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/lit/ - Literature

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6012540 No.6012540 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished this one, after reading Stranger in a Strange Land and the first two Dune books.

Let's talk about some sci-fi that some baby boomers read.

>> No.6012554

too much religion in stranger in a strange land.

too much racism in most of that 60s shit.

captcha "cemin"

>> No.6012558

Is this like a porn thread where I'm supposed to post the first 6 gifs?

>> No.6012562

I enjoy H.G. Wells, in fact he's my go to when I want light reading. The Time Machine is my favorite. Although I'm reading his short story collection Tales of Space and Time right now, and it's quite bad, with the exception of one or two stories.

>> No.6012568
File: 136 KB, 585x978, Lord-of-Light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this book is excellent

>> No.6012578

What else did Zelazny write that I might have heard of?

>> No.6012598
File: 40 KB, 302x500, Nine_Princes_in_Amber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his high fantasy series

>> No.6012605

Seems like a lot of that era of sci-fi has really interesting concepts but a lot of "well of course this shit happened in America"

Fuckin Russians.

>> No.6012609

Read any Heinlein? Glory Road was meh typical bullshit until the ending and then hmm...well that's a thing that makes sense that I wouldn't have thought of you weird bastard.

>> No.6012617

i like clear storylines and lack of too much emotional bullshit
i dont like obivious propaganda and let-me-tell-you-how-everything-works style

>> No.6012621

The only sci-fi I'm aware my dad read is some Heinlein.
He likes Lazarus Long and his thoughts on gunfights and concealed carry left an impression.

>> No.6012623

I also dislike feels in muh boox.

>> No.6012624
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>> No.6012625

>too much racism in most of that 60s shit.

Why would you expect something from back then to conform to PC concepts that didn't exist at the time? What's regarded today as a normal approach to race would have been regarded as traitorous commie shit back then.

>> No.6012633

Heinlein had a pretty clear political bent, but he still had a great way with storytelling. Did you Phillip K. Dick at all? the remember it wholesale/total recall story is like a tripped out Heinlein story.

>> No.6012635

not really a criticism, it just takes me out of suspension of disbelief I guess. It's painfully obvious that it's a "story" when the aliums all happen to speak english, ya know?

>> No.6012640

I've been saving Foundation for unemployment/severance. Seems pretty heavy. Can I read that trilioliogie as before bedtime comfybook?

>> No.6012643

I've never heard of that Gene Wolfe shit. wot's uh the deal, m8?

>> No.6012676

yes i read a bunch of his stuff. you're right about glory road. number of the beast is probably my favorite novel of his because of how he plays with reality

>> No.6012906

Asimov's one of the greats but his prose was pretty simplistic, I don't think you'd find it that challenging

/lit/'s favorite science fiction

>> No.6013725
File: 61 KB, 306x500, 51FDQlLeBkL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your dad gave you this book when you were young
>still read it every once in a while
>tfw distant father, feel like Corwin

Also, pic related. Ringworld, Rendezvous /w Rama, Foundation series

>> No.6014335

Does anyone have any comments on this, particularly over the whole series? I know the first book is pretty much universally praised, but does it maintain/improve over all 10(!) books? I've seen a massive collection on sale for pretty cheap, I'd kind of like to pick it up but I'm leery about starting a 1000+ page story.

>> No.6014361

it's not heavy at all, go for it
great conceptual play, the writing is super simplistic though

>> No.6014370
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2/10 got me to frown and reply

>> No.6015154

Which version of Stranger in a Strange Land should be read?