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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 489x423, pepecouch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6002132 No.6002132 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw finished the poetry collection I've been working on for months
>tfw no one to really share it with
C-can I post it here, bros?

>> No.6002136

send it to multiple publishers?

>> No.6002138

I won't read it.

>> No.6002147

no. keep your nonsense away from me

>> No.6002164

What terrible poetry. I don't need to read it to know that you have no idea what you're doing.

>> No.6002167

Please try getting it published first. Don't let all your hard work go to waste by posting it here. Make this place the last resort.

>> No.6002184


>> No.6002225

Thanks niggas. I'm looking around at small independent presses right now.
who the fuck are we kidding I'll never ever get published ;_;

>> No.6002235

Fuck you, man. You're dogshit.

>> No.6002245

Post what you feel is the best one and the worst one in this thread. Don't tell us which is which. I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.6002252

aint no one publish poetry no more, ya nignog

that shit sells even worse than short story collections

>> No.6002262

That sucks. I only write poetry because it is the easiest and shortest writing. I fire a poem off in like 10 minutes, tops.

>> No.6002271

>I only write poetry because it is the easiest and shortest writing
Oh dear...

>> No.6002272

learn arabic
they pay hundred thousand dollars to winners of poetry competitions

>> No.6002285
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You can all start laughing now.

>> No.6002289


>> No.6002317


>> No.6002324
File: 23 KB, 199x185, 1388894774168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>But mirthlessly because they do not one to be shot

My fucking sides, Anon, stahp, this is too good for /lit/

>> No.6002362

people may laugh but i still like it

>> No.6002367


i don't know man

at first it seemed like you were meme-spouting
you were but not for the whole thing at least

the most important thing about poetry is how it makes you feel

it made me feel shit

it's good

if you could keep the feel but write it better (as in: more enjoyable) that'd be great

>> No.6002377


This shit is hilarious

>And he had a deep voice for a crab
>And was having lots of crab sex

>> No.6002402

Roses are Williams
great feel new LG change king
oysters Klaus eggs Kylie because items
George other his Jesus here Jr
nd further image ho oops
Kong GD illegal Dvorak looking sure
had July Ghana
GSM Kramer here JPEG have subject
HDTV NBC xylem llamas right MBA kids
still high you're ions she should
G's kids Nguyen Korean PVC yield opinion
DD Tuesday Jimmy

Gyms must CR kinda himself
guess green join Ewing errors Korean power
BMW piece Oxfords
ghosts Eric power MBA CT Korean
gypsy power how CDs looking credit power
MBA full line still
himself post
High friends kinda real Korea change MHz C
Mg Dr Lloyd long

>> No.6002404

I made a thread pretending to be you and showed your poems to /r9k/

They hate them and they hate you.

So pretty good OP!

>> No.6002412

I feel like you just finished reading Jordan Castro/Tao Lin and then wrote these poems

>> No.6002416

Terrible, OP.

>> No.6002422

Please don't meme-ify my poems

Thanks a lot, bros, I'm really glad you enjoyed them.

>> No.6002432

I'm sincerely sorry. they're warming to them.

>> No.6002445

I un ironically enjoyed readin those. Keep it up and one day you may be as good as Tao lin.

>> No.6002491

This'll never get published but I enjoyed most of them, keep it up man!

>> No.6002526

I liked your poems, friend! Keep it up.

>> No.6002531

You're a talented autist. I mean that

>> No.6002532


Fucking loved "6mg"
Good job mate, keep it up.

>> No.6002539

>Gyms must CR kinda himself
i get that

>> No.6002541

I literally laughed out loud. Good job, OP.

>> No.6002547

Oh I'm laughing, but it's cause it's genuinely funny.

>> No.6002593

OP this is really good seriously like voice of a generation (I'm not even kidding, I know it sounds like I'm making fun but I'm mostly serious I guess that's just the way we think today). You can be like Tao Lin, I'm not even kidding. Are you maybe autistic? Because some people are interested in autism (like literature PhDs are written on it and other irrelevant shit which however might enable you to get published if you actually are autistic).

>> No.6002611

Unfortunately (?), no, I'm not autistic. As for publishing, I don't think any publishing house will want to publish any of this, especially since I put it up on the internet for free and now it's out there.

Honestly, I'm just happy people seem to be getting enjoyment out of them. I wrote these during four of the shittiest months of my life and this is definitely not the reception I was expecting. I'm glad I could make people laugh, if only for a moment.

>> No.6002613

>the grille on the truck is smiling back

this is really, really good.

>> No.6002640

I followed the link expecting the usual shit from fortune posters, but I genuinely enjoyed reading these. You done good, kid.

>> No.6002663

Awesome poems Mark Baldyga.
Your name is in the "information" section of Google Drive.

>> No.6002665


>> No.6002672

Lemme guess, it's in free verse?

>> No.6002688

Also I attend Bard College and live in Brooklyn. I can give you my SSN too, if you want.

>> No.6002689

free verse in the only acceptable form of poetry

>> No.6002691

>I don't think any publishing house will want to publish any of this, especially since I put it up on the internet for free and now it's out there.
But how would that even matter, practically? It's not like the people who are potential buyers of poetry magazines just read every poetry on the web and then they're like 'nu-uh', not buying THAT shit which I already read on the interwebs!

>> No.6002693

google drive doesn't publish any other poetry, they are snobs

>> No.6002713

are you being witty?
I refuse to rhime this

>> No.6002758

You made a random Anon laugh, good job, Anon.

>> No.6002760

Jazz up the presentation and you've got yourself a passable product.
this is the highest compliment you can pay to someone in a capitalist society

>> No.6002791

that anon is baka, he could try something better

>> No.6002799

I'm loving this. You made my morning, anon.

>> No.6003024

Print off like 50 copies and deposit them in various places around your city. Leave a copy ina cafe, slide one in a couch ina furniture store, leave one on a bench at the park or in a library. Anywhere. leave enough and at least one person will have even a minir interest in it.

>> No.6003041

Best advice in this thread. Pick your three best poems and send them to magazines and get some published.

>> No.6003069

>but your hands are still sweaty after you wash them because you know your friend knows you were just ejecting shit from your asshole and in a way they are empowered by that knowledge

loving every laugh

>> No.6003074
File: 38 KB, 398x500, 1392505881896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm surprised as fuck. these poems are actually pretty decent, way ahead of the shit that's in the poetry critique threads.
do yourself a favor and keep writing.

>> No.6003077
File: 57 KB, 720x960, frozen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6003087

It's literally Tao Lin

This is bad

>> No.6003093

this is really good. Although I'm not sure how the public would react

>> No.6003101

arizona rx is for plebs

like you said, i dont know if it qualifies as poetry, but its really not that bad. your sharing your thoughts in a comprehensible and unpretentious way. i would rather read that than some garbled paint puke splattering out of a fedora wearing hipsters mouth, where the specks of vomit green prose dot his fuzzy upper lip and dribble down his fuzzy chin.

>> No.6003112

I'm giggling like mad at 4am

thank you Anon

>> No.6003124

Those poems are literally a deadpan version of /r9k/

I guess they're funny because they represent the le autistic internet culture

>> No.6003142

better than tao lin

>> No.6003146

today i wanted to ride my bike
so fast and so far
that the g-force would rip me out of my skin
peel me, like a banana
and i would keep riding on as a grinning skeleton
and people would stare and mutter incredulously
under their breath and go to work confused or
maybe call in sick and go home and lie down on their
couches and wonder if they were become senile or
contracting some early form of dementia
and eventually i would ride under a clothesline and
acquire a new skin; a better one
i'd also bump my head on a low-hanging street lamp
and my brain would fall out with a resigned squelch
and along the way i would pick up a new brain from a
black market organ dealer in chicago
a smarter brain; one that is not broken like the old one
and i would keep riding my bike
tilting my head up at the sky every so often to scream
because things were okay
and things were going to be okay
and i was going to be okay

Got to be honest, I loved this one.

>> No.6003147

actually most of it i would consider poetry, but some of it was too meme and bland to be considered poetic IMO

>> No.6003159

You should post in lit threads constantly with new stuff.
fuck trying to get it published, who cares.
I say this because if we could get this style of confessional poetry with minimalist aesthetic enforced as the lit official style of poetry we could actually have something like a thriving poetry community, because this kind of poetry doesn't take much skill or knowledge, just a desire to write frankly and a complete absence of thought and pretension.
You can actually get really pretty results with this style too, it doesn't have to all be about personal melancholy and social decadence.

>> No.6003164

here's this style but with pretty results (this is also by far my favourite poet):


these poems should be our only lit essentials. He should be our "ITAOTS". That link should be in the sticky at the top of lit.

>> No.6003170

Love is companionship.
I don’t know how to walk alone on the roads anymore
Because I can’t walk alone anymore.
A visible thought makes me walk faster
And see less and at the same time really enjoy seeing everything.
Even her absence is a thing that’s with me.
And I love her so much I don’t know how to want her.
If I don’t see her, I pretend I do and I’m as strong as trees are tall.
But if I see her I tremble, I don’t know what happens to what I feel when she’s not there.
All I am is some strength abandoning me.
All reality looks at me like a sunflower with her face in the middle of it.

>> No.6003188

This is the worst, most useless shit I've ever seen on /lit/.

>> No.6003239

Oh man "using the bathroom in someone else's house when you have social anxiety" made me laugh out loud in public. Goddamnit.

But thanks OP for inspiring me to write whiny, shitty, self-loathing /r9k/-tier poetry.

>> No.6003246

I never mean to step on snails,
I never deliberately fall in love.

Accidents keep happening to me,
good ones and bad ones.
Or maybe everything happens for a reason,
but if that's so, I cannot know the reason.
So it's the same either way.
I think of the man who wants to control all of his accidents,
Like a fire in a forest.
One day he will stop burning, and then the birds will keep on chirping;
And he'll realize that the world he wanted to control,
Barely even felt his existence.

I think of how happy the birds are in the morning,
to have the first bit of light and branches to sit on.
So happy that they sing and wake me up.

That's when I receive the best gift,
Which is being grateful for every little gift.
And a small nostalgic awareness, that when I die,
and my life flashes before my eyes,
It's these little moments themselves that I'll be most grateful for.
I believe in guardian angels.

>> No.6003248

It works a certain style really well, OP. Theyre mostly non-poetic poems which is fine. they are self aware and work. I enjoyed them.

>> No.6003315

When you fall in love you have a problem.
You know she's the most beautiful thing in the universe,
but you don't know how to deal with this fact . . .

Loving with desire is demonic.
Loving without desire is angelic.
Love without desire, or find yourself in hell.

But you will say to me: if I don't desire her,
How will I ever get her?

And I say: and if you get her,
How will you ever keep her?

Even if you possess her soul for a lifetime,
It will eventually pass.

Here's the great secret to life:
we don't own anything, not even our own souls.
We borrow everything we have, and only borrow it for a little while.

If you love her with desire, you won't be happy until you control everything in the Universe,
to make a castle where you can keep her yours forever.
If you love her without desire, you'll just be happy she exists.
And that'll be enough for you for the time being.

>> No.6003350

i wanna read it but seriously this and ill buy a copy

>> No.6003390

Thanks for sharing OP. It's obvious you're on 4chan a lot and read Tao Lin, but it's still nice.

I really really like this.

>> No.6003402

>i hope you get fatal amphetamine poisoning
>you cunt

Mate, honestly, put this shit up somewhere, I'll buy it. It's hilarious and sad, and hilarious because it's sad and hilarious.

>> No.6003407

this is pure fucking gold.

Well done, mate.

>> No.6003571

With this guys stuff, the Irish guy's stuff, a dozen or so of the best from the rest of the poetry threads and maybe some kolsti for sheer what the hellishness, we might actually have a chance at an actual /lit/ poetry collection.

>> No.6003580

go make it.

>> No.6003586

Weellll.. i would involve wading through the seething horrors of the average /lit/ poetry thread to pick out the gems.

tell you what: I'll get together a format and a cover/intro/whatever and start a contrib thread sometime next week. We'll do it as a "best of" thread. I'll use OP's stuff if he's okay with it.

>> No.6003590

>the Irish guy's stuff

Please don't tell me you're talking about the twenty-one year old self-proclaimed "prodigy" who is just copies DFW and argues with people who criticize him?

>> No.6003591

No, that would be kolsti. The irish guy is the gomorrah poet

>> No.6003594

I think he's talking about the babylon guy.

>> No.6003596

This is brilliant

>> No.6003598

6mg was a kek/10. Keep working anon, you have some good stuff here.

>> No.6003599

im pretty sure samefagging is involved or /lit/ is just kind of dumb like always

>> No.6003600

This is good anon.

>> No.6003616

Well, it's not wonderful or brilliant or anything, but you have to remember what we're used to in this damp and mouldy pit of obfuscation, esoterica and super-self-important pseudo-profound angsty marginal literacy we usually see here, and on reddit, and on tumblr and, well, on the internet. This stuff is refreshingly straightforward, unapologetic, and hits about twice as often as it misses. It's genuinely fun.

>> No.6003617

let's paint ourselves with a blow dryer and facebook messenger are both really incredible, OP

>> No.6003621

Can I ask you guys: What does a poetry writer do with a collection of poems these days? Do you submit the whole collection to a publisher or what? Last time I tried to publish poems, I found about three publishers that weren't university presses, and none of them replied.

>> No.6003631

your best bet is to submit them to be included in an anthology. Actually, a /lit/ anthology might not be a bad idea, but it would take some promoting. But normally you'd look online for calls for submissions and contests, especially with prizes, since even if you don't get money you might get in the anthology.

>> No.6003641

I really like "happy people do not deserve the happiness they have because they do not appreciate it like we sad people do"


>> No.6003671

You didn't laugh once?

>> No.6003673

>The /lit/ Free Verse Anthology
>from the same guys who brought you "Totalitarianism in a Tundra" and "The Abuse of Katie the Booktuber."

>> No.6003675

>my opinion is the only valid one
I'd tell you to go back to some other board, but you're actually in exactly the right place.

>> No.6003678

I was thinking of "The Poetry of Anonymous"

>> No.6003683

Shit, I'd read it.

>> No.6003692

People in the world at large are more likely to be searching for the name "Anonymous" than 4chan or /lit/, so you might have something there. Put a Guy Fawkes mask on it and write a suitably edgy and approving intro and you might move a few.

>> No.6003696

This looks like it was written binging on amphetamines and being unable to sleep.

I love it though.

>> No.6003698

Bro, my best bud wrote some nano fiction for our senior English class, submitted it to some magazine and got published all within a month. Don't slit your own throat before the case has even started

>> No.6003703
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>> No.6003716

It's like watching cartoons on drugs with Oulipo writers.

>> No.6003721

>things i actually did today


>> No.6003761

um is everyone joking these poems suck dick

they're like.... the equivalent of pictures of dead children (the comic)

>> No.6003770

they're not amazing or inspriing, but...well, post a better poem you've found on /lit/ in the last month. We seem to be okay at angsty whining, but that little touch of self-referential irony and snarkiness makes it work in these.

>> No.6003775

They're pretty good Mark, I usually don't read because most shit is too boring but I read these

>> No.6003778

do you mean pictures for sad children?
it's one of the better webcomics

>> No.6003779
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x1800, litspoetrybook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All dem hours in MSPaint

>> No.6003782

take out the V for vendetta mask and we have a winner

>> No.6003786


um OK yeah /lit/ has really gone to shit

>> No.6003798

well, that one about the cat dreaming of heaven was sweet at least.

>> No.6003800
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x1800, litspoetrybook2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's what grabs the publics attention and makes it synonymous with the general perception of 'anonymous.' Gosh.

>> No.6003808

Some guy about two years ago wanted to do one called "Rumors from Gomorrah: The Poetry of Anonymous" spotlighting the Irish guy and the best stuff from these poetry threads, but he faded. I can see that selling if only because

>1) a lot of the Irish guys stuff would be pretty accessible to the average reader, and is actually quite good,
>2) The mask, the name, and the byline makes people think thy're seeing the inner thoughts of that super-secret club of international terrorist hackers who shall remain nameless (duh).

We'd probably sell a dozen copies just to the F.B.I.

>> No.6003810


yes if you write ten of these stupid poems chances are the reader will find one "cute"

but is that what poetry has really been reduced to

this is more like a birthday card or an advertisement jingle than lit

>> No.6003815
File: 83 KB, 960x539, poetry submissions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.6003823


lmao look up the acceptance rates for those places

there is no way in hell any of them would publish an unknown writing these kinds of millennial poems

>> No.6003824
File: 953 KB, 1200x1800, litspoetrybook3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>final update with better blending on the Fawkes mask

If a bunch of anon would submit one poem each, centred around a theme of loneliness, frustration, existential angst and the modern age etc... You'd have an eminently saleable product. Hell, some of it might even be passable.

>> No.6003828

Terrible title too much like Tundra. "Selective Ill-conscious" would be better.

>> No.6003830

sorry i don't get it

>> No.6003833

If you read this, contact me. Please.

>> No.6003839

This is metamodern as fuck, I love it

>> No.6003843

>Selective Ill-conscious
I've been trying to come up with something worse than this for a solid five minutes and I just can't. Good job, sir.

>> No.6003850
File: 598 KB, 1200x1800, ForAnon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I hope anon likes it... ~
optimised for LuLu

>> No.6003877


Can we make this a thing? Where we can all contriboot, and hold some polls for the best ones, so it doesn't just become a meme-factory?

>> No.6003882

>the poetry of the collective unconscious of the internet
That is fucking marketing genius.

>> No.6003885

ITT: How to Self-Promote on an anonymous forum where samefagging is allowed

>> No.6003890

I take that back, sorry guys. I was wrong to write this. I was just upset that this guy got some nice feedback whilst my poetry collection hit page eleven without a single reply. :'(

>> No.6003900

hey you know what would be cool? The poems get collected here, and all the English majors, lib arts grads, etc, write analyses and commentary on the significance of them. Then we break the book into like five sections each with an introduction and a general introduction, afterword, notes... it could be a real collaboration,

>> No.6003902

I'm so down. does someone want to quickly make a collection place?

>> No.6003903

>hold some polls
Down that path lies madness. Better to just let it be a free for all, whilst relying on the many anons who will no doubt self-appoint themselves the Sheriff of Poetry Town to act as editor for the six to eight versions that will spring up on LuLu, after which anon will reach a consensus on which version is best (probably based on its cover)

>> No.6003909

Someone make a planning thread!

>> No.6003912

I think polls are more likely to make it a meme-factory, a single strong editor would be the best

>> No.6003921

>planning thread
seems like a bad place for it? i dunno. maybe hosting it off site with links for pastebins?

>> No.6003922

I say we skip lulu and go right to amazon. we can make this a (sort of) real thing if we actually provide introductions, analysis and commentary

Somebody raid the archives for the best of the Irish guy, the funny shit from all the poetry threads, blank verse, haiku, whatever caught in your memory and we'll make a contrib thread. Post stuff you got good feedback for, post stuff you read and liked, post stuff you think is technically well put together. Lets have a lot to go through so we can be sure we get the best..

>> No.6003926

agreed. /b/ would just invade and le uvboat le meemz, and /r9k/ just recently

i go to poetry readings pretty regularly, If we can get a reasonable .pdf I'd print out twenty copies and sell them at the door. wouldn't point out which poem was mine though. just about anyone can do this.

>> No.6003931

fuck you
don't just steal shit from people. they might want it published under their own name.

fuck you.

>> No.6003935
File: 754 KB, 500x273, mfw oh you're totally right.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this guy. How do we make sure that people don't steal other people's shit

>> No.6003939

that'd ensure that only one person was getting money for it. Why not put it up on mediafire and allow anyone to have copies of it? that's how anonymous should work.

>> No.6003940

>if we actually provide introductions, analysis and commentary

It would be pretty hilarious if we introduce the memes, provide the stories, etc. It would be the closest thing to a modern day epic.

>There was an anon from the board /fa/ ....

>> No.6003944

this is absolute gold

>> No.6003953

This is good

>> No.6003955

well, if we don't use stuff from the archive, we'll be waiting awhile to accumulate enough material. and it's not technically a /lit/ anthology it it didn't appear on /lit/ . How about as part of the commentary, we have an appendix where the poets are invited to give a short (anaonymous) biography or comment, and if they don't, we have some /lit/izen discuss why they like it or think it's good?

because honestly if we call for submissions, instead of using the archive, we'll be buried in crap.

>> No.6003962

>two in the morning

jesus christ, my chest hurts

>> No.6003964

OK either everyone in this thread is fagging or /lit/ is actually fucking shit now and nobody has even the remotest taste

>> No.6003972


if we don't take archive stuff, shit with a few peanuts here and there is all we're going to get. I think we should restrict it to ONLY stuff that has appeared on /lit/ or from people who regularly post (though honestly I can't think how you would verify that). If we open it for submissions, we have to compare them to the best that's been here anyway. and we're likely to get gamed.

I agree that money is a problem, though there has to be a way to get the money if any to go to moot, surely.

>> No.6003982

>who is the nerd

>one day i will destroy the world from the inside-out with a giant robot arm that i will build myself in my mother's basement while subsisting on a diet entirely comprised of mountain dew and doritos and i will show you all who the fucking nerd is

This is not poetry
this is fantastic

>> No.6003988

That was...really good. Made my morning. It was dumb and funny and surprisingly deep. You've more talenr than I do, keep it up.

>> No.6003997

give me your paypal, adress or something so that i can give you a dollar or a gift, that was too good to go unrewarded

>> No.6003998

hey fuck you. you're suggesting stealing from people without their permission and then selling it. Do you even know what that means?

>How about as part of the commentary, we have an appendix where the poets are invited to give a short (anaonymous) biography or comment, and if they don't, we have some /lit/izen discuss why they like it or think it's good?
>having a poetry zine full of analysis
do you even zine man? do you even anonymous? do you even moral publishing? you just have one poem per page, if they're all by anonymous there's no point in having biographies. there's not point in having analysis, because THAT'S WHAT THE FUCKING READER IS SUPPOSED TO DO.

here. I'll curate, will put this up for discussion.

>> No.6004000

Bro, This shit has already aged to shit.

>> No.6004003

I agree that this stuff is pretty good, it reminds me of Steve Martins stuff in "Cruel Shoes". but the overblown praise i see here reminds me of the stuff the Gomorrah guy gets and that kolsti samefags. Op knows he's good, tone it down.

>> No.6004010

I don't exactly get it because I'm not a clever person, but if you say so

>> No.6004027

it's not stealing if we don't keep the money. And we have another problem: let's say the OP of this thread, the Irish guy, kolsti, the guy that writes the cat poems, and a few other guys see this and say "sure, use my stuff" and provide us with a stack of their best work from here and other sites.

>We don't know it's them
>We have a bunch of great stuff that will overshadow the rest (except kolsti)
>we are asking to get gamed by other boards
>we provide no context, and no venue for non-poets who might actually have something to say about the stuff
>we miss some gems that the author may not submit because he/she hasn't seen this thread.

Also, thanks for the curation site. How ARE you going to verify that the submitter is the author? Or that the poems have previously appeared on /lit/ or are by a /lit/ poster?

>> No.6004030

Kolsti is shit. Gomorrah guy is the only publishable poet on /lit/, but his work is basically just Larkin/Frost in a more contemporary idiom.

>> No.6004033

>the Irish guy, kolsti, the guy that writes the cat poems

Are any of these guys poems archived?

>> No.6004042

>it's not stealing if we don't keep the money
false. if you're going to publish, you're stealing the ability for people's first publication to be their own. for instance: irish guy decides to publish one of his poems, the magazine he sends it to google's around and finds that he has already been published, and denies the publication. Furthermore, you're stealing the name from the work.
>this thread
I'm keeping submissions open for 1 month, and plan on having a link every day. I plan on sorting submissions into "verified original" and "needs further exploration." If a poem can be found in the /lit/ archives, I'll put it into the second column. Poems whose first instance are their submission here should get precedence.

>> No.6004044

>they don't realise you can 'sell' on LuLu at cost, ensuring no one gets any money.
>these are probably the same fags who clamor in Tundra threads about 'getting their share of the profits.'

>> No.6004046

yeah i know somebody made a tribute site for the Gomorrah Guy, Kolsti has his own site and just trolls here basically, and the cat poetry guy puts stuff up pretty regularly so I'm sure he has stuff in the archive.

>> No.6004047

>at cost
>implying making a pdf and giving it away for free costs anything

>> No.6004050

>why doesn't lit like my poetry!! :'(

>> No.6004055

>implying I implied that at all
>implying I have any faith in your level of reading comprehension or your ability frame a coherent reply to this post, if you even do at all.

>> No.6004056

Take a look at the bottom of this page, it pretty clearly states whether or not that's a good idea. "Comments are owned by the Poster." We may never know that the people who submit shit are the actual authors, but that doesn't mean it's okay to steal people's poetry. Like, when you buy something from someone you're never a hundred percent sure that it's not stolen goods, but that doesn't mean it's okay to buy stolen goods.

>> No.6004063

this is good enough to plagiate

>> No.6004069

Well, despite your dislike of my opinions, I'm glad you're doing this, since everybody else is all talk so far. The only quibble I have left is the idea of giving first submission stuff precedence: The main reason this could work is because we have some decent poets on here. The work they've already submitted, and has shown up in critique threads and got good reviews might be some of their best material, and it's what inspired the idea of a collection in the first place.

That said, the open editorial format and the consensus selection idea is a great one. it keeps any one guy from favoring his own tastes and dumping on other peoples.

I myself would probably avoid conventional rhymed poems, which would eliminate the Gomorrah Guy, and the cat guy. and I'd never, never, include a haiku.

This way all sides can be represented, and quality is the only standard.

>> No.6004070

>>we provide no context, and no venue for non-poets who might actually have something to say about the stuff

>implying people who buy books of poetry want to read not poetry
:^) epic

>> No.6004072

poetry doesn't just stop. it can get a bit blocked up. I'd prefer new poetry, since it

one option would be to link a poem's pastebin first, then post for critique and edit it.

>> No.6004077
File: 1.00 MB, 184x141, 1397420181547.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6004080

Just shot you an email, man.

>> No.6004107

I fuckin love Arizona Rx

>> No.6004109

I understand your position, but take the poem about the cat and the nine lives, or the Jesus in Belfast poem. I wouldn't want to not include those simply because they were posted on here before. Come to think of it, poems that have been posted on here before and everybody likes is sort of the point of the thing, isn't it?

I mean, i like OP's stuff here, but I can't be sure I'll like his next three as well as these, and if you open for submissions for a month, you may end up with people that have nothing to do with /lit/ flooding you. Granted, the /lit/izens will be editing and commenting and participating in the selection process, but i see it still as problematic. Howabout some criteria for selection?

>general quality: if it's really good, we try to get it in, no matter what.
>/lit/ provenance: if it comes from a regular poster and meets the first criterion, it gets bumped up in line
>relevance: if it has something to do with humor, current attitudes, social commentary or personal stories it gets a point ten points if it's funny
>appeal: if it has a chance of appealing to a general audience, this is good.
>brevity: if it doesn't fit on three pages, it's too long, even if it's the odyssey.

criteria for judges:

No personal vendettas: if you hate sonnets, blank verse, free verse, humor, scatalogical refereces, archaisms, don't let it interfere with your judgement. Quality alone must count as half your decision making, even if it's a superb example of a form you loath (haiku)...

>> No.6004118

>but mirthlessly, because they do not want to be shot
>i really hope he's not a liberal arts major/one of these days he'll be unemployed
>that the g-force would rip me out of my skin/peel me, like a banana ... and eventually i would ride under a clothesline and/acquire a new skin; a better one
>"let's dry paint ourselves with a blowdryer"

pretty good

>> No.6004137

>"let's dry paint ourselves with a blowdryer"
OP here. Thanks, anon. Funny story, this really happened to me a few months ago, exactly as it's described in the poem. The five-ten seconds I spent completely frozen after fucking up the throw were absolutely surreal, like only I would be capable of fucking up something so simply so badly. And if you were wondering, my anal virginity is, thankfully, still intact.

>> No.6004171

But if it's new poetry, how is it /lit/? because the thread asking for submissions is here? I'f I'm usually on/b/ or /diy/ is it still okay for me to submit? Also, my roommate is a pretty good poet but has never been on 4chan. can he submit his stuff?

>> No.6004178

Unless he's paid for a 4chan gold account so that we can check the member list to see that he has lurked sufficiently, then he will not be allowed to submit. /lit/ is an exclusive club, remember.

>> No.6004225

people who are ever on /lit/ ever can submit. If you convince your roommate to submit, it's fine. if you submit "for" him, he might not ever know, you'll never get any credit for it ever, and you may get your shit kicked in if he ever finds out.

>> No.6004233

I like your style too. Keep it honest. Seriously. Keep it honest.

>> No.6004474

Gonna need link!

>> No.6004489

carolyn forche's collection called poetry of witness sold well, as did the most recent adaptation of villion's poetry

>> No.6004503


if this is yours, it's good. it's good.

>> No.6004533


>> No.6004575

I saw an extract of his writing its fuck awful.

Any links to the Irish dude? The archives are a fucking mess.

>> No.6004592


>> No.6004623

Holy fuck. This stuff alone will get us noticed. Is this guy a regular? can we get his permission to include his stuff?

>> No.6004627

leave kolsti out of this. he's simultaneously better and worse than all of us.

>> No.6004629


Is this some obscure shit.

>> No.6004631

Thanks dude

>> No.6004647

No idea. I haven't ever actually "seen him" here, I've just seen his stuff reposted. For all I know he doesn't exist at all except as an elaborate ruse. I mean, part of the reason the tumblr site was made was because nobody knows who he is or has any way of contacting him. It claims they were posted here in 2012, though, so I really doubt it would be possible to get hold of him.

>> No.6004656


>> No.6005078

Kolsti is fun for about five minutes before he becomes an absolute chore to read

>> No.6005102

>yes le parentheses man is economical as fuck with space
At least he knows hes a meme

>> No.6005129

I just read like the entirety of his blog in five minutes.

>> No.6005135

moot pls

>> No.6005186

i feel you, anon
you connected with me

>> No.6005647


>anon anonovsky


>> No.6005663


>i really hope he's not a liberal arts major
>one of these days he'll be unemployed

good one anon

>> No.6005698

it made me laugh and cry at the same time

>> No.6005714

How does it feel to have hundreds of people read and like your poetry OP?

>> No.6005793

This is genuinely fucking great.

>> No.6005828


I fucking lel'd. There is sad wisdom in your deranged ramblings.

>> No.6005836

Its OK. Funny, that's about it. But the metamodern/ultra-honest ship has already sunk.

>> No.6005840

>/v/ meets /lit/ the poem

meh, you can do better anon

>> No.6005922

I liked "this is a poem". The rest of it isn't terrible. You should keep working on it.

>> No.6006010


OP i'm a little late to the party but these poems inspire envy in me, which almost drove me to shit on you, but i decided instead just to tell you that you're better than me.

keep writing this stuff
the way that it's both miserable and hilarious in the same breath is well-done and makes me feel emotions

>> No.6006020

"i am typing these out individually and not copy pasting"

oh my god that's brilliant

>> No.6006026

Reminds me of Roggenbuck but I like it a lot more than Roggenbuck so keep up the good work

>> No.6006028
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>> No.6006040

Oh man just when I'm about to leave this board and never come back, something entertaining happens

>> No.6006059

Hey guys, Anonymous the Poet here. I just wrote a poem and it will stand as my submission for the upcoming collection.

Sitting in solitude with slit-lids, sleepily
I reminisce on those days when I was great
How she so severely unclosed my eyes
To my wretched dissolution.
Still indignity fades for I recall
How much sweeter it was to be a shade.

>> No.6006070

This is marginally better than Tao's poetry. If an editor polishes this, I can see this being published.

OP, you the man.

>> No.6006088

If you had tripfagged, I'd have paypaled you 5$.

>> No.6006193

Considering I expected this thread to die within ten posts, it feels pretty great. I'm glad you guys enjoyed them.

>> No.6006227

In the Publix that I infrequently frequent
there's a man that I went to highschool with
who now bags the groceries
and I have to avoid him or else he might recognize me
and threaten to reveal to everyone
the passionate, one-sided conversation I had with him
about a certain German water sports video
and I think to myself
as I hide behind the sriracha and soy milk
"normal people have such enviable fetishes."

>> No.6006314

I really, really really liked this. It made me feel things. I like you. Write some more please

Do you usually read any poetry? If so which writers do you like?

>> No.6006323

Do you really think someone who writes shit like that reads poetry

>> No.6006335

It seems heartfelt and the poems themselves aren't that bad, I wouldn't immediately dismiss them as shit. At least they're way better than anything I've seen on /lit/ since the trainkid threads so long ago.

>> No.6006336

Thanks, anon. I never considered myself much of a poet, but some of the poets I do read are
>Brian Turner
>Tao Lin
>Ellen Kennedy
>ee cummings
so I guess in a way >>6006323 makes a really fair point.

>> No.6006353

I don't even mean he's bad, I don't think I have any qualification whatsoever for judging poetry because it's been a long time since I lost interest in it, but he does mention how he spends most of his time feeling lonely, sad, and writing depressive things on facebook.

>> No.6006355

Oops, meant to quote >>6006335

>> No.6006447

Dude I'm fucking serious, just send this out to like a bunch of publishers.
At the very least self-publish it on amazon.
You've created something of value here and you should be proud.
Own your achievement and don't give it for free to plebs who will never accomplish anything close to this.
Well done, and good luck.

>> No.6006583

Man, I am in way over my head. Most publishing houses want 48 page manuscripts while I only have 18. The other ones aren't taking unsolicited submissions.

Fuck I wish I had an agent or something to deal with this shit.

>> No.6006601

This is chapbook. Look into chapbook contests.

>> No.6006608

just wrote this, ongoing process gnna share fuck it

Chains on your door
Rabbid rabbits that are biting at your core
A second sentence notice waiting on the floor
In the eyes of the gods you feel like a cheeky whore

Sometimes you want to see
Without sailing
To breathe
In the presence of crashing boars

Fire fire raging on the shore
The tips of your finger calloused and sore
Take a flight to the next big war
So you can find something or someone to answer for

The words look at you
They're not smooth jokers anymore

The notes they sneer and rage at you
While you're still next to the second notice on the wooden tiled floor

On the lit streets you find the gravel and all the other things
And the city like a midnight jungle in full swing
Like a speechless parrot you try and sing
While not minding the other things
Fuck the other things

When you know that life burns like the shore you once slept on
It cradles you and your books like kings
Then sneers like the music that you once thought grafted butterfly wings
Don't look too far, the gravel is the king of things

>> No.6006617

i like you anon. im sorry youre depressed ;_; if we were friends on fb i would message you but not tell you to think positive because ive been down that road and i know it doesnt work like that

also im really enjoying reading your poetry book

>> No.6006656

>it’s not the humor that’s dark
>it’s the dark that’s humorous
I liked this

>> No.6006676

I’m more inspired by your Mom jokes
or old wino piss
& I’d rather sidestep poopsmears on the sidewalk
than read your shitty poetry

>> No.6006685

>JK anon anonvksy it was good and you deserve a BJ

>> No.6006704


>> No.6006724
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Absolutely based.

>> No.6006752

I would buy this unironically if you did it zine style

>> No.6006770

Can you keep this doc open?
I'll read it in my free time.

>> No.6006803

Samefagging this hard

>> No.6006812

Being this butthurt.

>> No.6006813

>Posting your work on /lit/

top kek

>> No.6006829
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>> No.6006896


Man, surely you are not too stupid to see what has happened in this thread.
This fucker is trying to con us into doing the work of hyping up his shitty tao impressions.

Do you honestly think that in this den of egomaniacs everyone would stop by to say "Oh man, you're so much better than me!" and "Please, oh please take our money!" over some poetry that's only real accomplishment is knowing how not to offend its audience?

This guy feigns self-deprecation then floods the thread with enough samefaggery to get the snowball rolling.

>> No.6006901


>> No.6006910

you're crazy

>> No.6006930


>Implying self deprecation is feigned

No one is on /lit/ who doesn't hate themselves.

>> No.6006941

Bravo. The manic-depressive Walt Whitman of our days. You've touched my heart more than Dostoyevsky ever did.

>> No.6006957
File: 111 KB, 1218x716, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. These are all me. Everyone else is someone who is not me.

Thanks everyone for your kind words. Again, I was expecting this thread to die within ten posts, so this is a huge surprise. I'm glad I got to make you guys laugh/cry/type angrily on your keyboards.

>> No.6006966

This is disgusting OP. First of all, your poetry is shit. Secondly, your samefagging doesn't even have the vague meta-artfulness to it that Kolsti's does. You took /r9k/ "im an awkward white male and the world is surely out to get me" sentiments and put them into tao lin imitation poetry. You're not Tao Lin. You're not Kolsti Nguyen. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.6006991

Honestly I loved that shit man
you're great
i just wanted you to know that

>> No.6006994

Begone, deceiver.

>> No.6007001

Show us the post IDs, samefag.

>> No.6007027
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>> No.6007047


>> No.6007222


lmao he won't op is just same fagging all this praise

or else it is has now been proven conclusively that /lit/ has no choice

>> No.6007252

>being this mad
I've said this twice already. When I made this thread, I expected no more than ten posts, an overwhelming majority of which would consist of people calling me a faggot. That, surprisingly, didn't happen, and lots of people seem to be enjoying my poetry.

If you don't like it, that's absolutely okay.

If you want to call me a faggot, that's absolutely okay.

But if you're going to insist that I've spent the past twenty four hours heaping false praise upon myself when you can clearly see that there's one original IP for every two posts and you can clearly see that a lot of people post multiple times engaging in discussion and you can see that I've already shown you which posts were mine, then you can get out of my thread. Thanks.

>> No.6007257


not sure if it's sadder that op spent all this time samefagging or if it's sadder than /lit/'s taste is actually this shit

this is even more demoralizing than katie

>> No.6007260

All you have to do is take a screen shoot.

We have every reason to believe that you're a mega troll.

>> No.6007272
File: 656 KB, 1920x1080, and fuck you too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only one reply is mine
>the one reply contains a screenshot of the google docs account that is publishing the document that you're all reading
Now please stop.

>> No.6007277

Nice VPN.

>> No.6007278


>> No.6007286


how does that even prove anything lmao

whatever I actually know objectively that anyone with any actual taste would not think that that is not anything more than one of those jokesky picture books read by morons

>> No.6007315
File: 1.15 MB, 3872x1200, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, you were trolling. Good one, anon. You got me. I got a little mad, I admit. Good job.

>> No.6007367

Brace for the jelly losers, OP

>> No.6007405


>> No.6007421


all that's missing is an NYU MFA

>> No.6007442

>no option for "i'm a samefag"

>> No.6007443

I voted.

>> No.6007447

>being this mad

>> No.6007456

Title of your next poetry collection right here, Marky Mark.

>> No.6007463


>> No.6007468


Mark Baldyga?

>> No.6007495

Man, can you guys believe OP stayed up 24 hours constantly cycling his router to reset his IP address just so he could samefag the whole thread to hype his non-existent book of poetry?

The lengths these newfags will go to I swear...

>> No.6007538

This poll really is too much. You need to quit while you're ahead and stop "accidentally" dropping your name, you talentless hack.

>> No.6007555

>anon posts book of funny, unpretentious poems
>/lit/ oldfags can't believe that anyone could enjoy anything other than intestinal sentences and 2deep4u highthoughts
>/lit/ oldfags think that all praise must be samefagging/otherwise fake

Congratulations, Mark. Your prose is literally unbelievably good

>> No.6007564


I'm leaving /lit/ now. It's officially over. Sadly it's not even hard to believe your taste is this poor

>> No.6007576
File: 209 KB, 1901x779, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful anon, they'll start accusing me of samefagging again.

>> No.6007582

prolly. I was the one who made your fan thread. Sorry to add fuel to flame, bro. I like your poems.

>> No.6007589

No problem, man. I'm really glad you liked them. I wish this thread had gone a little differently, though.

>> No.6007594

>I cannot deal with people enjoying things I don't find intellectual

>> No.6007606

OP, you silly fuck. So you admit that you were the one who posted the poll, the one in which you used your actual name rather than your oh-so-clever psuedonym. Sure dropped that anonymity thing fast didn't you?

Perhaps because you have staged this whole fraudulent thread in hopes of us giving you the Kolsti treatment. Unfortunately, beneath your samefagging and deceptions, all there is is a handful of shitty, self-indulgent poems that do nothing new, nothing to warrant attention.

>> No.6007608

Are ALL of the poems good? Sorry, but I think not. They were all semi interesting at the least, but they were not all semi interesting in terms of prose, interesting wordplay, whatever. I'm not saying that Anonovsky is bad, but I think he needs to try harder at making real poetry rather than writing sentences.

>> No.6007610


Kolsti is fucking terrible.

OP is not fucking terrible.

Note the difference.

>> No.6007617

People have posted my name multiple times in this thread; no use in hiding it now.

And I just wanted to share some poems I put a lot of work into, man. I wasn't even expecting them to be well-received, I just wanted someone to read them.

>> No.6007621


>kek doesn't address the samefaggery

seriously whatever man there's no way /lit/s taste can actually be this bad

like.... this is worse than reddit or goodreads

>> No.6007631

Jesus Christ. My post here >>6007315 proves I'm not samefagging. As for the poll, you're right, I posted it. I want to know which of my poems are "working" and which ones are perhaps not working as well, and need to be fixed/replaced.

Stop being a cunt.

>> No.6007632


OP you done good man. You done good.

>> No.6007637

>posts one reply under VPN
>rest of samefag posts are done under normal IP

OR vice versa. Just give up, samefag. You made a poll just to rub your ego even more. It's over, thread limit reached and all we have is shattered corpses and dreams and rivers of tears.

>> No.6007643

Notmark here.

It makes me intensely happy that you refuse to believe that someone would like something, or that anyone on this board could produce something of value. It's like you're only here because you want to hang out with a bunch of failed writers, and now you're angry because one of us is funny. Your anger validates Mark

>> No.6007664
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>> No.6007668

are people like you real?
do you seriously think he's done EVERYTHING just so he can feel good about it?

i havent seen sadder things

>> No.6007675

it's basically one hater vs a dozen mark fans + his majesty at this point

>> No.6007677

is it wrong to enjoy something?

>> No.6007680


do you really think my problem is with someone living something or someone on /lit/ producing something good?

I think the sad reality is just that the poems are actually really bad and there are some people samfragging over it because they're b8ing, are op, or genuinely, most tragically are super plebs

or maybe my taste is off but of all those choices I'm pretty sure the penultimate one is the most likely

>> No.6007683


Just stop posting, bruh.

>> No.6007690


>> No.6007697

Go flip through the poems again.

There is no samefagging conspiracy. I posted once early while this thread had a lot of people, and posted a couple times making fun of you recently. That's it.

What is tripping you up that you can't understand that people like fast, funny poems that aren't full of ugly bullshit? That's all anyone has wanted since the dawn of time. Our boy Mark wrote some funny poems, just fucking acknowledge you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.6007738

>seriously whatever man there's no way /lit/s taste can actually be this bad
Well, anon, I don't give a fuck. Let it be known that I have absolutely 0 taste and I will continue to read whatever I want while you try to shove as many copies of finnegan's wake up your sandy vagina as possible, you obnoxious little shit.

>> No.6007747

oh, let me add this: If you seriously get this worked up about what other people like, you might want to take a good hard look at your relationship to 'taste'.

>> No.6007749


>> No.6007787


>> No.6007793

Look Mark! Someone is already stealing your jokes.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

>> No.6007858

medium kek

>> No.6007866

this is so good, that I saved every word
please don't ever remove it

i love it so much

>> No.6007872


>> No.6007929

And you're already on reddit, cool


>> No.6007936

OP, i'd like to get in contact with you. How can I do that?

>> No.6007944

>gesture of the hands conveying extreme significance and a sense of the magical
>whisper: you already are

>> No.6007947


Don't do it OP, he's going to rape you and then write a book about it.

>> No.6007984

Nevermind, found it :)

>> No.6008111

I know it has, but I don't know what's all the rage now, could you enlighten me?

>> No.6008136

>chapbook contest
aww that's sweet

>> No.6008169

Jesus fucking christ anon. You've made me giggle and feel

>> No.6008313
File: 678 KB, 540x960, demfeels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this actually is great

>> No.6008323

I-I-Is it ok if i save these?

>> No.6008328


How can i donate a few dollars to you? Do you have a paypal or something?

>> No.6008526


Holy shit /lit/ is retarded at times

>> No.6008594
File: 50 KB, 421x421, 1421056090451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all very relatable and quite entertaining, thanks for posting man

>> No.6008750

>he's wasting all this time hyping a product that doesn't exist!
And they call us retarded...

>> No.6008779

>the poster probably isn't the OP
Jesus Christ, fuck reddit so much. I posted these to share with my bros on /lit/.

>> No.6008781

fuck, I wish I had your talent
the only stuff I write is some neomodernist bullshit

>> No.6008844
File: 253 KB, 1505x720, muumuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

throwaway email: jumper1b@aol.com

I've given up on that dream already. I did send it to Muumuu house, though, just for a laugh.

Anyway, thank you all for reading my poems.

>> No.6008946


Pretty good. Not a masterpiece but still alright.

>> No.6009200

Ty, Baldyga, a po polsku mówisz, czy tylko muh heritage?

>> No.6009288
File: 7 KB, 251x201, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking samefag

>> No.6009486

holy fucking retard

>> No.6009657

taking the b8

>> No.6010383

>/leddit/ talks about our threads
and i thought 4chan was pathetic enough

>> No.6010385

>He posts about how sad he is on goybook
Honestly man, get your fucking act together. If it makes you feel any better no actual depressed person ever did that.

>> No.6010417

>every depressed person is exactly the same

>> No.6010751

Jesus Christ you guys.
If you think this is viral marketing you haven't seen shit.
You should've taken a look at /a/ when the ME!ME!ME! video went up. The samefagging was so fucking obvious it hurt, but you can't do anything about it because there were literally up to 3 or 4 threads at a time with mods ignoring it.