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6025261 No.6025261 [Reply] [Original]

I was told this was an amazing book but

a) you need to get the physical copy for a better experience and
b) a specific edition of the hardback is preferred

can someone clarify this?

>> No.6025267

Is this book even possible to read on an ereader? I can't imagine how.

>> No.6025269

this is what I want to know, why and how is it impossible/hard?

>> No.6025272

you can only read any book with a physical copy.

>> No.6025289

You just want the one with the colors, it comes in paperback as well

>> No.6025296

can you specify which edition is that? I'll order it online since I doubt book stores will have it here

>> No.6025310
File: 299 KB, 1444x1083, House_Of_Leaves_Motto_1462[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6025315

oh. Well, there you go I guess

>> No.6025323

what the fuck am i looking at.

ive only seen women talk about this book so i assumed it was some hunger games teir shit.

whats the deal?

>> No.6025630


>> No.6025811

The colour's aren't that vital. Don't get the one with a door knob on the front if you're dead set on them though, I know that doesn't have them.

>> No.6025835

Lolno. It has it's own special word, erdagogic or some bullshit. This book is shit. The deconstruction foot notes and The Navidson Record were legitimately great, everything with Johnny Truant was so fucking terrible and pointless it killed the book for me. That faggot mary-sue could have been entirely excised and the book would have massively improved.

Only worth reading if you like creepypasta or think you can read about some edgy faggot who bangs every girl he meets and doesn't want to tell you about his mysterious scars he mentions constantly. And yes I understand he might not exist or be dead or schizophrenic or whatever, it's still retarded.

>> No.6025841

I agree complete, Truant was a massive degenerate faggot.

>> No.6025852

I do tons of drugs, he's just a terribly written character.

>> No.6025864

Who owned the house that Navidson and his brother walked through with all the creepy shit?

I'd like to think they were in Truant's mind the whole time.

>> No.6025906

its pretty good in a gimmicky sort of way. and the descriptions of the spooky house are pretty amazing.
thats about the extent of how much i enjoyed it

>> No.6026201

If you think he's a mary sue, then you're just hung up on some shitty tattoo artist image of cool, or think that frequent casual sex is some amazing feat if you're decent looking and run in those circles.

The guy's a fucking wreck, not very intelligent (except when he mysteriously is), those "mysterious scars" you're alluding to are both a reference to trauma with his mom and symbolism aligning him with the Minotaur for the Minos/Minotaur/Maze motif, and in general he's supposed to be a pretty clear example of what you should be glad you aren't as a burnout.

But no, of course 4chan resents him because they can't get past "cool guy who gets laid a lot and is edgy! because he has issues".

>> No.6026222

Just get the version in your picture, OP. It's the one with color, and it's the one bookstores carry at this point. Just go to fucking Barnes and Noble, they're bound to have it. You don't need to order it specifically if you want to have it in your hands tomorrow.

>> No.6026284

This book was about 250 pages too long it could've been great

>> No.6028013
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In Quisquilias Vadit

>> No.6029871

It's more popular than you seem to think. The Barnes and Noble near me stocks it and they mostly just shelve bestsellers and really recent stuff. Worth a look if you want to read inside the book.

>> No.6029895

In a really exaggerated way that perfectly shows that a higher "degree" of post-modernism isn't necessarily a good thing

>> No.6029896

>barnes and noble
a pleb appears

>> No.6030238

You post to contribute nothing but call someone a "pleb", use greentext and no punctuation, and are so trying so aggressively to feel elite that you jump at the chance patronize someone based on where they happen to mention someone could buy a book if they didn't want to wait for shipping.

It's amazing how someone could be such a try hard and such a bare bones adolescent cliche at the same time.