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5998923 No.5998923 [Reply] [Original]

If you had to adhere to a Greek school of philosophy, which one would you choose and why?

>> No.5998946


>> No.5998957



This, as a practical philosophy it was actually somewhat succesful. I don't know if I can say that about any other kind of philosophy.

>> No.5998960 [DELETED] 

if the homo greco were such a superior species why were they driven to extinction by the homo romanicus?

>> No.5998965

Epicureanism was pretty useful and didn't rely on a theological justification.

>> No.5998968 [DELETED] 

Aristotlean virtue ethics by a long shot.

>> No.5998971

They had the pelopennese war, and later on Macedon conquered them. Later on the Byzantine empire basically became united Greece.

Greece in all ways possible has survived roman society.

>> No.5998987 [DELETED] 

Wasn't Rome a greek city state? So weren't the romans technically greeks that split off and stopped calling themselves greeks?

>> No.6001978

I would be a later epicurean who revived Heraclitus.

>> No.6001991


>> No.6002004



>> No.6002013


>> No.6002018

not a school.

>> No.6002026

Pyrrhonian skepticism

>> No.6002076

lol, there is just no wrong answer (except maybe platonism, sophism, and cynicism).

>> No.6002087

They had pretty good logic, apparently.

If I had to choose a school of philosophy ?
I'd like to answer stoicism or epicureanism (or even cynism for badassery) but in all honesty what I need right now is Aristotelian virtue, and what I am is closer to a weird blend of sophism and skepticism.

>> No.6002089


There's nothing wrong with Cynicism.

>> No.6002093
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>> No.6002098


Right, because the meaning of human is 'a featherless biped with broad flat nails'


>> No.6002153

They were the first to separate physis and nomos and reflect on the separation philosophically, which is a huge fucking deal for a whole history of political philosophy, and they already had various different and opposing "might is right" theories.

>> No.6002177


That's nice, but sophism is still shitty and barely even philosophy. Go away.

>> No.6002237

fuck the system man, just give me a good barrel to live in

>> No.6002250

Whichever one had the best boipussi

>> No.6002251
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>> No.6002258

Hard Knocks

>> No.6002265

go to bed, Plato

>> No.6002320

the least degenerate

>> No.6002338

Stoicism for sure, I already dabble in it a lot

>> No.6002361

Again, we have a philosophy thread for this kind of thing >>6001504

>> No.6003438
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kiddy corrupter pls go

>> No.6003928


Pretty sure that's Diogenes.

>> No.6005972

Sure it. Of all the ancient Greek philosophies I'd go with the cynics (but only Diogenes' version).

>public masturbation

I could also get on board with what Heraclitus was up to if we are including pre-Socratics.

>> No.6005989


I think you know why.

>> No.6006023


I don't. Care to elaborate?

>> No.6006029


>> No.6006077

kek. I figured that's what it was but thought maybe there was an amusing anecdote I wasn't aware of.

>> No.6006096

It is. But only Socrates would call Diogenes an asshole
Cynicism all day

>> No.6006101

Empiric school.

>> No.6006102

I get to sleep at night through orgasm of increasingly esoteric origin. I eat whatever tastes best and I spend my money on several types of recreational drugs. amphetamines and otherwise. I've never worked a day of manual labor in my life and I speak with a detached wry tone. I enjoy looking down on people that "work" for a living.

>> No.6006125

>It is. But only Socrates would call Diogenes an asshole
Pretty sure Nietzsche who despised Socrates also didn't hold Diogenes in high regard. Diogenes was a reaction to people losing political power, the key term being "reaction".

>> No.6006380
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It doesn't sound like you're being a rational, social animal, brother. Remember: pleasure is fleeting, and just as quickly you'll be dead. The only true happiness in life is to become part of the Whole, and life in agreement with nature.

>> No.6006412

I'll stick to my Asian mollusk porn and you can stick to being a productive member of society. We'll see who dies happier.

>> No.6006544


>> No.6006764


Plato's, before it was corrupted by Alexander the Great's racist tutor.

>> No.6006798

Apprently he mentioned Diogenes as one of the closest humans to the Übermensch, and said Diogenes must have lived the greatest life ever.

>> No.6006822


>> No.6006839

The one that lets you fuck little boys. Or do they all allow that?

>> No.6006864

>Or do they all allow that?

Most are cool with fucking young men/boys.

Except Stoics cause Stoics are buzz kills.

>> No.6006915

This idea that they were totally obsessed with fucking boys is projections of our own times. Their relations were that of a mentor and a student, the mentor teaching the student how to live a good life ethically and aesthetically. This also included training in pleasures, which is where our projected idea comes from. Mentors preferred beautiful boys not as much out of self-interest but because the beautiful ones had higher potential for a good aesthetic life, they were better students so to speak.
You just to have to keep in mind that the Greeks were all about being powerful, leading a beautiful life, and being in control of yourself. Greek hedonism was also far removed from ours, their pleasure was disciplined and economical. (Whereas today our hedonism leaves many quite unsatisfied.)

>> No.6006959
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Yeah, but I mean, olive oil was on of the few things produced in those ancient times, meanwhile they had all that prime young aesthetically pleasing boypussy, and you're telling me they refused because they were disciplined? lol, who the fuck uses olive oil for cooking?

>> No.6007015

Lol, they didn't refuse, I'm just saying their perception, goals, and practice were quite different.
And discipline doesn't mean asceticism. Asceticism often comes from the lack of discipline ("can't control myself, better not indulge").

>> No.6007088
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Platonism, seeing as how I adhere to it anyways.
And there isn't a damn thing any of you can do to stop me.

>> No.6007089 [DELETED] 

Olive oil was used as soap, you used it every day to bathe with, everyone did.

>> No.6007161

Prisoners use soap as lubrication for forced penetration in the showers. Why do you think this concept of lubrication would have been alien to an advanced civilization as the Ancient Greeks? With their advances in architecture, art, maths, etc., they were limited as to the use of olive oil.

>> No.6007177

they weren't all degenerates like you.

>> No.6007188

wait, how can they when they drop the soap to make the other person bend to take it, you cannot drop the soap and use it as a lubrication at the same time, it's physically situated in a different place

>> No.6007194

i suggest you to read their literature

>> No.6007201
File: 38 KB, 300x300, dog16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Cynicism

Cause it's a dog's life.

>> No.6009590


>> No.6009616
File: 92 KB, 330x246, smug smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adhering to a greek philosophy
>not being superior post Hegelian and adhering to them all under your own interpretation
if you're gonna be like that you might as well be analytic, the point of continental phil is the constant construction on top of previous works.

>> No.6009623

Stoicism. Possibly with some Pythagorean/Platonic metaphysical elements thrown in if I'm allowed to borrow.

>> No.6009819

>>not being superior post Hegelian and adhering to them all under your own interpretation
That's an elaborate way to confess you're a filthy postmodernist.

>> No.6009833

Sophism. Pretty much the Lacan and the Zizek of the Greeks.

>> No.6009841

Also the Stirners of the Greeks, really.

>> No.6009844

there are some good decades between the first student of Hegel doing something worthwhile and french post-modernism. everything by heidegger, for example, but I like post-modernism since I tried reading the authors and found more interesting ideas than what you'd see in wiki or in threads where no one hasread them.