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/lit/ - Literature

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6002827 No.6002827 [Reply] [Original]

Write a beautiful sentence.

>> No.6002832

well you know or couldn't you cannot or haven't I told you every telling has a taling and that's the he and she of it

>> No.6002853

Curtain flowers fall, and the winter's hand draws the night close to your still warming breath.

Beat that, bitches.

>> No.6002857

I laff'd

>> No.6002862

A legion of horribles, hundreds in number, half naked or clad in costumes attic or biblical or wardrobed out of a fevered dream with the skins of animals and silk finery and pieces of uniform still tracked with the blood of prior owners, coats of slain dragoons, frogged and braided cavalry jackets, one in a stovepipe hat and one with an umbrella and one in white stockings and a bloodstained wedding veil and some in headgear or cranefeathers or rawhide helmets that bore the horns of bull or buffalo and one in a pigeontailed coat worn backwards and otherwise naked and one in the armor of a Spanish conquistador, the breastplate and pauldrons deeply dented with old blows of mace or sabre done in another country by men whose very bones were dust and many with their braids spliced up with the hair of other beasts until they trailed upon the ground and their horses' ears and tails worked with bits of brightly colored cloth and one whose horse's whole head was painted crimson red and all the horsemen's faces gaudy and grotesque with daubings like a company of mounted clowns, death hilarious, all howling in a barbarous tongue and riding down upon them like a horde from a hell more horrible yet than the brimstone land of Christian reckoning, screeching and yammering and clothed in smoke like those vaporous beings in regions beyond right knowing where the eye wanders and the lip jerks and drools.

>> No.6002869

Within post-structural semantic descriptions of abstracted frameworks, value statements are subjected to Bayesian modeling, but the fundamentally non-Aristotelian value is not inherent in the peripherally-empirical inter-subjective perception.

>> No.6002874

The more she drank the more she shat but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew

>> No.6002876

She's still been going to class, still waking up each morning in a haze, carrying her book bag to a too brightly lit hall, still laughing and smiling and living -- still crying when she tells me about how it wasn't her fault and how she's sorry and how she didn't notice the light went red.

>> No.6002882


Her eyes were made of moss and lichen, her face was made of mist and fog and porcelain and he knew now, even confronted by such a thing as immaculate as this ivory giantess, the truth, that anything which dies of starvation alone will strain to stomach even the smallest morsel by the very end of it.

>> No.6002887

Autumnal hues decorated the gentle hills.

>> No.6002910

Define beauty.

>> No.6002915

no thats no way for him has he no manners nor no refinement nor no nothing in his nature slapping
us behind like that on my bottom because I didnt call him Hugh the ignoramus that doesnt know
poetry from a cabbage thats what you get for not keeping them in their proper place pulling off his
shoes and trousers there on the chair before me so barefaced without even asking permission and
standing out that vulgar way in the half of a shirt they wear to be admired like a priest or a butcher
or those old hypocrites in the time of Julius Caesar of course hes right enough in his way to pass the
time as a joke sure you might as well be in bed with what with a lion God Im sure hed have
something better to say for himself an old Lion would O well I suppose its because they were so
plump and tempting in my short petticoat he couldnt resist they excite myself sometimes its well for
men all the amount of pleasure they get off a womans body were so round and white for them
always I wished I was one myself for a change just to try with that thing they have swelling up on
you so hard and at the same time so soft when you touch it my uncle John has a thing long I heard
those cornerboys saying passing the comer of Marrowbone lane my aunt Mary has a thing hairy
because it was dark and they knew a girl was passing it didnt make me blush why should it either its
only nature and he puts his thing long into my aunt Marys hairy etcetera and turns out to be you put
the handle in a sweepingbrush men again all over they can pick and choose what they please a
married woman or a fast widow or a girl for their different tastes like those houses round behind
Irish street no but were to be always chained up theyre not going to be chaining me up no damn fear
once I start I tell you for their stupid husbands jealousy why cant we all remain friends over it
instead of quarrelling her husband found it out what they did together well naturally and if he did
can he undo it hes coronado anyway whatever he does and then he going to the other mad extreme
about the wife in Fair Tyrants of course the man never even casts a 2nd thought on the husband or
wife either its the woman he wants and he gets her what else were we given all those desires for Id
like to know I cant help it if Im young still can I its a wonder Im not an old shrivelled hag before
my time living with him so cold never embracing me except sometimes when hes asleep the wrong
end of me not knowing I suppose who he has any man thatd kiss a womans bottom Id throw my hat
at him after that hed kiss anything unnatural where we havent I atom of any kind of expression in us
all of us the same 2 lumps of lard before ever Id do that to a man pfooh the dirty brutes the mere
thought is enough I kiss the feet of you senorita theres some sense in that didnt he kiss our halldoor
yes he did what a madman nobody understands his cracked ideas but me still of course a woman

>> No.6002931

"And then all the shitposters got bored and left."

>> No.6002934


>he dares to dream we're not here forever

>> No.6002943

The shit had cooled, but its shared temperature with the cement did not make it such.

>> No.6002946

I could not love a girl that could not destroy me completely.

>> No.6002958

OP is not a fag

>> No.6002960

If you think you're lonely now, wait until tonight, girl.

>> No.6003032

You'll know it when you see it.

>> No.6003049 [DELETED] 

"I have to tell you I have a fantasy of you whispering right into my ear soft words in shuffling tones warm and close that fall from your lips like desiccated flowers from the book in which they've lain forgotten and rebuke with their very still quietness the mad racket of everything else always whoring for your soul."

>> No.6003050

It was scar tissue, he thought, as he lay on the ground beneath the lightning-struck tree.

>> No.6003053 [DELETED] 

"I have to tell you I have a fantasy of you whispering right into my ear soft words in shuffling tones warm and close that fall from your lips like desiccated flowers from the book in which they've lain forgotten and rebuke with their very still quietness the mad racket of everything else always whoring for my soul."

>> No.6003055

"I have to tell you, I have a fantasy of you whispering right into my ear soft words in shuffling tones warm and close that fall from your lips like desiccated flowers from the book in which they've lain forgotten and rebuke with their very still quietness the mad racket of everything else always whoring for my soul."

>> No.6003058


>> No.6003109

peeeeeeenus weeeenus :3 :D :D :D :D :D :D

>> No.6003313

Semi pestilent pustules beckoning me to release their writhing viral innards.

>> No.6003352


>> No.6003355

She has thrown herself on the bed; drunken in her body curve.

>> No.6003556

Literature is overrated.

>> No.6004057 [DELETED] 


>> No.6004132

That image would look better in 4:3, with the frame edges slightly rounded

>> No.6004574

I'd read book that had those opening lines.

>> No.6004597

'cellar door' or some shit

>> No.6004598

Lo verily doth fortwidth an autumn pine with trees and leaves but not for want of Manchurian salted brows?

>> No.6004614

You're nice.

>> No.6004799

The only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning is the faint glimmer of hope that things will be better today. I will not be anxious
and I will not be depressed. I will be confident, strong and happy and I will finally live my life. Everyday I tell myself this and everyday I am disappointed. I am such a fucking liar.

>> No.6004802

grow up

>> No.6004807

Wheels turning, steam rising.

>> No.6004815

God is great.

>> No.6004841

>not getting fucking Mark Baldyga reference
jesus anon

>> No.6004845

Broken moonlight through the window
caught her figure like a net
and made a city skyline
from her body's silhouette

>> No.6004851

He returned from Valhalla and smote the furries.

>> No.6004869

a beautiful sentence

>> No.6004873

them thangs them thangs dont even ask me

>> No.6004910

Da bish wad shaking her ass and ed reminded me od da fugga on da tee bee. I grabbed my dig and said "muh dic."

>> No.6004933


Many people attempt this and fail miserably. You kept me there the whole way through. Well done.

Evocative, I liked this.

>> No.6004971


Came here to post this.

>> No.6004981

The purple and gold smell of chicken soup filled up the hallway, and the waters of his peripherals diluted their unfamiliar colors into a noticeably lush and mystical solution; these adjectives had been absent in Jack's life for some time.

>> No.6004989

Slowly, the war machine turns its gears.

>> No.6005026

I just wanna feel real love; feel the home that I live in, because I got so much life running through my veins, going to waste.

So when I’m lying in my bed and thoughts are running trough my head, and I feel that love is dead; I’m loving angels instead.

>> No.6005031

I been put up just to get took off again.

>> No.6005037

Know you cannot, it is as simple as that, you cannot no anything.

>> No.6005040


That was really fucking good. How long'd it take you to make that?

>> No.6005043

are you guys retarded? did you actually think some lit poster just made that up

>> No.6005057


Hey, it's possible. Maybe it took him months to get that shit to flow like that.

>> No.6005082

That's why I fucked your bitch you fat motherfucker

>> No.6005083

So give us this proper writing credit then, Anon. I know this board hates to be actually constructive at all ever but give it a shot, maybe you'll like it.

>> No.6005090

He thought he just needed to put it down and then it'd be alright, but really there ain't an up for somebody who's in himself down.

>> No.6005116
File: 273 KB, 900x718, 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The veil of rose dreams shade out objective form; what human can be so animal as the one who thinks of beauty as typified with a green thing?

>> No.6005126

it's blood meridian, literally one of the most popular books on this board and that's among the most frequently quoted passages from the book

>> No.6005131


>> No.6005136

You look like a sad wizard wrapped up in glitter and the weight of time.

>> No.6005142

Was that so hard? Look, you're doing better already. Now to just resolve whatever intense bitterness it is that is the lens through which you view life.

>> No.6005156

wow u r rly buttmad bro sorry you're new here lol

>> No.6005197

I am new here, and honestly, I'm pretty much done with this place. All that this board consists of is petty assholes trying to get one over on another or flex their literary e-peen. Hardly anybody is concerned with any type of actual literary dialogue, with improving their writing or reading other's writing. This is like an open-mic night for bitter, pretentious losers: everybody comes for their chance to be heard but nobody's doing any listening. The few parties actually interested in such things get drowned out in the cacophony of "rekt" "lol plebes amirite" and other pointless posturing and faggotry. I see posts constantly about why /lit/ is dead and they are right. I don't know if this board was ever any better, but it certainly is trash now, that's for sure.

>> No.6005216
File: 284 KB, 1161x869, TrueGent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked upon the ass, and licked my lips lovingly, I slowly peered into the moistened crack and pried apart the soft buttocks, feeling the warmth against my palms. I breathed in the warm musk of feces and vagina and daintily flicked my tongue against the slightly hairy butthole.

>> No.6005440

Tennesee whisky, cheaper and sourer than bourbon, rolled out and off the opening of his dirty mouth and down onto the saddle, where it mixed in with caked up cloth, worn leather and the stale, raw-ridden skin of his legs, not washed for the six days since he had picked up the first copy of the Humerville Gazette with the headline: Silver Strikes Like Lightning Up In Dakota Territory!

>> No.6005477

"Paint my wishes with the palate of your dreams."

>> No.6005489

It said write a beautiful sentence, not the first line of you Mccarthy-esque novel. But it's ok. Not great, but ok.

>> No.6005552


Lying on the daise, he stroked her hair as she read Cosmo, whispering "I want to go for pesto and mimosas this Tuesday with Alli..."

^dashu bre

>> No.6005557
File: 60 KB, 640x496, 1421011945716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her fingers at first teased the merlon of my buttocks -like some capricious marmoset- sauntering about on that sphincter's striations as if pondering where to lay for a midday nap when, suddenly, he doubles over and thrashes the ground; her index now is gliding daintily, perpendicular to that fleshy chakra in whose manipulation too few men ever think to indulge; the large woman's expression is that of hidden pleasures, but I can't help to wear mine plainly, gasping, while her metacarpals overtake the cusp of my rectum and begin to tickle the villi.

>> No.6005559


Well then, good, I'm in for a treat, as I've yet to read Blood Meridian, though I plan to soon. I could see a bit of a McCarthy influence, so I guess that makes sense since it actually is McCarthy.

>> No.6005569

For one hour she was the love of my life, and then I paid her.

>> No.6005573

Prime. Teen. Pussy.

>> No.6005592

this is a beautiful sentence

>> No.6005603

Eighteen farmers and their dogs a-marching, some of them with sleeping children, like little matchmen with their candles and lanterns up and over the tarmac.

>> No.6005654


For some reason this made me laugh audibly. Thank you, trip friend. Now how about this?:

It hadn't been any good since it'd left: That big, writhing, intangible something, that perpetual good motion and violent whiplash with a colossal crash at the beginning and end of it and a sweet, swirling creaminess towards the middle, no indeed, things had only been going down and down and down and down more since the impossible sound of the door slamming and the engine roaring and roaring and roaring and roaring and the Beast's Claw simultaneously snatching him up and dragging him down and roaring and roaring and roaring and roaring and only now did he realize that when he stuck it in something left him and drained and drained and drained him till he was nothing and it was just him and the roaring, roaring, roaring engine and he's nothing now and won't be anything ever again.

>> No.6005691

This is actually good. I get what you are trying to do with the repetition, but I personally didn't like it. I think it would be better out or at least cut down, but that is just my opinion. Great job overall.

>> No.6005708

There are two kinds of "I love you:" the promise, and the dare.

>> No.6005710

I cringed myself inside out

>> No.6005716

>I cringed myself inside out
I actually like the sound of this one better.

>> No.6005721


Well gee, thanks bruv. I've basically never done any creative writing in my adult life, only technical writing. Maybe I should try it some time.

>> No.6005725

Whip it through the glass.

>> No.6005726

And there, a light, cast by some chandelier above in high heaven, fell upon the face of its orphan girl, that divine shaft touching on the fair skin and the rubies at her throat and ears just so to send shards of sanguine reds to my pierced eyes, and I, with only my mundane mind, could not find a place within this mortal coil for such a sight.

>> No.6005727

Morning dew sloughed off the decaying pink lawn flamingo's plastic carcass's mangy hide and things looked like they had been spritzed.

my 2012 lyttle lytton entry

>> No.6005728


>> No.6005751

>Mountain Dew sloughed off the decaying...

>> No.6005766

It's not a question of a cage around her heart, but if there is a heart in her cage.

>> No.6005798
File: 104 KB, 720x916, Sock-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the furniture faces the center of the room, when they designed the house they didn't have a TV to face it towards.

>> No.6005812

>wait until tomorrow morning

>> No.6005816

She answered him with a glance, and he stepped up, backwards, so as not to lose sight of her even for a moment, advanced in reverse up the stairs in the dark, unknowing what was to come, half afraid that his heel should strike the door at the top of the stair, locked, that he would be devoured by her, half hoping that there would come a moment, in the very belly of the darkness, when he would step up and cease to find a stair at all, and fall for a single terrifying instant as blank as the august sky.

>> No.6005818

Like as the waves make towards the pebbl'd shore, so do our minutes hasten to their end.

>> No.6005842

>Mountain Dew® shlepped off the farshtunkn lawn flamingo's schlocky carcass's mangy hide and things did appeared to be spritzed, eh?

>> No.6005884

but the waves go back, don't they

>> No.6005891

After six years of waking up feeling disappointed, two suicide attempts and nine boyfriends who couldn't make the world feel like a kingdom, she drove in silence to a rave festival, expecting nobody, alone, well hydrated - and without a thought in her head let her body become owned by the density and rhythm of the music, sober, wild, desperately focused, greasy, thick with sweat, a corrugated vixen willing herself into a controlled submission one minute at a time.

>> No.6005896
File: 152 KB, 400x300, 1364171127521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They appear to, but they're never the same twice.


>> No.6005906

Count the almonds, count everything which is bitter, count me in.

>> No.6005921

Tender tokens, ever lucid messengers of times past, claimed the room and told tales no longer her own.

>> No.6005929

Shouldn't you say "when they designed the interior"? Saying "design the house" seems to imply they built the house from a floor plan with furniture facing the center in mind.

>> No.6005935

>as blank as the august sky

ruined it for me tbh

>> No.6005946
File: 4 KB, 160x192, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"They lived und laughed ant loved end left"

>> No.6005958 [DELETED] 

we should've met cut but instead we met squalid. Him hunched delivering his latest wide load to the porcelin throne and I, finger down throat already mid-hurl before I noticed his erection. Fell right onto it, knocking him off the toilet mid shit. All we could was lay there in the filth and laugh.

>> No.6005959

I don't have an issue with the writing, but the content is atrocious. Maybe the girl wouldn't be so depressed if you stopped taking drugs at raves and expecting a boyfriend she picked up there to "make the world feel like a kingdom". Ridiculous.

>> No.6005964

Learn how to read, she's sober.

>> No.6005967

we should've met cute but instead we met squalid. Him hunched over delivering his latest wide load to the porcelain throne and I, finger down throat, already mid-hurl before I noticed his erection. Fell right onto it, knocking him off the toilet mid shit. All we could was lay there in the filth and laugh.

>> No.6005971


he's assuming that the poster is implying that she does mdma or other drugs at raves which can cause mood problems when abused

>> No.6005975

No reason to assume that. She's sober. This is unprecedented.

>> No.6005976

Death, among all other things, is mine. I have but to claim it.

>> No.6005983

My bad. Doesn't make the story any less vapid and cliche.

>> No.6006001

"And at last we came to realize; we had been living in The Republic all along"

>> No.6006047

And when he unfurled his naked, contorted form, his mind both relieved and reeling, the contents of his mouth had inexplicably lost their appeal.

>> No.6006132

Sailing on a sail boat

>> No.6006175

She closes her eyes because she is afraid of the dark.

>> No.6006244

She opens her eyes because she was afraid of the dark

>> No.6006256

I'm never going to read Blood Meridian. What an ugly style.

>> No.6006273

I turned and saw within the mirror the fire of the sunset.

>> No.6006286

Dude that's my fucking quote asshole.

>> No.6006395

I sat inside the cabbage house, and smoked the kneading winter out.

>> No.6006408


>> No.6006719

He saw, on his way down, dust and fragments of a life he'd lived before and would live again.

>> No.6006754

"What is a heart formed of the relections of an illusion's shadow?"
- ML

>> No.6006857

The best feelings are often inexplicable

>> No.6006886

Don't steal my work, please.

>> No.6007012

Fine, fuck you. It wasn't even my best.

>> No.6007956

Double pleb detected.

>> No.6008011

ITT Are at least two people who didn't catch McCarthy, and at least one person who didn't catch Shakespeare. Why the fuck am I even here? Does anyone on /lit/ read anymore?

>> No.6008234

Once you paid her, not then.

>> No.6009137

that's good except that almonds are not bitter

>> No.6009144

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me to.

>> No.6009151

The mornings after Kenny had stayed out, beyond the last bus, until he’d had to bum a ride or pay for a cab and got home to find Monica faking sleep, faking because she never slept that quiet, those mornings, she’d only put her own cup of coffee in the microwave. Never his.

>> No.6009170

mad or naw

>> No.6009331

I like the personal spin you put on it, very touching.

>> No.6009393

My flesh is your bread and my blood is your wine.

>> No.6009408 [DELETED] 

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.
Fuck you too.

>> No.6009737

You've got the haughtiest and most dismissive tone of anyone ITT, and you think others are pretentious?

>> No.6009766

I love you.

>> No.6009770


>> No.6009800

With birth an ignorance arises
Transmuted into confusion
Infusion of love by those without luck
A temporary bliss brutally ripped apart

>> No.6009829

Dicks; that's what it all came down to, when you thought of it.

>> No.6009880

"It's a meme, you dip!" the boy exclaimed.

>> No.6009980

She put water to the coils and drew the blinds - oh, to be water and metal and not to mind!

>> No.6010211

I would like to tell you all about myself--who I was and where I lived and so on.

>> No.6010445

We poke fun at each other with a poison tipped needle, the kind that burns on the way back up to the surface.

[Very intentionally vague]

>> No.6011501

Thank you!

>> No.6011522

This can't be happening, I'm in charge here!

>> No.6011527

She liked two-dollar bills; envied their ability to brighten someone’s day not through some learned skill or developed talent, but through their inherent, unworked-for desirability—imposed upon them by others like an outwardly-radiating light; a small, compact sun, swallowed and glowing.

>> No.6011565

Real eyes realize real lies.

>> No.6012369

To ask whose past, and to pass, you laugh — you ask Sun to spark fun, but who's asked is numb and who asks is one.

>> No.6012488

"Through a wall of rain, she offered her palm to his and between their hands they held every answer they'd whispered amid the thunder, every new question exposed by the lightning."

>> No.6012618


>> No.6012631

I will become a subject of reality, I will defy nature, and God if I must, for a man can only so much malice before he rages against his master.

>> No.6012637

There were dozens of them, wide and long, their eyes all red and scattered, making rightly for the neighbor's fruit, alone and sly like ravens with they buckled knees for worms.

>> No.6012646

cheating: here's two sentences.

He, blindly groping clawing reaching through black ink stumbling drunken in the haze of night, perfumed fingers find the doorknob and turn... she, housewife, cradling a bourbon in her lazy fingers, smiles like she hates herself, an ease betrayed by her lips taut as the veins in her eyes, red as the cheap clock numbers on the nightstand that tell you it is far too far too far too late; the knob catches, the door is locked. He tries again, tries again, tries again tries again until the light in the room is snuffed out and he lays himself down on the welcome mat; in the morning she will open the door for the booze self-pity waste to join her in marriage again but the door it is locked; might open but now will always always be locked.

>> No.6012661

"He never knew when, where or how to find her and when he managed to stumble into her, she accused him of having fled... he had no one but her and yet he did not."

>> No.6012703

Ehm... continue, please.

>> No.6012708

Keep going.

>> No.6012719

In the last moments of your life there will come into your mind many allegories that may have once described your suffering.

>> No.6012745 [DELETED] 

Even in imagining what their days would be like together, his night was spent with her by his side.

>> No.6012754

"Even in imagining what their days would be like together, his night was spent with her by his side."

Didn't want to flood the thread, but fuggit.

>> No.6012771

"Of a thousand glances his sails would tease, only the one with the moon's glow could he take harbor."

>> No.6012805 [DELETED] 

"They all begged the stars to align in his sight, but he'd not been instructed in the constellations. Perhaps if he had played the fool, they might have paid him the mercy of one."

>> No.6012811

"They all begged the stars to align in his sight, but he'd not been instructed in the constellations. Perhaps if he had played the fool, they might have paid him the mercy deserved of one."

>> No.6012837
File: 523 KB, 800x721, 1413125402183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedonism is his demon and it will end him so.

>> No.6012875

The horizon creased under its own weight, distant pillars of salt twisted upwards towards the sky. She cut her eyes and squinted into the light from afar

>> No.6012973

Thick torrents of ash blew downstream, blackening the geese and filling the mouths of the ragged pilgrims and vagrants marching towards the smokestacks that swallowed the sky.

>> No.6012988

not bad

>> No.6013018



would not read again

>> No.6013086

He woke up to find her furiously masturbating at him, eyes shrieking with vile intent; moist hands- pow! right in the kisser.

>> No.6013222

ur a faget

>> No.6013509

As he opened his eyes, flashes of memory came back to him, fluttering around his drunk and lonely soul like a persistent fly, and as he slowly stood up and reached a vague balance, he unconsciously turned his head and looked again at that last remaining image of her that was now half covered in mud and drops of rain.

>> No.6013573

My chicken tendies glistened in the sunlight.

>> No.6013731

"Lmao" ayyed the little green man aboard his spaceship suspended in the infinite and mysterious cosmos.

>> No.6013790


>> No.6014022

Her smile are irresistable, so naive and child-like. I missed her cute voice, her long straight black her and her fine physique that are so luscious to me...

>> No.6014031

Take money

>> No.6014047

The car is on fire, and there's no driver at the wheel
And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
And a dark wind blows
The government is corrupt
And we're on so many drugs
With the radio on and the curtains drawn
We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine
And the machine is bleeding to death
The sun has fallen down
And the billboards are all leering
And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles
It went like this:
The buildings tumbled in on themselves
Mothers clutching babies
Picked through the rubble
And pulled out their hair
The skyline was beautiful on fire
All twisted metal stretching upwards
Everything washed in a thin orange haze
I said, "Kiss me, you're beautiful -
These are truly the last days"
You grabbed my hand
And we fell into it
Like a daydream
Or a fever
We woke up one morning and fell a little further down
For sure it's the valley of death
I open up my wallet
And it's full of blood

>> No.6014194

I know her weight when she lies in the bed and the feel of her thigh indenting the cover from the far corner of the king where her soft hum breath strikes the hour with the blind-slit moon waving over her curves from the toes to her abdomen to her neck, I kiss, she stirs, and when the celestial caress has met her lids I kiss each and depart for my well-earned sleepless night of a day accompanied in the evening only by her miniature deaths where I've lost my love already, and can sleep no more.

Guys, this is fun, but what the fuck are we doing?

>> No.6014210

>Guys, this is fun, but what the fuck are we doing?

Writing horrible unwieldy run-on sentences, apparently. That's what you're doing, anyway.

>> No.6014294

"Is one sunset any more or less generic, or beautiful, than another by virtue of their coexistence alone? I speak of a new star on the horizon."

>> No.6014360

Lovely. My fav itt.


>> No.6014389

I still remember the thing my wife said to me. They show me where to lay or not to lay my head from the side of the pillow, they make noises as pots when I get up at night and this is the night, I wake up as the sound of open locks.

>> No.6014397


>> No.6014422

L'asymptote de ces seins m'entête.

>> No.6014435

i would 'judge' that to be a mighty fine sentence kid

>> No.6014460
File: 136 KB, 360x360, 1348838412752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Mark 10:9

KJV, obv

>> No.6014463

"What’s an eternity to you or me is nothing to a rock, but our faces weather all the same.”

>> No.6014657

>I could see a bit of a McCarthy influence

>> No.6015206


>> No.6015949

The long grass runs smoothly between her toes, the friction lessened by the morning's condensate, and a refreshing wave rises up her spine to her sullied face, bringing with it the promise of sanctuary from the wasteland behind her.

>> No.6016206

a beautiful sentence

>> No.6016285

"He awoke to nothing, but heard the bath running and knew she wasn't far away."

>> No.6016424

He smiled gently and placed another coin inside his box of lies.

>> No.6016431

I asked, and she said "yes"

>> No.6016493

Along and within the pass, the sweeping sickness washed against our throats, as our coughs drew breathless and dry near wetted eyes and flushing cheeks.

>> No.6016907

Broke the single sentence rule, sorry.

"Through two windows and metal grating, he saw her unbrushed tears, knowing that the squad cars' doors and the road between them couldn't be spanned in time to ease her tonight. They knew the road they were on and its hazards, but above all else, they knew each other and they knew of a future beyond the entrapment of a couple of lonely stoners."

>> No.6016911


>> No.6016989

As the frigid wind continued to blow, the fields turned to gold.

>> No.6017035

He stared at the paint on the wall and noticed every crease and indentation, every spot where the paint seemed to roll over itself and cause an unsightly blemish, the ugly shade of brown and holes from items hung and then removed. He stared with no particular thought or opinion or inkling of emotion. Then he turned his attention to the mirror.

>> No.6017142

And well beyond the looking-glass
That sails the dreary darkness past;
Softly do we sleep in snow
That does not fall but ebbs and flows.

>> No.6017266

remove the "the"s

>> No.6017284

The snow fell like cocaine into the city streets, which were its veins, and collected there with delight, then frenzy, as the houses, which were cells, became compacted with the influx and turned inward, provoking an insanity that would last until the sun slowly detoxed the city into a margin of warmth before dusting it again -- the city was an addict; I didn't expect to see spring for long time.

There you go bigshot, probably the greatest sentence ever written and I'm releasing it for free under Wikipedia commons.

>> No.6017354

Ha, yeah.
Post your best, and we'll be the judges of that.

>> No.6017362

I cried a little inside. Super good.

>> No.6017542

Life's refrain does sweetly sip,
Of the Pleasant Counter's slip,
Coffee branded insect eyes,
Fragiling the tender ties.

>> No.6017557

And on the rise of that fell ark,
Injected cor'llary of the park,
Wept into sail's threaded mire,
Forgotten pleasantry's desire.

>> No.6017606

She skips rocks in my tranquilly pond.

>> No.6017623

i'm guessing that the pond is as deep as that sentence?

>> No.6017629

Is this better???

I came to realize that the souls of Images depicted on the absence
of light, brings an Increasing oppurtunity for the downpour of
difficult pickings.
Health being covered for Ill little babies, and maybe the
elderly that are neglected and left with only heartbreak.
Portions properly listen as the obvious victims shine bright
like lights through crystal prisms.
Soften each suicide attempt with forgiveness from the nemesis
that Is the capitain of your beating and severed morphine withered heart.
A carpenter of bussiness with failed attempts of bringing up the economy,
but now he resides In his mind of one with a labotomy.
Savoring every tip toe that It takes to reach the front door and make an escape.
A single hair lay In the bathroom sink with chills of weathering
plastered to the face mirrored on the wall.
An Increase of rain blends nicely with beaded sweat.
A liberating power that Is slim, but sweet.
Seeing different places while touring the country.
Soothing blossoms of gold and leaves of red.
"La La La", In the canals that ring out like crying flows of a
love life deficit.
A steel moon reflects heat to burn through the jungles that
house the variety of spectacular creatures hidden away from webs,
melting the trees with scorching steam.
Cords tangle up around the feet of baby bears, lemons to their wounds.
Seeking cover from bullies, but are prone to find themselves In their grasps.
Machinery that sets a difficult tone to dance to.
The man makes his money from flickering Ideas that break down the unprotected.
Now, more power than ever before.
Kissing his wife while holding her hips.
Satisfied with his carnivours play.
A rough ediquette In need of softening.
Wild animals that become tame through prisons of fear.
Their own home, a ripe land meant for exposure.
With a hush comes a whisper,"Give up these goals, they are not unwanted."
Just virgins to the mans way.
Not beasts, but beautys.

>> No.6017653

Her eyes are so beautiful as If they were made of the finest minerals harvested from Mars, Saturn, and the blue dwarf star that hails in the deepest depths of space.
She speaks to me and reassures my inner wonders that I am more than just your typical guy, but something so much more than I could have thought.
She tells me I'm amazing and that she would love nothing more than a hug. If I could give you this I would in an instance.
I try to express my emotions with cleverly constructed sentences to make sure I gather every aspect of her beauty.
Oddly enough, she Is the only one that has stumped my creative capabilities because no amount of convoluted metaphors and notebook phrases can conjure the amount of elegance she displays
with every word spoken. How I wish to be entwined in your energies and engulfed In your magic which Is love.
To walk and hold hands through the painted palms I often think about. That special place where no one can find us and disturb the love that Is so evident.
She makes me smile although we've only seen each others movements briefly through modern methods, but we stay In contact through text.
If I were able to give you anything, just one thing, It would be the knowledge In knowing that I would do you no harm.
Casually wrapping my arms around you and having your head rest upon my chest.
Caressing your face with my hands to feel the most spectacular sensation of comfort and care.
She lives but just a mere moments way, but yet I see her In my dreams which bring her closer to home.
She says that she Is small, but she doesn't seem to realize that no one who claims to be so small can leave such a big impact.
Sure she's petite, but I believe she Is meant to take on colossal size goals that make many others scared.
A discerning rush of pessimism develops in my brain, but only for a split second until I return to a full and delightful optimistic level.
I wish I could count the times that you've randomly came into my thoughts to only taunt me with your mesmerizing looks and intriguing intelligence.
I'm just a young man with a few to many problems, but never will that take away my ability to see your true potential and swan like grace.
To capture each moment with a snap on a camera and to relive each experience by revisiting those areas In which those memories were birthed.
Im just happy as having you as a friend but trust me when I say that i would love to be so much more.
She is reading this just knowing it was for her, but won't comment because subconsciously she fears that It Isnt.
Don't worry my love because I have the intent of making you happy and care free.
Life deals a tough hand from time to time, but he loves nature which creates some of the most endorphin inducing set pieces only seen through film reels.
I'm not the best at what It Is that I do, but regardless of how effective my writings are, I dare not to give up. Dreams happen in your sleep yet I'm awake and see you standing right In front of me.

>> No.6017658

daddy, tell me about the proletariat again

Holden Caulfield: they're all phonies

Also sherman alexie, tempered as fuck steel.

tl;dr: not really, reading is for improving vocabulary, not learning which ideas and forms are the right ones. quit trying to sound so smart and let the words fall like rain from the heavens, forming rivulets sloshing down the folds of your brain.

You're in the Corpus Colosseum now son

>> No.6017664

euphoric and try hard, franz kafka played the forever alone card as well as bernini sculpted, there's no point in trying to top it.

tl;dr stop trying to write about what you don't know and start writing what you do.

>> No.6017669

People are more interested in scars than they are in wounds.

>> No.6017680

You're all faggots, he mumbled drunkenly.

>> No.6017687

look at where you are and think about what you just said.

is your superpower stating the obvious?
mine is asking rhetorical questions.

>> No.6017723


Actually your superpower is being a fucking dweeb, the mastery of which you have achieved on a level undisputed in even the most comprehensive inter-dimensional Justice League of dweebs, dweeb.

>> No.6017726

Jean Pierre thought he had a chance, a thin chance at seeing how beautiful life with her would be, and as the truck suddenly arrived from a corner of the road and drove towards him, he wanted to stay in that feeling and slowly released the pressure of his fingers on the wheel. And then it happened.

>> No.6017729

how's it feel being stuck in the 80's? is it fun? do you reminisce about the atomic wedgies and pam anderson's non cockeyed tits?

>> No.6017732

everybody gets one

>> No.6017746

"After delving into each other's particulars over a drink, then later a jay, they stumbled into the cab and rode toward her apartment while immersing themselves in all the intimacies they could only nod toward before... it was the beginning."

>> No.6017747

I once knew a man who told me that I would never tell him that.

>> No.6017766

"Every passing streetlamp lit up those skystrewn loops fixated upon him brighter still than they already were with only the whimsy of potential between them."

>> No.6017782

life is the presence of suffering of and pain, and the only 'happy' ending you're going to find is in it's cessation. I could murder myself but it's bad for my health and I must grow old so I can wither and fold into dust.

>> No.6017796

absolute shit

>> No.6017818

Wow can you be more meaningless?

>> No.6017824

you upset that you're shit at writing?

>> No.6017827

ebin post m8.

>> No.6017831

you need to hear the truth
you will never be writers

>> No.6017842

You must be retarded.

>> No.6017844

Of course I won't, I haven't even posted anything in this thread except for my reply to >>6017796
but this thread has some of the kekkest shitpost b8 I've seen in a while.

>> No.6017845

you must be a pleb

>> No.6017865

It must be age that has tamed me. I am not sad that someone amazing has passed through my life and opted to take a different route, but glad that our paths crossed at all. It reinvigorates the heart and soul to have such a sweet experience in the most unexpected of times.

>> No.6017871

That sounds like something a retard would say. Good job.

>> No.6017877

This reads like someone told a robot to use a thesaurus and write about the theme "lost love"; weirdly cold

>> No.6017892

Thanks for your input! I'm new to the /lit/ scene,and I have a feeling I'm going to learn a lot from you guys (disregarding the shitposts).

>> No.6017935

No i'm sad that you just don't have a better argument.

>> No.6017938

You're the detainer of the truth? lol grow up, kiddo

>> No.6017964

How fucking mad has this guy made you lol.

>> No.6017971

A beautiful sentence.

>> No.6018106

She was autumn, ever changing with hairs of gold.
He was winter hard as ice and cold as stone.

>> No.6018322


>> No.6018836

Simple beauty stripped to the bedframe,
Iron & bone hold mem'ry's preflame,
Wisps o' the wind collect and utter,
True clay of life's back in the gutter.

>> No.6018881

Ebb and Flow,
My bonnie lass,
Why's the truth,
Always so crass

Concrete's ire,
Will not tire,
Naught will reach,
But the fire

Instinct tow my gentle heart,
I wither, sour, at the tart
Split and splinter if you're not able,
Our souls look better, shrink-wrapped in fable.

>> No.6019135 [DELETED] 

"Wipping about with a wint'ry tease, she paints our trees with lillies and leaves."

>> No.6019148

"Whipping about with a wint'ry tease, she paints our trees with lillies and leaves."

>> No.6019189

And He rose up and struck down those who found grief in their hearts, crafting meaning out of void.

>> No.6019196

>implying atomic wedgies were invented in the 80s

>> No.6019212

why dost thou stickest in the muck and mire?
why can't thou aim a little higher?
balls tucked back and razor burn,
Is it time for your daddy to take his turn?

>> No.6019230

The house O'Shea or O'Shame, Quivapieno, known as the Haunted Inkbottle, no number Brimstone Walk, Asia in Ireland, as it was infested with the raps, with his penname SHUT sepiascraped on the doorplate and a blind of black sailcloth over its wan phwinshogue, in which the soulcontracted son of the secret cell groped through life at the expense of the taxpayers, dejected into day and night with jesuit bark and bitter bite, calicohydrants of zolfor and scoppialamina by full and forty Queasisanos, every day in everyone's way more exceeding in violent abuse of self and others, was the worst, it is hoped, even in our western playboyish world for pure mousefarm filth.

>> No.6019294


>> No.6019300

I think he just got done reading A Clockwork Orange.

>> No.6019314

Jesus, that's beautiful.

Never thought Finnegan's Wake would be a book I would like but fuck. I don't think I've ever read anything this sardonically playful.

It's like he's cutting up culture and conscious thought with a butter knife and then stitching back together the whisping ether of what's left.


>> No.6019320

it's from finnegan's wake by james joyce

>> No.6019321

Oh cool I'm uncultured, but I like stuff.

>> No.6019334

The rhythms are amazing too. It's definitely not just random gibberish like some people say.

>> No.6019388

I'm going to buy a copy and read it when I need to unwind.

>> No.6020166

We spend our adult lives chasing the highs of our childhoods

>> No.6020317

Smoke weed erryday.

>> No.6020368

Softness and warmth seized her until all she heard was the steady rhythm of her own beating heart, as the drone of the external world's hum vanished to areas beyond her lucidity.

>> No.6020371

no it was a howl bark

>> No.6020372

Beauty is subjective and I want to marry this sentence solely for its aesthetics.

>> No.6020629

Pigeons hate holes, so they flock to wherever their interest takes them.

>> No.6020990

I ain't the one to be fucking with if you have the beef that won't get me fed.

>> No.6021060

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

>> No.6021104

The ham, bitter; the chicken, cold; the beef, in my heart of stone; calculator, chicken broth, to-do lists of the refrigerator with a magnet "Imps saintly", and the bull-question of penis-size with where she, careful, soupless and shoeless, meatless, and great diseases of the inner thigh - like a train of iced tracks - flowers Tuesday, and the last of it no greater than the magnetized to-do list, and an empty home where but the to-do list and me, but the cat seems fine.

>> No.6021147

>cellar door

>> No.6021257 [DELETED] 

"With her hips, she led the beat and her voice was strung across the air; her eyes conducted my passions all the while."

>> No.6021283

"With her hips, she led the beat and her voice was strung across the air, her eyes conducting my passions all the while."

Yes, I edited it.

>> No.6021823 [DELETED] 

"I pressed her form against my own, placing the dagger's hilt in her hand and pleading only that my heart be hers, whether it be in her embrace or in her hand."

>> No.6021853

"I pressed her form against my own, placing the dagger's hilt in her hand and pleading only that my heart be hers, whether it be in her embrace or in that same hand."

Same as above, because YOLO. I'm waiting.

>> No.6022083

"I pressed her form against my own, placing the dagger's hilt into her hand and pleading only that my heart be hers, whether it be in her embrace or in that same hand."

Same as above, because YOLO. I'm waiting.

>> No.6022576

Baby sales for shoe, worn shoes.

>> No.6022603

I could endure this forever, and because of that, I will.

>> No.6022604

We look for other roads to heaven, but there has only ever been one path -- and it is barred to us.

>> No.6022608

When you were young, you could have seen anything — but now your eyes are so inured to the world that they perceive its contours, even when they’re closed.

>> No.6022667

would you like some dicks to suck with that?

>> No.6022671


/lit/ is the self-aware hellhole of the universe's dialectic, you either get it or you don't

>> No.6022796

"I drifted in and out of awareness, seeing your starry eyes penetrate mine between those phantom brands of unison that stripped me to my soul; I lived as I dreamed I would alongside you."

>> No.6022843

sauce on that pic?

>> No.6023148

"I was always chilled to the bone and so am shutting myself in for the season, but I leave this one window open, that I might hear you calling if you have dreams to share. I'll be warming myself by the eternal flame your presence has sparked, watching for you to wander down my lane."

>> No.6023303

Would read.

>> No.6023424

Is this a cuckold story?

>Bull penis
>Flowers Tuesday

I like how the whole thing leads to an ambiguous verb after denying the reader for the bulk of the sentence.

6/10, but somewhat decent.

>> No.6023435

The terror, which would not end for another twenty-eight years - if it ever did end - began, so far as I know or can tell, with a boat made from a sheet of newspaper floating down a gutter swollen with rain.

>> No.6023559


May I inquire about the source of this beautiful extract?

>> No.6023582


It's from

>> No.6023647

And through this flake of dry erase marker on the dry erase board, his eyes slowly began to focus and enhance upon such flakes as though they were a vessel for something; something, he thought, was crying to him within those flakes of dry erase marker, and he could not turn himself away from those flakes until they continued enhancing and enhancing further until they encompassed his entire field of vision, yet the enhancements did not stop there,for through this flake of dry erase marker on the dry erase board, he saw the universe.

Grammar might be off a bit but I don't give a fuck I wrote this in a couple seconds.

>> No.6023734

Motionless and less than contemplative, every crack and whisper became pivotal background to the puzzle of inquiries composed of synonyms and inspiration, for that goddamn secretion cynically titled 'Life' had given him too much to be capable of shaping a semblance of engaging identity.

>> No.6023830

"I chuckled a lodged boba bead out of my throat, startling her when brought to gasp; our next sip was the sweetest yet."

>> No.6023840

try "cheaper and more sour," instead. the asymmetry adds to the sour flavor

>> No.6023860

digital artifacts graze the conscious' periphery in broad, steely waves of soot -- black jibbering at the border; concealed, a seething malevolence waiting to bite.

>> No.6023872

"He 'dozes' but he writes, he talks."

Andre Breton on Robert Desnos, Nadja

>> No.6023970

"If you don't blink once in a while, you're going to ruin those pretty eyes."

>> No.6023973

Is it beautiful because it's portraying you or your crush's personality?

>> No.6023975
File: 22 KB, 276x289, desnot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem eyes

>> No.6023982


>> No.6023990

He looks "tired."

>> No.6023992

Kill all men.

>> No.6023993

Seriously though, I nap a lot.

>> No.6023999

I wish to know who wrote this. I'd like to read more.

>> No.6024005



>> No.6024012


>> No.6024013

molly bloom monolog

>> No.6024014

Mfw all the Burmese autofellatio harness newcomers don't recognizing the Cormy

>> No.6024015
File: 37 KB, 640x360, 0_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw monolog

>> No.6024045

"Sarcasm doesn't transfer well through text."
-everyone who's ever used the internet

>> No.6024049

Cunt punt.

>> No.6024055

Are you a 13 year old girl with an iPhone photo editor? That's a horrendous idea.

>> No.6024057
File: 396 KB, 1600x1200, commonsage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6024072

I used to be. That's right, I was using the iPhone before it was cool. My dad worked at Foxconn ;-;7

>> No.6024092

His scar, formed from walking out his front door while the wrong person was walking by on the sidewalk, throbbed as he walked out his front door, unafraid.

>> No.6024098

That's the exact head you'd see floating up outside your window of your apartment when it's raining and you think you're alone.

>> No.6024114

Burgess cited Finnegans Wake as an inspiration for Clockwork Orange

>> No.6024181

Zombie Desnos is scary shit.

>> No.6024193

Brevity is the curse of life.

>> No.6024201

Hows it going /x/? come here often?

>> No.6024210

its the nadsat no doubt?

>> No.6024277

Some zombies just want to pick your brains, though. They're not all bad guys.

>> No.6024320

Play that funky music, white boy.

>> No.6025018

That's an horrible translation.

>> No.6025459

"The trees reached around me like her arms would; for now distant, but ever persistent and never leaving my sight."

>> No.6025473

What a beautiful face, I have found in this place, that is circling all around the sun.

>> No.6025500

Semen stains the /mu/ntain tops

>> No.6025561

"I'd have your songs if you'd keep to my thoughts."

>> No.6025763

"Her attire had blended in so well with the snow that I had to listen intently to spot her, but she was a stealthy hunter and I was clumsier than I'd like."