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6030146 No.6030146 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, what would the term be for someone - like myself - who views fascism as a viable political system, but does not partake in it, as a fascist would? Is a term even needed?

inb4 "the term is faggot"
inb4 OP can't inb4

>> No.6030153

The term is autist.

>> No.6030158

closet fascist.

>> No.6030165


>> No.6030632


fellow traveler

>> No.6030736

In the beginning was a good idea, in term of efficiency and economic development, then as usual people used it only to gain power and opress each other, it is the saddest moment of our civilization , ( italy) at some point reached levels of a joke, to keep Mussolini happy and show the might of Italy people kept moving all the tanks and the military equipment according to the tour of the Duce, to show him all the efficiency achieved, one more thing in case it has been forgotten , they took part in the genocide, and i m not talking about hebrews only, basically anybody could have been thrown in prison or killed just on the spot, north korea style

>> No.6030754

For those who are unaware, "Fellow Traveler" was traditionally used as a term of reference to those holding Communist sympathies but who were not yet avowed Communists.

>> No.6030762

edgy teen.

>> No.6030854

Retard bootlicker.

>> No.6030860


can be used both ways though

>> No.6032310

"asshole" is the term

>> No.6032337

A Traditionalist.

>> No.6032340

Neoplatonician or something along those lines.

People often forget he planted the seeds for fascism. Democracy wasn't well regarded by him and Aristotle

>> No.6032399

>a non-practicing fascist
>a theoretical fascist
>fascist in theory
>fascist thinker
How is that? They're basically just variations of the theory/practice distinction, is that what you had in mind?

>> No.6032407

A 16 year old

>> No.6032417

>who views fascism as a viable political system, but does not partake in it, as a fascist would

A pussy.

>> No.6032418


>> No.6032440


a fascist?

>> No.6032753

We have a winner

>> No.6032763

a two-faced fascita

>> No.6032768
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>> No.6032772

"White sheltered suburban teen"

>> No.6032810
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Switch over to the better side OP

>> No.6032947

Nothing, there is no name for that.

Maybe some people would call you open minded but you're just open minded in the same sense that people who want creationism to be tough alongside theory of evolution are open minded. And with that I mean to say you're just ignorant.

>> No.6032967

This is it.

>> No.6032992

>a viable political or economic philosophy
all fascist dictatorships were destined to crumble from second one