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/lit/ - Literature

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6007216 No.6007216 [Reply] [Original]

from /tv/

>> No.6007226

>being this pleb

Kill yourself

>> No.6007254

So you're telling me that someone said something fucking stupid on 4chan? Nah, dude. Nah...

>> No.6007480

I don't get it? /tv/ is illiterate is the joke?

>> No.6007541
File: 284 KB, 1161x869, TrueGent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony is that this re-edited image trying to bash books still implies that a poorly written passage in a book is more substantial than a film. Try again /tv/.

>> No.6007548

>The spear that slew Titanic, slumbering softly in a quiet sea, its powers of violence veiled by the black waters and velvet night, its beauty an illusion gifted by the fickle moon. But I, I with my bones forever chilled, frozen on a summer day by the spectral tendrils of that cold salt sea, am not fooled by its sheen of virgin white.


>> No.6007567
File: 406 KB, 547x726, ARebuttal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/ aint got shit.

>> No.6007584

I just saw this thread on /tv/ and the sheer amount of people that have never read a book but still try to describe them is hilariously pathetic.

>> No.6007588
File: 72 KB, 236x214, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sincerely, Patricians.

>> No.6007603

I didn't even understand this at first and I got more of a pleasant visual from the written work than the iceberg covered by a black box on top.

>> No.6007622
File: 514 KB, 576x770, Plan9FromOuterSpace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/ Opinion Highlights

>There's a lot of fat in books. Good movies are very lean.
>Books are poorly written when it comes to describing something to the readers
>a book does not compare to a well made movie
>books are a dying outdated medium
>/lit/fags acting like their shitty medium is better because it takes an hour to describe something that can be shown in 5 seconds in a movie
>I've never understood the film vs book debate, if it's the same story or same information conveyed, just with differing mediums, what's the difference?

People on /tv/ actually said this.

>> No.6007629

That's terrible, overwrought, Maya Angelou-tier prose, though.

>> No.6007630

>Books are poorly written when it comes to describing something to the readers

I saw this one and was like wtf

>> No.6007647

The guy is literally illiterate.

He should really read more books.

>> No.6007658

W-we were just being ironic...

>> No.6007667

/lit/ knows much more about film than /tv/. That's why I'm disappointed that you faggots are actually making an effort to display the literary medium's superiority. Both are utilized to craft different desired aesthetics. Don't take the bait.

>> No.6007673

The difference is that we have a text based culture and most people are "visually illiterate".

>> No.6007678

>/lit/ knows much more about film than /tv/
It's impossible to tell what /tv/ knows, because half of them are only pretending to be retarded and the other half are pretending to be the best-versed cinéastes in the world.

>> No.6007679


>I'm disappointed that you faggots are actually making an effort to display the literary medium's superiority.

The ones who try the hardest to pose on /lit/ like they have something to prove whenever their board rep or medium are concerned are always the younger posters.

And you'll no doubt find that the majority of posters who slam film the hardest on /lit/ are usually woefully lacking in erudition when it comes to the subject. Those who have decent taste in both know enough to avoid that absurdity altogether.

>> No.6007689

>the other half are pretending to be the best-versed cinéastes in the world
I honestly haven't seen any of these. All I ever see there is bane/sheeve/frog/capeshit/GoT posting. They also have some obsessive fascination with the word "cuck".

>> No.6007693

this. hide.

>> No.6007705

Go to any thread about a "film" (not movie, they'll emphasize) and you'll find everyone saying how OP's taste is terrible and posting copypastas of the most obscure directors someone could find and spamming "film is a visual medium."

>> No.6007707

I don't have an issue so much with the comparison. But it is honestly fascinating to see someone sincerely claim that literature could somehow become outdated. As if one day books will just go out of print and everyone will learn everything through visual mediums.

But yes, the whole argument is a sophomoric pissing contest.

>> No.6007713

I want to cuck you, anon.

>> No.6007735

>It's impossible to tell what /lit/ knows, because half of them are only pretending to be retarded and the other half are pretending to be the best-versed literates in the world.

>> No.6007751

Have you been on /tv/ recently? It's half ALL CAPS quotes about Star Wars, The Hobbit, and Bane, and another quarter something-something-cuck, and they've got copy-pasta lists of "Favorite: 1. Movies 2. Films 3. Cinema 4. Kino". You can't really tell how smart someone on the internet is if they're specifically acting like everyone else.

>> No.6007757

meh, /tv/ is good for a laugh.

>> No.6007771

It really is the worst board. No content. Only memes. But >>6007757 is right. If you could put up with the shit you might find a laugh. But I don't know if I've ever seen them talk about a good movie. Plus they hate everything.

>> No.6008478

>Plus they hate everything.
Most of all themselves
/v/ is worse though

>> No.6008499

>having a debate books vs films.

>> No.6008500

/v/ is pretty much the board for hating video games at this point.

>> No.6008503

I haven't been to /tv/ in three years, are they still pedos?

>> No.6008529

it's not our fault that we have to share the board with those people
also you guys should stop being obsessed with /tv/, there's been so many threads lately

that's probably the worst bait I've ever seen

>> No.6008602

nobodies debating we are just laughing at retards who still watch movies

>> No.6008609


watching a film=meaningless hedonistic experience

>> No.6008624

that dude has BREAD sticking out of his collar.

>> No.6008631

Lit got truly btfo

>> No.6008829


>> No.6008850

Entertainment is a dirty word to you, right?

Also, the best films are all depressing as fuck, how's watching them hedonistic?

>> No.6008891

/tv/ is one of the most consumeristic boards along with /v/ and /mu/

>> No.6009686


This. The same could be said for music and even vidya. /lit/, for all it's flaws, can actually discuss higher art on an intelligent level from time to time. Lately, there's been a fuck ton of shit posting and memeing though, so we're not far off from turning into another /mu/, /tv/, or /v/.