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6033878 No.6033878 [Reply] [Original]

>he read Part Two of the Epilogue

>> No.6033888

>he hasn't read the sequel War and Peace 2: War Harder

>> No.6033895

>he does know that Tolstoy originally wanted to call it War: what is it good for?

>> No.6033898

>he hasn't read the sequel War and Peace 3: The Return of the Peace

>> No.6033901

>there are people on /lit/ RIGHT NOW who haven't read War & Peace

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6033904
File: 12 KB, 200x303, ColePhelps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt many people on this board have finished War and Peace, anon.

>> No.6033911


>> No.6033919
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The end of W&P makes it pretty clear that Tolstoy intended to write a sequel about the Decembrist Uprising.

>> No.6034164

I read it awhile ago. Doesn't Tolstoy just ramble on about why there must be a God, because otherwise all these events could never have coincided?

>> No.6034189

I liked it, (I get that was boring, and could have been condensed a lot)

>> No.6034198

It more an argument for determinism, with god at the center of it.

>it's all pre determined because your body is a limitation on free will
>free will cannot exist without being free from this plane of existence

and so on

>> No.6034204

I have

>tfw have picture of Tolstoy hanging in my room

>> No.6034214

Illiterate idiots

It was a very easy read. At least there used to be quite a few /lit/ Anons who had read it, but who knows these days. Probably not

>> No.6035085
File: 167 KB, 470x1418, 24864A7700000578-2902845-In_2002_Kate_Middleton_walked_down_a_catwalk_in_a_see_through_dr-a-3_1420799022324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 would read again including epilogue

for all you stoner anons its a great book to read high

>> No.6035095


i took a big break at the hunting part cuz it got sort of boring and i had other shorter books i wanted to read. still reading though.

>tfw partially obligated to read Tolstoy cuz gr8 gr8 grandpa exchanged letters with him

>> No.6035106


>> No.6035262

Great book. Easy to read.
Sonya best girl. Maria a shit.
Also needed more Vera.

>> No.6035267

>tfw I read War and Peace when I was 16
Feels good. Didn't bother with the epilogue though. Fuck that.

>> No.6035321


Damn that's cool. My grandpa was an official member of the communist party

>> No.6035372

my grandpa committed suicide at 25 because my grandma cucked him

>> No.6035396


what makes someone an official member? Isn't it just a political party?

>> No.6035422


sry ment 2 reply 2


still new 2 this 4chan thing

>> No.6035480 [DELETED] 


>> No.6035874
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Sure you did

>> No.6035985

>for all you stoner anons its a great book to read high

Can you expand on that bruh bruh?

>> No.6035987

Is it worth reading in translation? I've been hesitant about reading translated literary works lately

>> No.6036545


You sir, are my brother.

>> No.6036659 [DELETED] 

How does it compare to Anna Karenina?
I really liked that.

>> No.6036790

not the anon but it contains amusing hyjinx such as attaching a policeman to a bear and throwing it in the river. I read it stoned, took me ages though, and the epilogue is better read sober.

>> No.6036818

Tolstoy was really into his christian stoicism.

>> No.6036826

different anon here.
Its not actually a challenging book except for its length and the story is very compelling and it is easy to get invested into the characters. I too read it at 16 but I was on a holiday in the Oregonian wilderness so there was fuck all to do. Still, its far from impossible .

>> No.6036840

prove you read it properly:
gives the full names of five major characters.

>> No.6037015

No OP but I wanna try.

Nikolai Rostov
Nastasha Rostov
Andrei Bolkonski
Marya Bolkonski

Hey, guys, this scene buggs me.

What's the deal with Nikolai gambling with Dolokhov. It's very unsettling.

Dolokhov wanted to marry Sophie, but she was in love with Nikolai, so she declined. As a means to placate Dolokhov, Nikolai gambles a huge sum with Dolokhov. And for some reason, Dolokhov is all like in his mind "I"m going to let him lose 34 thousand rubles and no more".

I get it, but I don't get it. Some Nikolai's actions and motives are inexplicable, don't follow logic...

OOOOOoooooooo dat mysterious slavic soul....

>> No.6038320

I'm about to start reading the epilogue.
What can I expect?

>> No.6038527

the vocabulary isn't impossible for a highschooler, it's the concepts that are completely out of reach for someone lacking in life experience. this isn t only limited to teens though, almost anyone in general that flipped through it could not give you any impression in regard to its profundity.

for instance Pierre is a sort of Napoleon only in a social atomosphere; written more or less to stress the idea that men, especially those in power, are really powerless when it comes to decisions of significance
>came from a carefree, priviledged existence but under the radar of society and a 'free' man and without the burdens of society.
>suddenly thrust into power and attempts to use his position for the benefit of man, never with success
>becomes a cuckold to a woman in a loveless marriage and an object of mockery
>although immensely powerful cannot help but be lead around by those who desire a piece of him like a hoard of bullet ants carrying off a baby
>sinks into vice and becomes delusional and disillusioned, only random fate is his saving grace.

was this man's existence benefited by a change in social status? was he more free or constricted? was he able to do more good than harm to mankind? he almost died for a woman he didn't love and in a situation he would've never been in had he never been powerful.

>> No.6038567

Thank you based Anon, I hadn't seen that comparison between Pierre and Napoleon.

>> No.6038717


a lot of the actions by the main characters are really impulsive which specifically bothered me about Pierre. I don't know if it's just how romanticized literature works or what.

>> No.6038837

>not Pierre

>> No.6038849
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The scene that really affected me was Karataev being shot

>> No.6039495

>Some Nikolai's actions and motives are inexplicable
I'm probably wrong but Dolokhov was portrayed as one of those roguish cool guys, Nikolai just never had the 'street smarts' and got burnt when trying to gamble with Dolokhov. I'm also sure there were also snips in his chapters mentioning how he blew through he allowance while with the military which allude to his lack of care for money.

>> No.6039528


can i even say i've read war and peace if i've only read a translation?

>> No.6039541
File: 11 KB, 265x297, oh no!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to read War and Peace in the original language first because only plebs read translations
>learn Russian over several years
>watch many Russian movies
>spend time over in Russia to properly understand the culture
>drink copious amounts of vodka
>study Napoleonic history
>refine my Russian skills more and more until I am 100% fluid
>finally feel that I am now ready for this greatest of Russian books
>start reading
>all the dialogue is in French
>mon visage quand

>> No.6039566

Can you read fluent French and Russian?
I also think there are a few pages in German