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6023584 No.6023584 [Reply] [Original]

Is Aristotle the most genius human who ever lived?
The basic scientific notions start with Aristotle, classification, empirical research
Logic started with Aristotle and didn't significantly change until modern times
Metaphysics properly started with Aristotle, its basic terms and goal defined
Medieval Theology was an extension of Aristotle

It's kind of mindboggling when you think about it. Can we even imagine how western thought would turn out without this fucker?

>> No.6024157

h e could've had a problem

>> No.6024179

>empirical research
Wasn't Big A a big advocate for "rational mind only"?
Iirc people refused to believe Tycho Brahe's empirical data on planetary motion because they stuck to the Artistotelean believe that "evidence" is useless.

>> No.6024196

That's a huge strawman by people who haven't read him.

>> No.6024224
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>mfw some pleb says Aristotle is the most genius man that ever lived

>> No.6024230

If he didn't value evidence he wouldn't go out dissecting animals

>> No.6024250

He said women had fewer teeth than men.

>> No.6024258

Well, they should have let him dissect some women then.

>> No.6024262

All of science and math is based on Plato

>> No.6024266

You're thinking of Plato.

>> No.6024270

>mfw some pleb denies that Aristotle is one of the most colossal geniuses that ever lived

>> No.6024278

>ideas aren't vague mental stuff, they are rock solid objects from a different dimension

>> No.6024340
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>mfw an Aristotle appreciation thread
>mfw it doesn't run into an ebin flute maymay spouting

>> No.6024357

Newton tho

>> No.6024361

I rarely say this, but anyone who denies the enormous contributions Aristotle made to western thought is either a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual liar or simply an idiot.

>> No.6024397
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>> No.6024405

>Is Aristotle the most wrong human who ever lived?
Probably, yes.

>> No.6024423

Very nice contrary opinion I like it

>> No.6024428


The smuglord himself

>> No.6024432

Aristotle was right about most things

>> No.6024436

Among plebs.

>> No.6024455

John Green was more right than Aristotle.

>> No.6024515

God fucking damnit can any one of you fuccbois just formulate a coherent sentence withput meme arrows to convey your opinions?

Just admit that none of you ever read anything about Aristotele and all you know about the Greeks comes from some dropout preaching shitty philosophy on youtube.

>> No.6024520

Gauss, Euler, Ampère, and Abel were the 4 most gifted man to ever walk under the sun

>> No.6024521

>le frustrated nerd

>> No.6024527

t. bootyblasted retard

>> No.6024541

I don't get it

>> No.6024558

>mfw Anglos call Aristoteles "Aristotele"

>> No.6024561

what do you need maths for man :^)

>> No.6024562

>who is von Neumann?

>> No.6024732

ya if youre 12

>> No.6024752

>Is Aristotle the most genius human who ever lived?

That's a funny way spelling Socrates. Plato is a shit though I agree.

>> No.6024763

Because back then you could sock a woman in the mouth and no one would give a shit. Hence why they all had less teeth. So he wasn't really wrong on that.

>> No.6024801

What books should I read of Aristotle?

>> No.6024860

Physics and De anima are probably his most important pieces.

>> No.6025048

Thanks, is politics worth reading also?

>> No.6025091
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>mfw John Green will be more read than Joyce in 100 years

Thank you based John

>> No.6025092

Dif anon, but yes politics is worth reading. It first sets out to criticize plato’s republic and then taunt at three forms of government. And at the end he proposes a more realistic political approach which mixes the three forms.

>> No.6025144

Virtue is a spook. The ancients were children.

>> No.6025148

John Green said Aristotle was wrong about almost everything he said.

Which is true for physics, biology and some logic, but it don't change the fact that he kickstarted every one of these sciences a developed them a lot.

>> No.6025156

Seconding De Anima, but you better be comfortable with his metaphysics before you delve in

>> No.6025263

I'm pretty sure he's already more read than Joyce

>> No.6025448

I have read Platos Republic and a few others from him. Haven't started on Aristotle yet, is there any particular order I should follow?

>> No.6025457

>The basic scientific notions start with Aristotle, classification, empirical research
In the west.
>Logic started with Aristotle and didn't significantly change until modern times
In the west.
>Metaphysics properly started with Aristotle, its basic terms and goal defined
In the west, also just a pointless activity spending time over things you can't test nor know.

He was an intelligent man but the greatest genius? Not even close.

>> No.6025921


>> No.6026007
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>Is Aristotle the most genius human who ever lived?

He retarded the progress of science by 2000 years. Fuck Aristotle.

>> No.6026044

>Logic started with Aristotle and didn't significantly change until modern times

You say that like it was a good thing.

>but it don't change the fact that he kickstarted every one of these sciences

And immediately smothered them to death. It would take over a thousand years for someone to rekindle them.

>> No.6026054

Gotta love all the people shitting on Aristotle for being wrong on some things 2000+ years ago. It's not his fault that people were afraid to surpass him until the enlightenment.

>> No.6026062

>a good thing

Top kek

>> No.6026104

There is a greater difference between a normal man and someone like Aristotle or Plato, then there is between than average man and a chimpanzee.

>> No.6026132

Von Neumann was a genius but was not in the league of Gauss, Euler, Newton.

>> No.6026153

Never thought of it like that before. Checks out.

>> No.6026162

Is it acceptable to read translations of Greek?

>> No.6026174

I think there's a difference between disagreeing with Aristotle's body of work and not recognizing the influence of it.

It's like with Freud, he founded psychoanalysis but he himself was wrong abbout everything. Aristotle founded logic and natural science as we think of them but he himself was correct about very little.

>> No.6026175

Meaningful philosophy and math started with Wittgenstein

>> No.6026184

The Ethics is the only one I'd say still provides a compelling plane of thought. All non-moral/theological systems of moral philosophy (that aren't autism incarnate) owe him a huge debt.

>> No.6026190

helo i'm 12

>> No.6026205

>The ancients were children.

Underrated post.

>> No.6026214

This I agree with.

>> No.6026250

I like Diogenes, but I don't know much about Philosophy.

>> No.6026340

>log on facebook
>faggot philo major acquaintance of mine
>constantly rambling about his entry-level perceptions
>"Aristotelians are the worse kind of people. When people are in disagreement, he is the one who will intercede to point that they aren't actually disagreeing, but talking about different subject. They cannot comprehend the ultimate opposition of ideas and lack of certainty that is inherent to every intellectual debate."
>I have a philosophy background too, so decide to ask him wtf he is trying to say
>literally goes on long speech about how "u cannot know nuthing!!!"
>unfriend him on facebook and every other social media

This happened yesterday. Feels good

>> No.6026368

>unable to defeat a sceptic so unfriend him on facebook and social media

You sure showed him!

>> No.6026396
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>>constantly rambling about his entry-level perceptions

>> No.6026397

What annoyed me the most isn't even the sceptism, but the moral relativism. You cannot argue with people like this. If you bring up a fallacy in his argument, he will deny the validity of western Logic.

>> No.6028430

Hegel, pls go

>> No.6029373

Has anyone in this thread have any experience with his work on ethics?

If so what were your thoughts on it and does it outline a practical system that one could live by?

Is it as dense and dry as his other works are held to be?

>> No.6030204

he didn't understand the difference between science and philosophy, so no.
he was the original
>why can't science prove god exists, HUH??