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6033390 No.6033390 [Reply] [Original]

Who is /lit/'s favourite stand up comedian?

>> No.6033402
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I know this is cliche and most of the pseuds on this board like to pretend he isnt the best because of his overall popularity, but louie c.k. is by far the funniest stand up comedian of the 2000's

>> No.6033403

Bruce, Stanhope, Hedberg, Patrice, Dangerfield

>> No.6033406

Brian Regan
Bill Burr
Patton Oswalt
Doug Stanhope
Josh Blue
Mitch Hedberg
Patrice Oneal
Old Louie

>> No.6033408
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>> No.6033409

Eddie Izzard, Dylan Moran, Doug Stanhope, and Bill Hicks

>> No.6033410
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>> No.6033411

He doesn't make me laugh but I suppose humor is subjective. I'm happy that you're able to enjoy him anon.

>> No.6033412
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Love his bit on Spanish Fly.

>> No.6033415

His new stuff is just pandering tho

>> No.6033416
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Wrong, wrong and wrong.

>> No.6033417

yeah i agree he peaked in like 2008, but he still had some prolific years

>> No.6033418
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>> No.6033419
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There are no comedians in my country. :(

>> No.6033422

Stewart Lee and louis CK both had early careers that sucked.

>> No.6033429

Joe Rogan
Bill Burr
Joey 'Coco' Diaz
Duncan Trussell
Brian Callen

>> No.6033437

literally our guy

>> No.6033449

Mike Birbigs
Paul F Tompkins
John Mulaney
Doug Stanhope

>> No.6033450

Joe Rogan's podcast where the have to cut deadmau5 off from drinking whiskey because he's being a fucking dick and the one where he and Giorgio Tsoukaloa (ancient aliens hair man) basically admit they are hucksters for health scams/tinfoil bait are absolute gold

He does too much coke or whatever before his stand up shows imo

>> No.6033451
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>Joe Rogan

I love when he has Joey and Stanhope on his podcast but shit.

>> No.6033452
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I only like important comedy.

>> No.6033457

Wrong, wrong. He's a smug lefty cunt

>> No.6033458

And intermediate careers that sucked, and advanced careers that sucked...

>> No.6033471


>> No.6033475


>> No.6033477

Richard Pryor

>> No.6033483

h-hannibal buress

>> No.6033523

stewart lee

>> No.6033527

Nah they just got popular later in life. Good or bad, that is up to you.

>> No.6033533

joey has amazing stories and I just love the scum of the earth that Stanhope can be.

>> No.6033537

Sean Lock probably

>> No.6033545

>liking Louis CucK

>> No.6033554
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Bill Burr and Lenny Bruce

>> No.6033571

Youp van 't Hek
Edd Byrnes
Hannibal something
Dave Chappelle
Richard Pryor

>> No.6033606

It's worth to learn spanish just to listen to this guy

>> No.6033629

I hate stand up comedy.

>> No.6033631

The correct answer is Sam Hyde


>> No.6033633

The only correct answer is Dylan Moran

>> No.6033644

Tron Van Nyugen


>> No.6033651



>> No.6033683

Eskimo face from the 90s for stand up and ol' Billy red face for podcast

After seeing the Alan Partridge dude on O&A I really started to wonder how Stewart Lee would do in that show

>> No.6033684

this is the correct answer

>> No.6033691

Henning Wehn is hilarious

>> No.6033708 [DELETED] 

a gimmick is always best than talent, I suppose

>> No.6033711


>> No.6033715

No. Some people have to get fat and ugly to learn humility, and then get funny. Funny is all about failure, which is why there are no slim, 10/10 comedians.

>> No.6033716

why talent when you have a gimmick

>> No.6033724

i like these choices + OPs, seeing stew on valentines day which should be cheery

>> No.6033730

god this is painful

he can be so funny but he can be so fucking dumb too

I don't think he gets why most of his good jokes are good

>> No.6033734
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Came here to say the same thing. Good job, anon.

>> No.6033757


He has a book, too. It's TEXTBOOK

>> No.6033778

he just does what he thinks will piss off the most people

sometimes its funny sometimes it isnt

>> No.6033814
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That hasn't been mentioned already? Simon Amstell

plus he's a total qt

>> No.6033828

I feel like he's more intelligent and interesting than he is funny. The comedy is like the second attraction

>> No.6033866


why is partridge god?

>> No.6033877

Dara o Briain probably. He is the master of handling an audience. Seen him live several times, going again in a few days actually.

Also Rich Hall, Eddie Izzard, Bill Bailey, Dylan Moran, Jack Dee, Sean Lock, Rhod Gilbert, loads of others. there are a few theatres around where i live that are on the main comedy circuit so i get to go to lots of shows.

>> No.6033903
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That cunt is only of the least funny 'Comedians I've ever seen.

He turned being a smug Guardian reader in a career. Feed him to Muslims

>> No.6033912

yeah it took me a while to realize this was his MO because a lot of the stuff he does is hilarious. lame that he doesn't really have a goal other than pissing people off

>> No.6033920

He's superficially smart, he interacts with people who appear smart like him, but his thinking corresponds to a 40 year old stay at home wife from the 60's. That's part of the joke, at least for me.
I would let him fuck me, sure.

>> No.6033926

The only ones I've sought out more off after initially seeing them was Dylan Moran and Norm MacDonald. Hilarious bastards.

I don't understand the undying devotion for Bo Burnham and Russel Howard. Frankie Boyle gives me a chuckle every now and then though.

>> No.6033953

>louis ck
rehashing the same fucking themes that much funnier comedians have presented in much funnier ways over and over decades before he did it
>brian regan
funny when I was 14.
>bill burr
always sounded like too much of an opinionated, argumentative cunt for me to like him.
>joe rogan
I don't understand how anyone has ever found his stand up funny.

Daniel Tosh's stand up is good.

>> No.6033966


>> No.6033983

We can all agree that Boston/ Mass has bred the best comedians of the new millennium, yeah?

>Louis Cuck
>Joe Rogan
>Bill Burr
>Bo Burnham (lol)
>Jay Leno
>Patrice O'Neal

easily best of at least the new millennium

>> No.6034003

>easily best of at least the new millennium
Yeah totally, if you were born in the new millennium.

>> No.6034007
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>joe rogan

>> No.6034016

Bo Burnham
Bill Burr
Louis CK, but it took me a long time to come around on him
Lenny Bruce
Dave Chappelle

I can't stand Aziz or Hicks. I also didn't think Carlin was that funny.

>> No.6034026

name a better region at producing comedic talent recently

inb4 you list some random-ass city with fuck all comedic talent

>> No.6034030


why are people still discussing this when the correct answer is right here

>> No.6034035

Get some standards you shit-taster.

>> No.6034048

Oh, actually I agree. I was just thinking of US.

Can we agree that Irish=Scottish>>English>>>>Welsh in terms of comedy?

>> No.6034054

>British "humor"

Go back to tumblr.

>> No.6034055


>> No.6034056

>filthy Ameriburger microphone giggles

Piss off

>> No.6034065

Demitri Martin

>> No.6034083

Goddamnit this always turns into a US v. UK thing.

Let's just get one thing straight: Doug Stanhope, Bill Burr, Bill Hicks, Joe Rogan and anyone else who vaguely resembles these people are not funny.

No one who says Lenny Bruce has actually listened to Lenny Bruce.

>> No.6034085

You spelt humour wrong mate.

>> No.6034106

It's almost like humor is subjective, anon.

>> No.6034108

anyone who didn't list patrice o'neal doesn't know good comedy

it's that simple

>> No.6034115
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>Bo Burnham
>doesn't think Carlin is funny

>> No.6034121

>Let's just get one thing straight: Doug Stanhope, Bill Burr, Bill Hicks, Joe Rogan and anyone else who vaguely resembles these people are not funny.
I guess it just says something about the community that enjoys stand-up that they put these mediocre fucks on a pedestal.

>> No.6034122

He was a funny guy but like DiPaolo he was too repetitive

>now, look, here's what I don't get about white people

>> No.6034123

Refresh me on notable Irish comics, I never pay attention to which part of limey land they're from if they're from overseas.

>> No.6034135

Does Stew count as a scottish or english comic?

>> No.6034136

>unable to judge objective attributes of an act

go plow your field

>> No.6034137
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why does marc maron have any popularity?
why does he have a television show?
why do stupid, cutesy, girls in their early 20s find him so engaging?

he's so obnoxious and his podcast is so god damn awful

>> No.6034138
File: 156 KB, 677x873, Dudley_Moore_Peter_Cook_Kraft_Music_Hall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no anon. we cannot.

>> No.6034140

kevin hart as chocolate droppa

>> No.6034141



>> No.6034142


>> No.6034143

Bernard Manning

>> No.6034146

this dude is funny but i really feel time won't be kind with him because like Flight of the Conchords he's the face of hip mid-to-late 00's comedy

>> No.6034154

Jerry Sadowitz.

He did a bit on Jimmy the Savile in the 80's. Crowned him king of the pedos, the prophesised Childbender.

>> No.6034158


>why does marc maron have any popularity?

as a stand up he is shit and his tv show is shit but honestly he is very good at interviews. go and listen to his recent one with paul thomas anderson. the guy just knows how to do good interviews. he is overrated as fuck but he definitely has something that he is skilled in and on those particular grounds his popularity is warranted.

>> No.6034161

I think because no one else was prepared to sit down and do what he does

And he's been on the game long enough to know the names to help him get started, like Richard Herring

>> No.6034166


patrice was the embodiment of funny he was more of a comic than most of the comics itt will ever be

>> No.6034168

Bill Burr hands down

>> No.6034182

>but honestly he is very good at interviews.
I just can't
I'm more inclined to agree with
in saying that
>I think because no one else was prepared to sit down and do what he does

he's like a comedian archivist to me, like he just has a fucking encyclopedic awareness of the community.

but even his fucking interviews, I just can't dig his humor and it's almost always just a god damn anecdotal drone. which I can get behind if I like who he's interviewing, genuinely. but otherwise? fuck it, it hurt me to go through his show through time and pick out the people I did like along with those whose names popped out at me. at least 50 episodes over his career.

>> No.6034453

what board or whatever is that picture supposed to represent? /fit/?

>> No.6034483

are you retarded?

>> No.6034493

do i need to be? would it help?
not enough to memorise every stupid meme picture in the world, anyway

>> No.6034500
File: 1.68 MB, 1870x1870, I Seriously Hope You Guys Don't Do This.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any footage of Based Self's stand up?

>> No.6034510


>> No.6034553

Dave Allen for someone genuinely good
Dara O' Briain for mediocre but contemporary

In 25 years people will still remember Allen, basically.

>> No.6034577

>Stewart Lee

Damn right, going to see him live in the summer.

>> No.6034644

norm madconald is so endearing
it's like he's not particularly funny but he's entertaining

>> No.6034649

Louis Cuck King

>> No.6034673

Louis ck is not a cuck lol he's single and gets laid constantly

>> No.6034680

His radio shit is the best, same with Patrice O'Neil

>> No.6034689

I used to do a lot of drugs. I still do, but I used to, too!

>> No.6034721
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>> No.6034976 [DELETED] 
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>louis cuck

>> No.6035005

This is incredible

>> No.6035024


Chris Packham's let himself go.

People who don't think Stewart Lee is funny just aren't very clever.

>> No.6035068

I really liked Frankie Boyle's book. And some of the things on Tramadol Nights were pretty funny, especially the Knight Rider thing.

>One in each tit, Michael. Send a message.

>> No.6035105


There literally can only be one

>> No.6035113


but his Weekend Update career and talk show appearances are better than his standup.

>> No.6035115



>> No.6035123
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i guess my [second ] favorite standup would be this freak

>> No.6035131

>I also didn't think Carlin was that funny.

He's not, he's fucking terrible. An old man moaning about shit. Hilarious.

>> No.6035152
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his hair is disgusting too

>> No.6035342
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I don't thinks anyone else make me laugh as hard as Norm. I listened to this at work and had to bite myself to not laugh:


Surprised Dave Attell or Colin Quinn have not been mentioned

>> No.6035473
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Bo, yo.

>> No.6035755

norm and colin quinn. the rest of these guys are unimaginably pleb shit

>> No.6035763


>young qt J garofalo

where did everything go so wrong

>> No.6035793
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dat time he hosted SNL and just wrecked them
dat time he made fun of someone in a movie w/Carrot Top

>> No.6035801

Brent Weinbach

>> No.6035803

poor sense of humor

>> No.6035810

muh nigga

>> No.6035835

the fuck? i didnt laugh once at this.

>> No.6035840
File: 47 KB, 571x377, richard_jeni_f4is1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richard Jeni.

Great comedian. Great person. Sadly too good for this world.

>> No.6035847

You have shit taste.
No wonder you're on /lit/.

>> No.6035862

I always push Emo on people who say they like Steven Wright or Mitch Hedberg.

>> No.6035873

Fantastic in Dr. Katz and Home Movies as well.

>> No.6035876

Mitch can be preferable if you just want someone mumbling wordplay at you rather than Emo's presentation.

>> No.6035894

glad to see Emo in one of these threads finally. Definitely my favourite comedian. Aside from the aforementioned Hedburg and Wright (both great) are there any other similar-ish comedians?

>> No.6035905

You might like Milton Jones.

>> No.6035911
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>mfw none of my friends want to see standup that is literally 80 minutes of dad jokes
Fuck everyone. Tim Vine is the man.


>> No.6035914

Reminds me of Carl Baron.
Speaking of which, he has a couple fantastic shows.
His bits on shows with other people are pretty weak to me though.

>> No.6035929
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Hannibal Buress

>> No.6035948

Anthony Jeselnik

>> No.6035959
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La Tenchis.


>> No.6035963

Mike Birbiglia

I'm a bear, etc...

>> No.6035977
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Lenny Bruce

>> No.6036001


>> No.6036009
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Richard Herring> Stewart Lee

Whilst Lee is shitting on all his fellow comedians with his totally ironic repetitive act, Herring is out making shows about such varied and interesting things, as the class system, Hitler, Jesus, and the meaning of life.

>> No.6036013
File: 25 KB, 565x318, jim_jefferies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no better storyteller out there right now. He may be a bit frat boyish, but he's such a funny cunt.

>> No.6036037

He could be better.
Needs to stick to jokes and trying specifically to be funny than commentating on other things.

>> No.6036051

Is her standup actually good? She's terrible on her talkshow, but the later episodes of her sitcom weren't bad.

>> No.6036057

I was a big fan of Lee and Herring, (This Morning with Richard not Judy is one of the all time great shows, especially what they got away in that time slot) and I liked SL's early standup, but he has become tired and boring and his sets barely consist of anything funny, it's just him repeating something over and over again, while occasionally saying "daily mail". He's also the kind of comic that pseuds love to hold up as their favourite because they believe that people will think they are intellectual for liking Stewart Lee and that anyone who doesn't like him must be a racist reactionary or simply not smart enough to "get it". In fact he's perfect for this board. Overrated as fuck.

>> No.6036177


>He's also the kind of comic that pseuds love to hold up as their favourite because they believe that people will think they are intellectual for liking Stewart Lee

This applies to 90% of his fans.

Including any Stewart Lee fan reading this thinking that 90% naturally doesn't apply to you. It does.

>> No.6036200

As a Brit, I'm probably expected to hate all American 'comedians', but I am a fan of David Sedaris. I'm not sure if his radio work strictly counts as stand-up though.

>> No.6036206

I had tickets to see him last saturday and completely forgot ;_;

>> No.6036223
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They do sketches, not stand up, but the Good Neighbor guys are my favorite. Lots of surreal, silly stuff.

One of them, Kyle, had his own channel with some pretty funny characters, like:
the roomies guy

Stand ups that I haven't seen mentioned:

Brent Weinbach (hit or miss, but usually interesting)
Demetri Martin

>> No.6036262
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>"I love Shakespeare. Favorite subject in school, still read Shakespeare today. But people complain that it’s impractical to learn so much about Shakespeare, but let me learn you something: If it wasn’;t for William Shakespeare, I would have totally overreacted when my fiance killed herself!
Now if you didn’t laugh at that one, I understand. I’m not for everybody, but you should probably read more."


>> No.6036293

It's Joe Rogan. It's funny if you are familiar with the bloke.

>> No.6036298

Why is all criticism towards the based Stew samefagging and shit?

>> No.6036300

I watched one of his more recent routines and the whole thing was him pretending to act humble then dropping in Christ allegories, subtly putting himself above plebs, etc.

Personally, I think that his 'stage performer' isn't that smart but thinks he is, and that's were a lot of the comedy comes in, like you start thinking he's smart and then realise he's just trying to convey that and so stop laughing at others and instead at him

>> No.6036309


>> No.6036331

If Chris Packham did stand-up, he would be my favourite
>tfw it would never happen

>> No.6036339

Maybe some people just don't think he's funny.

>> No.6036359

Danny Bhoy is funny.


>> No.6036387

I always thought Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Bill Hicks, and Doug Stanhope, all act and present their material in an incredibly English way. Even Louis CK to some extent. Watch this and you'll see what I mean.


>> No.6036395

For me I think it will always be patrice o'neal.

>> No.6036410


not true


tasteless teenager

>> No.6037600


Mi negrata.

>> No.6037625

daddy issues.