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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 11 KB, 275x183, Editor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6008889 No.6008889 [Reply] [Original]

>"So here's the contract for you to sign before we're able to publish your debut novel! If you sign you'll have to create a twitter account and post regularly to make sure as many people hear about your book as possible. Do you have a pen?"

>> No.6008897

This is going to be an epic thread so please get your posts in early to make sure they get read. Thanks.

>> No.6008898

OK, I'll do that. If.... you let me fuck you first.

>> No.6008902

Hey thanks for replying to my thread, be sure to stick around and bump any comments you feel contribute to the dialogue. Thanks.

>> No.6008903

>Do you have a pen?"
I do now

>> No.6008907

I really liked this comment, keep it up!

>> No.6008910

Can I keep my current Twitter account? I have over 4,700 tweets and 67 followers, and I'd hate to have to start all over.

>> No.6008911

Why not. I might even like posting taolinnish lolrandum tweets.

>> No.6008917

>dat tweet-to-follower ratio

That's depressing

>> No.6008922

Haha I like that reference dude, I'm sure there are other Tao Lin readers in this thread, why not stick around and have an epic alt-lit conversation with them! haha!

>> No.6008928

Tables are for glases, not arses.

>> No.6008936

That made me chuckle, guy. More jokes like that and this thread will be too crazy to control!

>> No.6008944
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>The parody shit posting actually exasperates the situation

>> No.6008950
File: 16 KB, 204x192, 78461435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a blog and now a twitter account too just to fish for readers and pageviews. I feel filthy. I'm starting to think being a writer in today's world really isn't worth it...

>> No.6008955

I have to admit I agree with this comment 100% :)

>> No.6008959

Your comment made my day buddy. I'm sure other users will want to discuss your opinion in greater detail (I sure know I want to!)

>> No.6008961

Post ironically telling you to go back to /b/ double nigger

>> No.6008965


I use it more as my own thought journal than a platform for any kind of "brand" so it doesn't bother me.

>> No.6008967

I appreciate your contribution to the thread. Like I always say, the more the merrier!

>> No.6008970

I just read your post where you mentioned a [thought journal]. Please write some more about what a [thought journal] is, I'm sure a lot of people here are eager to find out

>> No.6008981

Sorry mate, I'm actually bating you. My time's pretty worthless so you are losing here

>> No.6008988

As Descartes once said - "Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company'

>> No.6008990

Awesome post, user. Who else agrees?

>> No.6008996

Quotations are more than welcome in this thread, especially ones as interesting as the one you posted. It really makes you think!

>> No.6009004

This post is a sarcastic or slightly humorous comment that OP can then deride with a snide affirmation. This concludes this post.

>> No.6009007

I like your way of thinking ;)

>> No.6009015

can I publish that book that proves the holocaust wasn't real?

>> No.6009020

Hey there! I noticed your post and I just had to say that it almost made me feel out of my chair. Hehehe :)

>> No.6009022

OP I have anal leakage from to many arm-fisting sessions and a bad throat infection from chugging too much butt-cum. How do YOU clear up things like this when they happen to you?

>> No.6009024

Great, I've already got a twitter account.

>> No.6009025
File: 9 KB, 332x252, ANGRY REDNECK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you realize majority of posts/replys on /lit/ and 4chan in general are tweet length, as if moot has made the quick reply so easily accessible as a secret sub-conscious marketing scheme for twitter so when we do finally get twitter accounts when were famous authors we're already in the know how

>> No.6009028

I couldn't agree more!

>> No.6009031

Well I have to admit there's not much to disagree with in this post

>> No.6009038


>> No.6009053

Excellent contribution to the topic. I'd love to hear other peoples' thoughts on this issue!

>> No.6009060


>> No.6009065

This is very relevant to the topic in discussion. Do you have anything else to add? I'd love to hear it :)

>> No.6009102

I think this is a bot. If he answers me affirmative, trying to spark a debate, he is a bot sent by moot to improve 4chan

>> No.6009119

I gotta tell you I never thought about it like that. Maybe you'd like to explain in greater detail?

>> No.6009128

This has got to be some kind of meta-troll

>> No.6009129

told ya, this is a conspiracy by moot. the last resort. the nicest bot ever. suck my clit, m00t

>> No.6009136

This seems like something that deserves a conversation of its own!

>> No.6009140

I'd like to think we can all agree on this at least!

>> No.6009163

Lonely anon sitting on a workday with his laptop. Quality of the board shall be restored, one ironic shitpost at the time.

>> No.6009167

Interesting response. I'd be curious to find out whether others agree.

>> No.6009292

This irrational fear of social media is why none of you will be successful.

>> No.6009299

Hmm, I'd like to hear some more of your thoughts about this topic

>> No.6009313

didn't read thread

great thread

captcha tists

>> No.6009318

A thoughtful response, much appreciated!

>> No.6009332

I appreciate your responses as well OP :^)

>> No.6009353

Hit the nail on the head there my friend

>> No.6009452

OP you have me in tears with your retarded posts, I don't know why I find it so funny, because it's really not. Maybe it's the polar opposite nature of what usually plagues this board that gets my jimmies a rockin'

>> No.6009462

A fresh perspective on an issue that deserves more attention. Thanks for the comment!

>> No.6009463

Are you guys such loser shut-ins that you can handle writing a book, but not promoting it?

It's kind of what all writers have to do, hell even before twitter and all that shit writers still had to do radio, talk shows, all that stuff. Part of the game. Yeah, you wrote a book, now you have to let people know it's out there.

>> No.6009474

I don't know why but this post really made me stop and think. So, nice going! :)

>> No.6009476
File: 36 KB, 405x431, 1398635254490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Signing a laptop

What the fug

>> No.6009479

>thought journal
Your lack of followers means that your thoughts are shit. You should stop thinking.

>> No.6009483

Strangely enough I find myself agreeing with what you have to say about this topic.

>> No.6009485

I have a laptop signed by RMS.

>> No.6009489

You must be the twentieth user to say that! Haha!

>> No.6009492


>> No.6009493

I think it comes down to the realization that they're a shitty writer. For one, they know deep down nobody wants to read their plotless, purple prose bullshit. But if they had to leave the house, face what the rest of the world thinks of their crap, they know they couldn't defend it or promote it.

>> No.6009497

I knew I was a special snowflake.

>> No.6009498

The debate wouldn't be what it is without comments like this. I value your contribution to the ongoing dialogue.

>> No.6009504

I dispise anything mainstream

>> No.6009508

Wow, I had a similar thought on the issue just recently!

>> No.6009511

A valuable contribution to an important discussion

>> No.6009515

Wow you sound bitter dude. Are you directing this at a particular person you know or something?

>> No.6009519

A profound insight if ever I saw one :)

>> No.6009521

I'll never understand how someone can write a book but break down over having to write a tweet twice a day.

>> No.6009530

It's an insincere form of expression which only serves to create a manufactured image or "brand". See: Tao Lin, Mira Gonzalez et al.

>> No.6009552

Nope, but I have a penis.

>> No.6009562

Great post!

>> No.6009572

How interesting. I'd never considered that aspect of the situation.

>> No.6009599
File: 177 KB, 790x1011, sdadas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread makes my bowels churn.

>> No.6009745


How much are you going to pay me per tweet?

>> No.6009747

It seems we have churning bowels and butt cum on this thread, OP. Well done.

>> No.6009758

Damn, this one takes meta-shitposting to the next level

>> No.6009774

This thread is /tv/ material.

>> No.6009962


I want to write, create, not whore myself out for money.

>> No.6010166

Got no problem with Twitter, just don't want to pretend I'm someone else so people will buy into it and not get "le offended" and start a shit-storm over a single tweet.

>> No.6010290


As [s4s] once said - "Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be intellectuals will eventually be flooded by actual intellectuals who mistakenly believe that they're in good company".

>> No.6010292


That's because its an image board not a forum.

>> No.6011942
File: 19 KB, 180x194, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here for the buttcum and boipussy; am I in the right thread?

>> No.6011948

Smart people would notice they're in with idiots. Idiots don't notice other idiots.