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/lit/ - Literature

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6002462 No.6002462 [Reply] [Original]

What do you enjoy drinking while reading /lit/?
I personally enjoy:
- 3 tea bags of Green Tea
- 3/4 of a lemon
- 1/2 tablespoon of brown suger

It keeps me concentrated

>> No.6002468 [DELETED] 

Water spiked with wine if cold. Spiked with mead or honey if I want something hot.

>> No.6002472

Steel Reserve
Big Gulps of half Coke/ half Dr.Pepper

>> No.6002475

Demon Jizz, love that shit

>> No.6002478
File: 56 KB, 1052x744, 1052px-Teaprocessing.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently working my way through a tin of bai mudan (a loose leaf white tea from china); my preference is baihao yinzhen though, another white.

generally white > yellow > green > oolong > black imo

>> No.6002479

Uh, beer or whiskey. I can't imagine drinking something non-alcoholic while reading/writing.

>> No.6002486

Does it help you concentrate or does it lead to a better experience?

>> No.6002495

Lately, I've been drinking white tea blended with almonds, vanilla and cardamom, accented by white chamomile flowers. In addition, I have hot cocoa that I mix with coffee, usually during midday reading.

>> No.6002497

Johnny Walker Black, or if I have money, Blue.

>> No.6002597

Red wine

>> No.6002605


>> No.6002610


>> No.6002686

Hot choclatey goodness

>> No.6002696

>Green Tea

the only real tea it's black
with a lot of sugar and possibly canned milk

>> No.6002705

I only drink absinthe

>> No.6002709

Tea early in the morning
Coffee mid morning
Beer lunch time
mid afternoon tea
late afternoon beer
early evening beer
late evening wine/tea/spirits

>> No.6002722

>green tea
>tea bags
You're doing it wrong.

Anyway, I like every kind of tea, but oolongs are the best.

>> No.6002729

green tea with rice in it

>> No.6002738

>tea bags
What a fucking pleb. I bet you read YA lit and Penguin translations. You should be banned from this site.

>> No.6002771

It does the trick

>> No.6002778

Amen, on both accords. Medium oxidized oolong master race.

>> No.6002787

nah white is master race. anything > black though

>> No.6002803

if tea isn't black it's just some grass in your cup

>> No.6002821

there's nothing stopping you from actually steeping grass in a cup... but it probably wouldn't taste very good.

that is generally a pretty uninformed opinion... black tea is only that way because it is more heavily oxidised than other types of tea. the source plant is the same (obviously different blends use different ratios of leaves, and different plantations have different characteristics) but really the only difference is that black tea is slightly more heavily processed. green is obviously the least processed.

>> No.6003150

Something hot and comfy like tea or hot chocolate.

>> No.6003155

Black coffee or green tea or water

Straight vodka if writing

>> No.6003163

I have coffee in my mug pretty much from dawn to dusk unless I have access to alcohol in which case I drink both.

>> No.6003168

Nah, coffee for me thanks. Extra strong, one teaspoon of sugar and some milk. Relaxing.

>> No.6003200
File: 132 KB, 1600x1600, masala-chai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people talking shit about black tea aren't doing it right.

Chai tea is master race.

>> No.6003235

>- 3 tea bags of Green Tea
which makes you piss every 10 minutes for 2 hours

no thanks

>> No.6003267

How long did it take you to place all your objects in a satisfactory way to post this on /lit/ OP?

>> No.6003270

>not avin a builder's brew while readin the sun

posh cunts the lot of ye

>> No.6003278

My own home brewed kombucha

>> No.6003321

Coffee, cup after cup.

>> No.6003328
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>imitation marble

>> No.6003384

About 2 seconds... Had to get a pen to place there to make me look smart.

>> No.6003414

Green isn't the least processed; white is. Yellow comes between green and white, and some of the lower oxidized oolongs border with the level that greens are.

Kitty is willfully ignorant on this topic though, so there's no point arguing with her on it.

>> No.6003422

Barrels of skooma.

>> No.6003483
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I wish I was a smelly Khajiit getting psycho off skooma in a musty shack in Bravil decorated with silk rugs on the walls. I would sit around for hours telling stories with red nosed Nords that look like your average homeless american of German descent and fighting off hallucinatory mudcrabs. After I drank 10 bottles I would run to Leyawinn to buy more skooma in a dark alley and then cool off by taking a swim in the colol waters of the Niben Bay.

>> No.6003526
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Czar Nicholas II black
it smelled like god in the slavcore shop but turns out the smell was just artificial flavor piled over earl grey

fucking earl grey is all garbage compared to english breakfast; not that it keeps me from drinking two cups a day.

W2C flavorful non-grey black

>> No.6003548

Rum, whisky, brandy. Anything brown and slow sipping.

>> No.6003559
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>you will never be a thieving gypsy cat that wrecks people ate claw brawling

>> No.6003899
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I'll put the trip on because this is something I'll greatly defend.

If you ALWAYS put cream/sugar/etc into your tea or coffee (with certain "required" exceptions; you require steamed milk for latte, cappuccino requires milk, etc.), then you don't actually like the taste of coffee/tea. You may like the "flavor essence" diluted coffee/tea, but you don't actually like the coffee/tea.

If you don't enjoy whisky/whiskey/rum/tequila/and others that fall into that realm, (mostly; with the exception of a few drops to a small amount of water to "open") neat and up, then you don't actually like the taste of that alcohol. (Note, this doesn't have to include vodka. It also doesn't include mixer shit like Kaluha and such)

There, of course, is nothing really "wrong" with liking your coffee, tea, or alcohol diluted. Just don't claim you like Colombian coffee or black tea and then ask where the cream and sugar is. Also, don't claim you love whiskey when you actually like whiskey sours and mint juleps.

Also, the case can be made that if you always dilute your coffee/tea/alcohol, you shouldn't bother buying high-end or expensive stuff. Though this case is swiss cheese; though it has a lot of substance, it's got many holes. It's your money you can do what you want, it brings my sugary mixed drink to new heights, etc. That being said, it's still serious food for thought.

>> No.6003930

Double shot of espresso preceding.

>> No.6003938
File: 377 KB, 512x512, [insert witty file name here].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black coffee and a pack of smokes

Anything else and you're a fuccboi.

>> No.6003945

Black coffee. Irish coffee if I feel like it complements the book I'm reading.

>> No.6003951

I literally only drink water, beer and cheap white wine.

>> No.6003952


I'm sympathetic to people who always add sweetener and cream to coffee because of how poor the general quality of coffee is (in America.) The coffee is often long-stale, over-roasted, poor-quality beans. When it is prepared, the proportion of coffee to water is rarely measured with care, and the prep method is almost always drip, which strips the coffee of its oil. The coffee being mixed with cream and sugar actually resembles a spice, dried, ground, more than it does the bean.

Many people who drink it like this, as an indigent, have never had fresh, well prepared coffee that actually has a flavor profile much closer to cream + sugar + coffee than the conventional fare, something savory, a little sweet, with a little bitterness.

There's also a case to be made for the word "coffee" in America carrying two senses; in the first, to say coffee means the beans and the grounds; in the second, to say coffee beans to mean a drink prepared from the grounds with a quantity of milk and sugar or black. If there is such a sense, then saying you like coffee is fine.

>> No.6003960

>Anything else and you're a fuccboi.

people that use this term should just magically disappear or something

>> No.6003963

>Note, this doesn't have to include vodka.
It does. If you don't like the taste of neat room temperature vodka you don't like the taste of alcohol with water, so you don't like the taste of alcohol itself.

>> No.6003968

Coke with rum

>> No.6004012

Coffee every two fucking hours

>> No.6004020

No wonder /lit/ is so neurotic.

>> No.6004058


>> No.6004086


>> No.6004110

get fucked

>> No.6004121

Any sort of tea. I'm not picky. Plain, no milk or sugar or whatever tomfoolery and blasphemy people defile tea with.

>- 3 tea bags of Green Tea

>overbrewed, bitter tea
>desecrated with sugar like a child

/ck/ would have a conniption.

>oolongs are the best.

My nigga.


I love chai, but it's hard to find a good one. I'm too lazy to make the syrup myself.


Agree wholeheartedly.

>> No.6004191

Every post you make further proves that you're a complete dumb cunt.

>> No.6004193

trips love attention. the more you insult them the more they want to post. they don't care.

stop replying

>> No.6004203

Do you have one of those slav tea machines?

>> No.6004297
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extra stout arse full of farts

>> No.6004313

Freedom of speech, fuccboi.


>> No.6004320

Kava tea w/ a little raw honey, it's like a natural muscle relaxer. pretty nice.

>> No.6004323

God you are disgusting.

>> No.6005280


>> No.6005294

>those pretentious glasses
>that pretentious drink
>this pretentious post

you should end your existence OP

>> No.6005385


not op but those glasses seem to be wayfarer design. probably one of the most popular styles in the world. i don't see what is very elitist or other about them. in fact they're about as basic as you can get in terms of popularity.

you sound like you need a time out.

>> No.6005394
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The best chai isn't made from concentrate/syrup my friend. Typically are very sugary and have an off taste.

I would suggest buying loose leaf and getting your own empty tea bags (loose chai is often super fine and doesn't sit well in a steel trap) or finding a store brand that's good.

Stash (a very popular brand, in many big box stores including Walmart) makes a fairly good chai that is smooth on the tongue. Purists will be snobby about it because it's big-box tea, but it's definitely the most accessible chai. I don't have any problems giving it to guests because most everyone likes it.

Or Trader Joe's has an in house branded chai that's a bit more of a tuned taste. Plus they are cheap.

>> No.6005418

Reading: Green tea with ginger and cinnamon (no sugar and milk)

After heavy meal: Peppermint
After light meal: Jasmin or White tea

I need to stay up tonight: Black leaf or Orange Pekoe

I need to stay up the whole day: Early Grey, Black leaf

>> No.6005429

Moonlight picked tae buds with pixie dust besprinkled

>> No.6005430

chai tea literally means tea tea, chai it's the word for tea in a few languages
wtf are you talking about

>> No.6005455


gross. Just stop having your tea with it, youll get used to it.

>> No.6005465

Its pronounced Fusch-bwwaa

>> No.6005486

Masala chai.


State-side it's just referred to as chai.

>> No.6005488

Morning: Coffee.

Day: Chai with ginger and grounded spices, green tea or herbal tea

>> No.6005521

>/fa/'s first day on /lit/

>> No.6005546


McDonalds chocolate milkshake. Large preferably.

>> No.6005563

earl grey
black tea
ginger tea
green tea

it's all good to me.

>> No.6006058


>diluting wine

This guy started with the Greeks

>> No.6006075

Earl grey, black

>> No.6006085

dude your water is potable you dont have to do that anymore

>> No.6006134
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/b/ here, OP is a faggot!

>> No.6006144

Amerifat has never been to Europe.

>> No.6006275

Single origin light roasted coffee ground with my ek43, brewed in my v60; got a cup of sulawesi toarco jaya goin' right now.

If It's later in the day, probably a sidecar, mint julep or a daquiri (not the slushy kind, you pleb)

>> No.6006290

Whatchew brewin with?

>> No.6006296

Have any of you used OE's Lido 2?

>> No.6006312

Lmao look at this massive mug of scotch what a champion i think i would die if i drank that

>> No.6006331
File: 26 KB, 306x306, 10683959_700457880032739_56234766_a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy a nice Big Gulp (I go suicide or DP and Diet Coke) along with a satisfying pull every now and then from my Mouth Fedora. (favorite flavor of eLiquid is Cinnamon Apple)

Mostly read GRRM and Hitchens.

>> No.6006362

>likes tea with sugar and canned milk
>Fucking dumb cunt, amirite?

>> No.6006427

basically this

>> No.6006473

is it better if I just do a bump every 20?

>> No.6006485

It's what westerners call Masala Chai

>> No.6006652

Tea, Earl Grey, Hot

>> No.6006756

Own it, yeah. Great grinder. Very sturdy, good particle distribution. It is easy to take apart and clean. Can be a bit tough to grind lighter roasted beans in especially at finer grinds, but grinds very fast compared to the lower end of the hand grinder market (skerton, porlex mini, etc). Definitely worth the money, but I don't use it much as I got an ek43 recently.

>> No.6006816


even portuguese call tea cha and russians chai

The word for “tea” in many languages is of Sinitic origin (due to China being the origin of the plant), and thus there are many cognates; see translations. These are from one of two proximate sources. The word for tea in modern Min Nan is tê and in Mandarin is chá (both written as 茶); this divide dates to Proto-Min/Middle Chinese, though the two terms share the same Proto-Sino-Tibetan root. Different languages borrowed one or the other form (specific language and point in time varied), reflecting trade ties, generally southern Chinese tê if by ocean trade from China, or northern Chinese chá if by overland trade or by ocean trade from India.[1]

Thus Western and Northern European languages borrowed tê (with the exception of Portuguese, which uses chá; despite being by ocean trade, their source was in Macao, not Amoy), while chá borrowings are used over a very large geographical area of Eurasia and Africa: Southern and Eastern Europe, and on through Turkish, Arabic, North and East Africa, Persian, Central Asian, and Indic languages. In Europe the tê/chá line is Italian/Slovene, Hungarian/Romanian, German/Czech, Polish/Ukrainian, Baltics/Russian, Finnish/Karelian, Northern Sami/Inari Sami. tê was also borrowed in European trade stops in Southern India and coastal Africa, though chá borrowings are otherwise more prevalent in these regions, via Arabic or Indic, due to earlier trade. The situation in Southeast Asia is complex due to multiple influences, and some languages borrowed both forms, such as Malay teh and ca.


>> No.6006969

It's that they claim it is superior, I guess, that is offensive. Welcome to the modern lexicon, where everything is literally fucking hyperbole.

>> No.6007148

monster energy, just try and stop me

>> No.6007169

It's your body to pour sludge into.

>> No.6007176

Black tea with half spoonful of sugar

>> No.6007179

Coffee is my functional beverage. Black tea is my one true love. Steeped in cup looseleaf, no straining. First cup is a little bitter, but nothing too bad. Second steeping is heavenly. Third is a little taste of what once was.

>> No.6007298

I'm more green/oolong>black>white

>> No.6007964

i am just fed up with this 'don't use sugar' bs, like every f* hipster says something like that. the western tea culture is several hundred years old, it considers that sweeteners and milk are perfectly ok for tea, if you want to ape chinese it's your right but don't tell others that sugar usage is gross

also green tea looks like piss and tastes, i don't know how piss tastes but probably it's something close

they fell out of use ages ago, probably when electric kettles or even when electric/gas stoves appeared, they are a type of kettle anyway. so now it's just a kettle and a teapot, or even a kettle and a tea bag

if you are insulted by personal rankings, the world is full of offensive things for you

>> No.6007994

Kratom stirred in some orange juice.

Tastes pretty gross.

>> No.6008008

the wine in ancient Greece was more potent than the kind of wine we drink, only savages drank their wine unmixed. not really "diluted"

>> No.6008020

Kratom is fucking disgusting. I get nauseous just thinking about it, and kratom tea has ruined a lot of other kinds of tea for me. Not worth it. Gel-caps or nothing.

>> No.6008054

>the wine in ancient Greece was more potent

are you sure? i mean, doesn't it depend on the process of its production and so it should have been like our modern wines since they didn't add pure alcohol there or distilled it or something

also i suppose they diluted wine because they were greedy. imagine you have one bottle of champagne, now you dilute it with 3-4 parts of water like the greeks did and you now have 4-5 bottles of champagne for the same money

>> No.6008128 [DELETED] 

I did.

lel, that's not true at all. Hippocrates says that, for instance, under such and such an illness, you should take your wine as you habitually take it, mixed if you take it mixed, unmixed if you take it unmixed. The people who most frowned on drinking unmixed wine were the Spartans, but Herodotus records at least one king of theirs who took his unmixed.

Whether you take your wine mixed or unmixed had to do with personal taste, but also how much wine you'd be drinking. The Greeks used wine a lot like Amerifats drink soft drinks and coffee today, so diluting it was part of being able to function throughout the day. Obviously, it wasn't always diluted, when celebrating Dionysus, the very idea was to get drunk, and at symposiums the wine would sometimes be undiluted if intellectual discussion was not expected and people were just getting together to watch hookers dance and make out with qt boys and have a good laugh.

It's question of the function of the wine, but obviously in Greece, just like today, someone who went around drunk would be considered a slob.

>> No.6008292

Kratom can actually give an earthy presence that tastes surprisingly pleasant if you mix it into the right smoothie

>> No.6008360

>Czar Nicholas II black
>it smelled like god in the slavcore shop but turns out the smell was just artificial flavor piled over earl grey

Kind of like Nicholas II himself.

>> No.6008421

poppy seed tea

750-1000 grams unwashed seeds in a container
4-5 ice cubes
juice of ~3 lemons
100ml of 'lemon juice from concentrate'
pinch of citric acid
add roughly 500ml cold water, until the seeds are covered with a good inch or so of depth
seal container and shake for ~20 minutes
unseal, strain using t-shirt, sock, etc into a bowl
get your breathing comfortable and skull it all in one go (I sit cross legged on the floor)
feels fucking good man
if it gets too much, snort 50mg of caffeine and swallow the other half

I do this almost every morning and it's fucking boss tier

>> No.6008484


>> No.6008617

>i am just fed up with this 'don't use sugar' bs, like every f* hipster says something like that. the western tea culture is several hundred years old, it considers that sweeteners and milk are perfectly ok for tea

Probably beacause their tea was of low quality, especially after being at sea for however many months.

>> No.6009238

I think you mean Dawkins, m8. Hitchens doesnt really fit the whole stereotype all that well

>> No.6009319

Hash-buttered tea, most of the time black. Lots of Cream and sugar to ensure optimal effect. Also, water, shitloads of it. I'm like the guy from that Irving-Novel.

>> No.6009344

depends on time of day. At night, I normally dissolve some ampethamines in water and drink it while writing, during the day, mainly coffee.

>> No.6009346

When do you sleep?

>> No.6009356

Every two days, sometimes 3, I take a 10 hour nap or so. Obviously not healthy, but even without the drugs sleep doesn't come except if I am positively exhausted.

>> No.6009360

>Obviously not healthy
That's an understatement, you're in the process of permanently wrecking yourself, m8.

>> No.6009367

Aren't those illegal?

>> No.6009379

I have a genmaicha blend which also has macha powder in it

>> No.6009403

Even Auden got more sleep.

>> No.6009410

I'm pretty much already are. And whether I spend the night lying awake in my bed or sitting and writing, seems the same to me.
The poet?

>> No.6009420

"Low quality" and "high quality" are constructed entirely around your ability to drink the tea of that quality with little to no unpleasant tastes if the tea is being drunk on its own. Your argument is (subtly) circular, as are most arguments of this type.

If the drink the person buying the tea wants is one with milk and sugar, a "low quality tea" may complement those ingredients better by being more powerful. It doesn't particularly matter that the milk and sugar may conceal some of the bad tastes in the tea. (This kind of argument always assumes the milk and sugar is added because the person doesn't like the bitterness of the tea, not that, hey, they like milk and sugar, plus the taste of tea.)

>> No.6009446


Yes. He used the amphetamine bezedrine daily, and slept every night with the aid of barbituates, and, or, martinis.


>> No.6009739

lol smoke cigarettes so edgy

>> No.6009749

Interesting, didn't know that, thanks. A pity i don't drink, but seeing as most benzo-based sleeping pills don't work on me, booze probably wouldn't either.

>> No.6009807

>I'm pretty much already are. And whether I spend the night lying awake in my bed or sitting and writing, seems the same to me.
Or you could seek treatment for your insomnia and live a pleasant life.

>> No.6009820


>> No.6009835

>750-1000 grams unwashed seeds

ewww dude you're gonna get a disease or something

>> No.6009883

it's nice that you're worried about me

>> No.6009978

Nah, been on/lit/ a lot longer than /fa/

I'm the edgiest man alive.

>> No.6010088

You should be too bruv.

>> No.6010838

Hmm. I'm only hoping to survive long enough to fuse my mind with a machine and gain quasi-immortality.

>> No.6010844

Go to bed, Ray.

>> No.6010873

black coffee

that's pretty much it

>> No.6011095

Nothing, I only read on the way to the university.

>> No.6011120

Why do I even bother coming here anymore. /lit/ has become a job that I despise, with a boss I can't murder, and benefits that I can't really discern as non-vital.

>> No.6011132

i know that feel bro

>> No.6011136

And it keeps demanding that you explain what post-structuralism stands for over and over again.

>> No.6011201


Chartreuse or some manner of Genepi


Rye manhattans and mezcal sazeracs.

>> No.6011220

That's why you need to get healthy and make it at least another half century to be sure.

>> No.6011245

>Straight vodka
Why? If you're not mixing it with something, you might as well drink gin or something with some flavor to it.

>> No.6011254

Strong black coffee when reading. Mint tea if is late at night.
Vodka mixed with whatever I have around when writing.

>> No.6011445

Not him, but lukewarm vodka tastes like pure alcohol, which is delicious.

>> No.6012538

what does post-structuralism stand for?

>> No.6012573

Green tea
Rose tea
Cold water

>> No.6012817

Ginseng Oolong - a delicious tea that nourishes your body and mind

Yorkshire Gold - a brisk, robust, and malty tea that I have to have every morning

>> No.6012847

>too lazy to make the syrup
Just put sweetened condensed milk in the normally brewed tea and you don't need to do any of that shit to get that kind of chai you'd get from a shop. Works for Thai tea too.
Stash is good for flavored teas, even tea snobs seem to think so. Most 'plain' bagged teas are remarkably different tasting from loose leaf counterparts though.

>> No.6015648
File: 2.13 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1284[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my university booze, which is what I usually drink after six. Before six I drink earl grey black from a small teapot I got for christmas, or water.

>> No.6015669

Wine (cab sav or chardonnay usually)
Whiskey with too much ice
Coffee or black tea early in the day

And of course a blunt to go with it

>> No.6016064

What a peculiar list

Well good thing I just like my espresso 15lbs pressed to be extra strong for my Baileys and my green tea boiled by the gallon for iced tea later

>> No.6016070


mountain dew

>> No.6016074

you come here to laugh with me with dank memes and ironic posts

>> No.6016079


report this thread

>> No.6016081

Strawberry Kiwi Caprisun

>> No.6017414

>Also, the case can be made that if you always dilute your coffee/tea/alcohol, you shouldn't bother buying high-end or expensive stuff.

How can you even begin to rationalize this argument?

If someone buys an $8 bottle of rum and $30 bottle of rum and uses both exclusively for mixed drinks, only to find that they strongly prefer the higher quality rum, why on earth would they opt to not buy the higher quality if the cost is negligible to them?

I can't think of any arguing that would support this point that wouldn't reek of pretentiousness and snobbery.

>> No.6017429

I can see the point, though. Let's be honest, if you're using rum as a mixer, you're not in it for the rum. You're in it to get drunk off Pepsi.

There are craftsmen who pride themselves on their work, and the world of alcohol is no different. If you spend extra for a fine, carefully crafted bottle of rum, then shit all over that bottle by pouring high fructose corn syrup into it, you are treating the care of the craftsman very badly.

Now, if you prefer to buy higher quality rum as a mixer, and you can afford it, good for you. Just don't pretend to know anything at all about rum. Snobbish as it sounds, a guy who sits down to great cinema and spends half the time on his smart phone shouldn't say peep about the flick. He doesn't know shit.

>> No.6017480

fuck you, I can buy expensive rum and pretend to know about it AND pour warm coke into it and still not give a fuck. You aint gunna stop me.

>> No.6017497

The highest possible supply of craftsmen is only able to exist due to the financial support created by the mixed drink population. How many people do you know that are actually rum connoisseurs, or even just enjoy it straight? The market would fold and craftsmen would not be able to practice their skills without them.

They're doing a greater service to the craftsmen than they are a disservice, if you can even call it a disservice.

Once the artist transfers the property in sale, they have no say in how it is to be respected. There is no moral wrong-doing. If the artist cares enough about the preservation/has intended observances for their art, then they don't sell it. Especially so when it comes to products that are created with the sole-intention of being sold.

I can agree with your latter point, although that analogy is poor. Even in that example, it's a ludicrous claim that I'm disrespecting Tarantino by shrugging and falling asleep in the middle of Pulp Fiction in the confines of my own home.

>> No.6017527

Milk. No chocolate, no sugar, just milk.