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6017927 No.6017927 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you buy your books from /lit/?

>> No.6017931

i didn't write that

>> No.6017944

The only problem is that it's way too easy to order from them. You fill your info in once, you can just click your way through ordering.

>> No.6017969


>buy books


>> No.6018015


But Jesus Christ, l start panicking if it hasn't arrived in a couple of weeks. Like l am now.

It said 4-8 work days. 10 have passed. ;_;

>> No.6018020

I don't buy books from /lit/

>> No.6018029

Sometimes booktopia whenever I get enough survey points to get a gift card.
I also stock up on good lit whenever there's a secondhand book fair

>> No.6018058


Received 8 books from bookdepository yesterday.

It's just so goddamn cheap, even with a quite expensive leatherbound Bible, it only ran up to 100USD

>> No.6018155


>> No.6018413

at a second hand store run by the salvation army

>> No.6018470


If there's a book you really want to own, it's better to buy it new. The smell and look of second-hand books is always absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6018506

Where do you live? Mine are almost always nice and almost clean. (Not him, BTW.)

>> No.6018517


>> No.6018523


>when u realize that beat up and smoke stained copy of ur favorite book is physically repulsive to other people but its actually the best

>> No.6018526

Since finishing university I'm at liberty to just browse second-hand book shops and pick up what looks interesting, rather than having to seek out specific books in specific editions. It's a nice way to find out about new writers. Very cheap too, you can find some real bargains if you're willing to dig around a bit in some dusty shelves at the back of old bookshops.

>> No.6018533

Any germanfags or eurofags here?
I usually buy from a second hand store (one specialized in english stuff) but I wonder if there's an online thingy where I can also get books.
Asking because sometimes it's hard to find things I'm looking for at second hand stores, and big chains are stocked in editions that might not be the ones I want.

>> No.6018541

>Book depository free delivery worldwide

Damn son

>> No.6018546

ebay, amazon
bookdepository for new ones

>> No.6018551

I buy dirty books from the thrift store.

>> No.6018570

I have no idea how they do it. They ship all of them seperately as well. I thought I'd be nice to them and just oder 6 books in one go, save them a few boxes or something, but they were all delivered seperately.

I understand they get their books from all over the place, but how they manage to do that for so little money baffles me.

>> No.6018573


honestly, this is the first I've seen of this website

I am scared for my wallet

Do the books usually arrive well?

>> No.6018594

yes, although i imagine it depends on your post office.

>> No.6018601

All of them have arrived in perfect condition, you get some sweet bookmarkers as well.

You can buy so much for so little, your wallet should be fine after the first purchase. If you want, you can get 10 books for 30 euros easily.

>> No.6018603
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online, from the cheapest sources

>>6017927 that book
>a garbled book produced by one member of anonymous that strings together seemingly random musings, rants, and criticisms by other member of anonymous. sausage prose devoid of any discernible value or meaning.
love it

>> No.6018654

It's never coming

>> No.6018670


abandon all hope, ye who waits 10 days

>> No.6018744

Bookdepository is the shit. Have ordered from them plenty of times.
They did mess up my order once by sending the wrong book. Just contacted support, gave my order info. They apologized and sent me a new one + let me keep the wrong book as complimentary. And to my damned luck it was Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-five which I was bound to buy someday anyway.

>> No.6018753

if you've ordered something online and it's been longer than they state, just email them
they'll send you a new one and then both will probably turn up anyway

>> No.6018756

>let me keep the wrong book as complimentary
>they'll send you a new one
How the fuck can the afford this at these prices?

>> No.6018782

I bought a hardcover copy of House of Leaves online one time (not from bookdepository)

I opened the package, which contained House of Leaves and another package addressed to another person.

I opened the other package and in it was the Kama Sutra.

"James", you dirty bastard

>> No.6018869
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I kinda just download them. And throw them on my phone.

>> No.6018968


looked at five books I wanted a none were noticeably cheaper than on amazon.

>> No.6018981

They're worried about hysterical negative feedback online and getting a reputation for unreliability. Much better to read: "there was a delay in delivery so I sent an email and they dispatched another copy straight away. Great gustomer service :---D"

>> No.6019010

There is a strange stall at the flea market that appears only every few months run by a haggard old woman in a snuggie who sells strange and obscure books: books that I can not find on amazon or eBay, and that are known only to a few and whispered of in secret. It is said that if one decodes secret messages within these books, one will gain access to secrets unknown to any but the most clever. Perhaps, though, with knowledge of these secrets lies terror. I myself have been unable to decode the meanings of these books beyond their surface text, and perhaps that is for the better. Perhaps if I were to decode the true meanings hidden in those tomes I should go utterly mad.

>> No.6019013

Yeah, l'm gonna wait a few more days for it, then l'll definitely contact them. I did something like that before too. My Under the Dome hardcover arrived maybe three weeks late, but l had contacted Amazon and they sent me another copy which arrived in about 3 days. Now l have two huge copies of the same shitty book.

Can't you get in trouble for stuff like this?

>> No.6019017

Yep, but amazon doesn't have free shipping worldwide for every single book.

>> No.6019018

Yeah, same here. Bit pricey though

>> No.6019058

Saxo.com, or as I like to it, TheDanishBookJew.com

>> No.6019082

Amazon don't PayPal.

>> No.6019103 [DELETED] 

My local bookstore.

>> No.6019115

It's so funny to watch you idiots meme your lives away so you can feel special.

Amazon is the best way to go, always, cheaper, easier, quicker, friendlier, more reliable.

>> No.6019118


Oh what, mommy won't let you use her card?

Grow the fuck up, be an adult, and get a bank account you underage faggot.

>> No.6019120 [DELETED] 


>> No.6019177


Amazon, I pretty much get everything on Kindle as it's cheaper and easier to carry around which are both merits when you're a uni student.

>> No.6019180
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>> No.6019182


Maximum commoner

>> No.6019224
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>> No.6019773

Amazon is great

>> No.6019859

>all this arguing over Amazon and book depository when book depository is owned by Amazon


>> No.6019864

>actually buying ebooks

Jesus Christ

>> No.6019895

Not for those of us living in Australia.

>> No.6019919


>> No.6019940


>> No.6020613


Oh, you said buy? Sorry, I can't help you there.

>> No.6020615


>> No.6020622

second hand shops

as well as being cheaper they look worn and it looks like you've read them even if you never do

>> No.6020703

Nothing compares to Abebooks. Prove me wrong.

>> No.6020710 [DELETED] 

I buy used books, usually old pulp science fiction, from this disorganized as fuck hipster bookshop based out of an old airplane hangar where nothing is ever on the right shelf and only about half of the books aren't about to deteriorate and crumble to dust in the reader's hand

I'll give you a fucking cookie if you figure out where I live based on this

>> No.6020726

No one gives a FUCK where you live

>> No.6020733

Second hand from charity stores. Last were Animal Farm and Catch-22 for less than a pound each.

>> No.6020740

>Not for those of us living in Australia

...Who the fuck cares about you anyways?


>> No.6020955

The only solution is to end your life.

>> No.6022267

>Supporting writers

Yes, what a terrible thing

>> No.6022272

>implying everyone here is amerifat

>> No.6022281

Have you seen the formatting on most rips, fuck that.


>> No.6022286

second hand bookshops and charity shops in the UK.

Amazon or ebay if I need a specific title to order that I can't get from the library.

>> No.6022298

The prices of books change depending on your location, based on your ip. You can get cheaper prices depending on the book and where you're at. It isn't exactly free shipping.

>> No.6022351
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Someone uploaded my pic, here have another one I took that day.

Literary & philosophical stuff I get from normal book stores, history stuff I get from book exchanges. Old military stuff like that Landcaster book in the background of that pic I sometimes pick up from my dad who has had it since the 70s.

>> No.6022358

I usually either download them to my ereader or buy from one or countless independent book store s in my city

>> No.6022401

Holy fug.
i checked that with a uk based proxy.
They cost more in the uk than shipping to my country (mexico)


>> No.6022427

It's pretty weird. Here in Australia penguin blacks are like $6 US.

>> No.6023856

Amazon, but from the used book sellers. Very good conditions have no writing and and look close to new. 1 cent + 3.99 shipping. Not bad.

>> No.6024155


>> No.6024427
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Amazon (.com., .ca, .co.uk.) and amazon marketplace, abebooks, others through bookfinder, local independent bookstore, local chains, used bookstores, freebies from my English dept (other profs, publishing reps, etc.), freebies left in the lobby of my building (common event), and so on. I get books anywhere I see them.

>> No.6024451

>buying online
>not going to local book stores and book sales at your local library

>> No.6024497


>not doing both

If everything that you are after is available to you through local retail and library then you are honestly a casual.

>> No.6024576

>he doesn't live in a patrician neighborhood

>> No.6024582

I just buy mine from Blackwells. I near the University of Manchester and that Blackwells is right across from it, so they have most books worth reading as well as some rare ones used in not-often studied subjects.

>> No.6024613


This isn't up for debate. It's the simple truth.

If everything that you could ever want is available locally then you are a casual. Cope with yourself.

>> No.6024635

How's the desert this time a year?

I live in walking distance of two huge libraries, with a third in close driving distance, and also in driving distance of many, many local bookstores. Also, my college is in walking distance as well.

>> No.6024662

Abebooks. I pay 3-4 dollars per book with free shipping.

>> No.6024722
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>I'm not a casual okay I come from a good neighbourhood okay

Fuck outta here tourist.

>> No.6024762
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Nonetheless, there are many many books not available in your area. It's basic math. Besides, amazon often sells mid-range books for 40% off cover or so: it's a waste of money to not use them at times.
Pictured: not available in your area.

>> No.6024802

You people realize that the Book Depository is owned by Amazon?

>> No.6024805

except bookdepository is usually way cheaper and has a wider selection of both books and editions

also Amazon uses Hermes so there's a chance that you could literally get a pile of shit thrown against your door when they deliver to you

and the shit will probably be broken as well

>> No.6025093

Where can I buy a physical copy of this?