadrian
Log of the S.S. the Mrs. Unguentine

>> No.6034624

you are one mean end!

>> No.6034627

Ishmael - Daniel Quinn

>> No.6034638 [DELETED] 

>The Cambridge Ancient History: Volume Two, Part One.
Possible Edgelord, though both books are worth reading.

>> No.6034653
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> Art as Experience [John Dewey]
> Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance [Robert M. Pirsig]
> The Road [Cormac McCarthy (duh)]

I read a lot of short fiction/poetry in between, but these are the big three for now, not counting stuff for college.

>> No.6034669
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Fabulous works, can't even dank to that

>> No.6034686

1982 Janine

>> No.6034697

Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson by George Ivanovich Gurdjieff. I'm reading it in the English though.

>> No.6034699

Dying of the Sun by George R. R. Marting

>> No.6034705

I read The Disaster Artist by Greg Sestero.

Two years before that I read Machine Man by Max Barry.

And six months before that I read The Road by Cormac McCarthy.

That's it.

>> No.6034711

three paperbacks and an ebook

jack kerouac - atop an underwood
houellebecq - the map and the territory

>> No.6034732

I must add. I listened to the audiobook in the first one.

The latter ones where physical copies bought with real world papery money

>> No.6034734

You actually spent money on books? Dumb nigger.

>> No.6034749

-The Complete Fiction of Lu Xun
-Understanding China
-David Copperfield
-The Vintage Guide to Classical Music

>> No.6034757

Beyond Good and Evil
Being and Time
Fear and Trembling

>> No.6034760

Crying of Lot 49 by Pynchon (finished last week)
The White Guard by Bulgakov (currently reading)
Diary of a Man in Despair by Reck (next to read)

>> No.6034763

No diversity.
Very pleb.

Very normal and casual.
Not trying too hard, 9/10 would have a drink with.
Probably enjoys anime.

Well-rounded, but also subconsciously too worried about being perceived as "pleb" on /lit/.
Is probably a cat person.

>> No.6034771

Anna Karenina - Toyboy
Sirius - Olaf somethingsomething

Sirius is a fking fantastic book, I'm sad to think I'll finish it very soon.

>> No.6034772

last: Libra by Don DeLillo
currently: The City & the City by China Mieville
next: Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe

>> No.6034777

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.6034786


Kill me

>> No.6034789

The Southern Reach Trilogy-Jeff VanderMeer
I Am Legend-Richard Matheson
The Martian-Andy Weir

I started reading January of last year and I'm not pretentious so I'm not interested in high-lit just yet.

>> No.6034805
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-The War Below
-Stalingrad: The Fateful Siege 1942-43
-Running the Gauntlet: Canadian Merchant Seamen in WWII

>> No.6034811

last: Alcestis by Euripides
currently: Redeployment by Phil Klay
next: New Science by Giambattista Vico

>> No.6034813

The Odyssey
Plutarch's Lives

>> No.6034821

How is Art as Experience?

>> No.6034828

no pets but sooner a cat person, yeah

>> No.6034864

Last read Invisible Cities, my first Calvino

Halfway through Felisberto Hernandez's Piano Stories.

Gonna read The Golem next.

>> No.6034875

>The Way of Zen
>A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century

>> No.6034878


>> No.6034879

The Crying of Lot 49 and Notes From Underground

>> No.6034884


Recently finished In Pharoah's Army

Currently reading The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.6034893

Desiring God by John Piper
Man on His Nature by Sherrington
Odd Apocalypse by Dean Koontz
and of course, the Bible(currently doing a study on Daniel)

>> No.6034908

I see a lot of japanese works in this thread, are they translated well?
I've heard that the japanse have a lot of words with double meanings that can be very relevant. Do they write that in the annotation or is it hopeless for a non-japanese speaker to truly 'get' it?

>> No.6034999
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>pic related (btw not intensely into anime, but good graphic novels are cool)


It's dense, but thought-provoking. Dewey's ideas concerning the continuity of experience are fascinating. The language is a bit convoluted at points, but everything connects back to itself, eventually. I recommend it if you're into the knowledge structures associated with art, or just art in general.

>> No.6035008

So you don't actually know what that word salad meant, okay.

>> No.6035030

History and Class Consciousness by Lukacs
Notes from the Underground by Dostoyevsky

and I just finished Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling.

>> No.6035036

>the tunnel, william gass

>> No.6035037

They're more than likely meaning the words used in some forms of Japanese poetry, turn words, pillow words, etc.

>> No.6035041

nice thats pretty patrician

>> No.6035046

alspo just finishjed
>john barth - the sot weed factor

and next im going to reaed
>the man without qualities, robert musil

>> No.6035052

But do english translations make notes of it?
There's absolutely no way for me to know if the text has it if they don't point it out.
Kind of like those anime TL Notes.

>> No.6035185

My translation of Kokoro, which is the only one in English I know of, has footnotes explaining what some of the words mean.

>> No.6035194

>Tfw two pomo behemoths I haven't read

I was also recommended Musil. You are the reader I'll become, I guess.

>> No.6035201

>man without qualities


>> No.6035230

Ok good, definitely going to read that then.
I have a huge bias when it comes to japan and art.

>> No.6035241

Tale of Genji
Paradise Lost

>> No.6035250


>Slapstick by Vonnegut
>Some old AD&D rulebooks

>> No.6035257

>Currently reading Hamlet for the first time for pleasure
>Currently reading The Scarlet Letter for the first time for pleasure
>Currently reading The Greeks by Kitto as recommended by my philosophy professor.

>> No.6035279

>Not reading The Greeks for pleasure

>> No.6035592


The Rest is Noise

>> No.6035606

>Oil Painting Techniques and Materials, Harold Speed
>Art & Fear, David Bayles, 2001
>Critique of Judgment by Kant, 1790

>> No.6035666
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A Sport and A Pastime - James Salter
Butcher's Crossing - John Williams
Suttree (Again)
Audiobook of Farewell to Arms
The Confidence-Man (I never accurately predict what I'll read next)

>> No.6035682

I regret Machine Man, because I never finished it. Felt too much like a screenplay for a fucking movie.

As for The Road, I read it from a txt file at first. I just had to have the physical copy.

>> No.6035688
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50 pages into Gravity's Rainbow
and it's tripe so far

>> No.6035698

>Minima Moralia

>> No.6035701

Just finished

Brave New World, Aldous Huxley

Currently halfway into

>The Picture of Dorian Grey, Oscar Wilde

>> No.6035719

you are a sophomore in high school, underage b&

>> No.6035760
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Last Read: Siddhartha
Reading the Illiad
Also halfway through Naked Lunch (starting to wind down for me)
WWII History Buff i.e. dad-core.
PKD nerd starting with the Greeks.
Hasn't read V. doesn't know Pynchon.

>> No.6035774


PKD nerd starting with the Greeks. meant for (>>6034813)

Your reading list is fine.

>> No.6035799

Under 20 years old

>> No.6035802

>Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the complete unabridged version in all of its brick-like glory

>> No.6035834

Now: Invisible Man, Lord Jim
Next: Deadeye Dick

>> No.6035884

Ooowee what a fine read.

American Psycho
This is The Story of Your Life

>> No.6035885

Chronicle of a Death Foretold
The Alchemist
The Cathedral of the Sea
Great Gatsby
Conquest of New Spain
The Scarlet Ibis(not sure if this counts but interesting read)

>> No.6035903

V. by Pynchon
Ficciones by Borges
Churchill biography

>> No.6035913

Revised my list:

> Invisible Man-Ellison
> Lord Jim-Conrad
> Welcome to the Monkey House-Vonnegut

> Deadeye Dick-Vonnegut
> Metamorphosis and other shorts-Kafka
> The Sketch Book-Irving

> Heart of Darkness-Conrad
>One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest-Kesey

>> No.6035917

Most recent: Crime and Punishment


>> No.6035953

> The Power Broker, Robert Caro
> Superintelligence, Nick Bostrom
> Prelude to Foundation, Asimov
> Manstein, Hitler's best General

>> No.6035970

This is almost me. Last books have been C&P, The Stranger and currently reading Siddhartha. I'm pleb tier though.

>> No.6035999

>Hunger - Hamsun
>Notes from the Undeground - Dostoyevsky
>Greek tragedies (Sophocles, Euripides and Aeschylus)
>Short stories - Chekhov

>> No.6036011

Probably a teenager, hasn't realized pomo is great and vonnegut is an entry level hack

>> No.6036014

I'm actually surprised you can read Vonnegut after reading a real luxury like Conrad. It'd be eating a world-class meal then cleansing your palate with a turd.

>> No.6036016
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Germinal by Emile Zola

>> No.6036023
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Chronicles of the Black Company - Glenn Cook

>> No.6036039

Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.6036043

Luddite. Run while you can.

>> No.6036183

Canterburry tales
Swann's way

>> No.6036214


L'étranger, Camus
L'oeuvre au noir, Yourcenar
Les météores, Tournier

>> No.6036275

Also shadow tower also by Glen Cook, very well written, i have the italian translation, made me think about Vietnam...

>> No.6036282

Last: Malte Laurids Brigge, Rilke

Current: The Castle, Kafka

Next: Duino Elegies, Rilke

>> No.6036287

prelude to foundation is best foundation

>> No.6036288

I have read nothing since I finished Beevor's Spanish civil war book a month ago

Forgive me padre

>> No.6036291

Shadow tower

>> No.6036301

Last: Don't know haven't read a book in 11 years
Current: None
Next: None

>> No.6037005

Psycho-Cybernetics (Maxwell Maltz)
Thinking, Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman)
The Count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas)
The Complete Essays (Michel de Montaigne)

>> No.6037026

Story of Philosophy by Will Durant
Don Quixote by Cervantes (Grossman trans)
Slan by AE von Voigt
Roald Dahl Omnibus

And I've been picking away at Plutarchs Lives and The Bible for like a year now.

>> No.6037037

>Last book
The Odyssey

Note Books of Malte Laurids Brigge ~Rilke
Hunger ~Hamsun
Debt ~Graeber

>> No.6037066

>Planning to commit suicide soon

>> No.6037073

Last: The Martian
Current: Infinite Jest
Future: Infinite Jest

Will I make it?

>> No.6037074

the making of the atomic bomb by richard rhodes

>> No.6037078

Albert Camus - The Plague (almost done)
Dostoyevsky - The Idiot (just started with it)

>> No.6037114

>for fun
The Invisible Man, H.G. Wells

>for class
Epic of Gilgamesh

>> No.6037281

>the eye of the world

>> No.6037311

Finally started Inherent Jest

>> No.6037343

Most people jerk off in private.

>> No.6037364

Childhood end .Arthur c Clarke
Trilogia sucia de LA habana. Pedro Juan gutierrez

>> No.6037422


>aspiring to herd mentality

>> No.6037435

>To Kill a Mockingbird

And no I am not in high school.

>> No.6037452

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

>> No.6038111


>> No.6038140 [DELETED] 

(Bertolt Brecht's) Songs and Poems
Our Lady of the Flowers
The Temple of Dawn
Gravity's Rainbow

>no homo

>> No.6038154

Our Lady of the Flowers
The Temple of Dawn

>no homo

>> No.6038159

No One Belongs Here More Than You - Miranda July
The Crying of Lot 49 - Thomas Pynchon
Inferno - Dante Alighieri (trans. Allen Mandelbaum)

>> No.6038183

Poor guys. They look like they had to spam a thousand *tips feddora on /lit/ to recover after this.

>> No.6038197
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>not The Divine Comedy

>> No.6038202

>not know the Jesus chatline was a hoax

>> No.6038230

I "not even knew" the Jesus chatline even existed.

>> No.6038295

It was prank on /b/. lol xD

>> No.6038315

ITT: projection

>> No.6038354

Last: Sexus
Current: Plexus
Next: Nexus

>> No.6038635

In psychological terms; there is literally nothing else it could be, three lines of data leaves a lot of blank space to be filled in unconsciously for the purposes of judgement. In short, what did you expect?

>> No.6038685

Concepts and Categories
Isaiah Berlin

>> No.6038701

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Catch 22
Six Easy Pieces

Just starting to be /lit/, go gentle.

>> No.6040465

i really enjoyed that.

>> No.6040477

homo with good taste

fellow artist

could converse with

>> No.6040501

>Le città invisibili - Italo Calvino

>Io non ho paura - Niccolò Ammaniti
>Soumission -Michel Houellebecq

>Le Feu: journal d'une escouade - Henri Barbusse
>A Rebours - Huysmans
>Cien años de soledad - Gabriel García Márquez

>> No.6040518

The Consolation of Philosophy
The Republic

>> No.6040558

the road
music in everyday life
the crying of lot 49
ecology without nature
music, sound and space
the book of laughter and forgetting
a thousand plateaus

>> No.6040576

I've read a bunch of books in my life, but I've recently stopped because I'm writing now, and don't want my voice to be polluted.

>> No.6040680

Candide, Voltaire
The Fellowship of the Ring, Tolkien
El catedral del mar, Falcones (It's shit, haven't touched it in weeks, might finish it at some point though)
Journey to the end of the night, Céline
Things Fall Apart, Achebe for a reading club

>> No.6040693

Le Morte d'Arthur
The Corpus Hermeticum
Difference & Repetition

>> No.6040788

Right now reading Gargantua and Pantagruel by François Rabelais.

Going to read the Iliad and Odyssey next.
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>> No.6040789

>Basic Medical Endocrinology
>Titus Groan

Underwhelmed by Peake's prose. Does the series get better?

>> No.6040791


What, why did that happen?

>> No.6040833

Yes and then with the last work it takes a weird turn. Personally I enjoyed the first book.

>> No.6040839


>> No.6040875

The New Jerusalem Bible
The Decameron

>> No.6040923

Just finished The Stranger, continuing with On the Genealogy of Morals. A friend and I are starting a study group around The Protestant Ethic (proper translation?) sometime soon. Reading some Platon at uni as well.