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6016774 No.6016774 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any philosophical perspective more beautiful than nihilism?

Not anything in the whiny, fatalistic and teenage sense or in the Nietzschean euphoria sense. I mean nihilism in just truly defeating your spooks and living, without concern for anything "higher", or Meaning in the absolute sense. Nor living "relativistically", or caring. Just to live how you see fit.

>> No.6016879

Only problem is that you cant! You have a background, a sense of identity and knowledge... Thats why nihilism is for teenagers...You are part of the context and everything you say you know makes sense in a given context... Plus to think that people who believe in "meaning" are not living how they see fit... but yes, I like the general direction of it

>> No.6016943


Isn't living how you see fit still living with some of meaning still, insofar as there's still the value "living as one sees fit"? Wouldn't the real alternative be something like *mere* living (simple biological survival; even vegetative state status as maybe *the* example of living with nihilism), or was that what you were trying to get at?

Either which way, why would it be *beautiful*, which again depends on a value system which, even if arbitrary, is still fundamentally grounded on the meaningfulness of things or ideas? As long as there's anything meaningful attached to it, it's not really quite nihilism, but absurdism, perhaps.

>> No.6016945

Naw nihilisms for thugs.
If you're real you'll do psychedelics and live it up.

>> No.6016960

"I don't wanna care about nothing"

-Nietzsche "d/with it" Nietzscherson


>> No.6016977

Why cant you have all of those things?
I never understood the thought process of "a nihilist that identifies as a nihilist is not a nihilist."

And OP is talking about the beauty of the philosophy, so i'm unsure of how relevant your post is.

>> No.6017001

I don't feel or even consider "meaning": as far as I'm concerned, this Geist inside of me pulls me around and has me do. I don't see my actions as having meaning

>> No.6017006

Nihilism certainly seems to be one of the greater human accomplishments. Its one thing to exist without questioning existence. It's a step up to question existence. It's a step up to begin to follow a religion. It's a step up to question the religion. It's a step up to then question existence again. It's a step up to realize that there's no answer. It's a step up to realize how dumb it is to fuckin think about that shit and take it seriously. It's then a step up to realize that there's no need to question existence because there's no answer.

Naturally after the last one the cycle will go on. But if you can stay on the last one- actually working your way through religion and existential crises until you overcome all of that and arrive at peace- then you are in a good place.

>> No.6017036
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Staying there is difficult as fuck though. When you do it's amazing though

>> No.6017060

I feel you've described very well what I'm getting at. I divorce myself from Nietzsche because he says to find your own meaning, but I really don't think there is any. I don't find meaning in that, either. It's become a nonissue for me, which is what I find so beautiful.

>> No.6017357


>> No.6017398

I'd rather be a thug than a hippy.

>> No.6017405
File: 23 KB, 283x355, sophist_193-211_izmir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why the sophists were so great before the moralist philosophers fucked everything up. The sophists already came to terms with conclusions people are still struggling with today.

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." is really the most profound aphorism of all.

>> No.6017538

I will never not love this sculpture

>> No.6017551

Psychedelics strengthened my nihilism

>> No.6017582
File: 86 KB, 960x540, 1419443936318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood why everybody derogates the relativism of the sophists.

Before speaking of meaning, we should motivate its use. Why do we need a meaning ?
The loss of a meaning only leads to a set course of action to the level of the society. And this course will be held as a morale like we have today with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We can apply the sophistic inside the human rights, but when we apply it outside to criticize them, we are doomed to be qualified of totalitarian or authoritative (whereas the the human rights are themselves authoritative...). This moral system comes close to the aphorism "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." for the aphorism becomes "Nothing is true, everything is permitted as long as you remain within the boundaries of the declaration". The moral principle of the distinction between private and public properties is so strong that it permits to derive a nihilism inside a moral system.

This is why the liberalism is the most powerful political system that we have : we can criticize it from the inside in private thoughts, private speeches, private activities. You can nearly do the same thing in public, however you will never ever be able to bring down the morale, even if you play by the rules in persuading others to change it, as it is against all the education you received from the Rights.

Nowadays, to go beyond the declaration is impossible; or rather, it is possible but in going beyond the trivialities, by definition, we systematically enter into the symbolic, the belief; something which then goes against the tide in the public place: a stem cell is only a stem cell, the sex is only sex, a postal stamp is only a postal stamp if we think there is more into it, we are not wrong, but we are forbidden to impose a personal view on their use... In sum, there is no longer an ontology, everything becomes a matter of sheer relation which boils down to the necessity of the consent for, otherwise, we would be barbaric... In liberalism, the nihilism becomes the stance that there are no truths besides the trivialities.

I find it a disaster when it comes to concrete beauty in the public place (bleak architecture by costs and ideology for example). On the private side, since now anyone has a view and creation a priori as valid as the neighbor, you always have to sieve throughout a lot before stumbling on what you find beautiful. If you were born in such era and enjoy such art, spontaneously or educationally, you are blessed compared to a neighbor who does not like it. Nowadays, the quantity permits to find, via a personal work, the quality that any person seeks.

>> No.6017584
File: 44 KB, 450x570, Yoda-you fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you fail.

This belongs in the philgen anyway.

>> No.6017588

because sophists = gayboys

>> No.6017596

Living how you see fit is actually in real contradiction with nihilism. Nihilists don't fit or try to fit, or wait til they fit. Nihilists just don't care anymore. But that's a fashion. Nihilism is not a substainable philosophy cause people eventually care at some point in their life. You're not born a nihilist, and unless you kill yourself around 30 years old, you will have experiences which will take you higher or lower than you thought. And that would eventually take a particular spin on your philosophy.

>> No.6017717


Why do we need a meaning ?
It is only natural for a conscious animal that is fully aware of itself, the same animal created the idea of " meaning" ,created is the wrong word here more like, discovered the idea of meaning,to counter the ancestral fear of the unknown, horror vacui.
The loss of a meaning only leads to the fall of society/civilization.

We cannot apply the sophistic inside the human rights, when we criticize them, infinite options are presented, and true totalitarism is one of them, but, what about revolution or chaos, or as the OP said nihilism, is not a black and white world, if nothing is true, than is not true that everything is permitted? is it?( being sophistic here eh?) Again you cannot generalize about the limits of permitted actions: first actions are countless, second the level of permission is not the same everywhere. Property is volatile, specially this day, i dont care to elaborate this, banks mortages etc etc, .

The Rights are just elaborate rules for self preservation and survivor.

However everybody is trying to go against the Rights, in a way that seems to " push our luck" genocide, oil wars, the fagocitatio of the planet ( eating up resource for plebs)

The beauty is found in everything, just ( again being sophistic here) beauty is subjective to the eye, we are pratically blind in this word, the eye can see just a small fraction of the spectrum, modern society in general is just distracted and has too much data pumped into the eye, daily, so nihilism is a gentle warm area where we pretend to be over the reality in some cases delusional, the easy way would be to escape it, to blame it on the bleak buildings or the long line at the pubblic office, still we grow confortable with this idea and slowly we accept it, is the revolution ( not only in a political way ) really dead?

>> No.6017953

We need a meaning because we have intelligence. Denying there is a meaning would still be impossible for something without intelligence, cause the question wouldn't even present itself.
I'd rather consider looking for a meaning answers itself than thinking there is no meaning, cause...just kill yourself then.

>> No.6018022

Optimist nihilists are deluding themselves and going farther from nihilism as time goes on. Pessimist nihilists generally cannot be happy and a lot of them commit suicide early on.

>> No.6018245

The thing is that we are biological creatures, clearly defined by our biology.
We cannot escape it.
We may not act contrary to our nature but in our mind we can think about it and appreciate the idea of an uninhibited intelligence.
Maybe its more about the idea of creating a free space in your mind to where we can go to get some perspective.

>> No.6018252

How many fedoras do you own?

>> No.6018256

i can attest to this too

>> No.6018274

Thats horseshit though.
People always have illusions and anchors to their lives.
People have personal problems.
I may not believe in a god but i still have personal issues.
God and religion can just take a bit of time from your life. It is just another anchor much like writing on 4chan is. You do not remove all fantasies you just change one fantasy for another.
A break from religion just means looking at reality through the glasses of the scientific method yet is that better? Many would say yes but mean no, just ask people playing the fantasy RPG games, using oculs rift or reading fiction books...
If you value nihilism than you know humanity has no clear goal and is not progressing anywhere.
We are just spinning around ourselves creating a bigger whirlwind.

>> No.6018289

>Is there any philosophical perspective more beautiful than nihilism?

I don't agree. I think nihilism is depressing, and I actually agree with Nietzsche that the only way to escape it is the arts.

Your picture illustrates what I mean, only the beauty of something like that marble sculpture is really the only thing worthwhile.

>> No.6018331
File: 53 KB, 500x331, schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being close to dead because of myocarditis did that to me. unfortunately it didn't kill me.

>> No.6018371

art and thought. These have always been the pinnacle of existence for those that could spare the time.

>> No.6018383

Agreed. However, people are mostly, if not entirely uninterested in both thinking and art.

>> No.6018781

It's only beautiful if you're a lazy person. For someone who is extremely passionate, it's philosophical suicide to "want nothing" like nihilists claim they do (which they don't, what they want is an excuse to be lazy).

>> No.6018805

Sounds like you're projecting.

>> No.6018822

How do you figure?

>> No.6018845

The fact that you would subsume an entire philosophy or mode of thinking in to a simple psychological trait like "laziness" lends me to believe that you either have no idea what nihilism is, or that you are actually yourself the lazy one for disparaging the ones who bother to read.

>> No.6018857

I never heard a nihilism claim he wants nothing. That's a strange straw man you got there m8.

>want a cup of tea dear?
>no thanks
>glass of water maybe?
>no thank you i'm a nihilist

>> No.6018871

Nihilism doesn't deny how some things bring us happiness, and some activities bring us knowledge, and some people bring us joy, and some things feel beautiful. It just makes everything not matter in the end. But that doesn't mean stuff can't matter to us while we're here.

>> No.6018923

I subsume the general attitude of self-claimed nihilists and those individuals they usually respect most to laziness, and I'm not convinced by you yet that I'm wrong. The notion of nothing mattering or wanting nothing at all to change almost always ends off in dormant idleness for whoever follows the doctrine. Considering that our psychology impacts what doctrines we follow or which ones appeal to us the most, it's not unreasonable to assert that people who perceive reality that way are really just defeatists or are too lazy to make a difference anywhere. Which is why a man like Nietzsche, one of the most intensely passionate of any philosoper, comes and totally denounces the doctrine of nihilism, Buddhism, and any other doctrine or person that attempts to equalize everything around them with statements like "nothing matters / everything matters equally."

>> No.6018942

People need to clarify their terms.

Which nihilism are you talking about? Nihilism can refer to a bunch of different stances.

>> No.6018952

>Which is why a man like Nietzsche, one of the most intensely passionate of any philosoper, comes and totally denounces the doctrine of nihilism, Buddhism, and any other doctrine or person that attempts to equalize everything around them with statements like "nothing matters / everything matters equally."
Too bad Nietzsche didn't understand anything about Buddhism.

>> No.6018960

What didn't he understand?

>> No.6018972

Nihilism does not mean "nothing matters", it means that there is no intrinsic meaning to anything, i.e depending on the philosophical school of nihilism, it can mean moral nihilism(There is no moral reality), or it can mean epistemological nihilism(There is no absolute truth).

The reasons Nietzsche hated nihilism was probably because he thought it was depressing, which I agree with as I stated here >>6018289

But being a nihilist does not mean you are automatically a lazy person. You might actually be a very intelligent person who is depressed and thus does not see the cosmic meaning of anything.

>> No.6018973

>The notion of nothing mattering or wanting nothing at all
How is that nihilism?

>> No.6018984

Define it

>> No.6018987

nihilism is a fancy way to say negligence, nihilists are just lazy thinkers

>> No.6018994

They're actually pretty strict and ruthless thinkers who don't try to sneak their pleasant narratives in through the back door.

>> No.6019003

Is there any nihilist in here? Would be good to hear it from them

>> No.6019015

i'm a de facto nihilist but my official stance is scepticism because it is more consistent.

>> No.6019027

>Nihilism does not mean "nothing matters", it means that there is no intrinsic meaning to anything
But that perception often leads to the notion or understanding that nothing really matters, at least when you're able to go down the rabbit hole that the thought creates. So okay, I do agree with you that that's not what nihilism is about, but it's the attitude that it does generate in most cases, and I personally think it's the attitude that hones in on that perspective the most.

Also, I'm not sure I totally agree with what you said about Nietzsche, but I can see where you're coming from on that. For him, art was more important than truth, because a striving towards art is the healthier, more natural way to live, and a striving towards truth... isn't. A striving towards wanting to reveal what's "real" like the pursuit of truth implies is symptomatic of a sick nature. Healthy people don't pursue truth in life, they pursue art in life. So perhaps when you strictly speak on the level of perceivable truth, nihilism is closest to the highest truth we as humans can formulate than anything else, but that also makes it the most useless to us and the farthest away from a healthy lifestyle.

>> No.6019036

I agree with you, but what I meant about the comment about Nietzsche thinking nihilism is depressing, is that he thought that modern culture represented a nihilist worldview in and of itself, not that individuals are nihilists per philosophical outlook.

Though I do agree with the rest of what you say, just had to stress that point.

>> No.6019053

Nihilism is only depressing to weak spirited people, I think.

Nihilism is basically the lack of a comforting operating system that helps you come to terms with life. It's the absence of psychological coping mechanisms. In order to be a nihilist and not be miserable, you must be willing to take life for what it is without some artificial spin you try to put on it.

Nihilism is actually the most life affirming stance. It requires nothing more from life than life itself.

>> No.6019055

Nihilism cannot be life-affirming because something being life-affirming implies there is a value to life itself, which nihilism denies.

>> No.6019091

Value judgements do not necessarily involve the notion that the value is inherent to the object judged. I can say that I like beer without ascribing any inherent value to beer itself, and in the same way I can be life affirming while remaining fully concious of it being nothing more than an arbitrary value judgement.

Having a nihilistic worldview doesn't mean you can't like things.

>> No.6019113

Clearly, but being able to enjoy a beer does not mean that nihilism is life-affirming.

You can arbitrarily create subjective value judgements all you want, based on culture, your genetics and whatnot, but nihilism means that nothing has intrinsic value.

What you are talking about would be existential nihilism at best, which is a whole other different category nihilist altogether.

>> No.6019124

It doesn't follow than intelligence requires meaning.

>> No.6019133

Gotta love Schopenhauer.

>> No.6019141


why mince words on the outskirts of a point

>> No.6019155

>Clearly, but being able to enjoy a beer does not mean that nihilism is life-affirming.
It means that nihilism has the possibility of being life affirming when paired with the right character/mentality.

>You can arbitrarily create subjective value judgements all you want, based on culture, your genetics and whatnot, but nihilism means that nothing has intrinsic value.
Nihilism doesn't have one fixed definition, which is generally why these threads are such a clusterfuck.

>What you are talking about would be existential nihilism at best, which is a whole other different category nihilist altogether.
Existential nihilism as opposed to your undefined "general nihilism?" Existential nihilism is actually what most people refer to when they say nihilism.

>> No.6019168

I feel like if /lit/ were forced to actually read Nietzsche we wouldn't need these silly threads anymore.

If you're actually a nihilist you can't assign value to anything, because you believe there is no value.

It's not a question of whether or not that value is inherent in the thing--if you're a nihilist there's no value at all.

OP dismisses Nietzsche and then basically endorses a McDonald's version of his project. Nietzsche was def searching for a way to live in the face of the possibility of nihilism. But his project required much more than just abandoning absolutes and then "living how you see fit." He was talking about the possibility of the creation of new values (a revaluation of all values)--not an embrace of nihilism+livin' how ya want, dude. OP's position is much closer to Nietzsche's conception of the Last Man.

>> No.6019181

>It means that nihilism has the possibility of being life affirming when paired with the right character/mentality.

Actually it doesn't.

It simply means that a beer tastes good, and to maximize pleasure is good, which is a value judgement called hedonism.

I mean, I am all for saying a cure to nihilism IS hedonism, and we can discuss that if you want, but clearly, nihilism doesn't have anything to do with beers being good.

>> No.6019225

you are retarded. (only came into this thread to say that)

>> No.6019249

Hedonism is the logical consequence of nihilism. They go hand-in-hand. If nothing has value one of the few things that can make you act (aside from cultural/social conditioning) is biological compulsion.

>> No.6019258

I'm pretty sure I am retarded yes, but it doesn't mean I'm not right.

>> No.6019290

Hedonism is a systematic philosophical stance, liking things doesn't mean that you're automatically a hedonist.

Nihilism indeed has nothing to do with beers being good or bad, and it also has nothing to do with life being good or bad or taking a negative or a positive stance towards it.

Nihilism is neutral. That's why it has the possibility to be the most life-affirming philosophical position: It doesn't offer sophisms to justify life but takes it at face value. Having a nihilistic world view is drinking life neat with no mixer. If you can enjoy it that way without adding some sweet ideology you're the closest you'll get to an affirmative stance.

>> No.6019298

Nihilism has no logical consequence and not all biological compulsion can be justified from a hedonistic point of view.

>> No.6019317

Every stance has a logical consequence. Nihilism isn't special.

>> No.6019319

it does mean that you're less likely to ever be right, but monkeys and typewriters etc...

>> No.6019352

They don't have to be justified. They just are.

>> No.6019365

A hero cannot be a nihilist and heroes are the pinnacle of beauty.

>> No.6019381

No, there is no philosophical stance that logically follows on nihilism. There is no reason to assume that hedonism necessarily follows on nihilism.

>> No.6020410

How can a hero not be a nihilist?

>> No.6021295

But Nietzsche was not a nihilist OP. If you read The Antichrist, he makes it pretty clear that his philosophical outlook is about transcending the current values of Continental society, after their death. He foresights a future where nihilism will creep in to fill this absence of relevant values and then tries to come up with a value system that will prevent this. In this vein, he is pretty on par with most existentialists and is rightfully classed as a precursor to existentialism. He's pretty much an anti-nihilist.

>> No.6021925

so close to see the holy grail

>> No.6021932

Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt.

>> No.6022099

>No, there is no philosophical stance that logically follows on nihilism. There is no reason to assume that hedonism necessarily follows on nihilism.
purely logically, but once we integrate our biology in the story, hedonism is fairly expected

>> No.6022179

Okay, I'm curious, what's the ground for this particular nihilism?

And in the case wherein there's no particular ground, what does this nihilism amount to?

>> No.6022625

How is it not?

>> No.6022631

>Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt.

"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured." -- Sam Harris

>> No.6022633

How do you take life at "face value" if you you are a nihilist? As an absolute nihilist you deny existence and reality. Your sense perception gives you a picture of reality that you as a nihilist deny.
Nihilism is subversive to "face value" judgments.

>> No.6022638

You know why no philosopher has ever defended nihilism? Because it's not a philosophy. It's just a placeholder you use while you try to figure out how you actually create meaning and live your life. There is no such thing as a life without meaning.

>> No.6022639

OP here. I love the sophists. Thrasymachus being my favorite

>> No.6022643


>> No.6022666

In association to nihilism...
What is the place of ideals thoughts and decision making in a deterministic universe?Or in a universe that changes according to some patters or formulas..
Modern science makes it pretty clear that decision making and sentience are just phenomena within the universe that works in some more or less predictable and structured way.
This would mean that we are part of a process and are moving towards a certain destination much like everything else seems to.Society itself and human changes in thought are progressing someplace according to some set rules.
Forgive me for my ignorance but how do philosophers address this and if they dont should this not be addressed?Sure god divinity and duality seem to be out of date but what about the rules of the universe, the universe itself and us as a part of it, going towards some set end goal? In such a process all philosophical ideas and concepts are already "built in". Does this notion not deserve inspection? I mean this metaphysical idea, after the advances of modern science should take center role, should it not?

>> No.6022668

Beautiful? Are you sure this is the word you want to use?

Everything which comes from Nihilism is ugly and spirutually barren. These thing can be relevant, can be clever, but not beautiful. Beauty supposes meaning, which Nihilism denies.

>> No.6022684

I always feel like many philosophical ideas never give enough space to how imposing reality is..When considering reality and its obvious impositions on us, the idea of nihilism seems incoherent. Sure you can say the words "deny everything, all meaning and even reality" but this is not something one can actually fully imagine or comprehend. It is like the idea of something being immaterial, a soul for example. It is an incoherent notion. We can say the words but they dont mean anything. What is being a sentient being within the universe and at the same time being nihilistic? Nihilism seems incoherent when we take into account what intelligence and thought are. The only nihilism that is coherent is a limited version that is a result of skepticism and the scientific method. Nihilism as the denial of what is not pragmatic.

>> No.6022692

Does deleuze's new metaphysics makes the points above moot, deals with them or goes around them in some way?

>> No.6022711

that's not what nihilism means, dude

i can care, but my caring has no meaning itself

>> No.6022712

well this is the point :
-we do not know whether the universe has a purpose
-we do not know whether the universe (and its supposed purpose) are contingent
-we do not know whether the universe (and its supposed purpose) are necessary contingent

>> No.6022742

That is the Nietzschean sense you moron.

>> No.6022760

But I never mentioned purpose.
The universe, at least as far as we know atm, is moving someplace and thus we, individuals and society and our thoughts that include philosophy are also changing in some set direction.
Purpose implies an intelligent rational creator but lets ignore that option.
We and everything else are changing towards some place and position.
Seems to me that determinism, if most humans will drop god and free will, will have(and is already having) immense impact on society, laws, punishment,history etc..
The idea of the universe being determined, working according to some set rules which drive it on a certain path, seems like a major thing to deal with..Maybe im just ignorant but it seems to me that the idea that human society, new ideas, human thought, all being just another part of the universe and advancing according to some set rules, should somehow bare a very strong impact on philosophy and philosophical thought and perhaps make many previous philosophical understandings, to a big extent, irrelevant.
With all we know about particle physics and biology thinking about humans as specifically different from everything and giveing human thought some special place seems incomplete.
Before we were limited by the ides of a soul and thoughts and mental abilities being something transcendent but now we know that the brain is just particles or some other natural phenomena that is only a different variant of everything else we know off.
What philosophers examine the phenomena of thought under these knew realities?
Many of the major philosophical ideas now seem encapsulated by science. Descriptions of Deleuze's ideas seems to promise a new metaphysics, a modern one?
Are there any ways of thinking that put these scientific discoveries on their head and allow us to look at them from a different way?

>> No.6022892

Freedom is spiritual beauty though, and nihilism equal some kind of meta-freedom from any spooks/restrictions

>> No.6022901

I honestly can't think of a single perspective more repulsive than 'do whatever u want bro it doesnt matter lol xD'

Some real /b/-tier edge there, OP.

>> No.6023467

I like the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus.
He believed we should try to attain a happy, tranquil life, free from fear and pain by living a self-sufficient life surrounded by friends.
Pleasure and pain are the measures of what is good and evil; the universe is infinite and eternal; and events in the world are ultimately based on the motions and interactions of atoms moving in empty space.

Nothing word shattering, but remarkable for 300BC. Shame our churches could not have been based on him.

>> No.6023594

>disliking the notion that you can do what you want

That's some slave mentality right there.

>> No.6023600
File: 1.03 MB, 500x979, epi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can always be revived.

>> No.6023610

>Nor living "relativistically"
>Just to live how you see fit.

>> No.6023634

Sociological context is not biologial, asslord. Stop clinging to obsolete ideologies.

>> No.6023662

Shut up Hegel, I do what I want.

>> No.6023663

>Seems to me that determinism, if most humans will drop god and free will, will have(and is already having) immense impact on society, laws, punishment,history etc..
you still do not know whether the determinism is a necessity or a contingency. And determinism means also that you begin with some initial condition. Perhaps our universe could have been on another trajectory, something which happens when the initial conditions change.

>> No.6023715
