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6013141 No.6013141 [Reply] [Original]

when you read a book, do you force yourself into reading sessions of a definite lenght or numbers of pages so you ensure a steady progress, or do you just take the opportunity to read when it feels like it ?

I try to make lots of 10 pages session a day so I can keep a steady path personnally

>> No.6013145

Usually a chapter a day.

>> No.6013149

Depending on books chapters can be 10 pages long so that isn't really pertinent

>> No.6013152

Usually give myself a certain amount of chapters of a book to read a day. Although if i really can't be bothered to read that much or read that day, i don't force myself, that just seems pointless.

I mostly stick to it though and just helps me keep consistent progress.

>> No.6013155

Five memes a day, no more, no less, and as long as it takes.

>> No.6013171

Chapters, usually. Otherwise I just read about 20 pages before I take a quick break.

>> No.6013188
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and at least three repeating digits

>> No.6013205

I read pretty fast, and chapters often vary in length. So basically I just read how much I feel like reading at the time, and stop when I feel like its time to stop.

>> No.6013218

I have trouble with opening the damn book but eveytime I do, I read about 50 pages before I'm done.

If I feel like quitting, I always force myself to at least finish the chapter.

I started out reading 10 a day but when you get a 'feel' for the books you're reading, you just keep on going and you forget the time. I read Brothers Karamazov with in a day. (Telling yourself you have "lazy sundays" where you do nothing but read a book on the couch helps)

Those moments are bliss.

>> No.6013233

800 pages in a day? wat

>> No.6013242

This fucking image, fuck I hate my lifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

>> No.6013269

when you play vidya, do you force yourself into playing sessions of a definite lenght or numbers of levels so you ensure a steady progress, or do you just take the opportunity to play when it feels like it ?

I try to make lots of 10 level session a day so I can keep a steady path personnally

>> No.6013287
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Why is that ? There's no shame to have :^)

>> No.6013335

when you watch movies, do you force yourself into viewing sessions of a definite lenght or numbers of sequences so you ensure a steady progress, or do you just take the opportunity to watch when it feels like it ?

I try to make lots of 10 sequences session a day so I can keep a steady path personnally

>> No.6013350


I watch exactly 3,289 frames of every movie per session. Then I turn off the film and consider it for 12 minutes before continuing. Unless you do this, you cannot appreciate celluloid art.

>> No.6013439

Not really, if i don't read during the day, i try to read before sleeping...sometimes, it's just one page, sometimes it's three pages or more.

>> No.6013444

And i can read usually way more in public transports like 10 or 20 pages, depending on the interest i have in the book.

>> No.6013454

I read 50 pages at a time, stopping for cigarettes in between sessions . I've been reading 150-200 pages per day with this system

>> No.6013475

Nice, what are you reading currently?

>> No.6013492


I'm on the last book of Beckett's trilogy of novels, The Unnameable

>> No.6013530

Oh i tried Molloy, and some other...i just couldn't get into it. Maybe it's just one of those books that you have to read really quick otherwise you can't get back in there.

>> No.6013598

M8 you can do that shit in 7-8 hours and you'll have time to take breaks as well.

>> No.6013613

I just read every day. Don't have specific amounts, but I do much more than 10 a day.

>> No.6014937

I just read when i feel like it.