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/lit/ - Literature

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601324 No.601324 [Reply] [Original]

>Christ is not merely empowered or indwelled by the Divine Logos or Word; He is that Logos in human form. This being so, everything Christ says, everything He does, and everything He experiences, as described in the Gospel, must be predicated of the Word.

Keep in mind the the Logos has always existed (john 1:1). Everything that Jesus does, he does at all times.

>> No.601335

So he died for our sins before we sinned?

What a mark.

>> No.601341

Why are there so many God boards right now

>> No.601347


>So he died for our sins before we sinned?
And he is still dying for us as we speak!

>> No.601351

Because it's the one troll topic always works.

>> No.601362


Tru dat, it's been more effective than last night's /b/ raid

>> No.601365


>> No.601371


>> No.601372

Water, steam, and ice.
They're all the same but not.

>> No.601374


Yeah, the Father and the Holy Spirit got together and played the best prank of all time on his ass.

>> No.601382
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Looks like someone has seen Religulous...

>> No.601383

ITT: Thinly veiled polytheism.

>> No.601395


three persons in one essence

>> No.601399

Yes, but according to newton there can only be one god ant the holly trinity is false.

Not that I am an heretic, but I think that's very plausible, because there can only be one beggining, and if christ was born, it would be another beggining.

I am listening to the only bible God really wrote: The Universe.

>> No.601412

You know, typically when one suffers from multiple-personality disorder, one manifests three distinct personalities.

I think it's fair to say that God is schizophrenic.

>> No.601418

Wotan peed Jesus' ass.

>> No.601419

What if it's like...just all God's mind?

>> No.601431
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What if, like, the universe was inside itself and the atom is just a galaxy what we percieve to be small.

>> No.601434


>because there can only be one beggining, and if christ was born, it would be another beggining.

It was the heretic Arius who proclaimed that "there was a time when the son was not."

Christianity believes that while Christ is not created, he does have an origin inasmuch as He is “begotten by the Father”. This origin is non-temporal. God the father is ontologically prior but not temporally prior.

>> No.601438
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What if...
And then there isn't...

>> No.601439


to add...

He was originated outside of time.

>> No.601443


So basically Church scholars built a hall of mirrors so they could fit a square peg into a round hole.

>> No.601448

Guys guys guys, what if THERE IS NO GOD? D:

>> No.601455


Trinitarian theology may seem like a muddle, but I assure you, it is quite eloquent.

>> No.601463

I love Catholics. (Serious)

>> No.601466


Then the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are just isolated entities existing outside space and time while interacting with our universe as conflicting individuals?

Hey, you're on to something, kid.

>> No.601470

Theology is unecessary.

and this is /lit/

>> No.601478

Well, let's say his spirit was eternal and existed ever, still he needed a body, and this body was not eternal was it?

Then, Jesus as a being was not completely God and therefore, not perfect.

His soul, however was indeed, pefect. And I think that's his teaching.

>> No.601479


>Theology is unecessary.
I agree. The only necessary thing is God.

>and this is /lit/
Philosophy and theology threads are welcome here.

>> No.601476

Hey, I can do drugs too.

>> No.601480
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>> No.601483

Two possibilities:

1. This is a matter so complicated we could not possibly comprehend it.

2. It's a bunch of made up shit.

>> No.601489


His humanity is "within"(enhypostasized) the Logos.
Christ was human before being born.

>> No.601490

God is not necessary either.

>> No.601491


I'm going to have to chalk this up to taste.

>> No.601503


Let it grow on you :)
You might change your mind.

>> No.601515

Explain further please.

Yes, he is.

>> No.601528

Not to me, he ain't. I live my life perfectly well without 'Him' and if He has a problem with it then He can punish me in whatever way he wishes.
That's the kind of merciful guy He is.

>> No.601539


The One who “had” both body and soul was the Logos Himself. Christ is the Logos. The Logos is eternal.

>Jesus possessed a human nature, but not a human hypostasis, because the hypostasis is not an expression of natural existence but something that gives natural existence a conscious, autonomous, personal reality. This “something” in Jesus was God the Word, who assumed humanity.

>> No.601549


>I live my life perfectly well without 'Him'
God is the source of being itself.
He is the One that makes you real.
Without him, you are nothing. Seriously.

>> No.601559

Okay, dearest. So no eternal punishment because I don't believe that? Promise?

>> No.601585

Now, from the perspective of determinism we were all created since the begginin of everything by God.

Everything thas exists, existed and is going to exist is already determined by the God architecture that was set even before time.

Thus my soul has always been and will always be, my existance is, however, limited at a certain amount of time.

How am I different from Jesus (not trying to sound blasphemous, but I think it's a valid question)?

>> No.601617


>Everything thas exists, existed and is going to exist is already determined
Not exactly.
God knows what has not happened yet because he is not in time. He know what will happen, but he does not determine it.

Think of God as a spectator. Also, remember that everything is "in the present" for God.

>'God is like a spectator at a chariot race; He watches the action the charioteers perform, but this does not cause them.'

>> No.601648


>Thus my soul has always been and will always be
Your soul only comes into being while you are in the womb.

From God's point of view, your soul "has" always existed, but from our point of view, you only start existing as a baby.

>> No.601650 [DELETED] 

I was habing a nice discussion, but I have to sleep. Hope to see you in the future.

>> No.601662

I was having a nice discussion with you, but I have to sleep. Hope to see you sometime again.

>> No.601668 [DELETED] 


Good night.

>> No.601675

Cool Stories Bro's

>> No.601681


Have a good night.

>> No.601700


He said "From the perspective of determinism". l2calvinism, bitch.

>> No.601710


My post stands.
Determinism is an illusion.