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6004421 No.6004421 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/
What are some of ur favorite passages from catch 22?

>> No.6004435

Dunbar's shared 'dreams' explained to Sanderson
Whining part that almost got the guy executed
Major Major
The bit with mourning letters sent to people's famillies

>> No.6004454

Major Major Major Major

>> No.6004461

"I see everything once!"

I haven't laughed so hard at a book since.

>> No.6004462

The part where Yossarian is righteously chastising Aarfy for raping and killing an italian girl while the authorities are barging in, and then it turns out they are there to arrest Yossarian.

>> No.6004468

>I put chestnuts in my cheeks to have apple cheeks, do you wanna know why?

>> No.6004504

everything Orr says, everything Dunbar says, and the part where Yossarian has a job censoring letters

>> No.6004515

>the shrink


>> No.6004516

Everyone he met was impressed at how unimpressive he was.

>> No.6004519

I read this in high school and immediately afterwards the cafeteria gave us a questionnaire.

Instead of answering, I just copied a long-ass passage from the book. Can't remember which one, but I think it had something to do with digging holes.

God, I was such a cringeworthy fucking hipster even at 16.

>> No.6004520

hahahah this thread is bringing back good memories of the summer of 2014 (when I listened to a brilliantly done audiobook of Catch-22 while pruning grape leaves).

>> No.6004529

Sounds comfy as fuck. Were you pruning grape leaves for a job or pleasure?

I don't know why, but literature and manual labor just go so well together.

>> No.6004545

I was taking care of my aunt and uncle's house and garden while they were at the cottage because I love them very much.

>> No.6004770

>not censoring the questionnaire and signing it as Washington Irving

OT: Washington Irving.

>> No.6004780

The part about the italian pimp. Because I read it 11 years ago and it's the only thing I can remember.

>> No.6005379

Yeah that was probably the best joke.

>> No.6008069


>> No.6008075

The part where OP hasn't read the book for himself and is likely underage b8 trying to get us to do his homework for him

>> No.6008124

>Clevinger's trial

>> No.6008158

b-b-b-but thats cheating.

>> No.6008165

Audiobooks are almost always better than deciphering text off a page.

The book's texts are merely for reference and referral in my opinion, kind of like the HTML code for a website--also, the regional accents and intonations of professional readers greatly accentuates immersion and impression.

>> No.6008170

Major Major. The Indian Chief and the captain who's afraid to sleep in his tent because of his fear of the chief. Yossarian "pretending" to be the Italian soldier in the hospital for the family. Many lols to be had

>> No.6008174

Snowden's Death

That shit was disturbing, will never forget it.

>> No.6008862

Milo trying to keep his business secrets from Orr by distracting him him with underage prostitutes who were really only middle age.

>> No.6008874

“From now on I'm thinking only of me."

Major Danby replied indulgently with a superior smile: "But, Yossarian, suppose everyone felt that way."

"Then," said Yossarian, "I'd certainly be a damned fool to feel any other way, wouldn't I?”

>> No.6008885

better one

"Who's they?" He wanted to know. "Who, specifically, do you think is trying to murder you?"
"Every one of them," Yossarian told him.
"Every one of whom?"
"Every one of whom do you think?"
"I haven't any idea."
"Then how do you know they aren't?"
"Because..." Clevinger sputtered, and turned speechless with frustration.
Clevinger really thought he was right, but Yossarian had proof, because strangers he didn't know shot at him with cannons every time he flew up into the air to drop bombs on them, and it wasn't funny at all.

>> No.6008901

Orr was hilarious

>> No.6009012


Same, that's my favorite passage.

"Man is Matter" or something like that.

>> No.6009018

there, there

>> No.6009030


>> No.6011606

When the Indian says
>That calls for a drink!
took me a whole day to get the joke

>> No.6012348

I'm cold....

>> No.6012509


Milo and the syndicate.

>> No.6012530

holy shit i was wondering where I got that from. that phrase has always been hilarious to me but i had totally forgotten the source until now.

>> No.6012559

"The point is to keep them from dying for as long as you can."
"Yeah, but what's the point, since they all have to die anyway?"
"The trick is not to think about that."

That one has always stuck with me for some reason. Also:
"That crazy bastard may be the only sane one left."

>> No.6012561

when they got paid to bomb themselves

>> No.6012564

I always found Yossarian's inability to keep himself from moaning during the meeting hilarious

>> No.6012594

Yossarian is Fred Flintstone.

Can't unthink.

>> No.6012655

"There, there."

>> No.6012672

What a nice, literature-related thread.

I like this one;

"A moment ago there had been no Yossarians in his life; now they were multiplying like hobgoblins."

>> No.6012735

I don't remember that part, explain?

>> No.6012788

This this this

>> No.6012793

"That's good."
"Yes. It is good."

When the doctor has to explain sex to the couple with figurines and they have the conversation about the Saint

Every time a message was "too prolix"

>> No.6012823

The part when Dreedle and Peckem are sending messages to and forth to each other was my favourite passage.

>> No.6014024

he dreams that he can't sleep and then wakes up as though he hadn't slept at all

i'm likely paraphrasing but holy shit i cracked up

>> No.6014540

I don't think I've ever read a funnier chapter than "The Soldier Who Saw Everything Twice"

Also, "there were many officers' clubs that Yossarian had not helped build, but he was proudest of the one on Pianosa. It was a sturdy and complex monument to his powers of determination. Yossarian never went there to help until it was finished; then he went there often, so pleased was he with the large, fine, rambling shingled building. It was a truly splendid structure, and Yossarian throbbed with a might sense of accomplishment each time he gazed at it and reflected that none of the work that had gone into it was his."

Clevinger's trial and the part with corporal Popinjay

Colonel Cathcart was also an amazing character

Fuck I have to re-read this book now
And the part with ex PFC Wintergreen and the whole "TS eliot" mix-up