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6017776 No.6017776 [Reply] [Original]

>As a kid, all the names in Dune appear to be alien and interesting
>Now I just see they're random muslim names

>Arrakis feels alien and unknown
>Now I just think of california sand dunes or whatever place inspired FH to think of that

feels bad man

>> No.6017921

imagination dies

>> No.6017984
File: 286 KB, 452x289, punisher reaction image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>random muslim names

>Leto Atreides
>Paul Atreides
>Jessica Atreides

>Vladimir Harkonnen
Slavic and Finnish

>Piter de Vries

>Duncan Idaho

You are a phenomenally dumb nigger

>> No.6018003

jessica is a jewish name and paul is latin
atreides is a greek surname obviously

>> No.6018028

Look, cunt.

>> No.6018140

I meant the native names

>> No.6018157

>muslim names


seriously the only muslim names are muab'did and thufir hawat.

if you think the Dune universe is boring you seriously have a problem with your imagination

>> No.6018202

Yeah, plus dis shit was fueled by Hallucinogenic drug and is bout them, how cool is that.

>> No.6018213

please someone explain me this from the 1st book:

>Weather sattelite would solve Dune's desert problem
>Fremen don't want satellites
>They bribe Imperium to not install satellites so they can go through an overly complicated process of transforming the planet themselves

like why? why not just let the imperium fix it?

>> No.6018228

Frank took and overdose while writing that part.

>> No.6018230

it's not the 1st book

>> No.6018236

what do you mean?

in the first book, the fremen say they bribe the imperium so they don't see what they are doing to dune.
later it turns out they are saving literally billions of gallons of water (and they still need to redistill their own shit??) to transform the planet.

i've only read book 1

>> No.6018238

Did Frank Herbert write Baron Harkonnen to be a homosexual pedophile rapist because he didn't think he was evil enough? Or did he really want to talk about fucking little boys in his book.

>> No.6018262

who wouldn't want to talk about molesting cute twinks in their books?

>> No.6018270

thought it was to give him also an evil touch on a personal level instead of a political evil.

that, or he raped Brian for years which would sort of justify how he took a 20 year long steaming dump on his fathers masterpiece

>> No.6018277


the first book doesn't mention any other plan to transform arrakis except freemen's, if you read about any such plan it's a later fanfic

i checked it, it mentions as a minor detail satellites which could merely predict or disperse sandstorms, freemen didn't want them because they could spy their efforts to transform the planet. also freemen paid to the spacing guild, not to the imperium

>> No.6018286

How bad are the sequels?

>> No.6018373

ahhh i always thought the satellites controlled the weather i.o. just monitoring. thanks this explains a lot

>> No.6018375

fanfiction tier

>> No.6018574

Arrakis also comes from "al-raqis" which means "the dancer"

he was talking about the Fremen names you dummy

>> No.6018579


>> No.6018580

it seems they could dissipate storms

>> No.6018630
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>mfw Pauls sister is admired like a god and is almost literally called Allah

>> No.6018720


What about Shai Hulud? Sounds very Muslim to me.

>> No.6018867
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>mfw everyone was having sex with young girls throughout the series

>> No.6018883


>> No.6018884


Arabic, means "eternal thing"

>> No.6018912

Dune is meant to be current (1960s) human civilization thousands of years into the future. Of course you're going to have names from current times because Fremen descended from Arabs, Caladan are people from north-west Europe, Harkonnens are from eastern europe, etc. Then you have all of those religions which are blends of current religions or evolved versions of current religions. My point being, they are all humans.

>> No.6018919

>Fremen descended from Arabs, Caladan are people from north-west Europe, Harkonnens are from eastern europe, etc.
I don't think so.

>> No.6018926

Yeah where are you getting all of this?

>> No.6018941

That sounds very much like a Finnish name.

>> No.6018944

I've received word that anon's posterior contains quite a bit of space that can be and is currently being used for storing such non-facts as these, pieces of text which are to be taken out by an act of hand-insertion into ones anal cavity followed by a grasping and pulling motion.

>> No.6018997

Yeah yeah, but my general point stands. That the Dune world is supposed to be the current human world thousands of years into the future. So you would expect lots of familiar stuff, not weird alien stuff. >until you get to book 5

>> No.6019623

Why do all portrayals of Paul make him look like he's in his late 20s when the book clearly says he's a delicious Shota?

>> No.6019630

>and whatever place inspired FH to think of that

>> No.6019645

The Atreides family is supposed to be directly descended from Agamemnon

>> No.6019661

That word was made up by a certain George M. Willing, a conman and a lobbyist, in the 1860's.

(Yes, Americans really are that stupid; first they name their state with a word some random dude made up, then they invent a future world where that name is used as a personal name.)

>> No.6019669

>Yeah, plus dis shit was fueled by Hallucinogenic drug and is bout them, how cool is that.
On a scale of 1 to 10, about 2/10 cool. Serious question: how old are you? You know the rule about underage browsing of 4chan, right?

>> No.6020456
File: 43 KB, 784x294, 200px-Atreides_Crest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baron Harkonnen

Assblasted Atreides detected. At least the Baron didn't start a galactic jihad, killing literal billions of people

>> No.6020938

>tfw it all went wrong

>> No.6022350


Paul tried to stop it, but the Jihad was inevitable.