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6011013 No.6011013 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys I'm curious about "early humanity" in general because I'm really ignorant on the subject. All the information I have comes from Durant, but the book where he deals with the theme is 85 years old so I'm sure I need to update my shit

Basically I'm interested in *any* book there:
a) talks about the pre-historical man
b) describes the geological conditions that the first men had to live in and/or the geological conditions that enabled settled civilization
c) theorizes about the beginning of institutions such as the state and the family
d) deals with early religions, animism, paganism or what have you
e) just deal with any early civilization in general, or the civilizations that are typically "left out of history" like the native americans or the europeans before Rome

It doesn't matter if it's a textbook, popular history or dense academic shit, I'll manage with whatever as long as it's up-to-date with modern anthropoligical evidence and scientific knowledge

>> No.6011125

People of the Earth or the condensed version World Prehistory: A Brief Introduction by Brian Fagan is the standard introductory textbook. Patterns in Prehistory: Humankind's First Three Million Years by Robert J. Wenke will give a different perspective linking developments worldwide.

Fagan's work can get rather technical and detailed and you might want a book that looks more at the big picture. But you have to be careful with those as they tend to be rather too sweeping making unsupportable claims.

>> No.6011188
File: 14 KB, 460x345, 27-alice1-af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alice roberts is the writer you need

>> No.6011192

What I can personally recommend that touches on this stuff:
Roots of the Western Tradition
History of the World in 6 Glasses
Guns, Germs, and Steel
Cities by John Reader
Better Angels of Our Nature

>> No.6013103


>> No.6013136

Shaman by Kim Stanley Robinson

>> No.6013153

I know the perfect book for you - its actually a history of the whole of mankind up the present day (and, indeed, the future). But a lot of it is about early man and exactly the kind of issues you describe. It's called Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari http://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/sep/21/sapiens-brief-history-mankind-review-yuval-noah-harari

>> No.6013157

look up the quest for fire by Rosny the Elder
any book by Rosny the Elder

>> No.6013160
File: 31 KB, 390x640, 600full-mircea-eliade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out eliade