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File: 43 KB, 320x475, large_perdido_street_station_us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
601252 No.601252 [Reply] [Original]

Is China Miéville wantonly sesquipedalian or does he simply possess an abstruse genius?

>> No.601258


>> No.601255

shut the fuck up

>> No.601263


>hurr durr he said fuck

>> No.601266

More the contrast than anything, really. Jeez, /lit/ is really bitter tonight.

>> No.601267

He certainly is overly verbose in any case.

>> No.601274


no we're not bitter. you are just a frocking cunt

>> No.601276

derp irony, etc.

>> No.601291

His characters possess quite the affinity for concrete music and chitinously held seditionist ideals.

>> No.601313

Warm, humid, muggy. The air caresses my face as I sit here in my chair, my pantomime throne, proud as a king. I am king of nothing, I lord over no proletariat, I dominate no hierarchy. In the chair I sit, breathing in this air, this sickness, this poison, filled with the putrid stench of mildew and fungus and atoms and trees and sex and sweat. It fills my lungs. It chokes me, nourishes me, feeds me, euthanizes me ever so slowly as I read China Miéville's book.

I turn the page, the muscles in my hand spasming of their own accord, twitching and commanding the digits attached to my hand like a pusillanimous puppetmaster provoking poor pathetic puppets to a predilection of peadophilic pederasty. I read the first page, my eyes drinking and devouring and masticating the words, the letters, the misshapen pictograms which the cells of my brain translate into its own secret language just as I glance at them. Miéville's words confuse me, his verbosity confounds me. I drown in the sea of language and thesauristic dictionarism. My lungs gasp for air, are clogged with words and similes and metaphors and oh fuck shit piss god a sudden bout of tourettes fuck fucker godshit and spit and piss and sweat and humours okay sorry just had to get that out of my system. I switched to past tense for no particular reason. My skin was clammy and damp and I was shaking and I kind of needed to piss. I stood. I put the book down. I left the room, leaving it empty. I had left the room.

The room was empty. I was in the bathroom. I took a piss.

>> No.601330
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>like a pusillanimous puppetmaster provoking poor pathetic puppets to a predilection of peadophilic pederasty.

>> No.601370
File: 25 KB, 413x600, doublepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like a pusillanimous puppetmaster provoking poor pathetic puppets to a predilection of peadophilic pederasty.

>> No.601421


>> No.601428
File: 16 KB, 441x333, 1268952441449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like a pusillanimous puppetmaster provoking poor pathetic puppets to a predilection of peadophilic pederasty.

>> No.601432


I prefer "esoteric", it carries unnecessary religious connotations.

>> No.601436

>peadophilic pederasty

Redundant language is redundant.

>> No.601458
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>like a pusillanimous puppetmaster provoking poor pathetic puppets to a predilection of peadophilic pederasty

>> No.602037

Did he actually write this line?

>> No.602045

Whoever the fuck we're talking about, he sounds like a pompous blow-hard.

>> No.602057
File: 11 KB, 208x268, china.gif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the gentleman in question. He does take himself a bit seriously. Also, words. Lots of them.

>> No.602082

Is he a skinhead or something? I suppose he thinks having an expansive lexicon = having a valid and well-thought out point?

>> No.602088


No, he's just bald. Lots of men are bald.

>> No.602090

Not a skinhead as such. As for his lexicon, beats me. He's into purple prose and heavy, heavy description. Some people like that I guess. I'm reading Perdido now and it's a bit much. Some interesting ideas though.

>> No.602771

It's from some schpiel he wrote about detective novels. It also contained such gems as "vulgar facticity," "oneiric purgatories," and “quotidian gazette.”