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File: 238 KB, 2048x1227, Solon, depicted with pupils in an Islamic miniature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6003736 No.6003736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what's with today's intelligentsia coming to Islam's defense?
Wasn't religion an opiate?

>> No.6003739

contrarianism, airs of wisdom

>> No.6003744

They realized most Muslims can't get past religion like the rest of the West and the Orient could.
Which is a racist conclusion, but they haven't realized that yet

>> No.6003802
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This, they either consciously or subconsciously that Muslims are basically considered a race now and that by criticizing Islam they would be committing the grave sin of racism, which is anathema to any serious liberal.

>> No.6003807

why wouldn't they

sage and reported

>> No.6003820
File: 12 KB, 287x226, Richard-Dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we don't

regards, the intelligentsia

>> No.6003835

>not awesome
>not from Islam central

>> No.6003855


They haven't figured out yet how to do it without being racist according to their own definition of racism. And as you know, being racist is the absolute worst thing you can ever be.

Some are also downright scared for their jobs/lives.

>> No.6003858

Intelligentsia should argue against stupid things. Islam is a stupid thing but the caricatures used to attack Islam is far stupider. You don't cure people of opiates by saying opiates are stupid and you are stupid for taking them. You give them reasons for not needing them.

>> No.6003908

muh islamophobia

>> No.6004038

i think they are intended to piss the mooslims off, not convert them

>> No.6004066

>People still don't realize Islam is the closest ideology existing to an anitithesis of Western values


>> No.6004068


nah, the defense is US imperialism did it / inability to integrate to western culture did it / islam had nothing to do with it

>> No.6004081

So is Christianity, Christianity just learned how to get along after the Enlightenment and the revival of the values of classical intellectuals, whereas Islam didn't adapt so well, and that lack of experience makes Islam autistic.

>> No.6004082

>Wasn't religion an opiate?
Of course it is. Religion was never the real motivation behind wars. I mean, it is to the puppets sent to die, but it's just an excuse.
You're mom is racis.

>> No.6004089

>Western values
Like capitalism? We don't have values.

>> No.6004091

It's just like rational people coming to defense of women, OP. Trends are hard to resist. Of course, neither groups have anything of value to contribute to society, but what with the twittersphere and feminazi cunts on TV, it's hard to stand out on your own. Thankfully we don't have to, we have MRA groups coming to power, soon they'll help with this imbalance. I predict an MRA member in office by at most, 2025, or at least in some prominent political position.

>> No.6004092
File: 69 KB, 600x450, isis-love-nutella-456-792-1419222069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le dumbass Fox News christians, hahaha, christians are so dumb, they ruin this country
>not all muslims

>> No.6004102

wow. that was the dumbest thing i've ever read on this board

>> No.6004105

>The jews own the media!
>It turns out the Jews were actually islamists in disguise.

>> No.6004114

Don't be ridiculous. We value freedom of speech, individualism, freedom of assembly, meritocracy, freedom of religion, human rights. The leftism you subscribe to as an academic movement was originally just radical Westernism, it didn't start to oppose Western values until Marx, but Rousseau and Charles Fourier as the epitome of Western values.

>> No.6004116 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6004122

It's quite true, none of the things considered the hallmarks of Western values, as I posted here

>freedom of speech, individualism, freedom of assembly, meritocracy, freedom of religion, human rights

were any concern of Christianity's until the Enlightenment, Christianity in all it's political forms opposed all these things nearly 100% of the time.

>> No.6004138

People who try to defend Islam in the way that most liberally minded lay people try to do these days aren't part of "today's intelligentsia" whatsoever. You'll hear uneducated platitudes like "Islam is a religion of peace" or that any criticism of the religion is "racist" (despite the fact that Islam has no racial mandate unlike Judaism for example). Yet these people have likely never even so much cracked open a Qur'an, much less seen one.

The worst thing is that their rhetoric tends to get in the way of real reformers within the religion and obfuscate the issues because in their minds criticism is some form of intolerance, which is the worst thing in the world and even worse than Hitler and you'd have to be some sort of monster to criticize a system of belief.

>> No.6004140
File: 27 KB, 480x316, average muslim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate their self-victimization more than anything. And the constant "yeah but what about Israel, hu?" diversions.

>> No.6004143

The left-wing "intelligentsia" is masochist

It's as easy as that op

>> No.6004144

>We value freedom of speech
Unless you make fun of the wrong stuff, like that french comedian.
Democracy isn't exactly individualism. Individualism is anarchistic.
>freedom of assembly
Not anymore in Spain, for example.
Are you trying to troll me? Because money and merit have two different deffinitions.
>freedom of religion
I'll give you that
>human rights
Except when you're in Guantanamo
>The leftism you subscribe to as an academic movement
Nigger, pls. You don't know shit about me. The fact that you have a black and white brain says nothing about me.
>was originally just radical Westernism
>it didn't start to oppose Western values until Marx, but Rousseau and Charles Fourier as the epitome of Western values.
No, Marx just continues his branch of hegelianism. Marx never opposed western values (ewerll, he opposed private property, which I'd admit this is the only authentic western value if I had to). Well, actually, there are no "western values" as a monolithic thing. It's just bullshit that some people believe in.

>> No.6004148
File: 14 KB, 250x141, mfw muslims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capture Jerusalem
>Invade all of North Africa and convert them
>Attempt genocide of Coptic Christians for 1400 years
>Wage several centuries of war within Spain
>Try to take over Medieval France
>Try to take over Constantinope in 717 (Result: Arabs get rekt by Bulgarians)
>Continually raid Sicily and Southern Italy
>Destroy great books which were painstakingly written by hand by Christian monks
>Destroy trade for the entire Mediterranean Sea
>Destroy land travel and the silk road leading to east Asia
>Capture Constantinople, turn Hagia Sophia into a Mosque
>Take over 1,000,000 Europeans as slaves during the Barbary Wars
>Spend half a millenia subjugating the Slavs, Albanians and Greeks
>genocide hazaras in afghanistan
>blow up 4th century statues of buddhas in the bamayan province as they aren't islamic
>stone women to death for "infidelity" and a long list of other "crimes"
>stone gays to death
>blow up world trade centre
>7/7 bombings in london
>madrid bombings
>mumbai bombings
>genocide entire villages in nigeria
>kidnap 200 schoolgirls and sell off as slaves
>murder an entire school in pakistan
>violent international riots against a stupid youtube video
>violent international riots against a stupid cartoon
>take 20 hostages in sydney, kill 2
>massacre 12 people over a stupid cartoon
>kidnap and murder 5 more
>1000 lashes and 10 years in prison for a saudi blogger who criticised islam

Meanwhile in the East
>Rape and murder Persians, destroying Zoroastrianism
>Rape and murder Kurds
>Rape and murder Hindus
>Rape and murder Buddhists
>Rape and murder Jews
>Rape and murder Yazidis
Just the work of a few deviants, mate.

>> No.6004162

mi mums a mozlem but she don't support no violenc shud i kill her neway y/n answers pls m8s

>> No.6004166


>> No.6004169

Just because our values aren't 100%, to autistic sanctification made universal across the board, and are universally valued, or sometimes over lap and have to compromise, doesn't mean they aren't our values.

Your values, with which you are critiquing Western values, ARE Western values. You're just like a very religious person saying other people in your religion aren't nearly heedful enough of it, you are a Puritan of Western values, basically.

> Marx never opposed western values (ewerll, he opposed private property, which I'd admit this is the only authentic western value if I had to
Private property is hardly a "Western" value, everyone in ancient Persia was a legal slave of the King. Opposing private property, on the other hand, has quite a history in Western thought.

>> No.6004175

>our values

Your values mate

>> No.6004179

Yours too, your whole way of thinking is 100% a product of the Enlightenment,

>> No.6004180

I don't believe in democracy, human rights, freedom of speech, individualism.

Those are your values maybe, not mine.

>> No.6004189

This is only because you've found that Western values, taken too far, contradict, and so you've focused mainly on equality at the expense of all the rest, which you were inspired to do by a Western heresy, a cult of equality, so to speak.

>> No.6004194

Please tell me more about how i think and what kind of person i am.

Obnoxious know-it-all.

>> No.6004198

>implying /lit/'s parents didn't raise it in solely koine greek

>> No.6004210

intelligent person reporting in
i think islams should be exderminated

>> No.6004211

I don't think equality as a legal concern has much to do with the New Testament, despite Nietzsche's theory (or rather not his actual theory, but how people common understand his theory) Academically,. it had to do with the Classical movement and the adoration of idolization Athens, and to a lessor extent an infatuation with a romanticized conception of primitive man. In practice, a lot of it was just populism.

>> No.6004213

Shouldn't you be asking them rather than us?

>> No.6004226


>implying /lit/ isn't the biggest leftist shithole on 4chan

>> No.6004230

Is that what's associated with intelligentsia nowadays?

>> No.6004245

>implying /lit/'s parents didn't also pretend that this was the reign of Marcus Aurelius
>implying it's not explaining the joke because it's parents hired a slave to whisper shit about humility in /lit/'s ear as it strides across the Roman Empire's central form
Your posts make less sense than mine, anon. Think about that while your stroke your Nietzsche's guide to grammar.

>> No.6004255


Try to be cool in the humanities today with shit that isn't somewhat Marxist.

>> No.6004258

Humanities is leftist, I wouldn't say Marxist, though. Marxism has been out of fashion since the 1970's

>> No.6004305

If the West isn't the best, why do all these Middle Easterners and Mahgrebis want to immigrate to it so badly?

Checkmate, cultural relativists.

>> No.6004311

We have more wealth and it spreads easier.

>> No.6004319

Isn't Guinea the only place that wanted out when we asked them?

>> No.6004325

Which is a result of Western culture.

>> No.6004336

No, now they just call it neomarxist, postmarxist or some other bullshit.
It's stille marxism.

>> No.6004338

chrisitanity is a warmongering religion as much as islam, it just had more time to develop.

>in god we trust
>muh god
>if you kill people with drones it somehow doesnt count as religious war bcuz the drone dont go to church lol dindu nuffins secular i swear

>> No.6004346

>implying the wars in the middleeast has anything to do with christendom

>> No.6004352

It's a result of industrialization, expropriating resources and outsourcing our labor. Industrialization could be seen as part of our "culture", but I wouldn't really think of it like that, China doesn't become culturally "more Western" by industrializing.

>> No.6004354

How the hell is it Marxism?

>> No.6004356

Shut up Pilate

>> No.6004367

Industrialization doesn't happen without the scientific revolution which was dependent upon the prestige and leadership position attributed to reason which has been one of the cornerstones of Western civilization since le Greeks

>> No.6004372

for the banking families no, for the plebs almost everything everything
how is bringing them muh way of life, muh freedoms and values not a religious war? they are chrisitan values afrer all

>> No.6004376

>implying the historical use of Christendom is not in the context of the early to middle medieval wars against Islam and other heretics
what are you attempting here?

>> No.6004387

true marxists, like Charlie Hebdo still think religion is an opiate and should be demoralized. This was Charlies' mission statement, they were true leftists
The problem is that the left is being corroded by this shitty post-colonialist, post-modern, anti-revolutionary shit.

>> No.6004389

>Like capitalism? We don't have values.
Your Neo-Neo-Neo-Neo-Neo-Neo-Colonialism is showing. Please cover it up, it's very shameful.

>> No.6004392

It wasn't a cornerstone of Western civ after the Christianization of Rome until the Renaissance. Yes, reason played a big part in Western civ, but no more than it did in Middle East civ.

>> No.6004402

The very fact you are criticizing the West for not fully, 100% living up to these values 24/7 regardless of any negative consequences of carrying them out shows you, as a Westerner, highly value these principles.

>> No.6004404

It's like you're trying to break Frege with #hashtags. 10/10 would be convinced you hadn't read a book since that sci fi novella when you were ten.

>> No.6004409

>everything goes into le trash when convenient
>le machiavelli face

>> No.6004416

Right wingers are always wrong.
Right wingers hate Islam no matter what.
Therefore, the correct opinion is to love Islam no matter what.

>> No.6004433
File: 17 KB, 225x225, الضفدع المعتد بنفسه.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's superior to Christianity.

>> No.6004441

Shut the fuck up because the people who are willing to die are what matter, not the people telling them where to kill and die. Hitler wasn't just some crazy guy saying kill the joos and just by some chance he became leader of the world. Ugh, just kill yourself

>> No.6004444

What does Frege has to do with tis?

>> No.6004448

I think Islam is pretty good. It might even be better for the West than Christianity. That said, I couldn't bear to have Islam take over here, but I would like to see people leave the middle east alone and get on with their own affairs in whatever ways they see fit as long as it doesn't affect us or our allies.

>> No.6004449


No worthwhile historian takes notions like that seriously anymore. Weber and others proposed things like this because they didn't know 'non-Western' intellectual traditions well enough to realize that there was nothing uniquely rational about pre-modern Western thought.

>> No.6004453

Why just their skins?

>> No.6004460

I think people finally realized that if people are trying to rationalize mortality in a meaningful way, then they should respect it.

>> No.6004466

ah of course nobody is rational or informed except the people who agree with you
seems legit

>> No.6004467

>like that french comedian
That's because he's black. He'd be fine if he was a jew. (fine, or maybe just dead?)

>> No.6004469

The certainly was, in the Middle East. And modern Western rationalism was about a revival of ancient Greek rationalism. And so you have, like, the entire Christian era being without rationalism, which lasted a lot longer than the time lasted since. So to say reason is distinctly Western is silly.

>> No.6004476

As if what the psychopaths in the CIA do reflect a country as a whole. Calling christianity a warmongering religion when http://www.theonion.com/articles/no-one-murdered-because-of-this-image,29553/

Stuck on culture when the offspring of immigrants are joining ISIS against the wishes of their parents and definitely against the wishes of the society as a whole they live in.

You're a moron on all fronts.