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/lit/ - Literature

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6016278 No.6016278 [Reply] [Original]

What are /lit/'s thoughts on the initiative for "diverse books"? Many YA agents have a preference for books featuring racial, sexual, and gender minorities. Some have even started refusing manuscripts that aren't inclusive enough.

>> No.6016287

YA is shite anyway, who cares?

>> No.6016291

As soon as I see the word "diversity" in any of its form, I chuckle

>> No.6016294

its a good thing they cant force me to read that shit like they can force me to watch tv or movies.

>> No.6016300

How do they force you to watch tv or movies?

>> No.6016306


>> No.6016308


>> No.6016317
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>catcher in the rye is shite
>the outsiders is shite
>to kill a mockingbird is shite

There are more authors than Joyce and DFW out there, anon.

>> No.6016341 [DELETED] 
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Ebin meme time (^:

>> No.6016345 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really, really, really like memes (:

>> No.6016350

I'm a big fan of it.

>write mediocre YA novel
>make protagonist arabic male dealing with repressed homosexuality
>receive dosh

>> No.6016354 [DELETED] 
File: 234 KB, 1000x523, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good meme

>> No.6016356
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>> No.6016368 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 275x395, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pretty erudite meme (;

>> No.6016377 [DELETED] 

Fuck you faggot, I will kick the shit out of you with my memes you stupid fucking cunt.

My memes>>>>>your memes

>> No.6016386

I'd fuck her

>> No.6016387 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 305x479, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one can out meme me

>> No.6016394 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6016397

Need more of these

>> No.6016400
File: 170 KB, 500x282, tumblr_muh9myhlQK1qcu0j0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur memes are weak breh

>> No.6016403

Whatever became of that guy, he hasn't done anything new in ages? Hope he hasn't become a hobo after finishing his master's in philosophy.

>> No.6016410 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6016411

What the fuck is wrong with the world? Why did everyone decide to go full retard all at the same time? When and why did this shit start?

>> No.6016433 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 800x648, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a dedicated folder for nietzsche memes you fag.

>> No.6016451 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6016487

What does it mean to be >diverse? Why do they want diversity for diversity's sake? It seems convoluted and shallow.

>> No.6016532

It seems to be for some kind of bragging rights amongst other people with similarly patronising attitudes. A lot of booktubers' 'plans for 2015' video talk about reading more books by "people of colour" (when did this old phrase start being used again?) and lesbians/gays.

>> No.6016533


Catcher in the rye isn't YA imo.

>> No.6016574

This is very interesting (and sad). From what I've seen, good writing tends to discuss fundamental things about humans that race or sexual orientation don't even matter. Books for the sake of diversity is just asking for shallowness and pseudo "analysis".
Why not? It's for young adults.

>> No.6016578

yes the angle of the pic already gives away the joke

the fact someone had to make this pic annoys me

>> No.6016584

why does her nose take up like half the face?

I'm scared

>> No.6016602

>it is not YA!
>No, it is YA indeed, for it is aimed at young adults.
This is the most void conversation i've ever seen in this board.
If you both don't start providing arguments my autism is going to trigger.

>> No.6016670

Young adult means marketed toward young adults. This is not a hard concept, anon.

>> No.6016681

is this just an american thing?

>> No.6016687

this thread is bait

post specific examples or go back to /pol/ with your whining

>b-but i'm a victim, da evil SJWs

>> No.6016691

Who wouldn't? You can tell she is a submissive little whore in bed.

>> No.6016694

It's a Western thing

>> No.6016700

How's projecting on the internet working out for you?

>> No.6016721


based retard

>> No.6016724
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>> No.6016743

I'm just going to write white people and name them Laqueeesha and Fareem. Maybe have them twerk for no reason.

>> No.6016751


I'm writing a book with several young mtf trans characters. All of them are being crushed beneath the weight of their own mental illnesses, in disturbing detail. It's hardly YA, though.

>> No.6016754

Sounds good.

>> No.6016757


Remarkable. This explains everything.

>> No.6016758

Do you include their transgenderism in the list of mental illnesses? If so, be prepared to get shit on.

>> No.6016789

You should watch funeral parade of roses

>> No.6016796


Yes. But I spend a lot of time hanging around young ftms, and believe it or not, nearly all of them would agree with that assessment.

That said, it's anyone's guess how this book will be received, if at all. Sometimes I feel my treatment of mental illness is a little exploitative. Maybe it's nothing more than titillation for people who are attracted to neuroses of the mind. I think I balance it with a humane drama that shows trans people have much in common with the rest of us.

>> No.6016848

I stopped watching movies in theaters because of all the hooting and hollering blacks do in theaters, if they start showing up in books, then fuck it, no more 21st century books.

>> No.6016865

Define "projecting" in your own words.

>> No.6016887

That's the best part of going to the movies, though.

>> No.6016934

Isn't it widely accepted that oppressed peoples should be writing their own stories? I don't know how much I would trust your average YA author to give an accurate account of what it's like to be arab/gay/native/crippled/black/whatever.

>> No.6017044

If you're a lesbian black author who writes about life in the Congo, you are almost certain to be published, regardless of how well the story is written. A prof at my uni is published with a shit-tier publisher that focuses on "African-American lit" with absolutely no other accreditations to her name, yet it was enough to get her a professorship. It's ridiculous.

>> No.6017052

whites oprrressed them too much, they need reparations ^)

>> No.6017080

lol at those cholita eyebrows,it ready to put in work for the barrio

>> No.6017098


>get fatwah'd
>get decapitated by ISIS

>> No.6017109
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>> No.6017172

I don't really care. As another poster put it, although for different reasons: >>6016670
>Young adult means marketed towards young adult

It's a marketing thing: getting the teenagers (or more precisely a particular subgroup of teenagers who are likely to develop an habit of buying books regularly). Currently the great fad is inclusiveness (generally in a very nominal and pooly thought-out way, with little reflexion on who the label "people of color" for instance, applies to), if that publishing system had been functional in 1933 you would have seen plenty of volk-and-land themed novels.

>> No.6017219
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Exactly, I go as the token white guy with groups of a dozen blacks. Whenever whites start turning around, I give them the crazy eyes and dare them to say something.

>> No.6017517

>b-but i'm a victim, da evil SJWs
Conflating your own views onto someone else with words never spoken