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6007029 No.6007029 [Reply] [Original]

Official power rankings

Philosophers (Protestant)
1. Hegel
2. Kant
3. Berkeley

Writers (Protestant)
1. Shakespeare
2. Milton
3. Blake

Philosophers (Catholicism)
1. Descartes
2. Augustine
3. Leibniz

Writers (Catholicism)
1. Dante
2. Boccaccio
3. Tolkien

Philosophers (Hellenismos)
1. Heraclitus
2. Parmenides
3. Plato

Writers (Hellenismos)
1. Homer
2. Vergil
3. Sophocles

Philosophers (Other, includes Atheism)
1. Spinoza
2. Hume
3. Nietzsche

Writers (Other, includes atheism)
1. Kafka
2. Chekhov
3. Bierce

>> No.6007038


>> No.6007058

This list is eurocentric

>> No.6007102

>number 2 Catholic writer
>not Gene Wolfe

>> No.6007289
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>No Aristotle for Hellenismos
>Not Ovid instead of Vergil for Hellenismos
>No Thomas Aquinas for Catholics

>> No.6007292

Christians and Hellenists should be banned on sight

>> No.6007294

Shakespeare was secretly Catholic.

>> No.6007301

Where's Popper, Wittgenstein, Russell, Moore, Carnap, Frege, Ayer, Quine, Putnam, Plantinga or Kripke? Why do you like pseudo-intellectual, unscientific continental 'philosophers' so much?

>> No.6007306

What's going on with that ceiling tile?

>> No.6007311

>Catholic writers
>no C S Lewis

>Best Catholics philosophers

garbage as fuck rankings

>> No.6007317

G. K. Chesterton I mean
I mixed up the C's

alcohol didn't help

>> No.6007318

Shakespeare was secretly your mom.
Fite me.

>> No.6007327

>leibniz third
>no aquinas


>no o'connor

none of those writers or philosophers ascribed to that ridiculous meme religion hellenismos

>> No.6007331

What are you 12 years old? Many scholars believe he was likely Catholic instead of Anglican.

>> No.6007332

Shakey mightve been a secret catholic

>> No.6007337

one of the better shakespeare conspiracies but that doesn't make it true

i think he had a lot of catholic cobwebs lying around but there's no way he cared enough to actually be a practicing catholic in secret

>> No.6007345

how are you going to make the argument that milton was catholic

>> No.6007348

Hume is like a proto analytic philosopher

>> No.6007359

>Catholicism / and or other
>no James Joyce

>> No.6007362

Yes, but he didn't have access to advanced scientific and mathematical knowledge as the logical positivists and modern analytics.

>> No.6007364

>pseudo-intellectual, unscientific continental 'philosophers'

>> No.6007371
File: 66 KB, 680x510, Absolutely HeteroOrthodox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Orthodox category
>Putting Tolkien as good at anything but Linguistics.

E. Orthodox writers
>Freddie D.
>The guy who wrote TBK and C&P

>> No.6007375

Meet me irl bro.

>> No.6007379



>> No.6007386

For writers:
Replace Kafka with Tolstoy. Replace Boccaccio with Chaucer. Blake is Gnostic, replace with Dickens. Bierce shouldn't even be up there, replace with Pushkin. Replace Chekhov with Dostoevsky.

>> No.6007388
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>hurr science is too hard
>I'll make up my own words and Capitalise them for no Reason

>> No.6007390


How could you think Ovid is better than Virgil?

>> No.6007434

They actually were just ascribed to in the OP.

>> No.6007449

Kant was a christian

>> No.6007454

Laozi and Confu conspicuously absent + the 4 great classical chinese novels. Based Wittgenstein absent. At least you didn't put Ayn Rand on.

>> No.6007482
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>eastern 'philosophy'

>> No.6007498

his frothing at the mouth anti-catholicism makes it a sure thing. like how closeted gays are the most vehement homo bashers

yeah i'm saying that op's a fag

>> No.6007500

Nigger plz go back to the jungle

>> No.6007501
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>Hume instead of Schopenhauer

>> No.6007505

nigger schopenhauer sucks

>> No.6007518

>eastern anything

>> No.6007525

my bad which way to the site for chinese cartoons

>> No.6007526

Don't touch me you filthy optimist

>> No.6007536

>yeah i'm saying that op's a fag
No, you're a fag for using "ascribing" instead of "subscribing".

>> No.6007552

he just injects will to power into kant's noumena, spins some eastern joojoo magic and calls it a day. he is a boring ass, busted ass nigga and i'll take that charlatan hegel over him any day. at least he's fun

>> No.6007553


>> No.6007569

He also reduces Kant's categories into 4 much simpler, more intuitive groupings. His dissertation is probably more important than World as Will.

Also he doesn't inject will to power, he doesn't even call it will to power. As a matter of fact he's the reason Nietzsche has will to power.

>> No.6007570

yeah op *ascribes* homonismos to writers and philosophers who it is highly doubtful *subscribed* to homonismos considering its faggy meme status

>> No.6007595

Yeah, I'm sure they were people who surfed 4chan and didn't like Hellenismos because it's too mainstream here.

>> No.6007841

Eastern food is nice