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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.06 MB, 2560x1600, Library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6005574 No.6005574 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw have never felt satisfaction from what constitutes a "productive" life (e.g. work, money, large quantities of social interaction)
>tfw will never amass and curate a massive library with a quality writing desk, whiskey, and opiates
>tfw the quality of your life is debilated by the intensity with which you pursue your passions, because everyone thinks you're lazy for reading and writing all day

Why is life suffering, /lit/?

>> No.6005578

turn off the fucking computer

>> No.6005639

Cool picture. Too bad you ruined it by being stupid.

>> No.6005652


It's only suffering for pussies, real people cash in on the bitches like you who believe it, they write great shit and aren't lame as fuck because they know whats up.

Fucking bitch.

>> No.6005717

Find satisfaction in being a just man

>> No.6005802

What the fuck bro? The building if your library is probably the only noble thing left in this nightmare age. My library is already underway.

Come at me

>> No.6005832
File: 92 KB, 774x1169, epic r us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you suck at it and have a flawed worldview.

>> No.6005853

its okay op, assuming you havent turned 18 yet what youre feeling is perfectly normal. if youre over say...20 though...all hope is lost and you should just go right ahead and an hero

>> No.6006156

>tfw when your family and wife make sure you don't need to be 'productive'
>tfw the same people provide you with a house and a flow of money to build that library with writing desk and whiskey (minus opiates)
>tfw when 30 and knowing you've already got the little you want
>tfw when 31 and you start an affair from boredom, risking it all with no reason or gameplan
and that's where it stands today

>> No.6008920
File: 319 KB, 960x895, peasentlife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have never read any philosophy

>> No.6008925

>you will never live like that dude from the Huysmanns book

Why live?

>> No.6008971

The dude in A Rebours wasn't exactly happy though.

>> No.6008973

>he aestheticises for happiness

>> No.6008975

And? Happiness is a pleb emotion. Detached neutrality, interrupted by brief periods of ironic contempt for humanity, is the only patrician emotional state.

>> No.6010409

Life is only suffering because you believe it is.
