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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 363x500, AVT_Georges-Bataille_5334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6011720 No.6011720 [Reply] [Original]

What's with the French being such edgy faggots?

>> No.6011730

What's with all the low quality shitposting lately?

>> No.6011731

>implying Montaigne wasn't GOAT

>> No.6011732

What's with you and using such offensive, hurtful words?

>> No.6011739


>implying montaigne of all people is an accurate depiction of the french intellectual


>> No.6011740

The pressures of the world made some diamonds, and you wonder about the sharpness of some?

>> No.6011744

>durr muh secret society will be a new religion, but it needs a human sacrifice because I'm so smart to have figured out sacrality

Frogs, even shitheads like Houellebecq, always think they're starting a new literary movement every paragraph they write.

>> No.6011745


Bataille wasn't trying to be edgy.

>> No.6011746


>diamonds in the earth

Shitty analogy, aspiring shitpoet.

>> No.6012151
File: 7 KB, 215x153, La taupe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shitty analogy
And so the early French weren't cut/edgy from the start. Use your fucking imagination, English pigdog

>> No.6012154

dumas & hugo aren t edgelords.

>> No.6012262

>implying there is such a thing as an author who is an "accurate description of the french intellectual" (sic)
>implying all important writers have to be intellectuals
>implying Montaigne isn't one of the forefathers of the French intellectual tradition


>> No.6012803

What's up with some people being so conservative and/or reactionary that they see anyone different as being edgy? And what's up with this fear of edges?

>> No.6012813

Being conservative or reactionary is the new way of being edgy

>> No.6012815

This. 4chan is anti-anti-establishment because it's the only way to be contrarian. And no, the current establishment isn't leftist.

>> No.6012816

>the current establishment isn't leftist.

you're right, it isn't on economic issues. on social issues, however, it's very left leaning.

>> No.6012818

"traditional values as the ultimate transgression" - slavoj zizek

>> No.6012819

Are you implying the SJW/affirmative action trend is leftist? Because it's not, it's authoritarian at its deepest core.

>> No.6012822

It's funny because the enlightenment has been traditional for centuries now so "traditionalists" are really picturing a fantasized world where they don't feel so scary and helpless by its complexity, and they are on top of it of course, like all detractors of equality

>> No.6012850
File: 469 KB, 480x228, DOqLXrt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftists are not authoritarian

Where did you go to school kid?

>> No.6012854

>durr all the left is USSR
At least I didn't go to an American school

>> No.6012862

authoritarianism isn't an inherently left/right quality.

>> No.6012869

What are these people doing on /lit/? Did Ron Paul release another book?

>> No.6012879


...and another thread is going to devolve into a tumblr vs /pol/ shitfest

>> No.6012947

Nobody in France take Houellebecq seriously, don't know why /lit/ make such a big deal with im

>> No.6012950

The majority of the french are a bunch of cucks, why should we care what they take seriously.

>> No.6012952

ok the real answer is that in france intellectuals are public figures and the edgier your theories the more people pay attention to you

>> No.6012954

because he's part of le reactionary meme where the enlightenment is evil, science is bad and individual freedom sucks

>> No.6012956

>using retarded maymay
Is this /int/?

>> No.6012957

>the majority of the french are a bunch of cucks
actually the french have been fucking foreign women so much that chances are one of your ancestors might have been cucked by a frenchman, just saying

>> No.6012964

ITT: /pol/ & /int/

>> No.6012976

Maybe in the 15th century.

How many times do we have to save the French because they are too incompetent to save themselves? At least their women know to to be grateful when some real men show up.

>> No.6013021

And yet, you, the americans, have nothing produced that could be called relevant in a full century. Sincerely, what work is knowingly so crucial that it went beyond the anglosphere ? Nothing besides hot air.

>> No.6013025


Bataille is the most interesting writer, philosopher and essayist of the XXth century.

Read a biography, watch Georges Bataille - A perte de vue and listen to the few interviews he did in his late days.

>> No.6013036

Yeah nah I'll thank the Russians for that one. You can thank us for 1776 though

>> No.6013082

Don't have a cow man.

>> No.6013098

Have you seen the women there, they're fantastic till around the age of 28, by which time they'll have a bushier moustache than you and don't get me started on the underarm region.

>> No.6013115

>tfw frenchies take credit