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/lit/ - Literature

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600691 No.600691 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I live in a non English-speaking country and I've finished reading most of the Russian and French classics I planned on reading a couple of years ago.

Now I'm going to buy some English classics (not translated, of course).

Please recommend some classics.

So far I've got:
- Farewell to Arms
- The Great Gatsby
- Catch-22
- The Sound and the Fury
- The Catcher in the Rye
- Lord of the Flies

(no Bradbury, Huxley or Orwell as I've already read plenty of them. Oh, and no Moby Dick or Ulysses, yet)

>> No.600823

both incredible award winners:

Watership Down
To Kill A Mockingbird

also, if you're into dystopian futures:

Fahrenheit 451

Greatest standalone book I've read recently:
Nation, by Terry Pratchett

Best series:
Codex Alera, by Jim Butcher
first book is: Furies of Calderon

>> No.600837

oh, forgot to say,

those first 4 are classics

the last two submissions aren't - wouldn't wanna be flamed

>> No.600864

>To Kill A Mockingbird

Noted. I've already read the other 2. I'll probably pass on Watership Down, at least for now.

Thanks :3

>> No.601771

Kurt Vonnegut. Cat's Cradle was my favorite but Slaughterhouse 5 is his masterpiece.

>> No.601794

Wuthering Heights
A Clockwork Orange
East of Eden
Brave New World