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6022675 No.6022675 [Reply] [Original]

>Third Reich wins WW2
>White men still manage to get cucked only this time by Japs

>> No.6022678

Did you even read the book? Do you even ever read anything?

>> No.6022694

It mentions how white women go for Jap guys for the status symbol. Did you even read the book?

>> No.6022702

Whereas the third reich is conquering mars and threatening to wipe out the japanese with nukes, yeah. Also, that's not what cuckolding is.

>> No.6022706

did they mention what happened to Australia?

>> No.6022708

in the modern sense of the word it is what "cucking" is

>> No.6022710

Japan got Australia and New Zealand
let me find the map

>> No.6022714
File: 154 KB, 900x402, 900px-Man_In_The_High_Castle_map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they drained the Mediterranean

>> No.6022745

Whats going on with Canada? My copy of the books arriving in a week so don't tell me if spoiler shit

>> No.6022756


>dat italian empire

not bad.

>> No.6022757

Doesn't really mention Canada much

>> No.6022788

>the modern sense
You mean, the /pol/ sense.
The modern sense is a distinct, consensual sexual practice, not the situation of being sexually out-competed by men of another ethnicity.

>> No.6022842

I seriously don't get how people think that the nazis could ever administrate such an blob.

The real world isn't risk.

>> No.6022877

>dem summers in Europe

>> No.6022885


What would Alexander the Great think about your post?

>> No.6022886

Actually all the Mediterranean land belongs to Germany because they're the ones who drained it. It's mentioned as being German farmland, they really fucked Italy over

>> No.6022887

The Roman Empire stretched over all of Europe, Asia Minor and North Africa and they only had messengers on horses. With telephones, fast airtravel, trains etc. I'm sure you can administer much larger areas.

>> No.6022889

He wasn't running a centralized highly socialist government and his empire split right after he died

>> No.6022897


>> No.6022915


>not highly centralized

Im kinda get what you are saying, but germany was the country with the highest population in Europe. (Im not counting Russia because most of the population lives outside Europe). And they did a great Job controlling the invaded Territorien. Sure it would be difficult to administrate such a wide Region as displayed above, but the British showed that its quite possible to pull oft.

>> No.6022920

They can't. It is one of the main points of the book that a Nazi empire true to the ideals of Adolf would quickly run itself into the ground. Extracting every bit of wealth they can from their colonies and forcing their scientists to work like crazy on various prestige projects is the only way the Reich avoids economic collapse, and by the book's time, 1960s, the raw materials and slave labour is running out.

>> No.6022922

The real world isn't a PKD novel either.

>> No.6022925

I dunno, what are opinion of the Diadochi?
But they don't have the men. Even Rome was largely built on auxiliaries.

>> No.6022938

The Waffen SS recruited from all countries of Europe, they even had an Albanian SS division. The nazis of MitHC would do the same. All of Europe conquered = Lots more foreign SS auxillaries.

>> No.6022956


PKD likely would have disagreed with you

>> No.6024903

More like they can't because none of it is real.

>> No.6024938


>> No.6025014
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>Nazi Germany
>highly socialist government

>> No.6025041

Even marxists like myself have to admit that. It's called national socialism for a reason.

>> No.6025077

How can you call yourself a Marxist when you have such a poor understanding of socialism? Socialism isn't synonymous with government control. Socialism is worker control of the means of production. The people within the Nazi party who took the "National Socialist" label literally were quickly eliminated after the Nazi's got into power and Hitler had many members of left wing parties executed.

>> No.6025114

> calls himself a Marxist
> claims that Nazi Germany was a socialist state.

Top kek. Just what >>6025077 said.

>> No.6025125

Dude, have you ever heard of the marxian distinction between sientific and utopian socialism? It's pretty basic.

>> No.6025721

I have and I don't see how either of those things are integral to Nazi ideology.

>> No.6025730

good one dude he's stumped

>> No.6026245

>All those barren sand dunes are all theirs

>> No.6026275

>not wanting to live in this world
America & Russia were the big winners of WW2 yet now they now shitholes compared to German speaking nations.

>> No.6026291

Except...the novel implies that both our reality and the novel's reality following WWII is false. Britain is actually the real victor and comes out of the war as the dominant world power, eventually turning on America, blah, blah, blah. Churchill is regarded as supreme overlord or something and everyone drinks tea all the time.

>> No.6026299

Why are you pretending? Where do you think you are?

>> No.6026413
File: 54 KB, 320x301, Mussolini_-_anno_XI_-_by_Gerardo_Dottori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All that oil

>> No.6026427

>le nazis cant be socialist because they bad meme
It was a fucking welfare state and even if they won the third reich would of been only a little different to the USSR

>> No.6027194

>based Ireland

such deviants that no one will bother with them in reality or fiction

>> No.6028311

do you even Spengler bro? Prussian socialism not marxist, it doesn't even compare.

>> No.6028326

How does this contradict what I said? Never said the nazis were marxists, that would be rtarded, just that there are more variants of socialism than marxism, which is why marx spent an awful lot of time telling those other socialists to gtfo.

>> No.6028328

What's with leftists being so satisfied about the inevitable desintegration of fascist empires? There's literally NO future at all for their ideology and every single communist country on this Earth is either kept alive through geopolitical convenience or is already transforming.
If anything proved it was unsustainable, it was this bullshit.

So instead of being so jubelant about how "kek fasjism wud never make it", think about how your shitty ideology didn't even survive a century without buttblasting itself.

>> No.6028340

Yah well, communism slowly disintegrated, sure, but fascism could hardly last a decade before destroying itself.

>> No.6028348


How is getting killed by being attacked from all sides 'destroying oneself'?

>> No.6028415
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>> No.6028433

mostly national socialist, that is the complete name of nazism/fascism area, key word here is socialism, Mussolini was a socialist too

>> No.6028450

Yes, I know. That's basically what I said, so what's your point?

>> No.6028499

Daily reminder that before WW2 the American left wing constantly praised Mussolini and discussed weather Fascism was the right future for America

>> No.6028521

because, there is socialism and there is prussian socialism.

Seriously, if you don't read Prussiandom and Socilism, you won't understand.

The socialism the Nat Soc's followed was a third option, the reactionaries called them marxists and the marxists called them right wing, they were neither, they were something new.

I quote:
>In general, it is a question not of nominal possession but of the technique of administration. For a slogan’s sake to buy up enterprises immoderately and purposelessly and to turn them over to public administration in the place of the initiative and responsibility of their owners, who must eventually lose all power of supervision—that means the destruction of socialism. The old Prussian idea was to bring under legislative control the formal structure of the whole national productive force, at the same time carefully preserving the right of property and inheritance, and leaving scope for the kind of personal enterprise, talent, energy, and intellect displayed by an experienced chess player, playing within the rules of the game and enjoying that sort of freedom which the very sway of the rule affords….Socialization means the slow transformation—taking centuries to complete—of the worker into an economic functionary, and the employer into a responsible supervisory official.

>> No.6028534

I concede all that, in fact, I never said anything against it. National socialism is socialist, in exactly the sense you describe. I. Never. Claimed. Anything. Else.

>> No.6028570

Doesn't anyone else think that draining one of the biggest bodies of water on the planet might have a tad more negative consequences than can be outweighed by "muh farmland"?

>> No.6028579

I wonder if Mexico and central america managed to still be mostly the same as ours since they're irrelevant.

>> No.6028693

Hyperbole and selective sight. Show me one anarchist who 'praised Mussolini.'