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/lit/ - Literature

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6031902 No.6031902 [Reply] [Original]

This is it, guise. I got a better job with a new company. No more pumping gas. It was rough as shit but I kept writing through the whole thing and I have something to show for my time. After this thread dies it's back to lurking and reading. If you're working on a novel or other piece, don't stop. Take it easy.

>> No.6031925

Your shadow looks like a pigeon

>> No.6031960

Nice to have news. What do you do now?

>> No.6031964

respect man
remember the little people
just because you in the clouds doesn't mean you can't still be solid
don't forget
i'm proud of you

>> No.6031977
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>> No.6032023

Supervisor at a growing food distribution network. By blind luck I got interviewed by the CEO because h/r had already gone home. I didn't expect anything other than filling out an application so I was wearing my army field jacket with the wings and patch on it. Turns out homeboy and his five brothers were ALL in Vietnam, so for the first time in years I got credit for being a veteran. Having a degree and logistical experience helped but being able to identify the bottle and distiller of the bourbon he had on a shelf behind him sealed the deal. He said he liked what he saw and if I was prepared to bust my ass for him he said I could overtake the less than spectacular guys he has now and work my way into mgmt in just over a year. This is what I beeded. ALSO I got news back from a query letter I sent out to a lit agent and she wants to see work from the first novel of my sci fi series. Shit can fall into place if you keep your chin up and keep trying

>> No.6032026

who are you?

>> No.6032040

(Pulls anon closer) IM BATMAN.

I'm nobody, I just like writing sci fi

>> No.6032101

Also, it should've noted that I'm grateful for /lit/'s encouragement. It helped. Even you "hurr durr, ur a genre writing fag, lol. Ulysses and Tolstoy!" guy

>> No.6032814

Didn't know you where a veteran. Thanks.

>> No.6032858

Thanks. Tuzla, Mostar; and Zagreb are a long way from Iraq and afghanistan. What sucks is most interviewers want the fire and "call of duty" shit

>> No.6032871

Are you this guy?

>Goddamn it, I'm 38, under employed, my college degree is worthless thanks to the economic failings of 2008, no one cares about hiring veterans, and right now I'm standing in a plywood booth with plexiglass windows waiting for semi's to arrive so I can fuel them. I'm in a loveless and distant 8 year marriage, my car was totaled in a car accident, my father is suffering from dementia and tried to hit me, my knees hurt, my supervisor on this temp job is a brainless, toothless redneck, I'm lonely, uninspired, cold, wet, and as I type this I can feel my dreams and sanity slipping away from me. I want to die in the worst way... But even now, in the face of all of this, I can't stop trying to get published. It's all that matters. Tell me you're going to keep trying, /lit/. I don't think I'm going to make it.

>> No.6032902

Nice archive!

>> No.6032916

I may have EMO'd a bit.

>> No.6032922

Good luck.

>> No.6032928

Good luck with your new job, it's great to see someone pull themselves out of hole.

Just make sure you remember this feeling for the next time everything starts to go to shit.

>> No.6032933

I remember something totally hilarious happened to your father where he fell in the kitchen while choking and he spit out the thing that was blocking his throat.

>> No.6032941

Fuck off, these 'Oh I got a job now, my life is turning around, see you fuckers later' threads are so stupid. You people with your pretend 'I'm really too good for this place I was only here cause my life was in the dumps' bullshit are so fake it's pathetic.

>> No.6032952
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J.K. Trollin

>> No.6032979

Thanks guy

>> No.6032982

Ill do it

>> No.6032988

Yeah. He mixed his Metamucil too thick and fucking lost consciousness. He fell and hit his head on a cabinet. The blow to the head may have kickstarted the dementia. He took a swing at me a week later but never mentioned the accident until after he apologized for being an aggressive asshole. Kinda scary really. He's a different person already. Please, talk to your parents about the dangers of Metamucil.

>> No.6033029

I've been here since 2006, I'll still be here lurking in the threads concerning monomyths, series, publishing, and epics. Those are my interests. Stay at it. Don't let life get in the way of making something that adds to the enjoyment of the world of /lit/erature. I'll post again if and when I get closer to getting published.

>> No.6033033

You can call me a hack/fag/etc. then too

>> No.6033042
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>> No.6034634


>> No.6036831

Is OP still here?

>> No.6036855

Right here. Sup?

>> No.6036872

Have you started your new job yet? Have lurked your threads for a while.

This may be autistic but I spent a couple of hours last week on google maps looking up different truck stops in northern Kentucky in an effort to find your little booth on street view. I wasn't going to post your info or anything, just thought it would be funny,

How's the writing going? Didn't you say some agent wants to read your first book or something?

>> No.6036911

inb4 lit becomes more autistic than /sp/

>> No.6037000

I figured someone would try and put 2 and 2 together so I lied about which region of Kentucky. Never forget that 4chan is like a blind rabid pit bull wearing a party hat. It's fun to play with but for gods sake don't let it figure out where you are.

Having said that, I start the job later today. I'll train with a guy for like a week or so before going to nights as a supervisor. If what this guy says is true then I'll be a glorified babysitter for guys loading trucks. If that's true, I'll knock out all my work as fast as I can then fire up the netbook to keep writing.
I'm sending some work to a lit agent who seems interested in what I have but there's never any guarantees. I really don't want to put these on Amazon As a self publish. Sure it'll sell, but getting traditionally published will open up more doors. We'll see.
Sorry about being vague concerning my location but I've watched 4chan pull some CIA level tracking shit to find people and while I haven't done anything wrong or illegal I can definitely see one of them doing the time to find the gas island and then calling the company to be all "you what up dog? You got a fairy ass Harry potter writing fag out in yo gas shack calling yall mofuckahs toothless and shit! I LIEK BATTLETOADS! We are legion! Expect us, BITCH!" And the. My day would go downhill from there.
A few threads ago some guy said "yo, no one cares about you trying to blog about your shit on lit yo! Stop being a fag11!1 so if you've got one of those temp emails we can converse more and I'd be willing to talk more then

>> No.6037052

>Sure it'll sell

>> No.6037056

what is it with /lit/ being synonymous with whitetrash

>> No.6037217

It's synonymous with this kind of guy.

>> No.6037242

so i guess nanowrimo didn't work for you, zeeburg.

>> No.6037289
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Nanowire I is for chumps who only push 1 month of the year. Try every month for a decade. Pic related: 12 full length manuscripts, 11 of them are my sci fi epic. 4400 pages. The "Engineer" series I started last year will be bigger

>> No.6037313

>Sure it'll sell
Well, with analogies like:
>4chan is like a blind rabid pit bull wearing a party hat. It's fun to play with but for gods sake don't let it figure out where you are.
I can see why you're so confident!

>> No.6037336

Fat joke.

>> No.6037340

And this guy.

>> No.6037351

I'm very happy for you anon. I hope you will be even more happy than now in the future. Best of luck to you and keep up the good work.

>> No.6037355

Joke? Explain

>> No.6037367

You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

This isn't fucking blogspace.

>> No.6037446

That's why I suggested people giving me emails to contact them. I'd hate to waste valuable thread spaces where I could instead be called a pleb for not memorizing Ulysses. But I see what you're saying about the whole "/lit/ confessional" vibe. All I've done is keep people abreast of my experience of navigating the world of less than ideal temp work while trying to write books and become a published writer. To quote Trent reznor, "this isn't meant to last. This is for right now". I don't have the energy or ego to maintain a blog like that. I'm just sharing snippets in a literature centered forum online. Say what you like about the content, I'm prolific in my ability to produce work. It's NOT going to be everyone's cup of tea and I'm fine with that. Are you working on a project? Join the conversation, I'd like to hear about it. But whatever you write, pick a directions and GO. I belong to too many groups where people agonize over a paragraph for months at a time. But there's also this one guy who's 85 and writes about being a poor kid in Appalachia. Why is isn't on every shelf and winning awards is beyond me. But there's also the assbag who thinks a group of adults want to hear about his fucking transformers/ my little pony softcore you fanfiction. Seriously, once you've been subjected to rainbow dash being gangbanged by the constructicons, it's enough to almost make you quit. I gotta go. New job and all. I'll check back around midnight. Laters

>> No.6037473

Fuck this guy

I enjoy your threads OP and I think others do too

I feel you're kinda edgy or spaced out or something but you seem like a cool guy and I wish you luck

>> No.6037582

I'd like to contribute regularly with maybe a personal anecdote or possible knowledge learned but then again I don't want to be invasive and be a "look at me! Look at me!" Pain in the ass. That's what rappers and pop artists are for. It's hard to gauge in this crowd though. You can offer a genuinely helpful but of knowledge and still have some chucklehead call you a
"Faggy autistic pleb"

>> No.6037628

fucking faggot cunt helping the "poor Croats and Muslims" against the "evil Serbs." Hope you feel good for being a cog in the imperialist-geopolitical-capitalist machine.

Congrats on the job and publishing interest though.

>> No.6037635


>> No.6037686

Dude that's not funny. The Serbians rolled around like ISIS killing anyone not Serbian. I call bullshit. I was in country, you weren't. Were you? Or did you read Wikipedia? 4th psychological group 6th Bn (A) out of Ft Bragg here.

>> No.6038710


>> No.6040485


>> No.6040496

A dude who spent whole war in Sarajevo reporting in. You were deployed in Bosnia to help us out ?
If so then thanks man. You are a champ.

>> No.6041677

Thanx guy.